Is Democracy being destroyed?

Aww, you poor thing. You're illiterate. How sad. A definition of democracy is a government where the supreme power is exercised the peoples' elected officials.

In the U.S., the people elect members of Congress and Congress exercises that power.
what part of definition do you not understand??

so take the buttplug out of your mouth and put it back where it belongs,,
What part of "directly or indirectly through a system of representation" do you fail to understand?

This willful stupidity is astounding to observe.

Your desire to bleev what some other retard told you above what is right in front of your face is incredible. You have literally been struck blind by your own hackery,.
What part of "directly or indirectly through a system of representation" do you fail to understand?

This willful stupidity is astounding to observe.

Your desire to bleev what some other retard told you above what is right in front of your face is incredible.

No one said we are a PURE democracy.

What a dumb fuck you are!

Now tell us what part of "directly or indirectly through a system of representation" do you fail to understand? Which word is stumping you?

No one said we are a PURE democracy.

What a dumb fuck you are!

Now tell us what part of "directly or indirectly through a system of representation" do you fail to understand?
by not being specific your goal is to gaslight the uneducated,,,

why are you so afraid to call us what we are???
a republic or more specific a constitutional republic,,
The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We see no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. - Woodrow Wilson, April 2, 1917.
youre so fucking braindead you didnt realize what you posted proved you wrong,,,

we dont rule by the majority,, nor is the supreme power vested in the people,,,

the constitution makes that very clear,,,

I diodnt ask for a synonym,, I asked for the defintion of a democracy,,

why are you so afraid to say constitution??


You don't think the supreme power is vested in the people?? Who do you think elects member of Congress??

Dayum, you're thick.

You don't think the supreme power is vested in the people?? Who do you think elects member of Congress??

Dayum, you're thick.
do the people vote for the president or laws and rights?? those are just a few that come to mind,,,

I didnt think so,,
do the people vote for the president or laws and rights?? those are just a few that come to mind,,,

I didnt think so,,

Moron, they vote for the representatives who exercise that power for us. The people have the ultimate say, since despite your massive ignorance on political sovereignty, we can vote out representatives who don't support what we want.
Moron, they vote for the representatives who exercise that power for us. The people have the ultimate say, since despite your massive ignorance on political sovereignty, we can vote out representatives who don't support what we want.
so the people do not have supreme power,,

thay in-accordance with the constitution give that power to the reps,,

hence a constitutional republic,,

in a democracy that power stays with the people,,
Rights are inalienable. The president doesn't give us laws. It's Congress who does and we vote them in or out. The ones we vote in, represent us. The very definition of a democracy.
why do you keep trying to change the subject to things I never said and that dont apply??

and no thats not the definition of a democracy,,,

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