Is Donald Trump Inciting Riots?

Did Obama bus in people to violently protest Trump. Trump was just sitting there and then came in and threaten to destroy chicago because he spoke.
Right, because left wing douche bags just can't control themselves when confronted with any opinion they don't agree with.

You're the little poodle following me around fido
You think I'm following you? Nobody pays attention to you, do they?

Good puppy....
First off, no Donald trump is not to blame for the riots, and either is Bernie. Its the feral BLM assholes that are getting out of hand. They need to be retrained to understand that they are nothing, nobody cares about them but them.
Now my question, what is it that is causing people to point at Bernie Sanders as the cause of the poor life choices of the animals. Is there some proof that they are his supporters? and is there some proof that they are acting at his request?
there could be I suppose, Im not really sure, if someone has a link to show the relationship between Sanders and the chimps at BLM, it would be helpful for those of us that are not aware of Bernie putting out the orders, requests or even suggestions to disrupt Trump rallies.
and as a last note, If Trump actually did threaten to have his supporters act in the same way to Bernie and they do, at that point I will have no choice but to agree that Trump is in fact calling for and responsible for those people and their actions.
But, I think the major question is how this is even being considered the responsibility of Bernie or Donald. Anyone think that maybe Hillary could be creating the situation to make both of her opponents look bad? Its not below her, and to be honest I think it falls right in line with Clinton morals. Something to think about.
You libs have enough problems with blacks rioting, looting, and burning down communities in your liberal run inner cities. How many blacks were shot and killed this weekend by other blacks in Chicago?
Trump is a modern day Barry Goldwater.

Barry Goldwater was a great man.
I agree he was to your type. To bad for you he never made POTUS.
Yeah, instead we got Lyndon B. Johnson (and 58,000 dead American soldiers).
LBJ was a real dumb easily led racist jerk....And a flaming liberal...His stupid Great Society has cost this country trillions of dollars with ZERO results

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