Is Democracy being destroyed?

so the people do not have supreme power,,

thay in-accordance with the constitution give that power to the reps,,

hence a constitutional republic,,

in a democracy that power stays with the people,,

No, idiot, that power does not need to stay directly with the people to be a democracy. It can, or that power can be exercised by elected officials to be a democracy.

You've been shown this definition. You don't understand it because you're illiterate.
No, idiot, that power does not need to stay directly with the people to be a democracy. It can, or that power can be exercised by elected officials to be a democracy.

You've been shown this definition. You don't understand it because you're illiterate.
yes idiot it does,,, otherwise it becomes something else,, in our case a constitutional republic,,,
yes idiot it does,,, otherwise it becomes something else,, in our case a constitutional republic,,,

Moron, here's the definition yet again. It states either the people directly, OR indirectly through elected officials, exercise that power.

a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

a state having such a form of government:The United States and Canada are democracies.

But you don't even know that supreme power is vested in the people. You are that ignorant. That's why you've been making the wrong argument on this for pages now.
The Democrats are making a big mistake that will at the minimum hurt them politically for some time and most likely hurt ALL Americans for a long time.
  • More and more Americans are recognizing the Democrat party is first and foremost and understandably, fighting to survive.
  • More Americans are realizing the sources of their information is not honest.
  • More Americans are realizing the President doesn't really care about Americans... look at Maui, Hi...and "no comment" Biden..after more than 100 Americans have perished.
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats total obsession with surviving has politicized our justice system...look at GA...
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats AND RINO GOPers!!... are destroying our democratic heritage...all to maintain their political status.
  • Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents agree that U.S. democracy is "more at risk" now than it was a year ago. Among Republicans, that number climbs to 4 in 5.
  • Overall, 70% of poll respondents agree that the country is in crisis and at risk of failing.

The current regime is prosecuting and likely imprisoning their main, what do you think?

We're living in a banana republic.
I would like to know what fucktard told you parroting dipshits that we are not a democracy.

You tards have been parroting this hoax by the dozens.

You just get dumber and dumber by the day.

We are a republic AND a democracy, moron.

You parrots literally are incapable of independent thinking any more.


The tard is just too deep in you to continue any further.

I would recommend you read this speech, but I know you are too dumb to understand the big words:

Democracy's Next Battle by Ronald Reagan.

I also believe every American should read this book, but you are DEFINITELY too stupid to understand the big words in it:


What a fucking moron.

Some Frenchman wrote a book about American "democracy" and you're trying to use it as evidence?

What an idiot.

Go away with that stupid bullshit.

We do NOT have mob rule in this country AND WE NEVER WILL.
Moron, here's the definition yet again. It states either the people directly, OR indirectly through elected officials, exercise that power.

a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
a state having such a form of government:The United States and Canada are democracies.

But you don't even know that supreme power is vested in the people. You are that ignorant. That's why you've been making the wrong argument on this for pages now.
specifics matter bob,,,

as it says a form of democracy,,

my question is a democracy not a form of it,,,

why are you so afraid of the constitution and saying it???
The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We see no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. - Woodrow Wilson, April 2, 1917.
Figures you'd quote a lying fucking globalist who almost destroyed this country.

You leftards are pathetic.

Go take a long walk off a short pier, maybe it'll wake you up.
The current regime is prosecuting and likely imprisoning their main, what do you think?

We're living in a banana republic.
trump is already rallying his followers to start a civil war if he's convicted. That way he could blame it all on them. This coming from a man who says he loves his country. Placing yourself above the needs of your country is exactly what traitors do.
trump is already rallying his followers to start a civil war if he's convicted. That way he could blame it all on them. This coming from a man who says he loves his country. Placing yourself above the needs of your country is exactly what traitors do.
We don't need to become a communist dictatorship under democrat tyranny.

Don't worry. You won't see a civil war. Just the erosion of civil society into ungovernable, blood in the streets chaos.
We were never a democracy. We were a constitutional republic. We were. Now on our way to communist dictatorship.
You're an idiot. Yes, we are a Constitutional Republic based on democratic ideals. As for dictatorship, trump is now encouraging civil war, that's exactly what dictators try to do. Just plug in the 15 qualities of dictatorship and you'll see how it defines trump from the very first quality. I won't go through them all the 1 will prove my point. 1. Dictators foster cults of personality, a form of hero worship in which the masses are fed propaganda declaring their leader to be flawless and divine . That wraps it all up. Live with it.
We don't need to become a communist dictatorship under democrat tyranny.

Don't worry. You won't see a civil war. Just the erosion of civil society into ungovernable, blood in the streets chaos.
I have more faith in people than you could ever imagine. Don't worry yourselves to death.
The Democrats are making a big mistake that will at the minimum hurt them politically for some time and most likely hurt ALL Americans for a long time.
  • More and more Americans are recognizing the Democrat party is first and foremost and understandably, fighting to survive.
  • More Americans are realizing the sources of their information is not honest.
  • More Americans are realizing the President doesn't really care about Americans... look at Maui, Hi...and "no comment" Biden..after more than 100 Americans have perished.
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats total obsession with surviving has politicized our justice system...look at GA...
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats AND RINO GOPers!!... are destroying our democratic heritage...all to maintain their political status.
  • Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents agree that U.S. democracy is "more at risk" now than it was a year ago. Among Republicans, that number climbs to 4 in 5.
  • Overall, 70% of poll respondents agree that the country is in crisis and at risk of failing.

There is only one thing that makes this week a great week and that is knowing there is no way the piece of shit trump can or will stay out of jail. He is toast and now we can move onto the 100 others that are involved and who are automatically guilty the day that the court finds scum bag guilty . It will be enough,I believe, to get the house back for the Democrats. When these many hate party politicians are found guilty of a felony and are thrown out of office.

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