Zone1 Is God a sadist?

Most people are miserable for perfectly valid reasons and choice has little to do with it.
We can check into it together if u want but the fact remains that "valid reasons" can have very little to do w/ whether someone is happy. There are people who have lots of "valid reasons" to be miserable and are instead very happy, and at the same time there are others who (one would think) have every right to be happy & yet they're depressed.

You sound unhappy. If u are in fact unhappy, the misery can paint how the world seems negatively.
Nowhere in creation does anything serve a purpose beyond simple existence except for man. We invented shelter, agriculture, writing and millions of other things just to earn enough leisure time to consider why we are here. We put order into the world. Before us it was just tooth and claw.
It could be argued that with us, it is even more tooth and claw.
Until the bloodbath at the end. :omg:
The Gnostics explain rapture sort of like this... when the high God (known by different names, but most call him Monad) - Monad learned of the existence of humanity, he discussed this with the Aeon (body of God spirits) many of the Aeons wanted to simply destroy what the lesser God did. Just simply destroy Earth to end the painful existence of humans. But Monad felt responsible, and made a compromise with the Aeons that these humans would be given an opportunity to escape their miserable existence and join the Aeons. The end of the world must occur, the inferior existence the lesser God built is far from perfect. His physical world he made cannot last forever. As with all things on earth... they come to an unavoidable end.
Job is a work of fiction with a happy ending bronze age style. In the real world misfortune leaves you mentally scarred and less capable of contentment.
When u say "you" are u talking about "me"? Sure I've have crappy things happen to me and one could say that I'm scared, but I'm happy.
If it makes you feel any better
God didn’t really do that
It is a made up story that was included in the Bible
You must be joking about making me feel better! :)

Seriously, The story of Job was a play that was written, not only to entertain, but to address the issue of bad things happening to good people. It is a theme as old as time, and check any library--that same theme is still being addressed today.

The Bible is a collection of books--a small library if you will--that contains everything from law to history to plays to lyrics to fables. A portable library that worked well in a nomadic society.
Well, after being tortured by God, Job was rewarded

He should have been rewarded regardless
OK, so we agree now that Job ended up doing just fine. What I saw in Job was that a lot of bad things happened to him and he complained, and God set him straight. Maybe u could rewrite that to say that "God tortured Job" but that phrase is nowhere in there. You made that part up.

You got to admit the Bible's pretty handy, especially when we make up things to be in there!
How can a puppy or kitten be corrupt?
It seems that the earth and the people were in a state of ruin physically and morally when God made the choice to start fresh.


The KJV translates Strong's H7843 in the following manner: destroy (96x), corrupt (22x), mar (7x), destroyer (3x), corrupters (2x), waster (2x), spoilers (2x), battered (1x), corruptly (1x), miscellaneous (11x).
Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
  1. to destroy, corrupt, go to ruin, decay
    1. (Niphal) to be marred, be spoiled, be corrupted, be corrupt, be injured, be ruined, be rotted
    2. (Piel)
      1. to spoil, ruin
      2. to pervert, corrupt, deal corruptly (morally)
    3. (Hiphil)
      1. to spoil, ruin, destroy
      2. to pervert, corrupt (morally)
      3. destroyer (participle)
    4. (Hophal) spoiled, ruined (participle)
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But it shows a petty and cruel God who would torture a loyal subject on a bet
Another example of English and Western culture unable to present Hebrew and Middle East culture accurately. Of course, it helps when some salivate over the prospect of a petty and cruel God. Shrug.
Another example of English and Western culture unable to present Hebrew and Middle East culture accurately. Of course, it helps when some salivate over the prospect of a petty and cruel God. Shrug.

God is not petty and cruel.
But the people who wrote the Old Testament thought they needed a God that people feared.

By the time people wrote the New Testament, they wrote about a Loving Gof
Recall the point of the story. Job was a good and faithful man. Ha-Satan (the tester, the prosecutor) said Job was only good and faithful because good things happened to him. Ha-Satan (the prosecutor, tester) proposed that Job would crumble when faced by true diversity. God stood by His servant, confident Job could (and did) withstand any test.

So God essentially tortured a man and murdered his children on a bar-bet with Satan.

That's... kind of messed up.

Hey, remember that movie, Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd, where a couple of rich guys try to prove the nature vs. nurture thing by destroying Dan Akroyd's life while elevating Eddie Murphy above his abilities?

Nobody cheered for the two rich guys... they were assholes.

And they didn't murder anyone's children.
--and u want to live in a world where no puppies, kittens, or babies ever die and every living creature lives forever even after the universe dies?
As opposed to a world where a vengeful God kills them all?

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