Is Drumpf preparing to ditch any debates with Clinton?

Clinton will tear Trump apart in a debate.

He will ditch them.
Yeah, what's her response....I don't recall.....what's your, free, and abortions for everyone, free, free, free...but only if you call in the next 5 minutes!
Why did Hillary REFUSE extra debates with Sanders?
She already debated Saunders 4 times, but Trump refused to debate Saunders even once!

I can sort of see your point however my question is this.
why would anyone waste their time debating a total socialist idiot that spent his life crying because other people had money and he didnt, while the whole time he refused to actually work.
Hillary hasn't even had a press conference in ages
The topic is debates.
Why did Hillary REFUSE extra debates with Sanders?
Why did Drumpf say he would debate Sanders then run away?

to try to make it so he ran against bernie instead of hillary.
Ok, I'd rather run against Hilary....Bernie's policies are a joke, but democrats never debate actual issues.
Hillary as her Democratic supporters well know is a terrible speaker and an even worse debater. Trump will dismantle her, he is a fast talking, fast thinking New Yorker who loves to go eyeball to eyeball. I don't blame her for being scared, she is overmatched.
Hillary hasn't even had a press conference in ages
The topic is debates.
Why did Hillary REFUSE extra debates with Sanders?
Why did Drumpf say he would debate Sanders then run away?

to try to make it so he ran against bernie instead of hillary.

Why would he want that?

Sanders was doing better against Trump in polls than Clinton.
The question he going to avoid debating Clinton?

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

We know that whatever excuse he may make....his minions will defend it.....even the ones stating: a) Hillary will be afraid to debate HIM or b) He will crush her in a debate.
Trump fearful of debating Clinton is understandable – the debates will further confirm Trump’s comprehensive ignorance of the law, of sound public policy, and of responsible governance.
Trump gave Sanders 24 hours to reply. Sanders took two days and the offer was off.
Saunders accepted immediately within one hour when the debate was offered on the Wednesday night May 25, 2016 Jimmy Kimmel Show! The show comes on at 11:35 PM. On Thursday after Bernie accepted Trump told reporters he would "love to debate Bernie." Then on Friday the lying chicken shit Trump backed out!!!!

Game on. I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.

12:30 AM - 26 May 2016
The question he going to avoid debating Clinton?

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

We know that whatever excuse he may make....his minions will defend it.....even the ones stating: a) Hillary will be afraid to debate HIM or b) He will crush her in a debate.

Well he has successfully broken a 40 year protocol of being the 1st candidate to refuse to release any income tax returns, so I guess it would be no surprise if he refused to debate Hillary Clinton also. He's not going to have 16 other candidates that he can launch insults at to divert attention, and he'll actually be required to answer direct questions, something he really hasn't shown anyone he can do as yet.

If I were him I would-cancel out on debating Hillary Clinton. -LOL She's going to run him through a paper shredder.

Protocol is NOT law, cite the law that says he must.

No one said he must...but we will all know him for the coward he is if he does not.....except for his minions.....he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave. and you would still support him.
I love how this faggot ignores direct responses to their own thread. Just whimsically traipses through and cherry picks posts to respond to. Responses that have nothing to do with the OP... You know you've lost the debate/argument, when you start trolling your own thread... The clown avatar suits you to a T.
So...tell us. Which excuse will you use if Drumpf runs away from debating Clinton?
Hillary hasn't even had a press conference in ages
The topic is debates.
Why did Hillary REFUSE extra debates with Sanders?
Why did Drumpf say he would debate Sanders then run away?
Trump gave Sanders 24 hours to reply. Sanders took two days and the offer was off. Hillary said "A person should be willing to debate
anyone anytime anywhere". What happened to that?
That's your excuse? Ok....what will be your excuse if Drumpf chickens out of debating Clinton?
I love how this faggot ignores direct responses to their own thread. Just whimsically traipses through and cherry picks posts to respond to. Responses that have nothing to do with the OP... You know you've lost the debate/argument, when you start trolling your own thread... The clown avatar suits you to a T.
So...tell us. Which excuse will you use if Drumpf runs away from debating Clinton?

What is this bullshit....your candidate is a crook and known liar...I want to see the look on the moderators face when he tells her to her face she is.....the look of horror and that's not how things are done....fuck this bullshit....He'll destroy her in the debates....I will be funny.
Hillary as her Democratic supporters well know is a terrible speaker and an even worse debater. Trump will dismantle her, he is a fast talking, fast thinking New Yorker who loves to go eyeball to eyeball. I don't blame her for being scared, she is overmatched.
What will be YOUR reaction if Drumpf runs away from debating Clinton?

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