Is Biden really that stronger of a candidate for president than hildebeast?

People hated Hillary. She was an unlikable, unpersonable, entitled bitch that an awful lot of people would not have voted for her if you put a gun in their mouth. Biden is a gaffe machine, but he doesn't come off that way. It's not even close between those two in terms of the likeability factor.

In addition, she ran a shit campaign, totally ignoring some midwest states over the objections of Bill and others on her team, because she was overconfident. After Hillary's loss, I doubt very much that Biden will make the same mistakes of overconfidence and ignoring some very important states, which cost Hillary the election, IMO.

This is a different race. Trump has some things on his side for sure, and if the economy holds he has some powerful arguments for re-election, but I wouldn't discount Biden at this point. He's the only one, to me, out of all the dems running that has much of a shot....

Agree, but who has the better odds of getting the dem nomination? If Joe gets the nomination will the base be "excited" to run out and vote for him? Its like the problem the GOP has with the never-Trumpers, but in spades...
Biden would’ve won the last time . If his son didn’t die he would’ve ran.

You’re just speculating. And doing a poor job of it. No one with strong associations to obozo has ever won an election.

Obama won twice .

Biden can win back the working class . His weakness is his womanizing . The one area Trump can’t throw stones .

People want an experienced grownup in the White House .

Know of any?
People hated Hillary. She was an unlikable, unpersonable, entitled bitch that an awful lot of people would not have voted for her if you put a gun in their mouth. Biden is a gaffe machine, but he doesn't come off that way. It's not even close between those two in terms of the likeability factor.

In addition, she ran a shit campaign, totally ignoring some midwest states over the objections of Bill and others on her team, because she was overconfident. After Hillary's loss, I doubt very much that Biden will make the same mistakes of overconfidence and ignoring some very important states, which cost Hillary the election, IMO.

This is a different race. Trump has some things on his side for sure, and if the economy holds he has some powerful arguments for re-election, but I wouldn't discount Biden at this point. He's the only one, to me, out of all the dems running that has much of a shot....

I think Biden does come across as affable and likable, and I believe if we do see an economic downturn maybe he has a puncher’s chance.
Biden would’ve won the last time . If his son didn’t die he would’ve ran.

You’re just speculating. And doing a poor job of it. No one with strong associations to obozo has ever won an election.

Obama won twice .

As candidates, his opponents were flunkies. As Joe himself said, “President Obama doesn’t lie. He’s a mainstream African American who’s articulate, bright and he’s clean. And gosh darn it, he’s a good looking guy." :auiqs.jpg:
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.

Hillary was the possibly the worst candidate ever, she was under FBI investigation and she quit campaigning in August, and yet Trump's win basically came down to 3 states and he won those states by less than 1% percentage point total.

I would not feel overly confident if I were you.
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.

Hillary Clinton is/was a much stronger candidate than Joe Biden. Joe Biden spent his life since 1973 wasting away in the Senate. Never was a real national contender, never will be. He wont be the nominee. Clinton is just waiting until the last minute to jump in. There is no one running that she would not crush. The Clintons are pure political animals and will not pass up on an easy nomination.
I say this without bias. To me, he looks and acts like a tired old man. I think he'll fade during the campaign.

I disagree. I think he’ll eventually be the nominee. I don’t think he has a shot at beating Trump. His past, him being the ultimate gaffe machine, and the brutal primaries will do him in. Ultimately I think he will suffer a humiliating loss. And it will be humiliating for obozo as well, which is why he doesn’t want Biden to run.

Really? Obama doesn't want Biden to run? Got a link, or is this just more conjecture you're pulling outta your ass?
People hated Hillary. She was an unlikable, unpersonable, entitled bitch that an awful lot of people would not have voted for her if you put a gun in their mouth. Biden is a gaffe machine, but he doesn't come off that way. It's not even close between those two in terms of the likeability factor.

In addition, she ran a shit campaign, totally ignoring some midwest states over the objections of Bill and others on her team, because she was overconfident. After Hillary's loss, I doubt very much that Biden will make the same mistakes of overconfidence and ignoring some very important states, which cost Hillary the election, IMO.

This is a different race. Trump has some things on his side for sure, and if the economy holds he has some powerful arguments for re-election, but I wouldn't discount Biden at this point. He's the only one, to me, out of all the dems running that has much of a shot....
Never forget that Hillary had been promised the next presidency when she stepped off and let Obama win the primary in '08. She was confident because she had already been insured her inauguration...
Biden would’ve won the last time . If his son didn’t die he would’ve ran.

