Is Eric Schneiderman the champion the middle class needs?


Active Member
Mar 25, 2011
Protection from Wall Street?

Meet NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, The Man Who Could Be Wall Street's New Worst Nightmare

At Tuesday's State of the Union Address, Obama announced that he would be creating a new task force within the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to coordinate all investigations on the causes of the subprime mortgage crises.

The man he picked to co-chair that task force is New York's Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman. It's not a surprising choice. Schneiderman been aggressive in investigating banks for mortgage fraud in New York, and has taken a leadership role in mortgage fraud settlement negotiations between banks and state AGs around the country.

Maybe someone will be held to account after-all. At least it's good to see some movement after the egregious and historical theft of tax payer funds.

How about those 'too big to fail' companies be broken up so they are no longer too big to fail?
Either way, I agree with Obama that it’s important not to reinstitute those same policies that caused the failure in the first place and to continue to work on the fix.
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Following the example of Eliot Spitzer we can look forward to long investigations, vilifications in the press, and ultimately acquittals with scoldings by judges of the prosecution for misconduct.

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