Is Being Homosexual Genetic?

No, homosexuality isn't genetic. If it was, the Homo Community wouldn't be so hot-to-trot to recruit fresh meat.

They would realize that those efforts are pointless.

Further, the number of homos would be steady, if it was genetic. The number of guys who are light in the loafers has increased exponentially since the 1970's.
Homosexuals do not "recruit"

Nowadays, probably not nearly as much. The media glorifies homosexuality to such a degree nowadays, as well as the existence of gay organizations like Act Up and the Boy Scouts , the need for face to face recruitment isn't as necessary.

They never did.

I guess I'm just not scared of gay people like you seem to be

I'm not fearful of homos at all, I'm confident in my ability to defend my own manhood. I'm just more concerned about the young people they seek to bring into their movement.

You can say its "natural" for someone to take it in the caboose or shove a gerbil up there. But I just don't see it and don't think it should be glorified.

Your examples are nonsensical.

Care to take a guess how many straight men end up in the E.R. every year because they "fell" and got something stuck in their asses?
Counting you?


But a friend of mine is an ER doctor and he should know
How many gerbils has he rescued from your money maker?
No, homosexuality isn't genetic. If it was, the Homo Community wouldn't be so hot-to-trot to recruit fresh meat.

They would realize that those efforts are pointless.

Further, the number of homos would be steady, if it was genetic. The number of guys who are light in the loafers has increased exponentially since the 1970's.
Homosexuals do not "recruit"

Nowadays, probably not nearly as much. The media glorifies homosexuality to such a degree nowadays, as well as the existence of gay organizations like Act Up and the Boy Scouts , the need for face to face recruitment isn't as necessary.

They never did.

I guess I'm just not scared of gay people like you seem to be

I'm not fearful of homos at all, I'm confident in my ability to defend my own manhood. I'm just more concerned about the young people they seek to bring into their movement.

You can say its "natural" for someone to take it in the caboose or shove a gerbil up there. But I just don't see it and don't think it should be glorified.

Your examples are nonsensical.

Care to take a guess how many straight men end up in the E.R. every year because they "fell" and got something stuck in their asses?

u sick freak.
A man isn't that straight at all, if he is shoving live animals up his ass.

That's an urban legend
Nothing legendary about shoving animals up your ass you sick freak.

You don't know what an urban legend is either do you?

I bet you still giggle when people say boobies
No, homosexuality isn't genetic. If it was, the Homo Community wouldn't be so hot-to-trot to recruit fresh meat.

They would realize that those efforts are pointless.

Further, the number of homos would be steady, if it was genetic. The number of guys who are light in the loafers has increased exponentially since the 1970's.
Homosexuals do not "recruit"

Nowadays, probably not nearly as much. The media glorifies homosexuality to such a degree nowadays, as well as the existence of gay organizations like Act Up and the Boy Scouts , the need for face to face recruitment isn't as necessary.

They never did.

I guess I'm just not scared of gay people like you seem to be

I'm not fearful of homos at all, I'm confident in my ability to defend my own manhood. I'm just more concerned about the young people they seek to bring into their movement.

You can say its "natural" for someone to take it in the caboose or shove a gerbil up there. But I just don't see it and don't think it should be glorified.

Your examples are nonsensical.

Care to take a guess how many straight men end up in the E.R. every year because they "fell" and got something stuck in their asses?

u sick freak.
A man isn't that straight at all, if he is shoving live animals up his ass.

That's an urban legend
Nothing legendary about shoving animals up your ass you sick freak.

You don't know what an urban legend is either do you?

I bet you still giggle when people say boobies
I bet you scream when the gerbil dies, faggot.
No, homosexuality isn't genetic. If it was, the Homo Community wouldn't be so hot-to-trot to recruit fresh meat.

They would realize that those efforts are pointless.

Further, the number of homos would be steady, if it was genetic. The number of guys who are light in the loafers has increased exponentially since the 1970's.
Homosexuals do not "recruit"

Nowadays, probably not nearly as much. The media glorifies homosexuality to such a degree nowadays, as well as the existence of gay organizations like Act Up and the Boy Scouts , the need for face to face recruitment isn't as necessary.

