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Is Donald Trump sane? The evidence suggests he’s not

And I assume you think Hillary would be pulling jobs back to America, and would have accomplished more a month in than Trump has?
Trump is tons saner than the World War III siamese twins Lindsey Graham and McShitstain, whom profess to be in the same party!
Trump had better bring jobs back to Red Neck Amerika or he's in trouble.

No problemo! He's already started........just scratching the surface with real jobs; not like the majority of Obamas' jobs which were part-time.
Red State voters don't know and will not recognize what a real job is ........ so don't worry.
And I assume you think Hillary would be pulling jobs back to America, and would have accomplished more a month in than Trump has?
Trump is tons saner than the World War III siamese twins Lindsey Graham and McShitstain, whom profess to be in the same party!
Trump had better bring jobs back to Red Neck Amerika or he's in trouble.

No problemo! He's already started........just scratching the surface with real jobs; not like the majority of Obamas' jobs which were part-time.
What has Trump started????? The jobs aren't coming back to red state Amerika. Trump has lied!!!!
Critical time for America with a lunatic in the white house
more scary his rubes aren't far behind him

Three weeks into the new presidential administration, many of us are overwhelmed by the constant barrage of bizarre and, frankly, incomprehensible “scandals” and controversies that have emanated from the White House.

I am not talking about the ban on visitors from seven Islamic countries, the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, or the appointment of executive branch agency heads who are devoted to abolishing them.

No, I am talking about the far more troubling string of statements issued by the president of the United States, whether in the form of middle-of-the-night tweets or in televised interviews and other public settings, in which easily proven facts are simply misrepresented or contradicted by absolute and unambiguous untruths, a.k.a. “lies”: that there were 1.3 million people on the National Mall for the inauguration, that it was the most widely viewed inauguration in U.S. history, and that 3 million illegal immigrants unlawfully cast their vote on Nov. 8, apparently all of them voting for Hillary Clinton, that busloads of Massachusetts residents rolled into New Hampshire to cast illegal votes, or that the American crime rate is the highest it’s been in 45 years.

This is not funny stuff. It is deadly serious. What these statements, and others like them (both during the campaign and since Jan. 20) demonstrate is that the president of the United States is not sane. Read that again, slowly: The president of the United States is not sane.

Is Donald Trump sane? The evidence suggests he's not
as sane as you are, guano.

(probably saner)

Way saner than batshit. LOL
Critical time for America with a lunatic in the white house
more scary his rubes aren't far behind him

Three weeks into the new presidential administration, many of us are overwhelmed by the constant barrage of bizarre and, frankly, incomprehensible “scandals” and controversies that have emanated from the White House.

I am not talking about the ban on visitors from seven Islamic countries, the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, or the appointment of executive branch agency heads who are devoted to abolishing them.

No, I am talking about the far more troubling string of statements issued by the president of the United States, whether in the form of middle-of-the-night tweets or in televised interviews and other public settings, in which easily proven facts are simply misrepresented or contradicted by absolute and unambiguous untruths, a.k.a. “lies”: that there were 1.3 million people on the National Mall for the inauguration, that it was the most widely viewed inauguration in U.S. history, and that 3 million illegal immigrants unlawfully cast their vote on Nov. 8, apparently all of them voting for Hillary Clinton, that busloads of Massachusetts residents rolled into New Hampshire to cast illegal votes, or that the American crime rate is the highest it’s been in 45 years.

This is not funny stuff. It is deadly serious. What these statements, and others like them (both during the campaign and since Jan. 20) demonstrate is that the president of the United States is not sane. Read that again, slowly: The president of the United States is not sane.

Is Donald Trump sane? The evidence suggests he's not
Is it possible they have us talking about his stupid comments meanwhile the coins in the other hand? Sweden?
And I assume you think Hillary would be pulling jobs back to America, and would have accomplished more a month in than Trump has?
Trump is tons saner than the World War III siamese twins Lindsey Graham and McShitstain, whom profess to be in the same party!
Trump had better bring jobs back to Red Neck Amerika or he's in trouble.

No problemo! He's already started........just scratching the surface with real jobs; not like the majority of Obamas' jobs which were part-time.
Red State voters don't know and will not recognize what a real job is ........ so don't worry.

But voters in the formerly blue states in Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan DID and will continue to do so in the future so, don't worry.
He's not crazy but he is suffering from a medical condition. See if the following description sounds familiar:
If you have XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. Or you may feel depressed and moody because you fall short of perfection.

Many experts use the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, to diagnose mental conditions. This manual is also used by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment.

DSM-5 criteria for XXXXXXXXXXXXX include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Although some features of XXXXXXXXXXXXX may seem like having confidence, it's not the same. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.

