Is Global Warming exaggerated??


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere about a look-see.............:D

How many Americans thought global warming was exaggerated in 1997?


By 2009?


And in 2011.............( drum roll please......:coffee:.......)


Americans' Global Warming Concerns Continue to Drop

Hmmm..........what ever happened to "real science"??????

Like I keep saying ( and the k00ks call me a "retard")..............

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Why have the k00ks crashed and burned in such spectacular fashion???

Because you have fcukking nuts like Old Rocks and Chris and Rollwing Thunder advocating for shit like this...................

From Forbes last week............

Shooting Camels: Taking Climate Change into Absurdity
Jun. 18 2011 - 10:27 am | 408 views | 0 recommendations | 2 comments

There’s a serious proposal that shooting camels should be subsidised under climate change legislation.

No, this isn’t a joke, an Australian has suggested that anyone shooting camels in the Australian Outback should receive a payment for the global warming gases the now dead animal won’t be emitting.

Now the government is considering an unusual solution to the camel plague and its emissions.

NorthWest Carbon, a carbon trading company, has proposed that the government allocate carbon credits to encourage widespread culling of the beasts.

Now it’s true that feral camels are a large problem in Australia, there’s over a million of them roaming the Outback. They cause a lot of damage and they do emit methane, a tonne a year, equivalent to 23 tonnes of CO2 or so.

But the idea that those who shoot them should be rewarded with the proceeds of carbon credits highlights one of the things that is wrong with carbon credits.

Shooting Camels: Taking Climate Change into Absurdity - Tim Worstall - It's All Trivial Or Obvious Except - Forbes

Make no mistake...........these climate radicals are certifiable k00k cases. Either that or there are alot of surgical procedures going on placing plates in peoples heads that we're not hearing about..............
Hmmm..........what ever happened to "real science"??????

Like I keep saying ( and the k00ks call me a "retard")..............

What do you expect? Polls aren't real science. It's retarded to present an OPINION poll and then complain about there not being any real science. :cuckoo:
Hmmm..........what ever happened to "real science"??????

Like I keep saying ( and the k00ks call me a "retard")..............

What do you expect? Polls aren't real science. It's retarded to present an OPINION poll and then complain about there not being any real science. :cuckoo:

Uhhhhh, I believe you are missing the point....once it became widespread knowledge that the "science" was fraudulent, the PEOPLE stopped caring. That's what the polls are showing.
Hmmm..........what ever happened to "real science"??????

Like I keep saying ( and the k00ks call me a "retard")..............

What do you expect? Polls aren't real science. It's retarded to present an OPINION poll and then complain about there not being any real science. :cuckoo:

Polls dont matter???!!!!!!!!!

The polls reflect the political mood of the country................boz0!!! If the majority thinks that the science is bogus, they're not going to do..............



..........about addressing the bogus science.

Show me where the "real science" matters in the real world? cares about your opinion on it.:up:

Essentially s0n? This climate crap has bcome nothing more than a hobby:fu::fu::fu::fu:
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Double dose of melting...
Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought
Sun Jul 3,`11 WASHINGTON – Warming air from climate change isn't the only thing that will speed ice melting near the poles — so will the warming water beneath the ice, a new study points out.
Increased melting of ice in Greenland and parts of Antarctica has been reported as a consequence of global warming, potentially raising sea levels. But little attention has been paid to the impact of warmer water beneath the ice. Now, Jianjun Yin of the University of Arizona and colleagues report the warming water could mean polar ice melting faster than had been expected. Their report was published Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience.

While melting floating ice won't raise sea level, ice flowing into the sea from glaciers often reaches the bottom, and grounded ice melted by warm water around it can produce added water to the sea. "Ocean warming is very important compared to atmospheric warming because water has a much larger heat capacity than air," Yin explained. "If you put an ice cube in a warm room, it will melt in several hours. But if you put an ice cube in a cup of warm water, it will disappear in just minutes." In addition, Yin explained, if floating ice along the coastal areas melts it will allow the flow of glaciers to accelerate, bringing more ice into the seas.

"This mean that both Greenland and Antarctica are probably going to melt faster than the scientific community previously thought," co-author Jonathan T. Overpeck said in a statement. Overpeck, co-director of the University of Arizona's Institute of the Environment, said: "This paper adds to the evidence that we could have sea level rise by the end of this century of around 1 meter and a good deal more in succeeding centuries." The subsurface ocean along the Greenland coast could warm as much as 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 Celsius) by 2100, the researchers reported. The warming along the coast of Antarctica would be somewhat less, they calculated, at 0.9 degree F (0.5 C).

Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought - Yahoo! News
Double dose of melting...
Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought
Sun Jul 3,`11 WASHINGTON – Warming air from climate change isn't the only thing that will speed ice melting near the poles — so will the warming water beneath the ice, a new study points out.
Increased melting of ice in Greenland and parts of Antarctica has been reported as a consequence of global warming, potentially raising sea levels. But little attention has been paid to the impact of warmer water beneath the ice. Now, Jianjun Yin of the University of Arizona and colleagues report the warming water could mean polar ice melting faster than had been expected. Their report was published Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience.

While melting floating ice won't raise sea level, ice flowing into the sea from glaciers often reaches the bottom, and grounded ice melted by warm water around it can produce added water to the sea. "Ocean warming is very important compared to atmospheric warming because water has a much larger heat capacity than air," Yin explained. "If you put an ice cube in a warm room, it will melt in several hours. But if you put an ice cube in a cup of warm water, it will disappear in just minutes." In addition, Yin explained, if floating ice along the coastal areas melts it will allow the flow of glaciers to accelerate, bringing more ice into the seas.

"This mean that both Greenland and Antarctica are probably going to melt faster than the scientific community previously thought," co-author Jonathan T. Overpeck said in a statement. Overpeck, co-director of the University of Arizona's Institute of the Environment, said: "This paper adds to the evidence that we could have sea level rise by the end of this century of around 1 meter and a good deal more in succeeding centuries." The subsurface ocean along the Greenland coast could warm as much as 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 Celsius) by 2100, the researchers reported. The warming along the coast of Antarctica would be somewhat less, they calculated, at 0.9 degree F (0.5 C).

Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought - Yahoo! News

You see that real important word there...the one that con men use all the time? The one that charlatans (that would be psychics) use all the time? Yes that one..."could". Once you see that word you can discount whatever they are saying. It is worthless.
Double dose of melting...
Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought
Sun Jul 3,`11 WASHINGTON – Warming air from climate change isn't the only thing that will speed ice melting near the poles — so will the warming water beneath the ice, a new study points out.
Increased melting of ice in Greenland and parts of Antarctica has been reported as a consequence of global warming, potentially raising sea levels. But little attention has been paid to the impact of warmer water beneath the ice. Now, Jianjun Yin of the University of Arizona and colleagues report the warming water could mean polar ice melting faster than had been expected. Their report was published Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience.

While melting floating ice won't raise sea level, ice flowing into the sea from glaciers often reaches the bottom, and grounded ice melted by warm water around it can produce added water to the sea. "Ocean warming is very important compared to atmospheric warming because water has a much larger heat capacity than air," Yin explained. "If you put an ice cube in a warm room, it will melt in several hours. But if you put an ice cube in a cup of warm water, it will disappear in just minutes." In addition, Yin explained, if floating ice along the coastal areas melts it will allow the flow of glaciers to accelerate, bringing more ice into the seas.

"This mean that both Greenland and Antarctica are probably going to melt faster than the scientific community previously thought," co-author Jonathan T. Overpeck said in a statement. Overpeck, co-director of the University of Arizona's Institute of the Environment, said: "This paper adds to the evidence that we could have sea level rise by the end of this century of around 1 meter and a good deal more in succeeding centuries." The subsurface ocean along the Greenland coast could warm as much as 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 Celsius) by 2100, the researchers reported. The warming along the coast of Antarctica would be somewhat less, they calculated, at 0.9 degree F (0.5 C).

Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought - Yahoo! News

You see that real important word there...the one that con men use all the time? The one that charlatans (that would be psychics) use all the time? Yes that one..."could". Once you see that word you can discount whatever they are saying. It is worthless.

And German tanks on the Polish border could be a sign of trouble.

Amazing. A board of ppl who dont know how to debate climate change
Double dose of melting...
Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought
Sun Jul 3,`11 WASHINGTON – Warming air from climate change isn't the only thing that will speed ice melting near the poles — so will the warming water beneath the ice, a new study points out.

You see that real important word there...the one that con men use all the time? The one that charlatans (that would be psychics) use all the time? Yes that one..."could". Once you see that word you can discount whatever they are saying. It is worthless.

And German tanks on the Polish border could be a sign of trouble.

Amazing. A board of ppl who dont know how to debate climate change

Oh, we do. If you would like to talk about some actual science I am happy to discuss it with you. If you're going to resort to palmistry like any article with the word "could" in its title then don't bother.
Melting ice opens up new mineral frontier...
Melting ice opens up the Arctic to a ‘white gold rush’
Wed, Jul 06, 2011 - LAND OF RICHES: As rising temperatures expose more land for exploration, people are rushing to the far north in the hope of carving out a brand new mineral frontier
The crumpled figure in seat 22 on the Air Greenland flight from Ilulissat to Kangerlussuaq was no Indiana Jones. But Dennis Thomas, a mining engineer viewing gold and diamond prospects in the Arctic, was happy to play up the part. “I’ve been shot at and involved in all sorts of other scrapes,” the 62-year-old said as the plane cruised at 3,300m. Thomas had spent 30 years scouring Latin America, the Far East and most other points around the globe, but this was his first time in Greenland. And it will not be his last. The Briton was impressed with what he had seen and said he would be back after discussions with various mining companies and investors who pay him a “finder’s fee” for putting them on to new, commercially viable, deposits.