They never did.

I guess I'm just not scared of gay people like you seem to be

I'm not fearful of homos at all, I'm confident in my ability to defend my own manhood. I'm just more concerned about the young people they seek to bring into their movement.

You can say its "natural" for someone to take it in the caboose or shove a gerbil up there. But I just don't see it and don't think it should be glorified.

Your examples are nonsensical.

Care to take a guess how many straight men end up in the E.R. every year because they "fell" and got something stuck in their asses?
Counting you?


But a friend of mine is an ER doctor and he should know
How many gerbils has he rescued from your money maker?

Grow up.
No, homosexuality isn't genetic. If it was, the Homo Community wouldn't be so hot-to-trot to recruit fresh meat.

They would realize that those efforts are pointless.

Further, the number of homos would be steady, if it was genetic. The number of guys who are light in the loafers has increased exponentially since the 1970's.
Homosexuals do not "recruit"

Nowadays, probably not nearly as much. The media glorifies homosexuality to such a degree nowadays, as well as the existence of gay organizations like Act Up and the Boy Scouts , the need for face to face recruitment isn't as necessary.

They never did.

I guess I'm just not scared of gay people like you seem to be

I'm not fearful of homos at all, I'm confident in my ability to defend my own manhood. I'm just more concerned about the young people they seek to bring into their movement.

You can say its "natural" for someone to take it in the caboose or shove a gerbil up there. But I just don't see it and don't think it should be glorified.

Your examples are nonsensical.

Care to take a guess how many straight men end up in the E.R. every year because they "fell" and got something stuck in their asses?

u sick freak.
A man isn't that straight at all, if he is shoving live animals up his ass.

That's an urban legend
Nothing legendary about shoving animals up your ass you sick freak.

You don't know what an urban legend is either do you?

I bet you still giggle when people say boobies
I bet you scream when the gerbil dies, faggot.

The whole gerbil thing is a myth only morons like you believe it
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

First of all, the question of whether or not being gay is genetic or not is a gross oversimplification of the issue and reflects an abysmal understanding of the complexity of human .sexuality.

Secondly, gay people, their friends and allies and most others are hardly dwelling on it and any importance assigned to it is for academic purposes. For most gay folks and others, they are who they are and that is that.

I might also point out that throughout all of the protracted legal fights for same sex marriage and over other issues pertaining to gay rights, the courts never concerned themselves with the question of why people are gay, and simply declared it as an innate , immutable characteristic. Even those fighting against gay rights had the good sense as to not raise that issue in court.

These days, the only ones concerning themselves with that question -for the most part- are those that are seeking to limit gay rights by delegitimizing and marginalizing homosexuals. They dumb it down to the genetic vs not genetic dichotomy where the absence of a gay gene means that it must be a it as a frivolous and decadent choice.

And your reference to women aborting children if they know that they are gay is as ignorant and wanting as your knowledge-or lack thereof - about all of the biological and social factors that contribute to the development of human sexual attraction

You don't fool anyone.

A "gay gene" is the holy grail of the radical homosexual lobby.. There is however, no evidence that such a gene exists, in fact the search has pretty well established it in fact does not. Further, the concept of "homosexual" appears to be more political than scientific. Humans are pleasure seekers. The quest for sexual pleasure is nothing if not adaptive. We all know that homosexuality is routine in all male prisons and both the British and American Navies have a long history of homosexual behavior on long sea voyages. Young boys were commonly brought along in the British fleet for the sexual pleasure of the officers and selected crew. Boys don't get pregnant.