- MayoClinic.org

If you haven't guessed the condition yet.....Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The description and explanation above fits DT like a glove....even an imbecile can see that.
Trump shows all the signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Oh, if you google that term, pictures of Trump come up.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms - Mayo Clinic

That description matches Obama to a T, why didn't you mention it when he was in office?
Other than "claiming" it fits Obama, give some examples, because I don't see anything in his behavior or actions not to mention his words that come close to meeting the DSV-V NPD characteristic profile. Beyond that, we aren't dealing with Obama and he's not the President so MOVE ON!!! Talk about obsessing..
Watching libs unravel is pretty sweet. If Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox.
Well that or those who voted for him are either easily manipulated and duped by a smooth talking con artist or their as ignorant today as they were throughout the election and on election day and still completely unwilling to deal with truth, facts or logic and reason.
Watching libs unravel is pretty sweet. If Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox.
Well that or those who voted for him are either easily manipulated and duped by a smooth talking con artist or their as ignorant today as they were throughout the election and on election day and still completely unwilling to deal with truth, facts or logic and reason.
LOL, coming from an asshole that has none. He's doing what he ran on. The lying lefties claimed we were being duped back then and are still stuck on stupid.

The fact is he won, it's you who can't handle reality. Oh, btw, when I see a name like independent centrist I know right away I'm dealing with a hack.
Watching libs unravel is pretty sweet. If Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox.
Well that or those who voted for him are either easily manipulated and duped by a smooth talking con artist or their as ignorant today as they were throughout the election and on election day and still completely unwilling to deal with truth, facts or logic and reason.
LOL, coming from an asshole that has none. He's doing what he ran on. The lying lefties claimed we were being duped back then and are still stuck on stupid.

The fact is he won, it's you who can't handle reality. Oh, btw, when I see a name like independent centrist I know right away I'm dealing with a hack.
Just because you're incapable of independent thought and don't recognize logic or reason does not mean I'm a hack, whatever that is supposed to mean anyways. Since your argument seems to rest solely on the fact that he won as indication of my previous response not being true..I'd say your argument is really weak. Yes, he did manage to pull off acquiring the most electoral votes so he won but that doesn't make conservatives or him any less prone to ignorance or manipulation. In fact the argument could be made that it makes the likelihood of them being susceptible to misinformation and prone to believe data that isn't true much higher.
Watching libs unravel is pretty sweet. If Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox.
Well that or those who voted for him are either easily manipulated and duped by a smooth talking con artist or their as ignorant today as they were throughout the election and on election day and still completely unwilling to deal with truth, facts or logic and reason.
LOL, coming from an asshole that has none. He's doing what he ran on. The lying lefties claimed we were being duped back then and are still stuck on stupid.

The fact is he won, it's you who can't handle reality. Oh, btw, when I see a name like independent centrist I know right away I'm dealing with a hack.
Just because you're incapable of independent thought and don't recognize logic or reason does not mean I'm a hack, whatever that is supposed to mean anyways. Since your argument seems to rest solely on the fact that he won as indication of my previous response not being true..I'd say your argument is really weak. Yes, he did manage to pull off acquiring the most electoral votes so he won but that doesn't make conservatives or him any less prone to ignorance or manipulation. In fact the argument could be made that it makes the likelihood of them being susceptible to misinformation and prone to believe data that isn't true much higher.
You are a smear monger and fool nobody.

I said if Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox. You jumped in and started hurling shit at me so I backed it up with mentioning that he won and now you say that was my sole argument. You are too stupid to analyze a house fly, let alone a human being.

You just joined and you start out like this? Who's sock puppet are you? Tired of everybody ignoring you? Boohoo, poor baby.
And I assume you think Hillary would be pulling jobs back to America, and would have accomplished more a month in than Trump has?
Trump is tons saner than the World War III siamese twins Lindsey Graham and McShitstain, whom profess to be in the same party!
Trump had better bring jobs back to Red Neck Amerika or he's in trouble.

No problemo! He's already started........just scratching the surface with real jobs; not like the majority of Obamas' jobs which were part-time.
Red State voters don't know and will not recognize what a real job is ........ so don't worry.

But voters in the formerly blue states in Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan DID and will continue to do so in the future so, don't worry.

But the GOP Governors in those states you just mentioned will continue to use Interstate Crosschecking to ensure they purge otherwise legal Democrat voters from the voter rolls; thus turning those once blue state strong holds into narrowly won GOP victories!!!!

Here’s the top 5 factors in the 2016 elections in order of their impact on the outcome.

