Special Counsel team's frustration with Judge Aileen Cannon is really evident.And it's glorious.

No and no

I’m not surprised that almost all the dumb shit anti mask anti vaxxers I talk to have caught it. Gee I wonder who has been prolonging this thing… it’s a mystery!!

I disagree with one other thing. Masks aren’t only useful when sneezing and coughing. Normal breathing and speech will project particles. Masks catch some of these particles and limit the distance and amount that are projected. The virus can still be spread but the chances of spread and severity are reduced. That’s a good thing

Trump mocked mask wearing and downplayed the pandemic. He didn’t promote safe practices and we’ve seen the results of that through how many of them are catching COViD. It’s pathetic

Here is my favorite one of yours: wearing a mask is 'human decency'. Don't pretend you weren't all in on the Moral Panic; we have the receipts.

Not tyranny. Just law and order but more so human decency. You have the right to be a shitty person and citizen and I have a right to call you out on it... and we both have the right to not care what the other thinks.
How was I wrong? I never insisted you wear a mask! And YOU KNOW my hubby had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and was going thru radiation treatment every day for over two months and his immunity protections were down, and his doctors recommended that both Matt and me wear masks, specifically N95, so we did what the doctor ordered....we both, simply wanted him to live and the radiation treatments to go well....

Do you really have a f-----g issue with that....really? Get a grip on what's important in life....!

I am not talking about people with severely compromised immune systems wearing masks--a chief reason for this, btw, is they look contagious so people stay away. You KNOW what I'm talking about. When the govt insisted we all cover our breathing holes and so many--TOO many--people not only lined up to obey but berated anyone who wouldn't, or even questioned it.

If that is STILL you here in 2024, and you cannot admit your error, you are lost. As I said.
No and no
This one's good:

I gave you kudos before on the safety measures you say you promote. I don’t care who you do it for, you shouldn’t do it for Biden or any politician.... use your brain and do it for your loved ones and your community. This shouldn’t be a political/partisan thing

Haha, you’re cracking me up dude. All of these countries that you are pointing to took very strict safety measures. They may not have shut down their schools and businesses as dramatically as other countries but they sure as hell masked up and socially distanced. They took this virus seriously and did not act like it’s a political hoax and powergrab. Nice try but that was a big swing and a miss

Dude it's not just low-hanging fruit; it's falling off the tree
Here is my favorite one of yours: wearing a mask is 'human decency'. Don't pretend you weren't all in on the Moral Panic; we have the receipts.
Yes human decency. Respect for others during a pandemic when nobody knew what was going on.

Nothing I said in the quotes you provided goes against what I wrote in this thread. If used correctly with other mitigation the chances of spread are greatly reduced. But majority of people did not act safely and thus masking and mitigation measures fell flat.

I’m sorry you went to the trouble of looking all that up. Seems like you really wanted a gotchya moment.
This one's good:

Dude it's not just low-hanging fruit; it's falling off the tree
Yup, still nothing contradictory here. If everybody properly masked and distanced then the spread would have been dramatically slowed. But we have too many undisciplined and outright obstinate people who were never going to follow recommended protocol.
Yup, still nothing contradictory here. If everybody properly masked and distanced then the spread would have been dramatically slowed. But we have too many undisciplined and outright obstinate people who were never going to follow recommended protocol.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Yes human decency. Respect for others during a pandemic when nobody knew what was going on.

Nothing I said in the quotes you provided goes against what I wrote in this thread. If used correctly with other mitigation the chances of spread are greatly reduced. But majority of people did not act safely and thus masking and mitigation measures fell flat.

I’m sorry you went to the trouble of looking all that up. Seems like you really wanted a gotchya moment.

Please, you were Moral Panicking all over the boards. I don't care about gotchas, but I'm not going to waste time with people who are impervious to reason.

I'm so deeply suspicious of ANY American who can defend Bragg's legal case as you are doing. Add believing masking on top of that and basically you have a kool aid drinking True Believer.
Do you think wearing masks mitigated Covid?

Consider this a litmus type question.
Or a better one would be - does he think that the unvaccinated were going to destroy the entire world as he knew it ? Now that one was a doozy, but Biden and his cronies lapped that one up like it was cat piss. The politics of today has become some of the most destructive ever seen in this country, because it literally got Americans killed by the thousands after lying for a period of time about where the virus came from. This time period was crucial because it allowed the spread when the cover up went into overdrive in China, and Trumps travel ban was being called racist and other when he called for an immediate halt from the locations affected.
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I am not talking about people with severely compromised immune systems wearing masks--a chief reason for this, btw, is they look contagious so people stay away. You KNOW what I'm talking about. When the govt insisted we all cover our breathing holes and so many--TOO many--people not only lined up to obey but berated anyone who wouldn't, or even questioned it.

If that is STILL you here in 2024, and you cannot admit your error, you are lost. As I said.
Exactly, because millions survived the virus without any issue's or problems, and this they did even after they caught it while taking all the precautions except for taking that vax before it was ever released. All that was ignored for political reason's by the left, so they used Covid to try and look as if they were the hero's of the decade that somehow saved the world from the mean old stubborn Republicans.
Please, you were Moral Panicking all over the boards. I don't care about gotchas, but I'm not going to waste time with people who are impervious to reason.

I'm so deeply suspicious of ANY American who can defend Bragg's legal case as you are doing. Add believing masking on top of that and basically you have a kool aid drinking True Believer.
Haha, yet you’re digging up quotes and responding to my post, “wasting time”.
That’s funny.

You said yourself a few posts ago that if masks are worn properly they are effective. Medical professions wear them. So we are in agreement.
  1. Just go and look at how him and Obama have pushed the leftist agenda down the American's throats, and how they've used their government power to overthrow the American people on so many divisive issue's.

  1. Hell at one point they threatened to hold back fund's to large American institutions if they didn't comply to their bull shite, and this way they can force the average voter to capitulate and just give in.

There are so many weaponized situations that were born to attack citizen's and their preffered leadership if they didn't fundamentally change and conform to their sick shite.

Using the FBI in the worst unbalanced ways imaginable. It's all shameful.

Forcing the issue of men in girls sport's, and on and on it all goes. Hitler aside from the Jewish issue he became the devil himself on, is probably going to look like a kitten in comparison to the long term damage the leftist will do before they are through.

Right, the left long term will be worst than Hitler.
I asked you to give me something specific and all you did was comeback with general conjectural statements. You're just making shit up! Do you want to see how it is done? Okay, I'll show you...

Donald Trump is just like Hitler because...

1. He wants to be a dictator.
2. He thinks he is above the law.
3. He wants to eliminate the US Constitution.
4. He wants to go after his political enemies.

I can keep going, but I will stop there.
Why are you so concerned about how long it's taking, Fort?
I didn't say I was. I said the amount of time she is taking is a bit of a comment on her competence. It seems maybe this is all too complicated for Judge Cannon. Please respond to actual points made, not strawmen.

Also: What would my opinion have to do with the operations of the DOJ or courts? Nothing, that's what. You say some pretty ridiculous things.
I didn't say I was. I said the amount of time she is taking is a bit of a comment on her competence. It seems maybe this is all too complicated for Judge Cannon. Please respond to actual points made, not strawmen.

Also: What would my opinion have to do with the operations of the DOJ or courts? Nothing, that's what. You say some pretty ridiculous things.
You mean you're not agitated because this is one more case brought by Joe Biden against his chief political rival that WON'T be finished before the election?

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