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Is Barack Hussein Obama A MUSLIM?

psssssst....did a know he was born in Kenya too and he's a socialist and he started planning taking over the country from his honky mommas womb?

Do you know who the original birther was? I'll give you a hint, it was Obama. Hmm...maybe that was too specific a hint...

I believe you made a very small faux pas, Kaz.... It was Hillary Clinton's team!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJU37U5_rbc]Hilary Clinton supporters started the Obama 'birther' claims. - YouTube[/ame]

And people say Obama wasn't vetted. ......:eusa_whistle:
Nope. But as kids we used to bow to our Pop and chant "praise allah" when he was disciplining us....family joke for years. :eusa_angel:

I don't believe you and we know Muslim s lie. Prove you aren't a muslim.

No problem....I've never screamed "ALLAHU AKBAR" and made a cell phone call to an IED...

And I had a nap rug in Kindergarten but I never faced the east and started chanting on it.
Prove via irrefutable evidence that you never did those things....but you will probably lie...Muslims lie all the time.
Yes of course he is.

He also led the Fast and Furious smuggling ring the gave away guns to Mexican Drug lords.

Afterward he enjoyed watching 4 Americans die in Benghazi while denying them any help at all.

Then of course he directed the IRS to target those on his Kill list.


Correct on all points. Very good.
Given his background, we pretty much know he's been a Muslim in the past so maybe the better question is....is he still a Muslim?

His background? I assume you're referring to his time in Indonesia. You do realize that the at least half of his time there was in a Catholic School.

So by your logic, we pretty much know he's been a Catholic, right?

If not, why not?

When you look at his behavior, his past quotes like 'standing with the Muslims" and the call to prayer "being a beautiful sound", it's hard to believe he ever changed his faith.

Given his statements about his Christian faith, the fact that his mother, grand mother and grandfather who raised him were all Christian, his 20 year membership in a Christian church, his marriage to a Christian, and his having both of his children baptized as Christians, its hard to believe you think he's a Muslim.

We know his membership in Rev. Wright's church was more about the black-liberation dogma being taught there than Christianity.

Actually, 'we' don't know that. Wright gave a speech a week for 20 years. Or about 1000 sermons. So far, there have been 3 sermons that have been confirmed to have any relation to 'black liberation theology'.

1000 is way more than 3.

We haven't seen BHO in church on Sunday other than once or twice in well over 5 years;

We haven't seen Obama in a mosque at all. So by that standard, he not a Muslim.

But predictably, you're not applying your standards with any consistency.

And doesn't seem to care if Iran gets the bomb.

He's taken the same action against Iran has Bush before him. And the same approach as Clinton before Bush.

Using your standards, that means that neither Bush nor Clinton could be Christians and must have been secret Muslims. If you weren't using a double standard, of course.

For that matter, Obama has take the same approach with North Korea as Bush before him. Does that make Obama a Buddhist?

Of course not. Your reasoning just breaks if even casually tested.

Well, since the most of the Muslim world wants the US burned to the ground I'd say it matters.

Wow. That's a heaping load of overgeneralization. There are millions of Muslims in the US. Do 'most' of them want the US to burn?

If no, then your argument runs into yet another brick wall.

We've had major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; both of which BHO has either quit or is quitting when victories were at hand.

Obama followed Bush's agreement with Iraq. Since Bush was the one that agreed to the course of action that Obama is following.....and since Bush and Obama followed the same policy regarding Iran, does that make Bush a secret Muslim too?

Ah, consistency. She's such a fickled mistress.

As for Afghanistan, the government has asked us to leave. And won't extend agreements protecting our soldiers. Do we ignore the government of Afghanistan and its people......and keep fighting the longest war in our nation's history? Its been a decade. And we're no closer to 'victory' now than we were immediately after the Taliban fell.

How long do you propose we stay there? And if we're doing so against the will of the local government, then we've essentially annexed the territory.

So I submit there is little evidence to prove he's renounced his childhood adoption of the Muslim faith while going to school in Indonesia.

Who says that Obama adopted Islam as a child? That would be you and.....you. That's an enormous assumption. And supported by very little evidence. While his adoption of Christianity is supported by overwhelming evidence. INcluding his own personal testimony of his being a Christian.

I submit that you pretending to speak for Obama while ignoring everything Obama has to say for himself on the topic is a demonstration of your personal bias and cherry picking rather than the quality of the evidence.
He also led the Fast and Furious smuggling ring the gave away guns to Mexican Drug lords.

Actually, no...that's not what the Fast and Furious program did at all. It didn't give away guns to Mexican drug lords. Nor was it a 'smuggling ring'. The Fast and Furious program did nothing in regards to straw purchases in States like Arizona. That's its entire involvement.

Afterward he enjoyed watching 4 Americans die in Benghazi while denying them any help at all.
He 'enjoyed it'? Says who? You do realize that you're pretending to speak for a man you don't know, have never met, have never so much as been in the same room with. And then laughably ignoring everything he ever had to say about the topic, and making up your own narrative...where you claim to know his heart of hearts.

Which is just a personal fantasy that you made up. Citing yourself.

