Is chris matthew smarter than a 5th grader?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

What part of “SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF“ do you not understand?
What part of “ANCHOR BABIES ARE NOT DESCENDENTS OF EX-SLAVES” do you not understand”

Chris Matthews want to let those here today stay and put on a path to citizenship and stop those who comes in tomorrow. How many time will we have to “let them stay.” We let 3 million stay in 1986 and it grew to 20 million today. If we let those 20 million here stay, tomorrow the 20 million will become 250 million due to bringing in their families. And he his still drinking if he think we can stop illegal immigration tomorrow. If we could stop illegal immigration tomorrow, we would have stopped it before 20 million entered. we will never stop illegal immigration if we keep letting them stay every 20 years. Only way we can stop illegal immigration is at the source and the source it businesses that hire illegal aliens.

People like Chris Matthews, Cong. Luis Gutierrez, Cong. Raul Grivajalva and other pro-illegal immigration and pro-Automatic Birthright Citizenship do not want to understand the correct interpretation of the 14th amendment and illegal immigration. Letting illegal immigration and automatic birthright citizenship continue is not a option. If we are going to survive as a sovereign nation, we must stop illegal immigration and the 14th amendment must been repealed to read “every one born in this country to a parent who is an American citizen is american citizen.” as it stands now, it does not read that way. And a 5th grader can understand that.

Original intent of the 14th Amendment ... ntent.html

14th Amendment increases problems with illegal immigrationBy Anika Jhalani | October 4, 2010
14th Amendment increases problems with illegal immigration | Saratoga Falcon
The politicians are driving people to violence.

No, Chris Matthews is not smarter than a 5th grader. You can see him spit when he talks on camera.
Chris Matthews in not smarter than a 5th grader - but neither is he smarter than a 1st grader.
Yes ,he says a lot of stupid thing's, but so do other's in the Media, that is what make's watching them so intertaining!
Actually his spitting and his wind blown hair is what makes him interesting. Some call him the bull dog - I call him the mad dog.

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