Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?

Men rule politics and religions and set the moral rules that we all live by. Thanks to the fact that most child rearing is done by women, women may be the actual rulers of society. The jury is still out on that issue.

Men and women of good moral sense have traditionally chosen to put women and children ahead of themselves in situation where harm is in play. Moral men follow the Harm/Care tenet.

The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on

Men seem to think that it is wrong for men to place themselves ahead of their children when death is at hand. Men feel that it is their duty to their families to insure that their families survive, ----- even at the cost of their own lives. True moral men step up to this sacrifice and show their good moral sense that declares and calls for the sanctification of the family. This is one of the main tenets of morality. These men know good from evil and choose to do the good thing.

Recently, a man, be it by accident or design, found himself doing the evil thing and ended up ahead of women and children in the life boats.

The predominantly Christian world dubbed him Captain Coward.

As above, so below.

Christians are to emulate God and put his laws above all else. That is the first commandment.

God’s law, the opposite of man’s law, is to put Fathers ahead of women/spirit and children/life.

If we use the scenario of a sinking ship as an analogy, we see that God did the opposite of what good moral men have decided should be the standard by taking a seat in the live boat and leaving his son to die needlessly. Christians praise such an immoral, satanic action performed by God and have lined up behind Jesus’ corpse to try to profit and gain benefits from this despicable act of pre-planned murder.

Christians should condemn their satanic God’s actions like good moral men have done, --- yet they do not. They prefer to follow Captain Coward’s ways and morals.

Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?

you're saying God is a coward because Christ voluntarily sacrificed His life for you?

And what do you mean women may be the real rulers? Someone doubts that?
you're saying God is a coward because Christ voluntarily sacrificed His life for you?

Jesus said ---- my father who sent me.

That is not voluntary service so your statement is not true.

[ame=]Mr. Deity Episode 2: Mr. Deity and the Really Big Favor - YouTube[/ame]

God put himself before his responsibilities.

God set the condition for our forgiveness and then had his son murdered to fill those conditions instead of doing the moral thing and stepping up himself to fill his own requirements.

And what do you mean women may be the real rulers? Someone doubts that?

I mean exactly what I said because an economy, which is what basically controls the world, is more in the hands of women and being the ones who do most of the child rearing have the greatest influence on how men will think.

Men rule politics and religions and set the moral rules that we all live by.

No they don't. The prince behind the Kings is Satan. Listen to Ezekiel.
Although it begins with Ezekiel being commanded by God to “take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre” , an evil idolatrous king, it's clear that the passage is referring as well to the power behind that king, Satan.
Verse 28:13 says he was “in Eden, the garden of God.” The king of Tyre was never in Eden.
Men rule politics and religions and set the moral rules that we all live by.

No they don't. The prince behind the Kings is Satan. Listen to Ezekiel.
Although it begins with Ezekiel being commanded by God to “take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre” , an evil idolatrous king, it's clear that the passage is referring as well to the power behind that king, Satan.
Verse 28:13 says he was “in Eden, the garden of God.” The king of Tyre was never in Eden.

Ya ya. Satan.


[ame=]'Hell' as an invention of the church - YouTube[/ame]

Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?

Men rule politics and religions and set the moral rules that we all live by. Thanks to the fact that most child rearing is done by women, women may be the actual rulers of society. The jury is still out on that issue.

Men and women of good moral sense have traditionally chosen to put women and children ahead of themselves in situation where harm is in play. Moral men follow the Harm/Care tenet.

The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on

Men seem to think that it is wrong for men to place themselves ahead of their children when death is at hand. Men feel that it is their duty to their families to insure that their families survive, ----- even at the cost of their own lives. True moral men step up to this sacrifice and show their good moral sense that declares and calls for the sanctification of the family. This is one of the main tenets of morality. These men know good from evil and choose to do the good thing.

Recently, a man, be it by accident or design, found himself doing the evil thing and ended up ahead of women and children in the life boats.

The predominantly Christian world dubbed him Captain Coward.

As above, so below.

Christians are to emulate God and put his laws above all else. That is the first commandment.

God’s law, the opposite of man’s law, is to put Fathers ahead of women/spirit and children/life.

If we use the scenario of a sinking ship as an analogy, we see that God did the opposite of what good moral men have decided should be the standard by taking a seat in the live boat and leaving his son to die needlessly. Christians praise such an immoral, satanic action performed by God and have lined up behind Jesus’ corpse to try to profit and gain benefits from this despicable act of pre-planned murder.

Christians should condemn their satanic God’s actions like good moral men have done, --- yet they do not. They prefer to follow Captain Coward’s ways and morals.

Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?


It's not a bad read, but I find it kind of like postulating that Superman could kick the ass of Spiderman.

What's the point?
Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?

Men rule politics and religions and set the moral rules that we all live by. Thanks to the fact that most child rearing is done by women, women may be the actual rulers of society. The jury is still out on that issue.

Men and women of good moral sense have traditionally chosen to put women and children ahead of themselves in situation where harm is in play. Moral men follow the Harm/Care tenet.

The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on

Men seem to think that it is wrong for men to place themselves ahead of their children when death is at hand. Men feel that it is their duty to their families to insure that their families survive, ----- even at the cost of their own lives. True moral men step up to this sacrifice and show their good moral sense that declares and calls for the sanctification of the family. This is one of the main tenets of morality. These men know good from evil and choose to do the good thing.

