Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I'm always amazed that the same questions reappear monthly, thought we answered this long ago. See my links, and take the test if you are still unsure.

"Despite how straightforward and commonplace it may appear today, the heterosexual/homosexual juxtaposition was actually less to the fore in premodern times and, in effect, was not universally observed. Equally, heterosexual love-however natural it may appear today-was seen in those earlier societies not so much as a rejection of homosexuality but rather as an alternative to nonsexual male-to-male relationships and, for that matter, the love of God advocated respectively by chivalric and religious practices and codes of conduct... There is today a clear need to rethink our attitude to heterosexuality...." 'The Invention of Heterosexual Culture' Louis-Georges Tin

Insighful comment from a gay man in first link.

Causes of transsexualism

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (this includes women) are not equal, that some should not be served especially if they were endowed by their Creator with gayness or brownness or some other differentness in our eyes, that among these qualities are lots of potential reasons to deny them service that will be determined in a pursuit of our Happiness and our ideological framework of justice.
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Yea right thats why you have so many bath house's and such a high rate of aids, you douche.
The rate of HIV infection is actually quite low. I am sure there are no such things as narth hoses for heterosexuals.

And you are sadly misinformed - please tell me you're not a bug chaser


seems you have poor math skills as well. I see 28000 infected through msm. Being that the estimates for the population that is homosexual falls between 2 and 4% of a nation with a population of 324million people that means 6-9million of us are gay, the statistic here isn't even one percent.
Homosexuality is not a mental illness. Nothing mentioned afterward is relevant due to this original mistake.

Keep telling yourself that , and when you're done ... click your heels together, close your eyes, repeat to yourself - "I'm not sick - I'm not sick " and the bad tooth fairy will drop you back in kens ass.

Do you have any proof its a mental illness or did you come up with your hypothesis on your own?

Over the course of the last few months I have probably posted a hundred or more links on that topic - I sincerely doubt you would read anything beyond the title because it appears you already have all the answers. Or at least you've managed to pound all those square pegs into the little round holes to arrive at the conclusions that support your Liberal World View. Let's start with this one ... shall we ? let's see if you can read beyoond the Title

The 'gay accent' is a myth. I've known many Southerners with it who were hetereosexual. And Senator Lindsey Graham has it but is seemingly heterosexual too.

There is body language though it is subtle it dose not lie.

I am very astute, but certainly have been misdirected more than once. The man who performed the marriage ceremony for my friends was certain to be gay. Not just gay but a flamer! His mannerisms, his speech patterns were definitely gay. It would not have surprised me if he made a sudden grab for the groom.

Come to find out, he used to be a lawyer but the long hours kept him away from his wife and five children too much. He gave up the practice and now makes wedding house calls. He also had two more children. When commented "WOW seven kids, that's a big family!" he said his wife was too sexy for him to keep his hands off her. And, they didn't mind at all the large family.
flaming isn't a good indicator, you can typically tell, even the most nonflaming homosexuals bytheir eyes, namely where and how they are looking at others.
Keep telling yourself that , and when you're done ... click your heels together, close your eyes, repeat to yourself - "I'm not sick - I'm not sick " and the bad tooth fairy will drop you back in kens ass.

Do you have any proof its a mental illness or did you come up with your hypothesis on your own?

Over the course of the last few months I have probably posted a hundred or more links on that topic - I sincerely doubt you would read anything beyond the title because it appears you already have all the answers. Or at least you've managed to pound all those square pegs into the little round holes to arrive at the conclusions that support your Liberal World View. Let's start with this one ... shall we ? let's see if you can read beyoond the Title


I see you have failed to evolve along with science. :lol: Its no longer 1974

According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness.

Now do you have something more than just an opinion piece?
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Um...what I said seems completely clear, what about it confused you? Anti-gay Christians don't like you, they don't understand you, so for them to say what motivates you is preposterous. You would be the first to recognize and say that I'm sure. And I would agree with you when you did.

You don't like Christians, you clearly don't understand them, for you to comment on what motivates them is preposterous. Yet you turn around and do to them what they do to you that you object to. I am just pointing that out, maybe you shouldn't do that since clearly you're not going to do it accurately and what you said about them shows that. You don't understand them at all. So don't pretend you do.
Excuse me, I am Christian, and furthermore I never once mentioned Christianity, I said religion, which doesn't mean necessarily Christian.

You may go to Church, but since you said Christianity is primarily social, you're obviously saying you're not actually a Christian.
I don't go to church. I never said Christianity was primarily social, andto be Christian one only needs to accept Christ as their savior. I am Christian, whether or not i meet the criteria to be Christian in your definition is of no concern to me.

Please stop accusing me of dating things I did not say.
Do you have any proof its a mental illness or did you come up with your hypothesis on your own?

