Is "Fear of retribution for speaking honestly...harming the country"?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Is "Fear of retribution for speaking honestly...harming the country"?

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Thursday, 13 Mar 2014 11:22 AM
By Melissa Clyne

America today is tantamount to Nazi Germany, "a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe," provocative conservative Dr. Ben Carson told a gathering at The New York Meeting this week, Breitbart reports.

Carson said that just like Germany under Hitler’s reign, "the government using its tools to intimidate the population" is manifesting in the United States in 2014.

The 62-year-old retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and conservative columnist packed the house at the New York City meeting of elected officials, journalists, business leaders and conservative authors, according to Breitbart.

Editor's Note: Ben Carson in 2016? See His Vision.

He chided "political correctness" and spoke bluntly about "living in a Gestapo age," according to CNN, which notes Carson’s rise to favored status in the GOP occurred after publicly criticizing President Obama’s policies in front of the president at last year’s National Prayer Breakfast.

At the New York Meeting, Carson criticized politicians, the media and "the PC [politically correct] police."

Fear of retribution for speaking honestly is harming the country, he said.

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Is it, really?

I don't like comparing anything to Hitler or the Third Reich.

PC remains terribly destructive on multiple levels, but I'm not gonna compare the two.

Is "Fear of retribution for speaking honestly...harming the country"?

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Thursday, 13 Mar 2014 11:22 AM
By Melissa Clyne

America today is tantamount to Nazi Germany, "a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe," provocative conservative Dr. Ben Carson told a gathering at The New York Meeting this week, Breitbart reports.

Carson said that just like Germany under Hitler’s reign, "the government using its tools to intimidate the population" is manifesting in the United States in 2014.

The 62-year-old retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and conservative columnist packed the house at the New York City meeting of elected officials, journalists, business leaders and conservative authors, according to Breitbart.

Editor's Note: Ben Carson in 2016? See His Vision.

He chided "political correctness" and spoke bluntly about "living in a Gestapo age," according to CNN, which notes Carson’s rise to favored status in the GOP occurred after publicly criticizing President Obama’s policies in front of the president at last year’s National Prayer Breakfast.

At the New York Meeting, Carson criticized politicians, the media and "the PC [politically correct] police."

Fear of retribution for speaking honestly is harming the country, he said.

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Is it, really?

Any person who looks at the American landscape and thinks he sees something 'tantamount to Nazi Germany' has one hell of a perception problem. In other words, he doesn't have a grasp of reality.

With that said, all I can say is this. If my surgeon said something like that, there's no way in hell I would let him operate on me because for all I know, he could take out one of my kidneys and claim it was a tumor.

Either the guy is just plain nuts, or he's playin' it up for the RW crowd that just feeds on this kind of hyperbolic rhetoric like an insecure person laps up phony compliments.
Is "Fear of retribution for speaking honestly...harming the country"?

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Thursday, 13 Mar 2014 11:22 AM
By Melissa Clyne

America today is tantamount to Nazi Germany, "a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe," provocative conservative Dr. Ben Carson told a gathering at The New York Meeting this week, Breitbart reports.

Carson said that just like Germany under Hitler’s reign, "the government using its tools to intimidate the population" is manifesting in the United States in 2014.

The 62-year-old retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and conservative columnist packed the house at the New York City meeting of elected officials, journalists, business leaders and conservative authors, according to Breitbart.

Editor's Note: Ben Carson in 2016? See His Vision.

He chided "political correctness" and spoke bluntly about "living in a Gestapo age," according to CNN, which notes Carson’s rise to favored status in the GOP occurred after publicly criticizing President Obama’s policies in front of the president at last year’s National Prayer Breakfast.

At the New York Meeting, Carson criticized politicians, the media and "the PC [politically correct] police."

Fear of retribution for speaking honestly is harming the country, he said.

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Is it, really?

Any person who looks at the American landscape and thinks he sees something 'tantamount to Nazi Germany' has one hell of a perception problem. In other words, he doesn't have a grasp of reality.

With that said, all I can say is this. If my surgeon said something like that, there's no way in hell I would let him operate on me because for all I know, he could take out one of my kidneys and claim it was a tumor.

Either the guy is just plain nuts, or he's playin' it up for the RW crowd that just feeds on this kind of hyperbolic rhetoric like an insecure person laps up phony compliments.

Could it be that this world renowned physician looks at the mere presence of disease as 'being diseased?'

If the elements/conditions that existed which contributed to or existed during the Third Reich are also present today in America during this lawless Obama regime are you going to say he is wrong?