Recently, a man, be it by accident or design, found himself doing the evil thing and ended up ahead of women and children in the life boats.

The predominantly Christian world dubbed him Captain Coward.

As above, so below.

Christians are to emulate God and put his laws above all else. That is the first commandment.

God’s law, the opposite of man’s law, is to put Fathers ahead of women/spirit and children/life.

If we use the scenario of a sinking ship as an analogy, we see that God did the opposite of what good moral men have decided should be the standard by taking a seat in the live boat and leaving his son to die needlessly. Christians praise such an immoral, satanic action performed by God and have lined up behind Jesus’ corpse to try to profit and gain benefits from this despicable act of pre-planned murder.

Christians should condemn their satanic God’s actions like good moral men have done, --- yet they do not. They prefer to follow Captain Coward’s ways and morals.

Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?


It's not a bad read, but I find it kind of like postulating that Superman could kick the ass of Spiderman.

What's the point?

If we use the scenario of a sinking ship as an analogy, we see that God did the opposite of what good moral men have decided should be the standard by taking a seat in the live boat and leaving his son to die needlessly. Christians praise such an immoral, satanic action performed by God and have lined up behind Jesus’ corpse to try to profit and gain benefits from this despicable act of pre-planned murder.

The point is that Christians follow a God whose morals are non-existent.
Not too surprising for a genocidal God of war who would rather kill than cure.

Which is easy to do when the god being followed doesn't exist.


That is a logical fallacy but I have no argument against.

I hope no theist takes you to task for it though.
I do hate to see atheists brought down a peg. I am not one, having a leg in both camps but am closer to you than to a literalist or fundamental theist.

You might be ok though. The theists here do not seem to be too bright.

Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?

Men rule politics and religions and set the moral rules that we all live by. Thanks to the fact that most child rearing is done by women, women may be the actual rulers of society. The jury is still out on that issue.

Men and women of good moral sense have traditionally chosen to put women and children ahead of themselves in situation where harm is in play. Moral men follow the Harm/Care tenet.

The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on

Men seem to think that it is wrong for men to place themselves ahead of their children when death is at hand. Men feel that it is their duty to their families to insure that their families survive, ----- even at the cost of their own lives. True moral men step up to this sacrifice and show their good moral sense that declares and calls for the sanctification of the family. This is one of the main tenets of morality. These men know good from evil and choose to do the good thing.

Recently, a man, be it by accident or design, found himself doing the evil thing and ended up ahead of women and children in the life boats.

The predominantly Christian world dubbed him Captain Coward.

As above, so below.

Christians are to emulate God and put his laws above all else. That is the first commandment.

God’s law, the opposite of man’s law, is to put Fathers ahead of women/spirit and children/life.

If we use the scenario of a sinking ship as an analogy, we see that God did the opposite of what good moral men have decided should be the standard by taking a seat in the live boat and leaving his son to die needlessly. Christians praise such an immoral, satanic action performed by God and have lined up behind Jesus’ corpse to try to profit and gain benefits from this despicable act of pre-planned murder.

Christians should condemn their satanic God’s actions like good moral men have done, --- yet they do not. They prefer to follow Captain Coward’s ways and morals.

Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?


Patton, George S.
Born: 1885
Died: 1945

George Smith Patton
American General


"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

- Attributed to General George Patton Jr
Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?

Men rule politics and religions and set the moral rules that we all live by. Thanks to the fact that most child rearing is done by women, women may be the actual rulers of society. The jury is still out on that issue.

Men and women of good moral sense have traditionally chosen to put women and children ahead of themselves in situation where harm is in play. Moral men follow the Harm/Care tenet.

The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on

Men seem to think that it is wrong for men to place themselves ahead of their children when death is at hand. Men feel that it is their duty to their families to insure that their families survive, ----- even at the cost of their own lives. True moral men step up to this sacrifice and show their good moral sense that declares and calls for the sanctification of the family. This is one of the main tenets of morality. These men know good from evil and choose to do the good thing.

Recently, a man, be it by accident or design, found himself doing the evil thing and ended up ahead of women and children in the life boats.

The predominantly Christian world dubbed him Captain Coward.

As above, so below.

Christians are to emulate God and put his laws above all else. That is the first commandment.

God’s law, the opposite of man’s law, is to put Fathers ahead of women/spirit and children/life.

If we use the scenario of a sinking ship as an analogy, we see that God did the opposite of what good moral men have decided should be the standard by taking a seat in the live boat and leaving his son to die needlessly. Christians praise such an immoral, satanic action performed by God and have lined up behind Jesus’ corpse to try to profit and gain benefits from this despicable act of pre-planned murder.

Christians should condemn their satanic God’s actions like good moral men have done, --- yet they do not. They prefer to follow Captain Coward’s ways and morals.

Is God the head of the Captain Coward club?


Patton, George S.
Born: 1885
Died: 1945

George Smith Patton
American General


"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

- Attributed to General George Patton Jr

Not nice to call Jesus a dumb bastard even if his father hated him enough to have him needlessly murdered.

Christians aren't supposed to emulate God.

They sure don't but are told to see God as their best example and follow his ways and laws.
What the hell do you think the first commandments is telling you to do if not put no other laws or ways ahead of God's.

Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Is Jesus God to you?

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Show me you can think and tell us what that last is telling you?

Listen to this as well and recant your statement..

[ame=]1A Hidden Meanings In Bible - YouTube[/ame]


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