Is Donald Trump really as evil and as bad as people say he is?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Is Donald Trump a bad person? And how bad is he exactly?

I have seen some people compare him to Adolf Hitler, but I think that is taking it too far. Also why is he portrayed as a bad person? Is it the taking of innocent children from their families? His racism? His sexual assault allegations?
I of course don’t know him personally and, unlike his haters, make no claims that I know what goes through his head, but no, he’s not as bad and evil as people say. The people who say he is are BRAINWASHED and like to wish things into existence, like those concentration camps that still don’t exist, for example... or that he’s Putin’s bitch.
I have to say, I think invading Poland was a mistake. Trump just played into the narrative that he was a warmongering fascist. After all, you never see previous Presidents starting wars like this. Sure, holding up the big mirror and watching the Polish army subsequently shoot themselves may have been funny, but such warmongering is unacceptable. Dividing Poland with the Russians only cements the notion that he colluded with them. I thought he was smarter than this. I guess this means that Putin will see to it that Trump wins in 2020 as well.

Trump is also a racist. Let me splain. The low unemployment and increased GDP is boasted by Trump and the GOP, even with minorities. Don't let it fool you though. These minorities are working for low wages. This is nothing more than Trump creating slave labor camps minus the barbed wire and armed guards. These poor minorities enter these jobs and are transfixed by the low salary, so much so they can't see that not having a job and being on government assistance would be preferable. This would only be acceptable if they were Japanese Americans.

Also Trump likes whores. Don't get me wrong, Americans love idolatrous Presidents and have a long list of them, but we are not accustomed to these whores coming after the Presidents. Americans only like it when the whore and President are both happy. It makes Trump look like a whore bigot.
Is Donald Trump a bad person? And how bad is he exactly?

I have seen some people compare him to Adolf Hitler, but I think that is taking it too far. Also why is he portrayed as a bad person? Is it the taking of innocent children from their families? His racism? His sexual assault allegations?
Trump never said that, idiot.

He called MS-13 "animals".
Is Donald Trump a bad person? And how bad is he exactly?

I have seen some people compare him to Adolf Hitler, but I think that is taking it too far. Also why is he portrayed as a bad person? Is it the taking of innocent children from their families? His racism? His sexual assault allegations?

There is Trump, and there is the constructed Trump that leftist have created as their own personal boogeyman.
Is Donald Trump a bad person? And how bad is he exactly?

I have seen some people compare him to Adolf Hitler, but I think that is taking it too far. Also why is he portrayed as a bad person? Is it the taking of innocent children from their families? His racism? His sexual assault allegations?

There is Trump, and there is the constructed Trump that leftist have created as their own personal boogeyman.

Trump constructed himself as the biggest fucking liar in the history of US Presidents.

YOU and the rest of his collective of mindless drones constructed a stage to kiss his ass on.
Is Donald Trump a bad person? And how bad is he exactly?

I have seen some people compare him to Adolf Hitler, but I think that is taking it too far. Also why is he portrayed as a bad person? Is it the taking of innocent children from their families? His racism? His sexual assault allegations?

There is Trump, and there is the constructed Trump that leftist have created as their own personal boogeyman.

Trump constructed himself as the biggest fucking liar in the history of US Presidents.

YOU and the rest of his collective of mindless drones constructed a stage to kiss his ass on.

You are a perfect example of a lefty who has to make his opponent the worst-est, baddest, meanest, blah blah blah whatever IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

Ah, for the good old days of when GWB was BushMcChimpyHitler.
Is Donald Trump a bad person? And how bad is he exactly?

I have seen some people compare him to Adolf Hitler, but I think that is taking it too far. Also why is he portrayed as a bad person? Is it the taking of innocent children from their families? His racism? His sexual assault allegations?

There is Trump, and there is the constructed Trump that leftist have created as their own personal boogeyman.

Trump constructed himself as the biggest fucking liar in the history of US Presidents.

YOU and the rest of his collective of mindless drones constructed a stage to kiss his ass on.

You are a perfect example of a lefty who has to make his opponent the worst-est, baddest, meanest, blah blah blah whatever IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

Ah, for the good old days of when GWB was BushMcChimpyHitler.
Is Donald Trump a bad person? And how bad is he exactly?

I have seen some people compare him to Adolf Hitler, but I think that is taking it too far. Also why is he portrayed as a bad person? Is it the taking of innocent children from their families? His racism? His sexual assault allegations?
Can you tell us when the last time was you got thrown in jail for prostitution?

I mean I'm not judging... just wondered if you quit doing heroine yet?

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