Is Donna Brazille setting the table to lead Michelle Obama's POTUS run in 2020?

I'd love Michelle Obama to run for POTUS in 2020.

I'm not going to be a racist and misogynist and say she shouldn't run!
Michelle would make a great President

Even Melania has been the best first lady we've had in a while compared to the crazy lunch lady Michelle Obama was.
They are both globalists and Islam enablers. We need to, and would, soundly reject another Obama. Clinton has already been chewed up and spit out.

I find it very ironic that you elected a Globalist, yet are the same time are against Globalist candidates--:badgrin:

Someone who has as many foreign investiments as Trump has is not a Globalist.
Trump The Hypocrite: Investing Overseas Fine For Him
Trumps investments have little to do with his agenda as president. The border crossings have dropped and he wishes to decrease legal immigration. He wants a strong sovereign USA and has encouraged all nations to take care of themselves. He is not a globalist, just someone who knows how to make money.
Want to make sure Trump gets a second term? Because this is how you make sure Trump gets a second term.

The idea of Michelle Obama running for President is one of the more idiotic ideas I've heard coming from the Democrats. Like being married to Bill Clinton, simply living in the White House didn't qualify someone to be the President, did it?

If Michelle ran and won, Hillary would be confined to the psyche ward after a cat 10 meltdown. :laugh:
I hope the hermaphrodite does run because it will be such schadenfreudic fun to see that ugly, nasty woman-like thing go down in flames. Michelle Obama couldn't get elected dog-catcher after 8 years of spewing hatred at white people while wasting their tax dollars spoiling herself. Not to mention, her chip-on-shoulder personality is so bitter, so depressing, so unlikeable, there is nothing about this lifeform that could possibly appeal to the public in general. Because every word that comes out of her mouth is something negative, never positive.

I'd love to see her debate Trump on policy.

They would just have to constantly play the victim card.

Trump was mean to her!!!!! But she is tough enough to take on Norh Korea and Iran. :badgrin:

The same Trump that got beat every debate?
Bill & Hillary have the if I cant have it nobody will attitude, and they will do all they can to sabotage the DNC.
Donna Brazille makes more sense as a candidate than Michelle Obama.

Right now she is reviled by Democrats although she has backed off having said that the nomination was rigged although she did say that and it's in her book. It seems that she has had a come to Jesus meeting with someone from the Clinton Cabal. A lot of people who have crossed the Clinton's have wound up dead.
From 1st 1st Lady Never to have been proud of her country to 1st Black Female President who was never proud of her country until Barry won?

Bwuhahaha... that sounds about right for Democrats.

If Michelle wants any hope of winning the DNC Nomination, though, she needs to pad her resume with a few scandals and crimes ... :p
I hope the hermaphrodite does run because it will be such schadenfreudic fun to see that ugly, nasty woman-like thing go down in flames. Michelle Obama couldn't get elected dog-catcher after 8 years of spewing hatred at white people while wasting their tax dollars spoiling herself. Not to mention, her chip-on-shoulder personality is so bitter, so depressing, so unlikeable, there is nothing about this lifeform that could possibly appeal to the public in general. Because every word that comes out of her mouth is something negative, never positive.
Congress should pass a law requiring ANYONE running for Federal political office to undergo an extensive medical exam and that exam must be made public before any election.
That will stop 'Mitchael' dead in his tracks.

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