  1. The RNC’s Death Star, “Interstate Crosscheck” allowed the Republicans to dis-enfranchise more than enough of our voters to steal seats in both houses of Congress and take the Whitehouse. You thought Gerrymandering was bad, google this one. Of course all the usual suppression efforts continued unabated (republican boards of elections shorting of voting machines in non-white precincts, new voter ID laws everywhere possible, etc. ). Nothing was left to chance.
  2. FBI Director James Comey’s revenge on the Clinton’s for Bill’s pardon of Marc Rich. Instead of just closing the investigation on HRC’s State Dept. emails after finding nothing to act on, Comey took the unprecedented (and unprofessional) step of publicly scolding Hillary back in July of 2015, giving his fellow republicans the lie that HRC was irresponsible and careless. Obama should have demanded his resignation that day, but he let it slide. So Comey staid on to give the RNC an October surprise, announcing that they had another computer to rifle through for classified emails just days before the election when tearing the scab off her e-mail “scandal” would do the most damage to Hillary’s campaign.
  3. Cable news networks (Fox, CNN, Morning Joe’SNBC), focused solely on ratings and their own bottom lines, worked tirelessly to keep a “horse race” going between HRC and an incompetent Trump. By ignoring the issues, tearing down Hillary, and treating the campaign like a reality TV show starring The Donald, they propped up an RNC that should have sunk under the weight of it’s own B.S.
  4. Russian hackers and Julian Assange capitalized on the right-wing media’s interest in amplifying any negative story related to Hillary or her campaign to drip out stolen DNC and insider emails through wiki-leaks to sow discord on our side. And, probably the biggest help the republicans got from the Russians was that the hacking story dominated the post-election news while the voter suppression and voter roll purges that did the real damage were ignored.
  5. The Clinton campaign conceded immediately with no apparent game plan to fight what the exit polls clearly showed was a rigged election. This contest should have been drawn out long enough to count all the provisonal ballots that interstate cross-checked voters were forced to cast.
If it wasn’t the platform, the message, or the candidate, what could we have done better? With all the swing states controlled by republicans, it’s possible that even a Democratic dream team would’ve come up short against Interstate Crosscheck. The sad part is that the RNC’s plans to steal this election were not a secret. It was exposed in an August 24, 2016 article in Rolling Stone Magazine entitled “The GOP’s Stealth Attack on Voters” by Greg Palast and he had been warning us way before that. After Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004, republican attacks on our democracy should have been anticipated and planned for in every election. If their roles had been reversed, does anyone think Trump would have conceded without a fight? Before a right-wing judge shut it down, Jill Stein and Greg Palast found more than enough uncounted votes in Michigan to give HRC the win and probably would have found them in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania if we could have forced a real recount, but Obama’s Justice Dept. slept through all of it.
A Progressive Post-Mortem of the 2016 Elections
Watching libs unravel is pretty sweet. If Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox.
Well that or those who voted for him are either easily manipulated and duped by a smooth talking con artist or their as ignorant today as they were throughout the election and on election day and still completely unwilling to deal with truth, facts or logic and reason.
LOL, coming from an asshole that has none. He's doing what he ran on. The lying lefties claimed we were being duped back then and are still stuck on stupid.

The fact is he won, it's you who can't handle reality. Oh, btw, when I see a name like independent centrist I know right away I'm dealing with a hack.
Just because you're incapable of independent thought and don't recognize logic or reason does not mean I'm a hack, whatever that is supposed to mean anyways. Since your argument seems to rest solely on the fact that he won as indication of my previous response not being true..I'd say your argument is really weak. Yes, he did manage to pull off acquiring the most electoral votes so he won but that doesn't make conservatives or him any less prone to ignorance or manipulation. In fact the argument could be made that it makes the likelihood of them being susceptible to misinformation and prone to believe data that isn't true much higher.
You are a smear monger and fool nobody.

I said if Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox. You jumped in and started hurling shit at me so I backed it up with mentioning that he won and now you say that was my sole argument. You are too stupid to analyze a house fly, let alone a human being.

You just joined and you start out like this? Who's sock puppet are you? Tired of everybody ignoring you? Boohoo, poor baby.
Stop crying! Trump is only getting treated like Red State Amerika treated President Obama and would have treated HRC had she won the WH!!!

So YOU and the rest of Red State voting conservatives need to understand that Trump will get no breaks for the next 4 years.....ONLY domestic and global protest!!!!
Critical time for America with a lunatic in the white house
more scary his rubes aren't far behind him

Three weeks into the new presidential administration, many of us are overwhelmed by the constant barrage of bizarre and, frankly, incomprehensible “scandals” and controversies that have emanated from the White House.

I am not talking about the ban on visitors from seven Islamic countries, the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, or the appointment of executive branch agency heads who are devoted to abolishing them.

