Is Holder a bold faced liar? The timeline just doesnt add up.

Did you know that term is really bald faced liar? At least that is what everybody says about Issa.

If you have a fucking timeline with the full statements or comments made by the man that demonstrate that he lied, please it here. Otherwise, do something else.

If you have a fucking timeline with the full statements or comments made by the man that demonstrate that he lied, please it here. Otherwise, do something else.

holder lied under oath twice nothing else matters.

If you have a fucking timeline with the full statements or comments made by the man that demonstrate that he lied, please it here. Otherwise, do something else.

It all started over the DOJ's letter to Congress February 4, 2011 denying that Operation Fast and Furious even existed.

Holder has since "retracted" that statement made in the letter. Most recently, Holder claimed that former AG under Bush a gentleman by the name of Mukasey knew all about it which was a fabrication *cough*.

On Feb. 4, 2011, the Justice Department sent a letter to Congress denying the operation even existed.

Ten months later, Justice retracted the letter. Holder insisted that the buck stopped with him, and he halted the program when he became aware of it.

This week, Holder claimed that former Bush Attorney General Michael Mukasey knew about it, which is impossible given that it didn't begin until after the Obama administration took office.

Challenged on this, Holder retracted his claim, though White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who couldn't remember Agent Terry's name, made the same absurd claim Thursday.

It's all over the net on so many sources, I just grabbed this link because it was quickest.

These two "misstatements" are undeniable. Holder has retracted both.

Contempt for Rule of Law

Maybe you'd like this link better. It backs up my claim of two *cough* misstatements and two retractions.

In a second major retraction over its version of the the gun-walking scandal, the Justice Department has retracted Attorney General Eric Holder's charge in a hearing last week that his Bush administration predecessor had been briefed on the affair.

In a memo just released by Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Iowa senator reveals that Holder also didn't apologize to former Attorney General Michael Mukasey for dragging him into the Fast & Furious scandal that is headed for a major legal clash and likely contempt of Congress charge against Holder.

According to Grassley's memo, Justice said that Holder "inadvertently" made the charge against Mukasey in a hearing.

Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious |
Even with his limited legal skills, A.G. Holder is smart enough not to be caught in an outright lie but he is stuck in a position he thought he could wiggle out of with the cooperation of the liberal media. The highest ranking Police Officer in the Country is still subject to the same laws as a burger flipper. Holder cannot refuse to comply with a congressional subpoena even though a little army of ignorant liberals still supports him.
Even with his limited legal skills, A.G. Holder is smart enough not to be caught in an outright lie but he is stuck in a position he thought he could wiggle out of with the cooperation of the liberal media. The highest ranking Police Officer in the Country is still subject to the same laws as a burger flipper. Holder cannot refuse to comply with a congressional subpoena even though a little army of ignorant liberals still supports him.

Holder lied period. obama threw him under the bus

Judge Napolitano: Invoking Executive Privilege Opens Holder Up To Charges Of ‘Misleading The Congress’
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He testified before congress that he had just learned of F&F only a few weeks before he testified. Yet his current mantra is that he killed the program after learning about it. Strangely though, the program was terminated a long time ago.

Why doesn't the left see this disconnect?

They see it. How else could they do such a bang up job of spinning things to try and cover it up? They are deliberately ignoring facts and using their tried and true tactic of ridiculing anyone who points out lies in the Obama administration. Pelosi really went outer limits when she tried to claim that the Repubs are only questioning Holder on this so they can get rid of him in order to stop him from protecting states against voter fraud. That woman needs to be in a padded cell. Holder is all about fraud. It's his number one skill on his resume.
Do you know FOR A FACT that Holder was aware of the program before the times he gas said he was made aware of it?

Are you saying that Holder said Mukasey knew about a particular operation that didn't begin until after Obama took office? Or.....are you playing games and pretending that gun running operations didn't exist when Mukasey was AG?

There is a difference between a lie and a mistake.
Do you know FOR A FACT that Holder was aware of the program before the times he gas said he was made aware of it?

Are you saying that Holder said Mukasey knew about a particular operation that didn't begin until after Obama took office? Or.....are you playing games and pretending that gun running operations didn't exist when Mukasey was AG?

There is a difference between a lie and a mistake.

What part of Holder's initial denial from February 2011 that was retracted aka admitted it was wrong to deny DOJ involvement don't you get?

What part of Holder's retraction over Mukasey don't you get?

These statements and following retractions are on record. Operation Fast and Furious had nothing to do with Operation Wide Receiver.

ETA: with the exception that both operations were major failures. Others have put up excellent lists of the differences between them

And the administration are bald faced liars for even trying to go down the "blame Bush" path on this one. And they've been caught and forced to retract their original claims.

Again, the retraction was made public. But that still didn't stop Carney from lying about Mukasey and Bush the other day. It was no mistake. It was no spin. It was a lie right from the lips of the White House spokesman.

It's a no brainer here. The only ones left denying the truth of the situation are the partisan hacks who want to pretend that Bush is to blame.
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In 2009 President Bush had nothing to do with Fast and the furious 2012 still the same. Nothing new. Now back to your normal propaganda sources
Was the February 2011 letter a lie or a mistake?

Answer only if you know for a fact?


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