Is Green Industry Collapsing?


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
It appears to be so. Spain has recently scaled back its subsidy programs for wind and solar (because they weren't performing as advertised) and France and Germany are following suit. Ontario Canada may be next in line as the renewable energy industry continues to fail to meet expectations.

Lawrence Solomon: Green collapse | FP Comment | Financial Post

ENDS Europe | France to halt subsidies for new solar projects

PV developers head for exits after new French moratorium - Politics - Renewable energy news - Recharge - wind, solar, biomass, wave/tidal/hydro and geothermal
Europeans are currently cutting spending in every area, from Army to higher retirement-ages.
Off course, this also includes subsidies be it in energy or other sectors.

The EU has defined strategic goals. One of them is to increase share of renewable energies in total electricity production.
There is no renewable-energy collapse, just less money to spend.
Europeans are currently cutting spending in every area, from Army to higher retirement-ages.
Off course, this also includes subsidies be it in energy or other sectors.

The EU has defined strategic goals. One of them is to increase share of renewable energies in total electricity production.
There is no renewable-energy collapse, just less money to spend.

I don't agree with this statement. If the renewable enrgy programs worked then it would be stupid to discontinue the subsidies. The whole point is to save on energy costs and help clean the environment. Of course we have seen in Spain that because the solar power plants were not capable of producing enough energy to meet demand that diesel generators were placed on the solar power sites to provide power when the green plant wasn't able to meet the there goes the environmental concerns. And the correlary to that is of course the cost is astronomical compared to fossil fuels.
They are cutting spending, Green energies work they just cost more up front so they are bing put on the back burner for lack of funds.
It is cheaper for now to go with the way things are. Change costs money.
Ask those who shipped our manufacturing jobs overseas and invented ways to package, rate and trade in unregulated derivitives.
I don't agree with this statement. If the renewable enrgy programs worked then it would be stupid to discontinue the subsidies. The whole point is to save on energy costs and help clean the environment. Of course we have seen in Spain that because the solar power plants were not capable of producing enough energy to meet demand that diesel generators were placed on the solar power sites to provide power when the green plant wasn't able to meet the there goes the environmental concerns. And the correlary to that is of course the cost is astronomical compared to fossil fuels.

Why focus on solar energy?
It just makes 2 per-cent of Spanish electricity production.

Website is company of Spanish-Electricity Grid provider, which runs the grid on mainland and on the islands of Spain.
Shows data for March 2010, renewable energy is 45,1 % of total electricity being put into grid.
Solar just 2 per cent.
Notas de prensa > Sala de prensa > Red Elctrica de Espaa

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Westwall you either stupid or a don't do your homework ...I find that odd in a pilot..If you really are a pilot.

Spain was the hardest hit of all the European countries in the collapse we started. Harder than both Greece and Ireland.

They are cutting back on EVERYTHING! What REALLY did not perform for them or any one else were our fraudulently rated bonds.
Westwall you either stupid or a don't do your homework ...I find that odd in a pilot..If you really are a pilot.

Spain was the hardest hit of all the European countries in the collapse we started. Harder than both Greece and Ireland.

They are cutting back on EVERYTHING! What REALLY did not perform for them or any one else were our fraudulently rated bonds.

Actually, Spain is quite unique. It decided to go hell for leather into the green economy... and destroyed its economy instead. Every 'green job' cost two traditional jobs. Back in Sept 09, the Washington Post was holding Spain up as a shining example of how the green economy could save the planet and the US economy. Fortunately, for Americans, no one listened.
Actually, Spain is quite unique. It decided to go hell for leather into the green economy... and destroyed its economy instead. Every 'green job' cost two traditional jobs. Back in Sept 09, the Washington Post was holding Spain up as a shining example of how the green economy could save the planet and the US economy. Fortunately, for Americans, no one listened.

German Environment Ministry has published study

Jobs in renewable energy
2004 ---- 160.000
2009 ---- 340.000

Sucks to pick countries, which witness financial-economic crisis like Spain and hold renewable-energy subject responsible for economic crisis.
Why don`t you pick Germany, which invests a lot more then Spain into renewable-energy and is still witnessing economic growth and decreasing unemployment rates?
Actually, Spain is quite unique. It decided to go hell for leather into the green economy... and destroyed its economy instead. Every 'green job' cost two traditional jobs. Back in Sept 09, the Washington Post was holding Spain up as a shining example of how the green economy could save the planet and the US economy. Fortunately, for Americans, no one listened.

German Environment Ministry has published study

Jobs in renewable energy
2004 ---- 160.000
2009 ---- 340.000

Sucks to pick countries, which witness financial-economic crisis like Spain and hold renewable-energy subject responsible for economic crisis.
Why don`t you pick Germany, which invests a lot more then Spain into renewable-energy and is still witnessing economic growth and decreasing unemployment rates?

Doesn't include the non-green jobs Spain killed, they estimate, 2-1 over "green jobs."
They are cutting spending, Green energies work they just cost more up front so they are bing put on the back burner for lack of funds.
It is cheaper for now to go with the way things are. Change costs money.

Ethanol costs this country 45 cents for every gallon produced. Always has, always will.

Tens of billions of gallons per year times 45 cents.
Westwall you either stupid or a don't do your homework ...I find that odd in a pilot..If you really are a pilot.

Spain was the hardest hit of all the European countries in the collapse we started. Harder than both Greece and Ireland.

They are cutting back on EVERYTHING! What REALLY did not perform for them or any one else were our fraudulently rated bonds.


Spain has had a very bad experience with green business.

Feeling the pain in Spain | jobs, green, state - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Is just one example of what occured. 2.2 jobs lost for every one claimed to have been generated is math that doesn't compute no matter how you try and twist it. Yes I am a pilot (private not commercial) and attention to detail is what keeps me alive. I have amassed a goodly number of hours based on teh old pilots addage that there are old pilots and bold pilots but no old, bold pilots (with one exception being Bob Hoover) and I use that maxim in pretty much everything I do.

Whenever a business requires massive subsidy to exhist (whether it is an oil company or a car maker) it is just doesn't know it yet.
Doesn't include the non-green jobs Spain killed, they estimate, 2-1 over "green jobs."

Does that tell you your blog?
Maybe you can provide reliable statistics for that claim...

Spain`s economic problems are based on real-estate market, boom through building empty houses, tourist structures and infrastructure around and through those structures which no one really needs.
Spain has received 148 Billion Euros from EU`s Cohesion-Policy, since Spain joined EU, which Spain invested mainly in those structures.

As a result, Spain`s construction industry generates 19.6 per-cent of total economic output and is thereby double the size of EU-27 average.
Source, German Trade and Invest Agency

Productivity growth in normal jobs in the industry sectors decelerated to 0.05 per-cent within 1 decade.
Concept of boom-through-building failed. This problem has been multiplied by the incompetence of Americans, who are the cause for millions of people in the world to loose their jobs in a world-wide recession.

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