Over the course of the last few months I have probably posted a hundred or more links on that topic - I sincerely doubt you would read anything beyond the title because it appears you already have all the answers. Or at least you've managed to pound all those square pegs into the little round holes to arrive at the conclusions that support your Liberal World View. Let's start with this one ... shall we ? let's see if you can read beyoond the Title


I see you have failed to evolve along with science. :lol: Its no longer 1974

According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness.

Now do you have something more than just an opinion piece?
get ready he has all the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist websites bookmarked
The rate of HIV infection is actually quite low. I am sure there are no such things as narth hoses for heterosexuals.

And you are sadly misinformed - please tell me you're not a bug chaser


seems you have poor math skills as well. I see 28000 infected through msm. Being that the estimates for the population that is homosexual falls between 2 and 4% of a nation with a population of 324million people that means 6-9million of us are gay, the statistic here isn't even one percent.

No no no little fella , I think you need to recalculate - not just your arithmetic - but your entire existence. The Chart represented DOCUMENTED NEW INFECTIONS not existing ones and not un-documented ones - If you have any further problems with the numbers presented perhaps you should contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention -- CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

Well at least we've established you're not an English Major, not a Math Major, Not a Psych Major, you certainly never took Logic 101 - Hmmm - correct me if I'm wrong - didn't you say you were a College Student ?
Over the course of the last few months I have probably posted a hundred or more links on that topic - I sincerely doubt you would read anything beyond the title because it appears you already have all the answers. Or at least you've managed to pound all those square pegs into the little round holes to arrive at the conclusions that support your Liberal World View. Let's start with this one ... shall we ? let's see if you can read beyoond the Title


I see you have failed to evolve along with science. :lol: Its no longer 1974

According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness.

Now do you have something more than just an opinion piece?
get ready he has all the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist websites bookmarked

As long as he doesnt electrocute himself. I'd love to see someone prove its a mental disease. :lol:
Excuse me, I am Christian, and furthermore I never once mentioned Christianity, I said religion, which doesn't mean necessarily Christian.

You may go to Church, but since you said Christianity is primarily social, you're obviously saying you're not actually a Christian.
I don't go to church. I never said Christianity was primarily social, andto be Christian one only needs to accept Christ as their savior. I am Christian, whether or not i meet the criteria to be Christian in your definition is of no concern to me.

Please stop accusing me of dating things I did not say.

Agreed, religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God

Here you go. You used the word "conformity." I spent 10 minutes finding the actual quote because you wanted to word parse. Conformity is purely social, it has no other meaning. I'm going to pass on responding to you if you're going to play games.

So you are a Christian who doesn't go to church and thinks religion is about "conformity more than God."

Obviously when I said you don't understand Christians and you objected, it was feigned indignation and what I said was right. All I am saying is they should not tell you what you think, you should do the same.
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Over the course of the last few months I have probably posted a hundred or more links on that topic - I sincerely doubt you would read anything beyond the title because it appears you already have all the answers. Or at least you've managed to pound all those square pegs into the little round holes to arrive at the conclusions that support your Liberal World View. Let's start with this one ... shall we ? let's see if you can read beyoond the Title


I see you have failed to evolve along with science. :lol: Its no longer 1974

According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness.

Now do you have something more than just an opinion piece?
get ready he has all the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist websites bookmarked

You mean all the ones that you can't refute :lol:

Okay - so let's start with the APA [LMAO]

Beginning in the late 60s, homosexual activist groups began lobbying leading psychiatric organizations to lay the groundwork for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder. Dr. Cummings in offering his proposal to declassify homosexuality as a Mental Disorder, stated

I made the resolution that being gay was not a mental illness, that it was characterological,.... I also said with that, that the APA, if it passes this resolution, will also vote to continue research that demonstrates whatever the research demonstrates. Unbiased, open research.

During his tenure as APA president , the organization utilized the "Leona Tyler" principle. In a nutshell, the Leona Tyler principle called for the use of Scientific Objectivity, which is a basis of all science, or at least its supposed to be. Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc ..

Today, it is nowhere to be found in the APA Scientific Objectivity has been swept under the carpet and completely forgotten. Since at least thje Mid 90s leftist Ideology rules at the APA. Cummings has stated that its members are “cherrypicking results” to fit their Agenda. As per Cummings the gay rights movement sort of captured the APA.

American Psychological Association. Owned by the Gays

Dr. Cummings is the Man who wrote the Motion to have Homosexuality removed from the DSM - a decision he now regrets
And you are sadly misinformed - please tell me you're not a bug chaser


seems you have poor math skills as well. I see 28000 infected through msm. Being that the estimates for the population that is homosexual falls between 2 and 4% of a nation with a population of 324million people that means 6-9million of us are gay, the statistic here isn't even one percent.

