Is Democracy being destroyed?

Yep. Most of them are liars and crooks because as federal or government workers, they are PROTECTED from any real accountability. Your account above reminds me of the NOAA weather website I use to check the weather. It is the least useful, least functional site I know of for getting weather info---- half the time it isn't even working right and is down. No one in the private sector could be so incompetent and still hold a job.
Machiavelli Was Superficial

Statists purposely hire only the incompetent, lazy, and nasty. Is this a contradiction? Loving the government so much, you'd think they'd want to make its services attractive.

Two possible reasons for this. One, they have more power if they get away with forcing us to put up with the worst. Two, they are agents of the Right Wing they are born in and want us to deliver ourselves to the mercy of the GreedHead private sector.
the people dont vote to elect POTUS,,

the people dont vote for rights...

the people dont vote for laws,,,

sorry spanky,, being a form of democracy doesnt make us a democracy as stated in the definition you posted,,

the constitution is very clear we are a republic with a constitution,, hence a constitutional republic that protects us from what a democracy can do,, democracy isnt even mentioned except where people like you try and gaslight the uneducated,,

You have no idea what you're rambling about.

The president doesn't give us laws, Congress does. The president merely passes or vetoes them. And when the president vetoes them, Congress can override the veto. And the president can't pass any law that Congress doesn't give them. Congress has all the power when it comes to laws. And Congress represents us and we directly elect them.
You have no idea what you're rambling about.

The president doesn't give us laws, Congress does. The president merely passes or vetoes them. And when the president vetoes them, Congress can override the veto. And the president can't pass any law that Congress doesn't give them. Congress has all the power when it comes to laws. And Congress represents us and we directly elect them.
why are you trying to change the subject to something I never said??

would it be you know youre a lying piece of shit and cant come up with anything else??
why are you trying to change the subject to something I never said??

would it be you know youre a lying piece of shit and cant come up with anything else??

You're deranged.

You said, the people dont vote for laws,,,

The people vote for representatives and those representatives votes for laws. That's a democracy.
The Democrats are making a big mistake that will at the minimum hurt them politically for some time and most likely hurt ALL Americans for a long time.
  • More and more Americans are recognizing the Democrat party is first and foremost and understandably, fighting to survive.
  • More Americans are realizing the sources of their information is not honest.
  • More Americans are realizing the President doesn't really care about Americans... look at Maui, Hi...and "no comment" Biden..after more than 100 Americans have perished.
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats total obsession with surviving has politicized our justice system...look at GA...
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats AND RINO GOPers!!... are destroying our democratic heritage...all to maintain their political status.
  • Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents agree that U.S. democracy is "more at risk" now than it was a year ago. Among Republicans, that number climbs to 4 in 5.
  • Overall, 70% of poll respondents agree that the country is in crisis and at risk of failing.

It seems we are more in the grip of elites in washington who tell us what to fo rather than the other way around
You're deranged.

You said, the people dont vote for laws,,,

The people vote for representatives and those representatives votes for laws. That's a democracy.

Conservatives are desperate to convince us that we're not a when they try and suppress democracy, we won't complain.

As the Ohio vote demonstrated, its not a great plan.
You're deranged.

You said, the people dont vote for laws,,,

The people vote for representatives and those representatives votes for laws. That's a democracy.
Or the reps delegate authority to unelected federal departments who mandate rules
You're deranged.

You said, the people dont vote for laws,,,

The people vote for representatives and those representatives votes for laws. That's a democracy.
once again you prove we are not a democracy as stated in the definition you posted,,
considering democracy is one of the worst political systems ever created by man short of total government I sure hope its being destroyed,,

thats one of the reasons we are a constitutional republic not a democracy,,
I would like to know what fucktard told you parroting dipshits that we are not a democracy.

You tards have been parroting this hoax by the dozens.

You just get dumber and dumber by the day.

We are a republic AND a democracy, moron.

You parrots literally are incapable of independent thinking any more.


The tard is just too deep in you to continue any further.

I would recommend you read this speech, but I know you are too dumb to understand the big words:

Democracy's Next Battle by Ronald Reagan.

I also believe every American should read this book, but you are DEFINITELY too stupid to understand the big words in it:

considering democracy is one of the worst political systems ever created by man short of total government I sure hope its being destroyed,,

thats one of the reasons we are a constitutional republic not a democracy,,

Was it Tucker Carlson who lied to you? Who was it?

So you'd expect congress to collect taxes.....personally?
I expect congress to make the tax laws that the unelected gov employees enforce

But I was thinking more of all the other rules and regulations forced upon us by government through the Department of Whatever
Was it Tucker Carlson who lied to you? Who was it?

youre so fucking braindead you didnt realize what you posted proved you wrong,,,

we dont rule by the majority,, nor is the supreme power vested in the people,,,

the constitution makes that very clear,,,

I diodnt ask for a synonym,, I asked for the defintion of a democracy,,

why are you so afraid to say constitution??
youre so fucking braindead you didnt realize what you posted proved you wrong,,,

we dont rule by the majority,, nor is the supreme power vested in the people,,,

the constitution makes that very clear,,,

What part of "directly or indirectly through a system of representation" do you fail to understand?

Are the big words confusing you? I'm here to help.

It is simply mind-boggling after over two centuries, we suddenly have a large crop of morons who are unaware they live in a democracy.

You are so easily gaslighted, your propagandists don't even have to make an effort any more!

It won't be long before you'll be telling us the Earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese.
A democratic republic does not survive when the key branch of government responsible for guaranteeing constitutional rights and checks and balance’s has been politicalized.

What part of "directly or indirectly through a system of representation" do you fail to understand?

Are the big words confusing you? I'm here to help.

It is simply mind-boggling after over two centuries, we suddenly have a large crop of morons who are unaware they live in a democracy.

You are so easily gaslighted, your propagandists don't even have to make an effort any more!

It won't be long before you'll be telling us the Earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese.
what part of definition do you not understand??

so take the buttplug out of your mouth and put it back where it belongs,,
A democratic republic does not survive when the key branch of government responsible for guaranteeing constitutional rights and checks and balance’s has been politicalized.
thats why we are a constitutional republic that uses a democratic process to elect our reps,,
once again you prove we are not a democracy as stated in the definition you posted,,

Aww, you poor thing. You're illiterate. How sad. A definition of democracy is a government where the supreme power is exercised the peoples' elected officials.

In the U.S., the people elect members of Congress and Congress exercises that power.
Aww, you poor thing. You're illiterate. How sad. A definition of democracy is a government where the supreme power is exercised the peoples' elected officials.

In the U.S., the people elect members of Congress and Congress exercises that power.
not according to the definition you posted,,

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