Zone1 Is Clarence Thomas the greatest black man in American history?

He should never have been confirmed to the court.

What landmark decision did Thomas write after all his time as a justice? His associates in the past never let him because they didn't trust him.
So, you are now making up things about him?

Of course, he should have been confirmed and he has been an outstanding Justice.
So, you are now making up things about him?

Of course, he should have been confirmed and he has been an outstanding Justice.
Blather. He spent most of time in the minority on landmark decisions.
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So, you are now making up things about him?

Of course, he should have been confirmed and he has been an outstanding Justice.
He has been a sorry justice who discredits the memory of the man he replaced-Thurgood Marshall.
Blather. He spent most of time in the minority on landmark decisions.
He's a token who was put there to do what they did today and to roll back civil rights.
Well…one white devil did try to hold him back….
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A white man accuses a black man of sexual assault without any evidence on national TV. Yet here IM2 claims Biden isn’t a racist, us Republicans are!
I think Anita Hill disagrees with you. Biden is not a racist. Your posts and posts by other republicans here show the racism in the republican party.

Is Clarence Thomas the greatest black man in American history?​

He is a man.

He is black.

He is great.

Our Republic is lucky to have had him serve.

He is absolutely one of the greatest Justices on the Supreme Court to have ever sat on the bench.
Anita Hill was a liar, paid by Dems to railroad a black man.

Biden also called black kids “roaches”, but he’s not a racist? LOL
Yeah right.

Biden took orders from a black man for 8 years. A racist doesn't do that.
Yeah right.

Biden took orders from a black man for 8 years. A racist doesn't do that.
What orders did he take? A VP doesn’t do jack shit.

He described the Hussein as a well articulated intelligent black man, inferring that most are not.
What orders did he take? A VP doesn’t do jack shit.

He described the Hussein as a well articulated intelligent black man, inferring that most are not.
He took orders from a black man for 8 years. Racists don't do that. Trump told blacks that all blak neirbohoods were hellholes. Those like you defended every racist utterance from his mouth. On top of the racism you express yourself. So don't say jack to me about what Biden said.
Funny how nobody black here is ranking Thomas anywhere near the top.

Only the racists think he is. great. That says something and it ain't good.
He took orders from a black man for 8 years. Racists don't do that. Trump told blacks that all blak neirbohoods were hellholes. Those like you defended every racist utterance from his mouth. On top of the racism you express yourself. So don't say jack to me about what Biden said.
They are hell holes, because they’ve been run by Democrats for over 60 years. They defund police, let criminals back on the streets, restrict gun rights for law abiding citizens, promote drug use, and let the criminals terrorize their neighborhoods. Pointing out facts isn’t racist.
That's a lie. I stand for everything King supported. He supported non violent direct confrontation. That's what I'm doing here. You seem to believe that King stood for shut up and take it.

Dr. King's nonviolence campaign consisted of 6 steps:

STEP ONE: INFORMATION GATHERING. Identify the issues in your community and/or school in need of positive change. To understand the issue, problem or injustice facing a person, community, or institution, you must increase your understanding of the problem. Your investigation should include all sides of the issue and may include formal research and listening to the experiences of others.

STEP TWO: EDUCATE OTHERS. It is essential to inform others, including your opposition, about your issue. In order to cause change, the people in the community must be aware of the issue and understand its impact. By educating others you will minimize misunderstanding and gain support and allies.

STEP THREE: PERSONAL COMMITMENT. Check and affirm your faith in the philosophy and methods of nonviolence. Causing change requires dedication and long hours of work. Meet with others regularly to stay focused on your goal. Prepare yourself to accept sacrifices, if necessary, in your work for justice.

STEP FOUR: NEGOTIATIONS. Using grace, humor and intelligence, confront the individuals whom need to participate in this change. Discuss a plan for addressing and resolving these injustices. Look for what is positive in every action and statement the opposition makes. Do not seek to humiliate the opponent but call forth the good in the opponent. Look for ways in which the opponent can become an ally.

STEP FIVE: DIRECT ACTION. These are actions taken to convince others to work with you in resolving the injustices. Direct action imposes a “creative tension” into the conflict. Direct action is most effective when it illustrates the injustice it seeks to correct. There are hundreds of direct action, including:

• Boycotts --- refusal to buy products
• Marches and rallies
• Letter-writing and petition campaigns
• Political action and voting
• Public art and performance

STEP SIX: RECONCILIATION. Nonviolence seeks friendship and understanding. Nonviolence does not seek to defeat the opponent. Nonviolence is directed against evil systems, oppressive policies, and unjust acts, not against persons.

This is what King was about. But all you can do is repeat one sentence. Do us all a favor:

No, you need to keep Reverend (why do you keep saying Dr.? Do you not want to recognize him as a man of God?) King's name out of your mouth, racist.

You have defended and supported violent attack on here many times. You fight against everything Reverend King stood for. You continuously judge us by the color of our skin instead of the contents of our hearts. You're a racist. Reverent King was not.

You keep his name out of your racist mouth!
Yeah right.

Biden took orders from a black man for 8 years. A racist doesn't do that.
Oh, yeah... He did take orders from the very first clean, articulate, black man in the history of the United States, didn't he? Yes, that proves he's not a racist....
Funny how nobody black here is ranking Thomas anywhere near the top.

Only the racists think he is. great. That says something and it ain't good.
No doubt that ranking a black man as one of the best men in the history of the world proves that I hate him for being black.
I think Anita Hill disagrees with you. Biden is not a racist. Your posts and posts by other republicans here show the racism in the republican party.
Biden has been making racist comments for his entire career. You just won’t admit it because he pretends to be on your side. He is a hypocrite and a crook who has enriched himself and his family while pretending to be a public servant.
I think Anita Hill disagrees with you. Biden is not a racist. Your posts and posts by other republicans here show the racism in the republican party.

Anita Hill was LYING and making obvious contradictory answers then was exposed as still wanting to follow Thomas:


The three reasons Hill gave to explain why she followed Thomas from the Department of Education to EEOC were exposed as completely false. Contrary to her claims, she was a career employee with job security at the Department of Education. She knew Thomas’ successor (Harry Singleton), who stated that he would have welcomed Hill to continue working at the Department.

Not even Thurgood Marshall can hold a candle to Clarence Thomas. Thomas also holds the distinction of being the first black Associate SCOTUS Justice to swear in a Vice President.

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