I don't like comparing anything to Hitler or the Third Reich.

PC remains terribly destructive on multiple levels, but I'm not gonna compare the two.


We've been conditioned not to compare any evils with the evil that took place during the Holocaust by the Nazis.

But to compare the ENVIRONMENT and the conditions of Nazi Germany to those we see (only those of us who are not Obama fans) today is not an unfair comparison.

Don't be afraid of retribution for saying that the conditions of Hitler's early rule are being enacted today by Obama and Co.
I'd like to ask him for SPECIFICS and examples. If someone stands up and states that "the Blacks are on the Democrat plantation.", should Black people who disagree and or are offonded just "sit there and smile" or should they be allowed to practice THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS to respond in any legal way they choose?
What about when some people allegedly call the aforementioned individuals "uncle toms", don't some conservative cry foul? When Reverend Wright said those non-politically correct statements, the right wing media and right wingers were over that like white on rice! So much for the opposition to "political correctness" by many of the right wingers.:lol:

Remember the mantra of " Obwamwa swat in hwis chwurch fwor twentwy yearws!"
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I'd like to ask him for SPECIFICS and examples. If someone stands up and states that "the Blacks are on the Democrat plantation.", should Black people who disagree and or are offonded just "sit there and smile" or should they be allowed to practice THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS to respond in any legal way they choose?
What about when some people allegedly call the aforementioned individuals "uncle toms", don't some conservative cry foul? When Reverend Wright said those non-politically correct statements, the right wing media and right wingers were over that like white on rice! So much for the opposition to "political correctness" by many of the right wingers.:lol:

Remember the mantra of " Obwamwa swat in hwis chwurch fwor twentwy yearws!"

Until he checks in here to reply to your post, let's assume he MIGHT be talking about being audited by the IRS after talking smack about The Obama in the presence of THE OBAMA!

I'd like to ask him for SPECIFICS and examples. If someone stands up and states that "the Blacks are on the Democrat plantation.", should Black people who disagree and or are offonded just "sit there and smile" or should they be allowed to practice THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS to respond in any legal way they choose?
What about when some people allegedly call the aforementioned individuals "uncle toms", don't some conservative cry foul? When Reverend Wright said those non-politically correct statements, the right wing media and right wingers were over that like white on rice! So much for the opposition to "political correctness" by many of the right wingers.:lol:

Remember the mantra of " Obwamwa swat in hwis chwurch fwor twentwy yearws!"

Until he checks in here to reply to your post, let's assume he MIGHT be talking about being audited by the IRS after talking smack about The Obama in the presence of THE OBAMA!


I guess "assume" is the key word . Did he ever file a suit or grievance because of it?
Jesus titty-fucking Christ, people. This guy is popular with the GOP?

Dr. Ben Carson will never be elected as US President, so his opinion is useless. Until you Republicans quit trying to be "tough on crime" by putting people in prison over the same plant that helped stop the Holocaust, none of you have any right to speak out against the American Nazi police state.

Quit paying hollow lip service to ending the drug war and tell your Congresspeople to end marijuana prohibition. That is the first step to crippling the big government nanny police state. Get your fucking priorities straight, Republicans.
I'd like to ask him for SPECIFICS and examples. If someone stands up and states that "the Blacks are on the Democrat plantation.", should Black people who disagree and or are offonded just "sit there and smile" or should they be allowed to practice THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS to respond in any legal way they choose?
What about when some people allegedly call the aforementioned individuals "uncle toms", don't some conservative cry foul? When Reverend Wright said those non-politically correct statements, the right wing media and right wingers were over that like white on rice! So much for the opposition to "political correctness" by many of the right wingers.:lol:

Remember the mantra of " Obwamwa swat in hwis chwurch fwor twentwy yearws!"

Until he checks in here to reply to your post, let's assume he MIGHT be talking about being audited by the IRS after talking smack about The Obama in the presence of THE OBAMA!


I guess "assume" is the key word . Did he ever file a suit or grievance because of it?

What world do you live in?
Jesus titty-fucking Christ, people. This guy is popular with the GOP?

Dr. Ben Carson will never be elected as US President, so his opinion is useless. Until you Republicans quit trying to be "tough on crime" by putting people in prison over the same plant that helped stop the Holocaust, none of you have any right to speak out against the American Nazi police state.

Quit paying hollow lip service to ending the drug war and tell your Congresspeople to end marijuana prohibition. That is the first step to crippling the big government nanny police state. Get your fucking priorities straight, Republicans.