The homosexual lobby tries and paint a picture of "orientation" when in fact "opportunity" appears to be far more of a factor.
You people keep dumbing it down to a simple dichotomy of it being genetic or not genetic, a choice or not a choice. In doing so you willfully ignore the complexities of human sexuality, the myriad of factors and possible factors that shape human sexuality. In doing so you just make yourselves look dumb. I would suggest that you educate yourself but I know that you won't. I know that you are to threatened by any information that challenges your antiquated beliefs that allow you marginalize and delegitimize homosexuals.. However, I offer you this, just in case there is a glimmer of intellectual curiosity alive in you.:

Epigenetic theories of homosexuality
concern the studies of changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence, and their role in the development of homosexuality.[1][2][3] Epigenetics examines the set of chemical reactions that switch parts of the genome on and off at strategic times and locations in the organism's life cycle. However, epigenetic theories tangle a multiplicity of initiating causes and of resulting final effects and will never lead to a single cause or a single result. Hence, any interpretation of such theories may not focus just one isolated reason of a multiplicity of causes or of effects.[4]

So no, there is no single gay gene, but desperately clinging to clinging to fact for security like a 2 year old with her Teddy Bear only serves to shut your eyes to the wider picture . And then there is this:

In a 2019 issue of Science magazine, geneticist Andrea Ganna at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and colleagues, described the largest survey to date for genes associated with same-sex behavior. By analyzing the DNA of nearly half a million people from the U.S. and the U.K., they concluded that genes account for between 8% and 25% of same-sex behavior.

. Rather, it is a continuum that emerges from a person’s genetic makeup. Nonetheless, misconceptions persist that same-sex attraction is a choice that warrants condemnation or conversion, and leads to discrimination and persecution.


In 1985, three years after the publication of the De Lacoste-Utamsing and Holloway article, Dick Swaab, a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, in Amsterdam, reported that he, too, had found evidence of sexual dimorphism in human brains—in the form of a human homologue of the sexually dimorphic nucleus that Gorski had found in rats.

And yes there is situational homosexual behavior as you described in prisons and so on. But to say that is proof that hall homosexuality is a choice is nothing more than an overgeneralization logical fallacy
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

First of all, the question of whether or not being gay is genetic or not is a gross oversimplification of the issue and reflects an abysmal understanding of the complexity of human .sexuality.

Secondly, gay people, their friends and allies and most others are hardly dwelling on it and any importance assigned to it is for academic purposes. For most gay folks and others, they are who they are and that is that.

I might also point out that throughout all of the protracted legal fights for same sex marriage and over other issues pertaining to gay rights, the courts never concerned themselves with the question of why people are gay, and simply declared it as an innate , immutable characteristic. Even those fighting against gay rights had the good sense as to not raise that issue in court.

These days, the only ones concerning themselves with that question -for the most part- are those that are seeking to limit gay rights by delegitimizing and marginalizing homosexuals. They dumb it down to the genetic vs not genetic dichotomy where the absence of a gay gene means that it must be a it as a frivolous and decadent choice.

And your reference to women aborting children if they know that they are gay is as ignorant and wanting as your knowledge-or lack thereof - about all of the biological and social factors that contribute to the development of human sexual attraction

You don't fool anyone.

A "gay gene" is the holy grail of the radical homosexual lobby.. There is however, no evidence that such a gene exists, in fact the search has pretty well established it in fact does not. Further, the concept of "homosexual" appears to be more political than scientific. Humans are pleasure seekers. The quest for sexual pleasure is nothing if not adaptive. We all know that homosexuality is routine in all male prisons and both the British and American Navies have a long history of homosexual behavior on long sea voyages. Young boys were commonly brought along in the British fleet for the sexual pleasure of the officers and selected crew. Boys don't get pregnant.

The homosexual lobby tries and paint a picture of "orientation" when in fact "opportunity" appears to be far more of a factor.
You people keep dumbing it down to a simple dichotomy of it being genetic or not genetic, a choice or not a choice. In doing so you willfully ignore the complexities of human sexuality, the myriad of factors and possible factors that shape human sexuality. In doing so you just make yourselves look dumb. I would suggest that you educate yourself but I know that you won't. I know that you are to threatened by any information that challenges your antiquated beliefs that allow you marginalize and delegitimize homosexuals.. However, I offer you this, just in case there is a glimmer of intellectual curiosity alive in you.:

Epigenetic theories of homosexuality
concern the studies of changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence, and their role in the development of homosexuality.[1][2][3] Epigenetics examines the set of chemical reactions that switch parts of the genome on and off at strategic times and locations in the organism's life cycle. However, epigenetic theories tangle a multiplicity of initiating causes and of resulting final effects and will never lead to a single cause or a single result. Hence, any interpretation of such theories may not focus just one isolated reason of a multiplicity of causes or of effects.[4]

So no, there is no single gay gene, but desperately clinging to clinging to fact for security like a 2 year old with her Teddy Bear only serves to shut your eyes to the wider picture . And then there is this:

In a 2019 issue of Science magazine, geneticist Andrea Ganna at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and colleagues, described the largest survey to date for genes associated with same-sex behavior. By analyzing the DNA of nearly half a million people from the U.S. and the U.K., they concluded that genes account for between 8% and 25% of same-sex behavior.

. Rather, it is a continuum that emerges from a person’s genetic makeup. Nonetheless, misconceptions persist that same-sex attraction is a choice that warrants condemnation or conversion, and leads to discrimination and persecution.


In 1985, three years after the publication of the De Lacoste-Utamsing and Holloway article, Dick Swaab, a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, in Amsterdam, reported that he, too, had found evidence of sexual dimorphism in human brains—in the form of a human homologue of the sexually dimorphic nucleus that Gorski had found in rats.

And yes there is situational homosexual behavior as you described in prisons and so on. But to say that is proof that hall homosexuality is a choice is nothing more than an overgeneralization logical fallacy
Nobody denies the depths of human depravity can go to.
You do know that there have been homosexuals since there have been people don't you?

ALL human behavior exists on a continuum and there always has been and always will be people who are homosexual and that percentage of the population has been pretty stable.

And really why is it any of your business?

Correction, there has been homosexual ACTIVITY since antiquity. The idea that a person is a homosexual arose during Medieval Europe. The Greeks and Romans tolerated homosexual acts, the Huns and Muslims executed those who engaged in such acts. The militant homosexual lobby loves to claim Plato was a homosexual, but he wasn't. Oh, Plato enjoyed young boys to be sure, but he also liked women. Socrates said Plato was a man driven by the base lusts and the desire for pleasure.
and what makes you think there weren't homosexuals before the historical record existed?

You're missing the point.

The counter culture especially has perverted and act into a state of being.
For me, man on man butt sex is synonymous with beastiality and pedophilia. It’s just sexually deranged whackos performing unnatural sex acts. I can’t support that shit.
Not being able to see the difference between what two consenting adults do with each other, as opposed to what IS DONE TO children and animals who can't consent does not speak well to your level of intellectual development or emotional maturity.

And, to think that being gay is all about how people have sex is just plain as stupid as stupid gets
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

First of all, the question of whether or not being gay is genetic or not is a gross oversimplification of the issue and reflects an abysmal understanding of the complexity of human .sexuality.

Secondly, gay people, their friends and allies and most others are hardly dwelling on it and any importance assigned to it is for academic purposes. For most gay folks and others, they are who they are and that is that.

I might also point out that throughout all of the protracted legal fights for same sex marriage and over other issues pertaining to gay rights, the courts never concerned themselves with the question of why people are gay, and simply declared it as an innate , immutable characteristic. Even those fighting against gay rights had the good sense as to not raise that issue in court.

These days, the only ones concerning themselves with that question -for the most part- are those that are seeking to limit gay rights by delegitimizing and marginalizing homosexuals. They dumb it down to the genetic vs not genetic dichotomy where the absence of a gay gene means that it must be a it as a frivolous and decadent choice.

And your reference to women aborting children if they know that they are gay is as ignorant and wanting as your knowledge-or lack thereof - about all of the biological and social factors that contribute to the development of human sexual attraction

You don't fool anyone.

A "gay gene" is the holy grail of the radical homosexual lobby.. There is however, no evidence that such a gene exists, in fact the search has pretty well established it in fact does not. Further, the concept of "homosexual" appears to be more political than scientific. Humans are pleasure seekers. The quest for sexual pleasure is nothing if not adaptive. We all know that homosexuality is routine in all male prisons and both the British and American Navies have a long history of homosexual behavior on long sea voyages. Young boys were commonly brought along in the British fleet for the sexual pleasure of the officers and selected crew. Boys don't get pregnant.