And of course, before the attack the US military offered special forces troops. Stevens rejected them. Any request for assistance during the attacks came after Stevens was already dead. And there's no way our troops could have arrived in time to help anyway.

This according to the head of the DoD. Who is an infinitely better source on the disposition of our military forces than you are pretending to be him too.

Then of course he directed the IRS to target those on his Kill list.

And there's zero evidence of that too. You're just making this nonsense up as you go along. Even the GOP in congress have given up that steaming rhetorical pile, as after a 3 year investigation they've found exactly jack shyte to back it up.

And a 'kill list'? You just crossed from baseless fantasy into baseless delusion, complete with a tin foil hat. As there's nothing but the wasteland of your own imagination to back any part of that nonsense.
The big secret that no one is reporting yet is that Vladimir Putin has Obamas real birth certificate.

It is obvious who the dog is, and who is holding the leash....and the poop recycle bag...
Given his background, we pretty much know he's been a Muslim in the past so maybe the better question is....is he still a Muslim?


When you look at his behavior, his past quotes like 'standing with the Muslims" and the call to prayer "being a beautiful sound", it's hard to believe he ever changed his faith. We know his membership in Rev. Wright's church was more about the black-liberation dogma being taught there than Christianity. We haven't seen BHO in church on Sunday other than once or twice in well over 5 years; and those were simply photo ops he and the girls were smirking about as the cameras clicked. He's showing ZERO concern over the slaughter of Christians in northern Africa and the ME. He's openly hostile to Israel. And doesn't seem to care if Iran gets the bomb.

Does it matter if he's a Muslim? Well, since the most of the Muslim world wants the US burned to the ground I'd say it matters. It matters because supposedly "peaceful" Muslims have yet to stand up to the jihadists in their midst and demand they stand down. We've had major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; both of which BHO has either quit or is quitting when victories were at hand.

Is the defense that he's DRONED several Muslim warlords prove he is at war with radical Islam? Most in the intel community believes he's been doing that as a favor to the Pakis who fear a radical takeover. He avoids attacking the Haqqani network that held Bergdahl and is responsible for most of the Taliban attacks on US Forces in Afghanistan.

So I submit there is little evidence to prove he's renounced his childhood adoption of the Muslim faith while going to school in Indonesia. I submit he may well indeed be an apostate Muslim because we've seen him drinking beer and eating a pork hotdog. Or is that simply a ploy to throw us off his true nature?

Give his position on LGBT equality, if he's a Muslim, he's not a very good one.
Given his background, we pretty much know he's been a Muslim in the past so maybe the better question is....is he still a Muslim?

His background? I assume you're referring to his time in Indonesia. You do realize that the at least half of his time there was in a Catholic School.

So by your logic, we pretty much know he's been a Catholic, right?

If not, why not?

His first two years in Indonesia were spent in a supposedly "Catholic" school, the next two in the formative years of ages 7-9 were in a Muslim school. He isn't a Catholic, he isn't a Christian, he IS a Muslim as has been amply proven in this thread.

When you look at his behavior, his past quotes like 'standing with the Muslims" and the call to prayer "being a beautiful sound", it's hard to believe he ever changed his faith.

Given his statements about his Christian faith, the fact that his mother, grand mother and grandfather who raised him were all Christian, his 20 year membership in a Christian church, his marriage to a Christian, and his having both of his children baptized as Christians, its hard to believe you think he's a Muslim.

Again, you're shooting your mouth off without considering the FACTS already in evidence in this thread.

Actually, 'we' don't know that. Wright gave a speech a week for 20 years. Or about 1000 sermons. So far, there have been 3 sermons that have been confirmed to have any relation to 'black liberation theology'.

1000 is way more than 3.

BULLSHIT. Obozo was in Wright's church to gather political allies in black Chicago...nothing else. Wright is a racist lunatic who hates America, as was Obozo who refused to wear a Flag pin or put his hand over his heart during the Anthem. Muslims are taught their religious affiliation trumps any nationalistic affiliation.

We haven't seen Obama in a mosque at all. So by that standard, he not a Muslim.

But predictably, you're not applying your standards with any consistency.

There is a video in this thread of him in a mosque....he's been in several including his years in Indonesia. You're a liar.

He's taken the same action against Iran has Bush before him. And the same approach as Clinton before Bush.

Using your standards, that means that neither Bush nor Clinton could be Christians and must have been secret Muslims. If you weren't using a double standard, of course.

For that matter, Obama has take the same approach with North Korea as Bush before him. Does that make Obama a Buddhist?

Of course not. Your reasoning just breaks if even casually tested.

Only thing "broken" is your lying and trying to tie unrelated events together. Obozo has appeased Iran, dropped the economic sanctions, scolded Israel and threatened to shoot down IDF bombers should they have overflown Iraq while we were there.

Wow. That's a heaping load of overgeneralization. There are millions of Muslims in the US. Do 'most' of them want the US to burn?

If no, then your argument runs into yet another brick wall.

