Is Either Party Considering Nominating a Good Candidate?

Just watch and see what happens. You'll see.
Uh... okay. No reason why you think it will go poorly?
I think you'll find that, applicably speaking, it'll only further empower the most dangerous threat to the cause of liberty in America today. I told you which faction I think that is. Any further dialogue would be deserving of it's own topical.?
Why do you think it will pan out that way?
The establishment sees and knows fully well that more Americans are separating from the so-called ''two'' parties. And if anyone thinks they aren't going to do something about it, much the way it did the last time it happened during the 2016 Mid-Term, I've got a bridge to sell em. Ha.

RCV...very similar to how Trump had his path paved back in 2016, is the establishments next answer to it.
Why do you think that?

Let me ask you this - what do you think about runoff elections? Several states require runoff elections if the winner doesn't have a majority (Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, etc ...).
Uh... okay. No reason why you think it will go poorly?

I told you why.

It's rigged in favor of the so-called moderate vote/nominees. Think of it as a new way to make affirmative action applicable again. Anyone worth a darn will be weeded out early, and the moderates have two shots at knocking them off.

All in the name of unity, of course.

Why do you think it will pan out that way?

Because moderates, a faction that I historically refer to as the omnipotent Majority, tend to largely/only think inside the collective box they're provided.

Why do you think that?

Because I see it play out every single day when observing the way that people frame their arguments in media, in politics and just in the general public dialogue.

Let me ask you this - what do you think about runoff elections? Several states require runoff elections if the winner doesn't have a majority (Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, etc ...).

One vote. Preferably recorded and counted on a paper ballot.
Are either of the major parties considering nominating someone who doesn't suck? eg someone besides Biden, Trump or Desantis?

Why are we stuck on suck?

The candidate field should be restricted to people with an MS in economics, and at least a BA in both political science and humanities. In Addition should have at least 10 years of applicable executive experience. This would hopefully rescue us from the parade of CLOWNS.
You dumb fuck name an elected independent who doesn't vote lock step with the democrat party?
I don't know of one. I don't keep track. And I don't give a shit. I don't what point you're trying to make and I can't care.
Yeah, see, that's why I just said you'll see and left it at that.

It means just what I said. One vote for one candidate. Preferably recorded and counted on a paper ballot.
Wow. Is it really so hard to just answer the question? I don't know whether you consider the runoff to be more than vote or what. But if you don't want to answer the question, I can only assume it's because you don't want to defend your answer.
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Wow. Is it really so hard to just answer the question? I don't whether consider the runoff to be more than vote or what. But if you don't want to answer the question, I can only assume it's because you don't want to defend your answer.

Well. That would be an incorrect assumption, dblack.

I'm just gonna stick with you get what you deserve. Collectively speaking...
Well. That would be an incorrect assumption, dblack.
Ok. If you don't want to answer, continue being cagey about. I'll continue to dismiss your opposition.
I'm just gonna stick with you get what you deserve. Collectively speaking...
But that's not how it works. We get what they deserve. The idiots fall for lesser-of-two-evils, and keep electing evil. We could change that, we could change the system to get rid of Lo2e, but the partisans correctly recognize it as a threat to their fear mongering game.

The good news is, it is changing locally and moving up. It's possible we can get enough momentum that the major parties won't be able to crush it.
Damn you're ignorant
Sure. Or, well, I'm stupid at the very least. Stupid for trying to reason with a bunch of people who believe that the 2020 election was rigged by deep state lizards and mules. And that the deep state then bribed the entire US judiciary to cover it up. :rolleyes:
Sure. Or, well, I'm stupid at the very least. Stupid for trying to reason with a bunch of people who believe that the 2020 election was rigged by deep state lizards and mules. And that the deep state then bribed the entire US judiciary to cover it up. :rolleyes:
You're ignorant
Ok. If you don't want to answer, continue being cagey about. I'll continue to dismiss your opposition.

But that's not how it works. We get what they deserve. The idiots fall for lesser-of-two-evils, and keep electing evil. We could change that, we could change the system to get rid of Lo2e, but the partisans correctly recognize it as a threat to their fear mongering game.

The good news is, it is changing locally and moving up. It's possible we can get enough momentum that the major parties won't be able to crush it.

It's not about not wanting to answer you question, dblack. I just think that the terms of controversy that seem to benchmark your line of questioning, the same terms of controversy, btw, that are almost universally invoked by the ominipotent Majority in mainstream politics and reporting to promote making RCV applicable and a new model, are frivolous.

The majority of people in America are indoctrinated to be afraid of freedom. To see it as the most dangerous evil. Look around, man. And the folks running cable news entertainment, woke social media platforms and the elections are glad of it. All they have to do is tie a carrot to a stick and toss it out there.

As I said previously in the thread. If I ever really feel like geting into the matter, I'd be more prone to start my own thread about it and make a case from my own perspective, rather than tagging along with yours or anyne elses terms of controversy. But mine would be a practical perspective premised on how and why RCV is only going to compount the existing problem and ultimately seve the party-of-one by strategically/collectively weeding out any meaningful opposition to mainstream policy early. And again, they get two shots at it.

But I have to care enough in a given moment to make such an effort.

The other thing is I try to get along with people in a casual setting. There are people whom I disagree with that I actually like on here. And in a thread like that, I'd probably end up insulting about 95% of the board because I'd be obligated to be honest in why I think it would just compound the existing problem with nominations/elections. And I really don't l want to do that. There's nothing to be had by it. Not really. But I think I've made it clear as to why I think that the so-called moderate faction are so dangerous to the cause of Individual liberty in America.

But..I might some time. Just depends on my mood or how tired I might get of the place.
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