Zone1 Is China destroying America without firing a shot?

unions drove business away from the is about making money....not giving raises to uneducated factory workers

A business may just be about making money for capitalists, but a country doesn't need to allow capitalists to make money at the expense of its long-term economic survival. The so-called uneducated factory workers, that you're crapping on, along with the rest of America's labor force, is the backbone of our economy. When you strip them of a good paying job and disregard their rights and needs, moving your operation to a country with dirt cheap labor, you might make a lot more money in the short-term, but in the long-term, you're destroying the economy of the country you are selling your cheap, foreign-made products to. The American paying consumer needs a good paying job to purchase the products they consume. Strip them of a good-paying job and they start using their credit cards and they get heavily in debt and it's all downhill from there.

Your assumption that factory workers are uneducated, unskilled, and stupid, hence not worthy of a good salary is false. My mother's husband is a retired highly skilled machinist and CNC machine programmer. He doesn't even have a high school diploma, but nonetheless, he's highly skilled and intelligent. He can even design products for engineers using 3D design software like Autocad and 3D Max. The man is 70 years old and although he's retired he still designs his own products and makes them with his homemade CNC machine. Your assumption that blue-collar workers aren't worth a good salary because supposedly they're a bunch of uneducated dolts, is just wrong.

Workers have the right to unionize, just as the rich and powerful also have their own unions in the form of chambers of commerce, super PACs, and a host of other organizations that advance their vested interests and needs. Workers also have that right and if you claim that employers have the right to close their factories here in America and move them to China and Mexico to make a lot more money selling cheap products to American-paying consumers, you're confused. American companies have that right only if the American people allow them to have it, which is essentially the right to destroy the American economy in the long-term to make big bucks in the short-term. Do American companies have the right to destroy America to make a huge profit in the short-term? Only if Americans are stupid enough to allow them to do that. Practically all of the companies that moved their factories to China and Mexico, were still making a good profit manufacturing all of those products here in America, employing Americans. They're just a bunch of greedy assholes that don't really care about America.
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...most of our opioid abuse hails from legal domestic prescriptions


...most of our opioid abuse hails from legal domestic prescriptions



You're right, but when we count substance abuse in general, most of those drugs are coming in through Mexico, according to the data I've read. Maybe you have information that contradicts that?
Maybe you have information that contradicts that?
there are sources that would read like antivax sites CF

they are usually demonized and subsequently dismissed as conspiracy theorist fodder

the rationale being our pharmacabal does not want to be in the public light .....a grand bait switch , considering they make the illegal pushers look like pikers

anecdotally, the local PD just took in some 296 pounds (POUNDS) of spent pharmaceuticals in under a weeks time in rural southern VT

guess what they missed, and where it's all been going?

The American fentanyl problem belongs solely to Mexico. Mexico is not enforcing restrictions on the ingredients being imported to their country. Mexico is not stopping the actual production of fentanyl after the ingredients arrive. Mexico is not stopping the transport within it's own borders much less limiting it crossing international borders.
Yeah right, let's blame the Chinese for all of our problems. Sure.

Why don't we stop closing our factories and moving them to China and Mexico? Restore America's manufacturing base and stop buying everything from China. Start buying MADE IN USA. Is China stopping us from doing that? We have plenty of resources in this country, why are we so dependent upon China? Cheaper labor? Cheaper products? Can't Americans trade cheap for quality? I'm willing to pay a bit more for an American-made product than for a cheaper, probably lower-quality, Chinese product. Chinese products have actually improved a lot since the 1980s and 90s. Nonetheless, as an American, I would rather buy American, even if I have to pay a bit more, even considerably more, I don't care. We need to restore our manufacturing base and stop blaming China for all of our problems.

If you want to blame someone, blame the greedy corporations that were willing to cannibalize the American economy, by moving to China with the intent of selling their Chinese-made products to the Americans they stripped of a good paying factory job, encouraging massive credit card debt for American consumers. Lowering wages and the standard of living for all Americans. Gutting America's manufacturing capacity like a fish in pursuit of profits.
Nice try on the dodge. I fully realize we created the monster that is modern China beginning with Nixon all the way up to present day Biden. The subject is the monster China and the overt and covert attacks they are waging on America TODAY. Fentanyl is a chemical attack on our country killing 100 Americans every single day. It is by every measure a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Unfortunately, Biden is Xi Jinping's lap puppet which is why he says and does NOTHING about it.
Why risk an armed conflict when you can destroy your enemy's from the inside?
Synthetic opioids remain the source of the deadliest U.S. drug epidemic ever. Since 1999, drug overdoses have killed approximately 1 million Americans,1 an overdose lethality that has increased significantly since 2012 when synthetic opioids from China began supplying the U.S. demand for illicit opioids.

Even though China placed the entire class of fentanyl-type drugs and two key fentanyl precursors under a controlled regulatory regime in May 2019, it remains the principal (if indirect) source of U.S. fentanyl
Nah. Can't blame China for the fentanyl deaths. I blame the drug addicts. This is America's fault. Or more specifically the fault of Americans. Our culture is in decay. Rife with self-indulgence, narcissism, hedonism, and hopelessness. Deaths such as those represented by the fentanyl over doses are just one example of how, given free will, an amoral person, and society will invariably destroy itself.
US virologists such as Ralph Baric expedited the coming of the communist virus, SARS2, which can only intelligently be called a communist virus.
Communist defending China and blaming America. Whoa, what a surprise!
China is powerful enough to destroy America? Did China force America to close down all of its factories and move them to China and Mexico? Really? You have to be a retired, brainwashed, elderly redneck, with a little brain. All of that prune juice and tight-fitting MAGA hats have strained your brain.

Redneck Inventions9.jpg
The Chinese learned all about opioids and resulting decay centuries ago. They also understood the quickest and easiest way to destroy a country was within. All they have to do is sit back and watch the greenies and progressive liberals do their work for them.
China is powerful enough to destroy America? Did China force America to close down all of its factories and move them to China and Mexico? Really? You have to be a retired, brainwashed, elderly redneck, with a little brain. All of that prune juice and tight-fitting MAGA hats have strained your brain.

You are not educated enough to be mouthing off about China's modus operandi. The syllabus will require you to go back to the modus the Chinese used for the indigenous Udihe of the Primoskye Krai, now hopelessly indebted to the Chinese.

Your next reading assignment will be to hunt for the texts that show the Chinese colonizer's habit: geographical quests for future enslavement by marking certain areas on the map with the color, red. Good luck.
The current catholic mafia-CIA POSPOTUS marionette knows the dangers of exposing his son's drug-eating habits.

Hitler's New Shower
Amazon product ASIN 1720150958'....Chase down the presidential bloodline which has been dealing opiates for centuries.'

This trajectory will also include the Clinton crime family drug trafficking for links to Abraham Lincoln, precisely at Harriman, Tennessee.

So much TALK,, So little accurate information.
We've already posted the accurate information that links Harriman, Tennessee with Temperance, Michigan for the Clinton crime family and its employees. Oliver Springs, Tennessee, for British MI6. Because you don't have the familial DNA that gets close enough to these psychopaths to understand them, you can easily mouth off about what you thought you knew.

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