You’re just speculating. And doing a poor job of it. No one with strong associations to obozo has ever won an election.

Obama won twice .

Biden can win back the working class . His weakness is his womanizing . The one area Trump can’t throw stones .

People want an experienced grownup in the White House . thing Biden is an "experienced grownup"?
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.

Yep. Trump would get more votes than Biden just like he did in 2016. He’ll get more votes in PA, WI and MI too. No doubt. He’s WAY more popular than he was in 2016. His base is larger and he’s brought millions of independents over to his side. Easy landslide.

Biden is originally from Scranton, PA. He has pretty good, traditional Democrat support here. Unions. government workers (public sector unions), Urbanites, etc. That scares me as it may be harder for Trump to win PA like he did in 2016.

I look for trump to win Wisconsin and the congressional district in Maine to hit and mi are toss ups
Biden would’ve won the last time . If his son didn’t die he would’ve ran.

You’re just speculating. And doing a poor job of it. No one with strong associations to obozo has ever won an election.

Obama won twice .

Biden can win back the working class . His weakness is his womanizing . The one area Trump can’t throw stones .

People want an experienced grownup in the White House . thing Biden is an "experienced grownup"?

Biden DOES have the experience. He was VP for 8 years, and he and Obama worked pretty close together.
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.
Biden is respected by Congress and on the international stage.

Not in the least
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.
Biden is respected by Congress and on the international stage.

Not in the least

Biden is respected by Congress
That MAY get him about 300 votes

and on the international stage.
How many votes will that get him?
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.
Biden is respected by Congress and on the international stage.

Not in the least

Biden is respected by Congress
That MAY get him about 300 votes

and on the international stage.
How many votes will that get him?

At least 270 EVs
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.
Biden is respected by Congress and on the international stage.

Not in the least

Biden is respected by Congress
That MAY get him about 300 votes

and on the international stage.
How many votes will that get him?

At least 270 EVs

You think the 'international stage' is going to give him EVs?

How many EVs does Congress have?
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.
Biden is respected by Congress and on the international stage.

Not in the least

Biden is respected by Congress
That MAY get him about 300 votes

and on the international stage.
How many votes will that get him?

At least 270 EVs

You think the 'international stage' is going to give him EVs?

How many EVs does Congress have?

Biden will run on a platform of......I am not a lying piece of shit
Biden has credibility and is actually trusted by members of Congress and internationally

Now, let’s look at those EVs

Trump pulled PA, Michigan and WI out of his ass the last election. If the 2018 is any indicator, those states have swung blue

Florida will again be interesting. In 2018, it went Red by a small margin

AZ has been shifting to the left and is not that fond of Trump
GA and NC are also vulnerable for Trump

Trump will have a hard time beating Biden unless Putin helps him again
She’s more corrupt, but he’s dumber. The one thing he has going for him is he’s considered moderate next to the rest of the democrat field, but he’s going to have to pander to the wacky progressive democrat base to become the nominee. Plus he has his share of Skeltons in his closet. I believe Trump beats him like a drum.
Biden is respected by Congress and on the international stage.

Not in the least

Biden is respected by Congress
That MAY get him about 300 votes

and on the international stage.
How many votes will that get him?

At least 270 EVs

You think the 'international stage' is going to give him EVs?

How many EVs does Congress have?

Biden will run on a platform of......I am not a lying piece of shit
Biden has credibility and is actually trusted by members of Congress and internationally

Now, let’s look at those EVs

Trump pulled PA, Michigan and WI out of his ass the last election. If the 2018 is any indicator, those states have swung blue

Florida will again be interesting. In 2018, it went Red by a small margin

AZ has been shifting to the left and is not that fond of Trump
GA and NC are also vulnerable for Trump

Trump will have a hard time beating Biden unless Putin helps him again

I doubt he'll make it into the End Zone.
Biden would’ve won the last time . If his son didn’t die he would’ve ran.
Biden knew not to run last time because it was Hillary's turn. Hillary was supposed to be the first female president and Biden did not have a vagina.
Gonna be interesting to see if those steel workers (whose jobs have been negatively affected by Trump's tariffs) are going to still vote for him in 2020.

It could be interesting.

Trump running on bringing jobs back to the states...

Biden running on rebuilding unions.

and sane people knowing neither will happen.

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