Is Biden at fault for the worse inflation rate in 40 years?

Mine are as well. But I’m not a selfish leftist ^^^ who only cares about myself. As I said, I feel bad for retirees on a fixed income.

(I love when leftists who profess to care about others reveal their true colors.)
I debated Moonglow about basic real estate facts. I highly doubt they own anything at all.
Mine are as well. But I’m not a selfish leftist ^^^ who only cares about myself. As I said, I feel bad for retirees on a fixed income.

(I love when leftists who profess to care about others reveal their true colors.)
Who said I care about others?
Town hall never gets anything right. The US has never been energy independent. That's a really stupid Trump lie. What the hell is wrong with you people?
Where are your FACTS????
Now the FACT
U.S. exports of primary energy did exceed its energy imports from foreign sources under Trump in 2019 and 2020 — the first times that had happened since 1952, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Where are your FACTS????
Now the FACT
U.S. exports of primary energy did exceed its energy imports from foreign sources under Trump in 2019 and 2020 — the first times that had happened since 1952, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
US oil production cut way back during 2020 because of COVID. Over 100 oil companies went bankrupt.
US oil production cut way back during 2020 because of COVID. Over 100 oil companies went bankrupt.
So where is your proof?
I have shown you
Where are your FACTS????
Now the FACT
U.S. exports of primary energy did exceed its energy imports from foreign sources under Trump in 2019 and 2020 — the first times that had happened since 1952, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
US oil production cut way back during 2020 because of COVID. Over 100 oil companies went bankrupt.
AGAIN why in hell should ANYONE believe anything you put out as YOU don't substantiate!

Biden inflation hits 40-year high… Rick Santelli breaks it down…​

So why is it Biden's "inflation"? Well among many reasons here is one dominate one!
Every day Americans buy an average of about 338 million gallons per day (or about 8.05 million barrels per day).
So when gas rises in price nearly 40% from what it was a year ago... that means every day gas cost Americans $334 million a day MORE
than a year ago.
So why is it Biden's "Inflation"... ONE major reason...
Biden shut off oil exploration on land that produces 25% of Americans oil.
He then begs OPEC to pump more gas while restricting American oil producers!
He then releases 50 million barrels from the strategic oil reserves!
These three Biden actions CAUSED gas prices to increase for Americans by $334 million a DAY!
Folks... if that doesn't add to are those of you who don't think Biden's at fault... You don't understand all!

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Maybe you can explain why oil production increased 31 percent in Biden's first year but only 21 percent during Trump's first year, when they both started at the same amount of production when they took office.

Why does Trump hate America?
So where is your proof?
I have shown you
Where are your FACTS????
Now the FACT
U.S. exports of primary energy did exceed its energy imports from barr foreign sources under Trump in 2019 and 2020 — the first times that had happened since 1952, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

AGAIN why in hell should ANYONE believe anything you put out as YOU don't substantiate!

You can see in that link that US oil production went from a maximum of 400,219,000 barrels per month in December 2019 and steadily declined to 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

You must be a special kind of amnesiac to not know oil production declined worldwide during the pandemic.

The price of oil actually went NEGATIVE for a short period.

Now, if you look more closely at that link, you can see in Trump's first full month in office, US oil production was 255,059,000 barrels.

In Biden's first full month in office, US oil production was 273,646,000 barrels.

So they both started from almost the same amount of oil being produced.

At the end of 2017, US oil production was 309,359,000 barrels. An increase of 21 percent.

At the end of 2021, US oil production was 358,588,000 barrels. An increase of 31 percent.

Biden produced way more oil in his first year than Trump did.

You wanted FACTS. You got 'em!

Another FACT. Some oil companies are slow walking their increase in production.

Chevron raises buybacks and says exposure to Russia is limited

Major oil companies are responding to a jump in profits this year from higher oil and gas prices by giving back more cash to shareholders, many of whom have been frustrated by years of low returns.

So far,
most shale operators have signaled that they plan to put capital returns above output growth, even as U.S. oil prices crossed $100 per barrel earlier this week.
Even though we were producing more oil under Biden than under Trump, the gas price under Biden in December was about 75 cent more per gallon than in Trump's first December.

Curious, no?

Since the US is producing more under Biden, how does one explain this?

Obviously, someone else is producing less. Duh.


Saudi Arabia.

Even though world demand began surging in 2021, Saudi Arabia did not increase their exports. In fact, they exported less than during the pandemic!


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