No, I am talking about the far more troubling string of statements issued by the president of the United States, whether in the form of middle-of-the-night tweets or in televised interviews and other public settings, in which easily proven facts are simply misrepresented or contradicted by absolute and unambiguous untruths, a.k.a. “lies”: that there were 1.3 million people on the National Mall for the inauguration, that it was the most widely viewed inauguration in U.S. history, and that 3 million illegal immigrants unlawfully cast their vote on Nov. 8, apparently all of them voting for Hillary Clinton, that busloads of Massachusetts residents rolled into New Hampshire to cast illegal votes, or that the American crime rate is the highest it’s been in 45 years.

This is not funny stuff. It is deadly serious. What these statements, and others like them (both during the campaign and since Jan. 20) demonstrate is that the president of the United States is not sane. Read that again, slowly: The president of the United States is not sane.

Is Donald Trump sane? The evidence suggests he's not
Typical liberal inabilty to get things correct, and then criticize from their predictable position of error. Ho hum.

Anybody who would claim that at least 3 million illegal aliens did not vote (for Hillary) in 2016, is a liar or an idiot.
Stop crying! Trump is only getting treated like Red State Amerika treated President Obama and would have treated HRC had she won the WH!!!

So YOU and the rest of Red State voting conservatives need to understand that Trump will get no breaks for the next 4 years.....ONLY domestic and global protest!!!!
But they shouldn't be protesting GOOD things (like deportation of illegal aliens)
Trump shows all the signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Oh, if you google that term, pictures of Trump come up.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms - Mayo Clinic

That description matches Obama to a T, why didn't you mention it when he was in office?
Other than "claiming" it fits Obama, give some examples, because I don't see anything in his behavior or actions not to mention his words that come close to meeting the DSV-V NPD characteristic profile. Beyond that, we aren't dealing with Obama and he's not the President so MOVE ON!!! Talk about obsessing..
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is occupying the WH.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is occupying the WH.

IF Trump were Obsessed with his self image and ego, that's nowhere near as bad as having a race hustler and jihadist in the white house, who foments race riots, inserts Muslim Brotherhood operatives into the White House, and facilitates ISIS expansion, including encouraging them to come to the US. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is occupying the WH.

IF Trump were Obsessed with his self image and ego, that's nowhere near as bad as having a race hustler and jihadist in the white house, who foments race riots, inserts Muslim Brotherhood operatives into the White House, and facilitates ISIS expansion, including encouraging them to come to the US. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
LOL, come on. Do you actually read what you post or just puke it up and hit the button? Since using logic isnt going to get any progress with someone like you, I'll just ask. PROVE IT! You've made a lot of VERY disrespectful and serious accusations about the race hustler and jihadist you seem to believe was there before without any actual proof of any of it. Unless you can actually back up your statements, I'd be more inclined to believe your a alt-conservative paranoid conspiracy theorist who isn't concerned about truth but just what gets him excited and sounds like something that he wants to believe and isn't interested in truth or accuracy.
Critical time for America with a lunatic in the white house
more scary his rubes aren't far behind him

Three weeks into the new presidential administration, many of us are overwhelmed by the constant barrage of bizarre and, frankly, incomprehensible “scandals” and controversies that have emanated from the White House.

I am not talking about the ban on visitors from seven Islamic countries, the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, or the appointment of executive branch agency heads who are devoted to abolishing them.

No, I am talking about the far more troubling string of statements issued by the president of the United States, whether in the form of middle-of-the-night tweets or in televised interviews and other public settings, in which easily proven facts are simply misrepresented or contradicted by absolute and unambiguous untruths, a.k.a. “lies”: that there were 1.3 million people on the National Mall for the inauguration, that it was the most widely viewed inauguration in U.S. history, and that 3 million illegal immigrants unlawfully cast their vote on Nov. 8, apparently all of them voting for Hillary Clinton, that busloads of Massachusetts residents rolled into New Hampshire to cast illegal votes, or that the American crime rate is the highest it’s been in 45 years.

This is not funny stuff. It is deadly serious. What these statements, and others like them (both during the campaign and since Jan. 20) demonstrate is that the president of the United States is not sane. Read that again, slowly: The president of the United States is not sane.

Is Donald Trump sane? The evidence suggests he's not
Typical liberal inabilty to get things correct, and then criticize from their predictable position of error. Ho hum.

Anybody who would claim that at least 3 million illegal aliens did not vote (for Hillary) in 2016, is a liar or an idiot.
PROVE IT!! Your the one without any evidence to back up your statement. Seems to me that you are quickly fitting the idiot role and as for lying...well only you know that.

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