“This is a very exciting place ... There is only one working mine, but in 10 years I would like to see them with half a dozen serious mines,” he said. It is not just small operations like Thomas Mining Associates, based in West Sussex, England, that are newly on the hunt as ice caps melt in the far north. Major companies have recently set foot in Greenland hoping to carve out — literally — a new mineral frontier. Political visits from countries such as China are also on the rise. They are being driven by the demand for a variety of precious stones and other commodities, which has driven up prices and sent prospectors on a frantic search for new supplies.

Greenland has long been known to harbor everything from uranium — needed for nuclear plants — to so-called rare earth minerals used in hardware such as mobile phones, flatscreen TVs and modern weaponry. The Arctic was largely off-limits because much of the land was considered unworkable, buried under hundreds of meters of snow and ice and with nothing in the way of traditional infrastructure. Global warming has changed that picture.

While Greenland’s traditional way of hunting wild animals is endangered by the melting ice cap, mineral mining is entering a new, potentially lucrative chapter. More and more of the land is becoming ice-free — unleashing greenhouse gases in the process, but offering new opportunities for diggers in the “white gold rush.” New mining applications are being submitted for extraction, from Canada through Greenland to Finland. The Greenland government in Nuuk has underlined its commitment to new ventures by repealing a law that prevented any kind of uranium mining. The laws have been amended to grant exploration licences for radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium on a case-by-case basis.

Double dose of melting...
Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought
Sun Jul 3,`11 WASHINGTON – Warming air from climate change isn't the only thing that will speed ice melting near the poles — so will the warming water beneath the ice, a new study points out.

You see that real important word there...the one that con men use all the time? The one that charlatans (that would be psychics) use all the time? Yes that one..."could". Once you see that word you can discount whatever they are saying. It is worthless.

And German tanks on the Polish border could be a sign of trouble.

Amazing. A board of ppl who dont know how to debate climate change

Our faux geologist could be a bit retarded.
Melting ice opens up new mineral frontier...
Melting ice opens up the Arctic to a ‘white gold rush’
Wed, Jul 06, 2011 - LAND OF RICHES: As rising temperatures expose more land for exploration, people are rushing to the far north in the hope of carving out a brand new mineral frontier
The crumpled figure in seat 22 on the Air Greenland flight from Ilulissat to Kangerlussuaq was no Indiana Jones. But Dennis Thomas, a mining engineer viewing gold and diamond prospects in the Arctic, was happy to play up the part. “I’ve been shot at and involved in all sorts of other scrapes,” the 62-year-old said as the plane cruised at 3,300m. Thomas had spent 30 years scouring Latin America, the Far East and most other points around the globe, but this was his first time in Greenland. And it will not be his last. The Briton was impressed with what he had seen and said he would be back after discussions with various mining companies and investors who pay him a “finder’s fee” for putting them on to new, commercially viable, deposits.

“This is a very exciting place ... There is only one working mine, but in 10 years I would like to see them with half a dozen serious mines,” he said. It is not just small operations like Thomas Mining Associates, based in West Sussex, England, that are newly on the hunt as ice caps melt in the far north. Major companies have recently set foot in Greenland hoping to carve out — literally — a new mineral frontier. Political visits from countries such as China are also on the rise. They are being driven by the demand for a variety of precious stones and other commodities, which has driven up prices and sent prospectors on a frantic search for new supplies.

Greenland has long been known to harbor everything from uranium — needed for nuclear plants — to so-called rare earth minerals used in hardware such as mobile phones, flatscreen TVs and modern weaponry. The Arctic was largely off-limits because much of the land was considered unworkable, buried under hundreds of meters of snow and ice and with nothing in the way of traditional infrastructure. Global warming has changed that picture.

While Greenland’s traditional way of hunting wild animals is endangered by the melting ice cap, mineral mining is entering a new, potentially lucrative chapter. More and more of the land is becoming ice-free — unleashing greenhouse gases in the process, but offering new opportunities for diggers in the “white gold rush.” New mining applications are being submitted for extraction, from Canada through Greenland to Finland. The Greenland government in Nuuk has underlined its commitment to new ventures by repealing a law that prevented any kind of uranium mining. The laws have been amended to grant exploration licences for radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium on a case-by-case basis.


Shhhhhhh........... Don't tell BiPolar and Walleyes, they think that it is cooling.

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