Is blacks main goal is to prove whites are better than them?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Pure disgusting..

Outrageous moment BLM protesters scream 'f**k the white people' at elderly outdoor diners before downing their drinks, smashing glasses and forcing other patrons to leave the restaurant

Black Lives Matter protesters screamed in the face of white elderly outdoor diners during protests in Pittsburgh on Saturday, disturbing new video shows.

Cellphone footage shows the crowd taking over the outdoor dining space with one person even approaching the older couple's table before drinking their beer in front of them; another smashed a glass from a table.

Effing animals deserved the fire hoses to be turned on them. We need a modern day Bull Connor.
Pure disgusting..
Is blacks main goal is to prove whites are better than them?
Yes! They are unwittingly proving the standard of white supremacy that they are supposed to be dispelling. They do not know how to write the corrective legislation, and think that eventually the white people will get tired of the violent demonstrations and write the legislation for them just like what they heard about the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The problem is that that is not the solution. The solution is segregation with a corrected government chartering system.
I wonder what they do with the White BLM members when they go on these f*k White people!!! rampages? Maybe they have a pre-attack meeting and give them a heads up: "OK now all you White mutha fukas, you prolly want to sit this one out, know what I'm sayin?"
Another one bites the dust. #walkaway

And, welcome aboard.

It is amazing what they are doing with BLM is exactly what they accuse others of doing. They are judging an entire race based on what a few do. That is one of the exact definitions of racism. They are also assuming that EVERY shooting where there is a black suspect and a white cop is unjust and racially motivated. This is also RACIST. Democrats are egging the whole thing on by using their bought and paid for media to spread lies and misinformation. They neglect to tell you that for every black suspect shot 3-5 white suspects are shot. They neglect to tell you that on average the black communities are plagued with violence and practice an anti cop culture(which is funny because it sounds like I am describing a redneck trailer park in Alabama).
Whole thing makes sense though since that is the Democrats SOP. Blame everyone else for what you yourself are doing.

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