Is Carly Fiorina a Chip Off the Old Block?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
It always turned out that they are all connected to the establishment in some way, doesn't it? Whether it's obvious, like Luke Russert, or masterfully hidden, like Carly Fiorina.

Is Carly Fiorina a Chip Off the Old Block?

Is Carly Fiorina a Chip Off the Old Block?

On the trail, Carly Fiorina makes much of her rise from humble secretary (albeit Stanford-educated) to CEO, before leaping into the political world. In fact, she has an impressive conservative pedigree. Her father, Joseph Tyree Sneed III, who died in 2008, was a law professor at the University of Texas, Stanford, and Cornell, the dean of Duke Law School, a deputy attorney general under President Richard Nixon, and a longtime senior judge on the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. In fact, a few of Sneed’s opinions and actions have made their way into the conservative canon, including the following:

“Three Strikes”
A dissent in the 2001 case of Andrade v. Attorney General of the State of California, in which a man who’d shoplifted nine videotapes from two Kmart stores had been sentenced to life in prison because of prior arrests (which bumped his misdemeanors up to felonies) and California’s “Three Strikes law.”


Drug-related evictions
A dissent in the 2001 case of Rucker v. Davis regarding the eviction of public housing tenants for illegal drug-related activity, including, among others, a 63-year-old grandmother whose “mentally disabled daughter” was caught with cocaine three blocks from their apartment, and two other grandparents who claimed to have no prior knowledge that their grandsons smoked marijuana.


Gay discrimination
Partial dissent in the 1979 case of DeSantis v. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company bringing together several homosexual plaintiffs’ claims that their employers or former employers discriminated against them in employment decisions because of their sexual preference, seeking protection under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Section 1985(3) of Title 42 of the United States Code.


Kenneth Starr and Whitewater
Sneed was part of a three-judge panel in 1994 that ousted Robert B. Fiske Jr. (who had been appointed as special prosecutor in the Whitewater inquiry by Attorney General Janet Reno) and replaced him with former Bush administration Solicitor General Kenneth Starr.

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