There hasn't been a SINGLE Muslim organization in the US that's called for the immediate cessation of hostilities by the various jihadists in the ME. Our "peaceful" Muslims are sideliners who have no more allegiance to the US that's taken them in, than for their homeland. Muslims are not nationalists.....the Koran forbids that. You're so full of shit your eyeballs must be floating.

We've had major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; both of which BHO has either quit or is quitting when victories were at hand.

Obama followed Bush's agreement with Iraq. Since Bush was the one that agreed to the course of action that Obama is following.....and since Bush and Obama followed the same policy regarding Iran, does that make Bush a secret Muslim too?

Ah, consistency. She's such a fickled mistress.

Idiotic. Bush demanded an agreement to leave 10K troops in Iraq via a status of forces agreement. Maliki told Obozo he's do that if US Troopers were placed under Iraqi law. He used that caveat to withdraw all US Forces to appease his traitorous voting base. His ROEs in Afghanistan are the most chickenshit in US military history and have ceded every inch on territory we took under Bush43 back to the taliban. Admit you know nothing about the US Armed Forces ya pansy.

As for Afghanistan, the government has asked us to leave. And won't extend agreements protecting our soldiers. Do we ignore the government of Afghanistan and its people......and keep fighting the longest war in our nation's history? Its been a decade. And we're no closer to 'victory' now than we were immediately after the Taliban fell.

Again, you have no idea what you're talking about.....see above.^^^^^

How long do you propose we stay there? And if we're doing so against the will of the local government, then we've essentially annexed the territory.

So I submit there is little evidence to prove he's renounced his childhood adoption of the Muslim faith while going to school in Indonesia.

Who says that Obama adopted Islam as a child? That would be you and.....you. That's an enormous assumption. And supported by very little evidence. While his adoption of Christianity is supported by overwhelming evidence. INcluding his own personal testimony of his being a Christian.

He knows the Koran by heart, lived and studied as a Muslim....you can pretend he's an apostate but you have no more proof he's renounced the religion of his father than you claim I do he has not. His own writing and speeches indicates he's a Muslim, then and now.

I submit that you pretending to speak for Obama while ignoring everything Obama has to say for himself on the topic is a demonstration of your personal bias and cherry picking rather than the quality of the evidence.

I have not, nor would I ever claim to "speak for" the scrawny little Muslim queer. The sight of him makes me sick to my stomach. He is no more qualified to be POTUS than you are if you claim to be an American.

I'd say nice try but it was so feeble I'll simply advise you to know what time it is before you step into a thread of mine again. :badgrin:
Give his position on LGBT equality, if he's a Muslim, he's not a very good one.

You're so obsessed with being a queer that you DEMAND we recognize your mental illness as "normal"...we will not. Further, Obozo is a homo so why wouldn't he beg you freaks for campaign money? Most ME Muslim men have homosexual tendencies as is evidenced by their grooming of orphan "dancing boys" for sex. It's a "religion" of nutcases and pedophiles, women haters, sodomists, and slavers. :cuckoo:
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Being a Muslim is in no way worse than being a Christian, Jew, Buddhist. You people are showing your intolerance for the very rights you claim to be privileged with.sad indeed...
Being a Muslim is in no way worse than being a Christian, Jew, Buddhist. You people are showing your intolerance for the very rights you claim to be privileged with.sad indeed...

No Buddhist flew a hijacked airliner into the World Trade Center.
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For Obama to be a Muslim He'd have to give up His belief that He, Himself, IS God!

No way, Jose.

:lol: That's his public persona.....he and Mooch both know he's a frightened doper in so far over his head he's now checked out. All he's capable of once he's lost the Senate is revenge.....he'll have to be impeached to be stopped and he will be.
Is Barack Hussein Obama A MUSLIM?

What's sad and telling is that you and many other hateful, ignorant rightists perceive being a Muslim as 'bad.'

ESAD asshole...they declared WAR on us in 1993....your punk Clinton ducked the challenge and didn't take bin-Laden when he could have. Bush41 decided to double-cross Saddam and put GIs on Saudi soil which really enraged the bin-Laden types. So they hit the WTC again 8 years later thanks to Clinton's cowardice again. You're the ignorant one thinking Muslims aren't a clear and present danger despite enough proof to bury your sorry ass in. :doubt:
Yes he is it is a special secret. When the UFO comes he secretly worships while noone is watching. Quite the rascall that Obama.
Yes he is it is a special secret. When the UFO comes he secretly worships while noone is watching. Quite the rascall that Obama.

Your remarks might come off more clever if you knew how to spell the words you're writing. :badgrin:
Is Barack Hussein Obama A MUSLIM?

What's sad and telling is that you and many other hateful, ignorant rightists perceive being a Muslim as 'bad.'

ESAD asshole...they declared WAR on us in 1993....your punk Clinton ducked the challenge and didn't take bin-Laden when he could have. Bush41 decided to double-cross Saddam and put GIs on Saudi soil which really enraged the bin-Laden types. So they hit the WTC again 8 years later thanks to Clinton's cowardice again. You're the ignorant one thinking Muslims aren't a clear and present danger despite enough proof to bury your sorry ass in. :doubt:

'They'? There are a billion muslims. 20 or so attacked us. Your math is off.

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