No no no little fella , I think you need to recalculate - not just your arithmetic - but your entire existence. The Chart represented DOCUMENTED NEW INFECTIONS not existing ones and not un-documented ones - If you have any further problems with the numbers presented perhaps you should contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention -- CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

Well at least we've established you're not an English Major, not a Math Major, Not a Psych Major, you certainly never took Logic 101 - Hmmm - correct me if I'm wrong - didn't you say you were a College Student ?

ridiculous insults aside, what percentage ofgay men are known to be infected with HIV?
You may go to Church, but since you said Christianity is primarily social, you're obviously saying you're not actually a Christian.
I don't go to church. I never said Christianity was primarily social, andto be Christian one only needs to accept Christ as their savior. I am Christian, whether or not i meet the criteria to be Christian in your definition is of no concern to me.

Please stop accusing me of dating things I did not say.

Agreed, religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God

Here you go. You used the word "conformity." I spent 10 minutes finding the actual quote because you wanted to word parse. Conformity is purely social, it has no other meaning. I'm going to pass on responding to you if you're going to play games.

I believe spiking a quote like that may be a violation
You may go to Church, but since you said Christianity is primarily social, you're obviously saying you're not actually a Christian.
I don't go to church. I never said Christianity was primarily social, andto be Christian one only needs to accept Christ as their savior. I am Christian, whether or not i meet the criteria to be Christian in your definition is of no concern to me.

Please stop accusing me of dating things I did not say.

Agreed, religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God

Here you go. You used the word "conformity." I spent 10 minutes finding the actual quote because you wanted to word parse. Conformity is purely social, it has no other meaning. I'm going to pass on responding to you if you're going to play games.
Point out where I mentioned Christianity specifically. Does Christianity need a church? If so who said so?
I don't go to church. I never said Christianity was primarily social, andto be Christian one only needs to accept Christ as their savior. I am Christian, whether or not i meet the criteria to be Christian in your definition is of no concern to me.

Please stop accusing me of dating things I did not say.

Agreed, religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God

Here you go. You used the word "conformity." I spent 10 minutes finding the actual quote because you wanted to word parse. Conformity is purely social, it has no other meaning. I'm going to pass on responding to you if you're going to play games.

I believe spiking a quote like that may be a violation

What do you mean? If you are saying I changed something then please let me know what it is because I did not do that intentionally and I want to fix it.
seems you have poor math skills as well. I see 28000 infected through msm. Being that the estimates for the population that is homosexual falls between 2 and 4% of a nation with a population of 324million people that means 6-9million of us are gay, the statistic here isn't even one percent.

No no no little fella , I think you need to recalculate - not just your arithmetic - but your entire existence. The Chart represented DOCUMENTED NEW INFECTIONS not existing ones and not un-documented ones - If you have any further problems with the numbers presented perhaps you should contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention -- CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

Well at least we've established you're not an English Major, not a Math Major, Not a Psych Major, you certainly never took Logic 101 - Hmmm - correct me if I'm wrong - didn't you say you were a College Student ?

ridiculous insults aside, what percentage ofgay men are known to be infected with HIV?

As I told you on various threads - I'm not a Genius , just smarter than you. I don't store this information in my head - and I am also not your errand Boy if you desire an answer - Go Fish or Go Google as the case may be.

And so far as insults - What Insults - I Thought I was being pretty civil and honest ?
I don't go to church. I never said Christianity was primarily social, andto be Christian one only needs to accept Christ as their savior. I am Christian, whether or not i meet the criteria to be Christian in your definition is of no concern to me.

Please stop accusing me of dating things I did not say.

Agreed, religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God

Here you go. You used the word "conformity." I spent 10 minutes finding the actual quote because you wanted to word parse. Conformity is purely social, it has no other meaning. I'm going to pass on responding to you if you're going to play games.
Point out where I mentioned Christianity specifically. Does Christianity need a church? If so who said so?

So when you said "religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God," you were not including Christianity in that?
Here you go. You used the word "conformity." I spent 10 minutes finding the actual quote because you wanted to word parse. Conformity is purely social, it has no other meaning. I'm going to pass on responding to you if you're going to play games.

I believe spiking a quote like that may be a violation

What do you mean? If you are saying I changed something then please let me know what it is because I did not do that intentionally and I want to fix it.

Not You KAZ -Not You . You're integrity is not remotely questionable - you're a true scholar .
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Here you go. You used the word "conformity." I spent 10 minutes finding the actual quote because you wanted to word parse. Conformity is purely social, it has no other meaning. I'm going to pass on responding to you if you're going to play games.
Point out where I mentioned Christianity specifically. Does Christianity need a church? If so who said so?

So when you said "religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God," you were not including Christianity in that?

I was speaking of organized religion of which I don't participate.

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