The homosexual lobby tries and paint a picture of "orientation" when in fact "opportunity" appears to be far more of a factor.
You people keep dumbing it down to a simple dichotomy of it being genetic or not genetic, a choice or not a choice. In doing so you willfully ignore the complexities of human sexuality, the myriad of factors and possible factors that shape human sexuality. In doing so you just make yourselves look dumb. I would suggest that you educate yourself but I know that you won't. I know that you are to threatened by any information that challenges your antiquated beliefs that allow you marginalize and delegitimize homosexuals.. However, I offer you this, just in case there is a glimmer of intellectual curiosity alive in you.:

Epigenetic theories of homosexuality
concern the studies of changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence, and their role in the development of homosexuality.[1][2][3] Epigenetics examines the set of chemical reactions that switch parts of the genome on and off at strategic times and locations in the organism's life cycle. However, epigenetic theories tangle a multiplicity of initiating causes and of resulting final effects and will never lead to a single cause or a single result. Hence, any interpretation of such theories may not focus just one isolated reason of a multiplicity of causes or of effects.[4]

So no, there is no single gay gene, but desperately clinging to clinging to fact for security like a 2 year old with her Teddy Bear only serves to shut your eyes to the wider picture . And then there is this:

In a 2019 issue of Science magazine, geneticist Andrea Ganna at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and colleagues, described the largest survey to date for genes associated with same-sex behavior. By analyzing the DNA of nearly half a million people from the U.S. and the U.K., they concluded that genes account for between 8% and 25% of same-sex behavior.

. Rather, it is a continuum that emerges from a person’s genetic makeup. Nonetheless, misconceptions persist that same-sex attraction is a choice that warrants condemnation or conversion, and leads to discrimination and persecution.


In 1985, three years after the publication of the De Lacoste-Utamsing and Holloway article, Dick Swaab, a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, in Amsterdam, reported that he, too, had found evidence of sexual dimorphism in human brains—in the form of a human homologue of the sexually dimorphic nucleus that Gorski had found in rats.

And yes there is situational homosexual behavior as you described in prisons and so on. But to say that is proof that hall homosexuality is a choice is nothing more than an overgeneralization logical fallacy
Nobody denies the depths of human depravity can go to.
Is that supposed to pass for an appropriate and intelligent reply?? Never mind. It's no use.
And yes there is situational homosexual behavior as you described in prisons and so on. But to say that is proof that hall homosexuality is a choice is nothing more than an overgeneralization logical fallacy

You are amusing, You say that sexuality is complex and based on a myriad of factors. then turn around with this.

Sexuality is fluid, adaptive - The homosexual lobby (and religious people) try and portray it as a "set" and rigid attribute like hair color, but it isn't.

A boy who is uncoordinated, not good at sports, perhaps a bit homely, may find attracting a same sex sexual partner easier than entering the fight, and it IS a fight, for the females. It may not be a conscious decision, but the motivation is anything but genetic. One of a billion examples.
I certainly hope so. I want to see what the Left do when women start getting abortions because their baby has the Homo gene.

Homosexuality is based on dozens of genes
It’s genetic
I know many gay guys try to cover up by saying I am bisexual ..that is cover up
They’re gays
Homosexuality is based on dozens of genes
It’s genetic

Oh? so there is evidence that homosexuals have a gene that regular people don't have? Or perhaps are missing a gene? No, no such evidence exists, no such genes exist.

And if we did find a genetic component, I don't mean activists fabricating bullshit to support the conclusion they started from, but actual evidence, how would it account for variation? I mean, does the football player who is masturbating with his buddy after practice, gets carried away and gives his buddy a hand job have the same gene or genes as the Barack Obama types who have sucked every cock in 5 counties?
No, homosexuality isn't genetic. If it was, the Homo Community wouldn't be so hot-to-trot to recruit fresh meat.

They would realize that those efforts are pointless.

