Is Drew Barrymore a scab ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

No excuse for strike breaking. Ive enjoyed several of her films. But this is poor behaviour.
The answer is obviously yes.

I commend you for spelling her name correctly. Who wrote it for you?

Well... time will tell if she faces any blowback for the decision. In the meantime, some people who wouldn't otherwise be earning a paycheck will be able to pay their bills...

No excuse for strike breaking. Ive enjoyed several of her films. But this is poor behaviour.
The answer is obviously yes.
Why is it poor behavior? Writing her own material should be applauded, instead of relying on an overpaid, union to determine what you can and cannot do. The funny thing, is all the late night talk shows used to draw in huge viewership -- Johnny Carson had 50+ million viewers on his final night, and the losers like Fallon, Colbert and Kimmel are all dying on the vine with limited viewership each night -- and now creating a podcast, which won't last long, because there is no creative thought. They speak what they are told to speak.
I didn't even know she was a grown up

I thought she just stayed 7 years old after making ET.
Last thing I ca remember seeing her in was either the 5O first dates or Charlie’s Angels. I’m sure she has done something after that but don’t know if I saw it
Why is it poor behavior? Writing her own material should be applauded, instead of relying on an overpaid, union to determine what you can and cannot do. The funny thing, is all the late night talk shows used to draw in huge viewership -- Johnny Carson had 50+ million viewers on his final night, and the losers like Fallon, Colbert and Kimmel are all dying on the vine with limited viewership each night -- and now creating a podcast, which won't last long, because there is no creative thought. They speak what they are told to speak.
If you axe creative people you will end up watching repeats and reality tv.
What about solidarity with struggling colleagues ?
Years ago, people may have been concerned. Now near everything is woke that is produced. And we have to pay for it one way or the other for entertainment. This is strange for her because I think she genuflected on her knee to a trans person on one of her shows as she prostrated herself with apologies.
One of a few times I’ve seen a left-wing Biden supporter post something about unions instead of race baiting.

For the Record" (1946) This weekend on C-SPAN3In 1946, 4.6 million American workers go on strike; many were WWII veterans. This organized labor advocacy film tells the story of massive labor unrest in 1946 caused primarily by stagnet wages and an increasing cost of living.

In American history, union members were Democrats, they were Republicans, black and white people. Men and women. Military veterans. And in today’s country, which is a shit hole in many ways, we have lousy jobs from Walmart, from Amazon, from Tesla, they don’t have unions, and that’s not right that’s not what the World War II generation fought for.

The corporations of today that support Black Lives Matter want Americans to view unions as the enemy. They want them to think union members are communists when union members are the farthest things from communists.

Never cross the picket line. I always remember the great men and women of this country who built our bridges our monuments and our road signs. It’s as American as apple pie to stand up for American history and the men and women who came before us.
If you axe creative people you will end up watching repeats and reality tv.
Maybe 20 years ago but the quality of shows made outside the United States available on streaming is as good if not better With them you get a good story without having to check the boxes

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