Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I see you have failed to evolve along with science. :lol: Its no longer 1974

Now do you have something more than just an opinion piece?
get ready he has all the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist websites bookmarked

You mean all the ones that you can't refute :lol:

Okay - so let's start with the APA [LMAO]

Beginning in the late 60s, homosexual activist groups began lobbying leading psychiatric organizations to lay the groundwork for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder. Dr. Cummings in offering his proposal to declassify homosexuality as a Mental Disorder, stated

I made the resolution that being gay was not a mental illness, that it was characterological,.... I also said with that, that the APA, if it passes this resolution, will also vote to continue research that demonstrates whatever the research demonstrates. Unbiased, open research.

During his tenure as APA president , the organization utilized the "Leona Tyler" principle. In a nutshell, the Leona Tyler principle called for the use of Scientific Objectivity, which is a basis of all science, or at least its supposed to be. Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc ..

Today, it is nowhere to be found in the APA Scientific Objectivity has been swept under the carpet and completely forgotten. Since at least thje Mid 90s leftist Ideology rules at the APA. Cummings has stated that its members are “cherrypicking results” to fit their Agenda. As per Cummings the gay rights movement sort of captured the APA.

American Psychological Association. Owned by the Gays

Dr. Cummings is the Man who wrote the Motion to have Homosexuality removed from the DSM - a decision he now regrets

How does this prove homosexuality is a mental illness? You keep coming with the opinion pieces. Do you have some hard data that proves all gay people are mentally ill? I can tell you from personal experience you dont have any. I know quite a few gay people and everyone of them are well adjusted, high functioning human beings.
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Point out where I mentioned Christianity specifically. Does Christianity need a church? If so who said so?

So when you said "religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God," you were not including Christianity in that?

I was speaking of organized religion of which I don't participate.

So again back to what I said and you objected to, it seems you have not established any merit for your objection.
You mean all the ones that you can't refute :lol:

Okay - so let's start with the APA [LMAO]
I don't see the need to refute absurdity, most of your other links refuted you.

TRANSLATED: You don't have the ability to refute what flies in the face of your agenda. Truth Hurts - doesn't it ?

I personally believe in a loving God who doesn't make people gay and then says he's going to condemn even if they are hurting no one unless they live a miserable life with someone they aren't attracted to. If someone is gay and they have a gay partner, who cares? I certainly don't.
No no no little fella , I think you need to recalculate - not just your arithmetic - but your entire existence. The Chart represented DOCUMENTED NEW INFECTIONS not existing ones and not un-documented ones - If you have any further problems with the numbers presented perhaps you should contact the Center for Disease Control and Prevention -- CDC ? Fact Sheet - Gay and Bisexual Men ? Gender ? Risk ? HIV/AIDS

Well at least we've established you're not an English Major, not a Math Major, Not a Psych Major, you certainly never took Logic 101 - Hmmm - correct me if I'm wrong - didn't you say you were a College Student ?

ridiculous insults aside, what percentage ofgay men are known to be infected with HIV?

As I told you on various threads - I'm not a Genius , just smarter than you.
I don't store this information in my head - and I am also not your errand Boy
You have something to prove, you can't produce evidence, guess your claim isn't valid.
if you desire an answer - Go Fish or Go Google as the case may be.
I havethe answers I just find your squirming and sputtering amusing.

And so far as insults - What Insults - I Thought I was being pretty civil and honest ?
This is the most dishonest thing you have posted. Weren't you banned from other forumsbecause of this behavior?
So when you said "religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God," you were not including Christianity in that?

I was speaking of organized religion of which I don't participate.

So again back to what I said and you objected to, it seems you have not established any merit for your objection.
You said I was attacking Christianity, I was not.
TRANSLATED: You don't have the ability to refute what flies in the face of your agenda. Truth Hurts - doesn't it ?

In order for his tinfoil hat conspiracies to work, you have to have an agenda. Dont you know that?
Apparently there is a gay mafia, a gay political front, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't think there were gay men from Mars to infiltrate "he was never really clear about his boogeyman's motive. I guess it is to usurp the normalcy of straightness or something of that nature, who knows.
get ready he has all the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist websites bookmarked

You mean all the ones that you can't refute :lol:

Okay - so let's start with the APA [LMAO]

Beginning in the late 60s, homosexual activist groups began lobbying leading psychiatric organizations to lay the groundwork for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder. Dr. Cummings in offering his proposal to declassify homosexuality as a Mental Disorder, stated

During his tenure as APA president , the organization utilized the "Leona Tyler" principle. In a nutshell, the Leona Tyler principle called for the use of Scientific Objectivity, which is a basis of all science, or at least its supposed to be. Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc ..

Today, it is nowhere to be found in the APA Scientific Objectivity has been swept under the carpet and completely forgotten. Since at least thje Mid 90s leftist Ideology rules at the APA. Cummings has stated that its members are “cherrypicking results” to fit their Agenda. As per Cummings the gay rights movement sort of captured the APA.

American Psychological Association. Owned by the Gays

Dr. Cummings is the Man who wrote the Motion to have Homosexuality removed from the DSM - a decision he now regrets

How does this prove homosexuality is a mental illness? You keep coming with the opinion pieces. Do you have some hard data that proves all gay people are mentally ill? I can tell you from personal experience you dont have any. I know quite a few gay people and everyone of them are well adjusted, high functioning human beings.

I have dealt with him on another forum, he has nothing.
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It's a genetic defect that can someday be cured and, if parents wanted, currently aborted to prevent unwanted gay pregnancy's.