Further, the number of homos would be steady, if it was genetic. The number of guys who are light in the loafers has increased exponentially since the 1970's.
Homosexuals do not "recruit"

Nowadays, probably not nearly as much. The media glorifies homosexuality to such a degree nowadays, as well as the existence of gay organizations like Act Up and the Boy Scouts , the need for face to face recruitment isn't as necessary.

They never did.

I guess I'm just not scared of gay people like you seem to be

I'm not fearful of homos at all, I'm confident in my ability to defend my own manhood. I'm just more concerned about the young people they seek to bring into their movement.

You can say its "natural" for someone to take it in the caboose or shove a gerbil up there. But I just don't see it and don't think it should be glorified.

Your examples are nonsensical.

Care to take a guess how many straight men end up in the E.R. every year because they "fell" and got something stuck in their asses?

u sick freak.
A man isn't that straight at all, if he is shoving live animals up his ass.

That's an urban legend
Nothing legendary about shoving animals up your ass you sick freak.

You don't know what an urban legend is either do you?

I bet you still giggle when people say boobies
I bet you scream when the gerbil dies, faggot.

The whole gerbil thing is a myth only morons like you believe it

Unfortunately, its not a myth. An acquaintance of mine that I used to drink with, his sister's boyfriend knew a fellow that worked for Cleveland Clinic and heard all about it. Saturday night is the night that the entire hospital proctology department is working at 100% capacity helping gay guys extricate gerbils from the alimentary canal.
I know many gay guys try to cover up by saying I am bisexual ..that is cover up
They’re gays

It's not popular to say, but REAL evidence shows that all humans are "bisexual," we simply don't act on it. Societal and cultural norms guide us away from deviation. This is why we can see the effectiveness of homosexual training of children. IF it were actually genetic, then the indoctrination in schools would have no effect. But in 1990. polls showed high school girls identified as lesbian less than 2%. Today it's 19%. Being lesbian is heavily promoted by the schools and by popular media, these girls want to be cool, so they become lesbians. IF it were genetic, that wouldn't be the case. High school girls are probably the most impressionable demographic in the nation, which is why the homosexual lobby preys on them.

I am well aware of the topic and if had read and comprehended post 48 you would know that. I am also well aware of how stupid and useless the question posed in the op is, while you don't seem to be.

Then you stupidly implied that gay people don't desire to have children and you think that "matting w/ the opposite sex, that it is the only way to have children, and that it has something to do with being parents. You don't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed
The OP posed a question, you provided a link that says "existence of such a gene simply doesn't exist." Then goes on to say: "That doesn’t mean such a gene will never be found" according to the video attached to your "post 48" no one really knows.

Therefore I can pose a thought that IF homosexuality were to be entirely genetic, then the person with that particular gene or set of genes COULD have no interest at all in the opposite sex and would not or could not procreate normally. That would most certainly mean that homosexuality would not be favored in nature.

If that supposition is ignored then homosexuality must be a product of environmental factors so homosexuals are created by other humans by either stressing the mother (as stated in the video in your link) or other stress factors. Also, we already know that some homosexuals are active in recruiting young children at the outset of their hormonal surge.

Your answers are laced with vitriol and insults so, apparently you won't discuss the truth or even postulate that homosexuality may not be natural at all.
And yes there is situational homosexual behavior as you described in prisons and so on. But to say that is proof that hall homosexuality is a choice is nothing more than an overgeneralization logical fallacy

You are amusing, You say that sexuality is complex and based on a myriad of factors. then turn around with this.

Sexuality is fluid, adaptive - The homosexual lobby (and religious people) try and portray it as a "set" and rigid attribute like hair color, but it isn't.

A boy who is uncoordinated, not good at sports, perhaps a bit homely, may find attracting a same sex sexual partner easier than entering the fight, and it IS a fight, for the females. It may not be a conscious decision, but the motivation is anything but genetic. One of a billion examples.
What in the name of fuck are you talking about? What did I say? It can be both complex and to some extent fluid and adaptive to a point under certain circumstances . You are aware of bi sexuality? I also acknowledged the occurrence of situational and opportunistic sexual acts that have nothing to do with homosexuality per se. Clearly you do not have the intellectual capacity to grasp that.

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