Is Donald Trump Working With Obama?


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Is Donald Trump another Ross Perot?

Donald Trump is talking of running as an Independent candidate. He knows what that will do to the GOPs chances. He's not stupid.

A fake Conservative candidate, Jack Davis, who was really just a Democrat, helped another Democrat win an election last month in New York, filling a vacancy that was created when a shirtless Republican Rep. Christopher Lee appeared on the internet. (It didn't hurt that they also floated a false rumor that the Ryan plan was going to end Medicare) It worked there, why not in the Presidential election? Several seats changed hands in the 08' election because of scandals. Obama won his first two elections with a scandal and a disqualification of his opposition.

Obama really doesn't like running for office when there is a chance he might lose. That's just something he cannot bear to think about. Being a loser, which is really what he is, is unbearable. So, he likes a rigged game.


He's a cheat, plain and simple. He doesn't like playing by the same rules as the rest of us. Shortly after winning the election Obama contacted the Iraqi President trying to convince him not to sign any withdrawal agreements with Bush. You see Obama wanted to take the credit for the withdrawal. The only excuse that could be produced is that he didn't want Bush to be able to do his job because in his mind he wasn't trustworthy. This is heinous at best, underhanded and manipulative at the very least. The media has demonized Bush to the point that he seems like the Anti-Christ to them. (Many say the right has done the same to Obama) Obama also bent the rules by placing a seal on his podium, "Office of President-Elect", as well as held his first State of the Union speech within his first month of office. This has never been done before. I mean, this would be funny if it wasn't so true. If you were to say that Obama, or any politician for that matter, was going to try this you would have thought they were crazy. Be honest to yourself. Obama thinks he lives on another plain of existence.


So I'll get to the point.

Donald Trump starts blasting away at Obama, "Just show us your Birth Certificate". After about a month or so of this Obama produces his long form and Donald Trump starts floating the F-bomb in his last speech before a packed crowd and disappears for several weeks. He practically goes into hiding and then all of the sudden surfaces crowing about how the Ryan Plan was released at the wrong time, and that momentum belongs to the Dems once again. Now Trump is talking about running as an Independent.
Well, why would he have to do that? He could still run as the Republican nominee. Why go the independent route?

I think it's because he's the spoiler ala Ross Perot or Ralph Nader.

Did you know that Al Gore probably would have won if Ralph Nader had not run???

Nader was not a plant, but Donald Trump is. Look at the evidence.

1. He works for NBC.

2. He's a Liberal that all of the sudden was talking like a Republican.

3. The election appears like it will be close so Donald Trump is needed to help get Obama over the top.

The Usama Bin Laden bump has completely worn off.
Obama totally screwed up his trip to Europe with his lame assed toast to the Queen so his poll numbers are sinking fast. It takes a lot of money and work to prop up this schameal Obama. They have to pull out every trick in the book to get it done, but nothing will stop them. Nothing.

Obama has said out loud that he wishes this country was more authoritarian. It's easier to get things done when you just do it and everyone shuts their mouth about it. He hates living within the same constraints the rest of us do. He doesn't believe in following the rules, and because of that everything that happens in this country is suspect if it produces some kind of benefit for him. This is not paranoia ether. The evidence is extremely plausible. I'm not sure if it happened that way by accident or it's planned, but one thing is for certain, Obama has caused a great deal of uncertainty around the economy and the world and our economy is suffering for it.

It looks like Obama needs some help. He can't afford to let a Republican into the White House and undo what they've started, most of which hasn't even kicked in yet.

Btw, they're asking scores of bloggers to find dirt on Sarah Palin. Who cares if it's real or not. They'll make it seem real. All they have to do is misquote one of her thousands of emails and they're off to the races. Is this what you folks want from your government? Good people that want to make a difference are being trashed and the shit-heels continue to run things. Anyone who looks like he or she may be a threat to Obama will get the same treatment. The more the threat the more underhanded they will become.

But Donald Trump appears like their ace in the hole. Their 11th hour savior.

If all else fails split the conservative vote. It offers them plausible-deniability, and cover. They just needed someone who they felt enough conservatives would blindly trust and maybe take away anywhere from 5-9 percent of the vote from the GOP nominee.

So to the rescue comes Donald Trump. If the polls show he's not needed they'll ask him to drop out, but most likely it will be at the last minute.

What thinkest thou?????
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You are SO right Mud!

I also think somehow Jeb Bartlet and Jack Donaghy are involved somehow.............:eusa_shhh:
I remember when I was told that I was crazy for thinking the Dems wanted to place a Carbon Tax on gasoline.

So far there has been numerous attempts at it, or something similar to it with Cap And Trade and lately they GM's CEO wants an extra dollar per gallon.

Obama got him his job by the way.

But it's amazing that you think the Dems would never, ever do something as underhanded as putting in another Ross Perot.

And what's even more amazing is you think that Donald Trump isn't the guy. Never in a con's wildest dreams would they suspect that. Imagine how many idiots there are out there ready to vote for him. Problem is, he's got a record of donating to Democrats.

I think you need to stop joking about everything and start thinking outside the box, or these folks are going to yet again pull the wool over your eyes.

I don't trust the GOP anymore ether btw.
Any party that feels it's okay to read old emails in an attempt to look for dirt, and openly calls for help from people they cannot vouch for much less trust is capable of anything in my book.
One thing everyone is going to have to get used to is these constant unexplained scams being treated like somebody's overactive imagination. That is why they keep working.

Americans are not only skeptics but they are also extremely gullible. The only time most of us become suspicions about what is going on is when somebody else poses the question.

There is so much misinformation out there being thrown at us and we question it but in all honesty, we can't get on the bandwagon till somebody else does it first. This is why these people keep pulling the wool over our eyes.

Unless the New York Times, or Reuters, or some other reliable source blasts it all over the internet you just can't believe it. The way Obama fights most of his bad press is by making sure it rarely gets reported on CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC.

Learn to be skeptical in a real way, not just by making jokes about it and then rolling over and going to sleep.
Ross Perot made it work twice.

I doubt Trump could carry it off. He has the weird factor, the odd hair cut factor, but not the level of credibility of running a company competently.
Back in 92 and 96 there was the anger at both parties for dancing around the issues and arguing over trivia. These days the anger is focused in one direction, not at both.
If Trump is running as an independent candidate, it's because he's an attention whore. He doesn't care one way or another what it does to either party.
Ross Perot made it work twice.

I doubt Trump could carry it off. He has the weird factor, the odd hair cut factor, but not the level of credibility of running a company competently.
Back in 92 and 96 there was the anger at both parties for dancing around the issues and arguing over trivia. These days the anger is focused in one direction, not at both.

They don't really need someone all that credible. Just someone to steal a segment of the conservative vote.

The election is over a year and a half away. John McCain was shit and he won the nomination. It might take them a year to give Trump back his credibility but he's somebody they're seriously considering. It all depends on how things go.

Let's face it. That Birth Certificate deal was BS. Obama could have revealed it 2 years ago if he wanted to, but he didn't.

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