1. if it is a "genetic defect" then in studies on identical twins, why don't BOTH twins MANIFEST the same orientation? Why is it only 50% match "at most." Are you saying the gene is there, but it may or may not develop into that orientation? So other factors are involved?

2. NOTE a highly respected well read and well researched psychologist that a friend of mine successfully completed therapy with, did ALL the research he could and found
*NO proof of any genetic cause of "homosexuality"*

3. the most I found was recognized differences in male, female, homosexual brains etc:
Brain Study Shows Differences Between Gays, Straights -

if this difference isn't by genes from birth, then does the brain develop differently later on?
The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

I think the question is bigoted because it implies that a cause should be found, as if being gay is something to be fixed. I don't think gay people need to be fixed. I don't think the fact that there are gay people in our society needs to be fixed.

They are gay because they are gay. Women are attracted to men in much the same way men can be attracted to men. Men are attracted to women in much the same way women can be attracted to women. How / why are we attracted to each other? There are many social and physiological reasons we are attracted to others. Other than the whole part about how a specific couple of opposing gender might typically get pregnant together and have kids, none of these reasons are abjectly impossible between two people of the same gender.

Thus I can only discern this to be a Troll thread.
You mean all the ones that you can't refute :lol:

Okay - so let's start with the APA [LMAO]

Dr. Cummings is the Man who wrote the Motion to have Homosexuality removed from the DSM - a decision he now regrets

How does this prove homosexuality is a mental illness? You keep coming with the opinion pieces. Do you have some hard data that proves all gay people are mentally ill? I can tell you from personal experience you dont have any. I know quite a few gay people and everyone of them are well adjusted, high functioning human beings.

I have dealt with him on another forum, he has nothing.

That's true - but finish the sentence -I have nothing that you can refute - so you choose to deflect
The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

I think the question is bigoted because it implies that a cause should be found, as if being gay is something to be fixed. I don't think gay people need to be fixed. I don't think the fact that there are gay people in our society needs to be fixed.

They are gay because they are gay. Women are attracted to men in much the same way men can be attracted to men. Men are attracted to women in much the same way women can be attracted to women. How / why are we attracted to each other? There are many social and physiological reasons we are attracted to others. Other than the whole part about how a specific couple of opposing gender might typically get pregnant together and have kids, none of these reasons are abjectly impossible between two people of the same gender.

Thus I can only discern this to be a Troll thread.

And you are sadly misinformed if you believe there is nothing to be fixed , to have become totally desensitized ....

1) Desensitization Through a consistent barrage and exposure to homosexuals in the media - primarily the fantasy world of Television and the Movies, but also on radio, and in the print media , the public would become acquainted and accustomed to gays as a normal part of society and life. Numerous novels, plays, movies, and television shows have tediously worn down and desensitized society from its former disgust with the homosexual.

As per the strategy the image conveyed would be of gays as productive healthy members of society. Although in reality this is far from the truth. Although there are many productive and otherwise admirable gays , the majority are psychologically maladjusted, and an extremely large percentage are infested with a myriad of both organic and psychological maladies arising from their perverted lifestyles, going far beyond HIV/AIDs. This dark side of the Gay Lifestyle was/is taboo - the public must not be made aware of, or exposed to it. Out of sight out of mind.

That fact that the public was/is not permitted to be educated on or even be made aware of the darker side of homosexuality , especially in the early days of the movement can be demonstrated with a 1974 episode of Marcus Welby MD.
It's a genetic defect that can someday be cured and, if parents wanted, currently aborted to prevent unwanted gay pregnancy's.


1. if it is a "genetic defect" then in studies on identical twins, why don't BOTH twins MANIFEST the same orientation? Why is it only 50% match "at most." Are you saying the gene is there, but it may or may not develop into that orientation? So other factors are involved?

2. NOTE a highly respected well read and well researched psychologist that a friend of mine successfully completed therapy with, did ALL the research he could and found
*NO proof of any genetic cause of "homosexuality"*

3. the most I found was recognized differences in male, female, homosexual brains etc:
Brain Study Shows Differences Between Gays, Straights -

if this difference isn't by genes from birth, then does the brain develop differently later on?

There is an initial state for our brains, but our brains are also pliable in that they can develop different tendencies over time based on effort and stimulus. Think of the brain as a muscle. Yes we are all given a certain set of genetic pre-dispositions for how our bodies function, but we can change our bodies significantly via effort. IOW it's not one or the other it's both.
How does this prove homosexuality is a mental illness? You keep coming with the opinion pieces. Do you have some hard data that proves all gay people are mentally ill? I can tell you from personal experience you dont have any. I know quite a few gay people and everyone of them are well adjusted, high functioning human beings.

I have dealt with him on another forum, he has nothing.

That's true - but finish the sentence -I have nothing that you can refute - so you choose to deflect

Glad to see you admit you have nothing and no one can refute that.
I was speaking of organized religion of which I don't participate.

So again back to what I said and you objected to, it seems you have not established any merit for your objection.
You said I was attacking Christianity, I was not.

No, I said you don't understand Christians, so you shouldn't say what they think when you clearly don't know. Just like I said they should not speak for you as they obviously don't know.
WHAT HOMOSEXUAL ACT IS NOT JUST PERVERTED LUST WITH NO HONOR ??== God wants you to be made holy. He wants you to stay away from sexual sins. 4 He wants all of you to learn to control your own bodies. You must live in a way that is holy. You must live with honor. 5 Don’t long to commit sexual sins like those who don’t know God. 1 THESSALIOANS 4:4

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