Is Donna Brazille setting the table to lead Michelle Obama's POTUS run in 2020?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Seems logical, doesn't it?

That will be FASCINATING left on left violence if the Obama camps goes to war with the Clinton camp.


They are both globalists and Islam enablers. We need to, and would, soundly reject another Obama. Clinton has already been chewed up and spit out.
Want to make sure Trump gets a second term? Because this is how you make sure Trump gets a second term.

The idea of Michelle Obama running for President is one of the more idiotic ideas I've heard coming from the Democrats. Like being married to Bill Clinton, simply living in the White House didn't qualify someone to be the President, did it?
I hope the hermaphrodite does run because it will be such schadenfreudic fun to see that ugly, nasty woman-like thing go down in flames. Michelle Obama couldn't get elected dog-catcher after 8 years of spewing hatred at white people while wasting their tax dollars spoiling herself. Not to mention, her chip-on-shoulder personality is so bitter, so depressing, so unlikeable, there is nothing about this lifeform that could possibly appeal to the public in general. Because every word that comes out of her mouth is something negative, never positive.
Want to make sure Trump gets a second term? Because this is how you make sure Trump gets a second term.

The idea of Michelle Obama running for President is one of the more idiotic ideas I've heard coming from the Democrats. Like being married to Bill Clinton, simply living in the White House didn't qualify someone to be the President, did it?

To Progs it means they can be President.

Just like Gisele Bunchen can be the QB for the Patriots.

Dems can play racist and misogynist card if Michelle runs.
I hope the hermaphrodite does run because it will be such schadenfreudic fun to see that ugly, nasty woman-like thing go down in flames. Michelle Obama couldn't get elected dog-catcher after 8 years of spewing hatred at white people while wasting their tax dollars spoiling herself. Not to mention, her chip-on-shoulder personality is so bitter, so depressing, so unlikeable, there is nothing about this lifeform that could possibly appeal to the public in general. Because every word that comes out of her mouth is something negative, never positive.

I'd love to see her debate Trump on policy.

They would just have to constantly play the victim card.

Trump was mean to her!!!!! But she is tough enough to take on Norh Korea and Iran. :badgrin:
Seems logical, doesn't it?

That will be FASCINATING left on left violence if the Obama camps goes to war with the Clinton camp.



Hillary Clinton isn’t running and neither is Michelle Obama. Michelle didn’t want her husband running for President and she has zero interest in running herself. She’s a business executive, not a politician.
Want to make sure Trump gets a second term? Because this is how you make sure Trump gets a second term.

The idea of Michelle Obama running for President is one of the more idiotic ideas I've heard coming from the Democrats. Like being married to Bill Clinton, simply living in the White House didn't qualify someone to be the President, did it?
Remember when the last ex-first lady ran for president. Now let's see, when was that?
Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey ticket would be fun.

A hermaphrodite and a lesbian and both black.

They would have the victim bases covered like crazy!!
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Want to make sure Trump gets a second term? Because this is how you make sure Trump gets a second term.

The idea of Michelle Obama running for President is one of the more idiotic ideas I've heard coming from the Democrats. Like being married to Bill Clinton, simply living in the White House didn't qualify someone to be the President, did it?

To Progs it means they can be President.

Just like Gisele Bunchen can be the QB for the Patriots.

Dems can play racist and misogynist card if Michelle runs.

Well she does hold the race card, the misogynist card, and the economic class division card. She is thoroughly qualified to run as a Democrat in 2020.

I believe she'd win because the Democrats would never win another Presidential election if they run a white person. She'd most likely pick Cory Booker for a running mate and with Oprah Winfrey supporting her, she'd easily beat Donal Trump.

Now excuse me while I go back out into the garage and huff some more glue.

Could be what the O. P. suggests.

Blacks and Hispanics are running the Democratic Party now, and they are as sick of the White NewEngland/NewYork Elitist Loons as the rest of the Country.

Main thing Brazile is doing right now is telling the Clinton Crime Family that their services will no longer be needed by the Democratic Party.
Could be what the O. P. suggests.

Blacks and Hispanics are running the Democratic Party now, and they are as sick of the White NewEngland/NewYork Elitist Loons as the rest of the Country.

Main thing Brazile is doing right now is telling the Clinton Crime Family that their services will no longer be needed by the Democratic Party.

THIS X1000.

The mainstream media needs to get the memo, because they are still Clintonistas.
Seems logical, doesn't it?

That will be FASCINATING left on left violence if the Obama camps goes to war with the Clinton camp.




Senate, maybe.

Or D.C. city counsel.

She is the type of person who actually does something with her life to help others.
I hope the hermaphrodite does run because it will be such schadenfreudic fun to see that ugly, nasty woman-like thing go down in flames. Michelle Obama couldn't get elected dog-catcher after 8 years of spewing hatred at white people while wasting their tax dollars spoiling herself. Not to mention, her chip-on-shoulder personality is so bitter, so depressing, so unlikeable, there is nothing about this lifeform that could possibly appeal to the public in general. Because every word that comes out of her mouth is something negative, never positive.

I'd love to see her debate Trump on policy.

They would just have to constantly play the victim card.

Trump was mean to her!!!!! But she is tough enough to take on Norh Korea and Iran. :badgrin:

She's the womanoid who is so paranoid, petty and childish, she even blamed whites for the fact that black kids don't go to museums. When nobody is stopping black kids from going to museums! If you want to go to a museum, go to a museum, regardless of race, and quit complaining.

But then again the zeitgeist of the Democratic party is a level of paranoia beyond what I've seen in my own heavily methamphetamine abusing relatives. Hence the delirious Trump-Derangement-Syndrome, the greatest exercise in public paranoia I've ever seen in my life.

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