I did my part KnoNoBa.

Washington state.


Is "Fear of retribution for speaking honestly...harming the country"?

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Thursday, 13 Mar 2014 11:22 AM
By Melissa Clyne

America today is tantamount to Nazi Germany, "a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe," provocative conservative Dr. Ben Carson told a gathering at The New York Meeting this week, Breitbart reports.

Carson said that just like Germany under Hitler’s reign, "the government using its tools to intimidate the population" is manifesting in the United States in 2014.

The 62-year-old retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and conservative columnist packed the house at the New York City meeting of elected officials, journalists, business leaders and conservative authors, according to Breitbart.

Editor's Note: Ben Carson in 2016? See His Vision.

He chided "political correctness" and spoke bluntly about "living in a Gestapo age," according to CNN, which notes Carson’s rise to favored status in the GOP occurred after publicly criticizing President Obama’s policies in front of the president at last year’s National Prayer Breakfast.

At the New York Meeting, Carson criticized politicians, the media and "the PC [politically correct] police."

Fear of retribution for speaking honestly is harming the country, he said.

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Is it, really?

No. Some of it is using wisdom. We have enemies without and within that are plotting against us. Like the Russians. Isn't that enough?
Is "Fear of retribution for speaking honestly...harming the country"?

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Thursday, 13 Mar 2014 11:22 AM
By Melissa Clyne

America today is tantamount to Nazi Germany, "a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe," provocative conservative Dr. Ben Carson told a gathering at The New York Meeting this week, Breitbart reports.

Carson said that just like Germany under Hitler’s reign, "the government using its tools to intimidate the population" is manifesting in the United States in 2014.

The 62-year-old retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and conservative columnist packed the house at the New York City meeting of elected officials, journalists, business leaders and conservative authors, according to Breitbart.

Editor's Note: Ben Carson in 2016? See His Vision.

He chided "political correctness" and spoke bluntly about "living in a Gestapo age," according to CNN, which notes Carson’s rise to favored status in the GOP occurred after publicly criticizing President Obama’s policies in front of the president at last year’s National Prayer Breakfast.

At the New York Meeting, Carson criticized politicians, the media and "the PC [politically correct] police."

Fear of retribution for speaking honestly is harming the country, he said.

Ben Carson Compares America to Third Reich

Is it, really?

No. Carson is guilty of a false derivative analogy.
Unless I see a person or group trying to commit genocide I don't care for the Nazi description I do though feel he has a legitimate point about how we demonize and vilify people for speaking honestly and sometimes bluntly about things.
Unless I see a person or group trying to commit genocide I don't care for the Nazi description I do though feel he has a legitimate point about how we demonize and vilify people for speaking honestly and sometimes bluntly about things.

That demonization primarily comes from one side of the political aisle. If you want to hear it, just turn on your radio and set it to the AM dial where the majority of the shows are little more than nonstop conservative diatribes against Democrats in general and directed at President Obama in particular.

As Jack Webb used to say, just the facts, ma'am.
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Last week the rightwingers were zealously defending their consensus position that business owners should have the right not to serve Jews.

This week, they're calling the other guys the Nazis?

lol, got to work that into an episode of my fantasy tv show, a satirical comedy that makes fun of the modern American conservative.
Last week the rightwingers were zealously defending their consensus position that business owners should have the right not to serve Jews.

This week, they're calling the other guys the Nazis?

lol, got to work that into an episode of my fantasy tv show, a satirical comedy that makes fun of the modern American conservative.

They try (and succeed, I might add) to derail provisions of the Voting Rights Act through the Supreme Court, and then they accuse Democrats of being racist.

See a trend?
Unless I see a person or group trying to commit genocide I don't care for the Nazi description I do though feel he has a legitimate point about how we demonize and vilify people for speaking honestly and sometimes bluntly about things.

That demonization primarily comes from one side of the political aisle. If you want to hear it, just turn on your radio and set it to the AM dial where the majority of the shows are little more than nonstop conservative diatribes against Democrats in general and directed at President Obama in particular.

As Jack Webb used to say, just the facts, ma'am.

And the same thing came from the Democrat side of the aisle from 2000-2008 you heard it nightly from ever host on MSNBC and the defunct Air America both night and day that is just the standard stuff you expect from talking heads and are not the people I mean when I talk about someone being demonized or vilified. I'm talking about the everyday people who get it the bakery owner who gets labeled bigot and a Homophobe for not wanting to do a gay marriage because of there religious beliefs or the protester who gets labeled Un-American or traitor for opposing a war or military action.

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