Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

What causes any compulsive behavior? It's not genetics. There is nothing about genetics that causes a man to be turned on by watching women wearing high heel shoes stomp small animals to death, but some men are turned on by that.
Fetishes are typically acquired, being that homosexuals tend to cohabitate, become involved in romantic relationships sometimes even abstaining from sexual contact until it isdeemed appropriate, it doesn't seem reasonable to equate it to merely something that you getyour jollies from. That tends to be the staple mischaracterization from people that argue against homosexuality.


Yea right thats why you have so many bath house's and such a high rate of aids, you douche.
You know how some gay persons have a different speech inflection and body language?

I've witnessed that in a child, lispy gay voice / girly seeming demeanor - - - - - straight brothers and sisters....................

who then grew up and came out as gay.

Nobody can ever convince me that it's not something *most homosexuals are born with since I've seen a child "act gay" before their sexuality was even present in their life, and then magically was gay when they were older.

Our sexuality is with us from our mothers' wombs onwards as invitro video has revealed with our masturbating. Or at least spending a lot of time fondling our genitals. The belief that a child doesn't become sexual until puberty or even later is completely wrong. I was masturbating to climax from about 6 (or whatever age I was when still wearing Batman pajammas.) :)

6 is freakish, it highly doubt it's anywhere NEAR any norm.

There is a 0% chance the person that I'm speaking about was not born gay. Anecdotal and all, but there is NO chance,

and add in myself to the anecdote - there is a 0% chance I could "choose" to get a boner for a male. It's not possible. Just like I didn't "choose" my arousal for women, it just was. My brain wasn't telling me to react consciously, it was inherent.

Seen lots of Asian men who if you didn't see between their legs would be mistaken for women. Very very attractive women . :)
Our sexuality is with us from our mothers' wombs onwards as invitro video has revealed with our masturbating. Or at least spending a lot of time fondling our genitals. The belief that a child doesn't become sexual until puberty or even later is completely wrong. I was masturbating to climax from about 6 (or whatever age I was when still wearing Batman pajammas.) :)

6 is freakish, it highly doubt it's anywhere NEAR any norm.

There is a 0% chance the person that I'm speaking about was not born gay. Anecdotal and all, but there is NO chance,

and add in myself to the anecdote - there is a 0% chance I could "choose" to get a boner for a male. It's not possible. Just like I didn't "choose" my arousal for women, it just was. My brain wasn't telling me to react consciously, it was inherent.

Seen lots of Asian men who if you didn't see between their legs would be mistaken for women. Very very attractive women . :)

That's irrelevant to what I'm talking about.
Not really. Masturbation may be considered wholly sexual, but you could reason it's no more different than scratching an itchy arm. Minus another person maybe masturbation isn't so much a sexual behaviour we're taught but simply satisfying a need we're all born with. Whereas choosing to be sexual with other people is of course a sexual behaviour, and who we choose to do those behaviours with is the result of nurture. Or to be fair, maybe I'm completely wrong. :) Anyone who can't conceed they might be wrong isn't worth listening to. :)
Okay, yes we choose to do those behaviors, but do we choose who we are attracted to?

I don't think who we're attracted to involves much choice, or at least, not conscious choice. Think whatever cues are present resulting in being attracted romantically are subtle and all but unnoticeable. Takes more than a pretty face to fall in love and pledge yourself to being with only them afterall. If it were conscious then wouldn't blind people not be falling in love?
sexual orientation is based on who we are attracted to.

Falling in love is a different thing
I am sorry you still are clearly way off topic.

I don't wish to talk about faith healing. It seems the only topic you are capable of willingto discuss. I bow to your superior knowledge and wish to discuss it no further.

TRANSLATED: Zoom - Boing Way over your head ?

Do you prefer to be spoken down to ?
Emily was trying to treat you as an equal - hoping you would apply the mental effort required to engage with her - you chose the lazy way out - WHY ? Did it put a strain on your brain ? Or did she touch a nerve?
Yes I don't study faith healing, therefore it isway over my head, furthermore I have no interest in faith healing. It doesn't matter because it is off topic.

OT - Not Really - Healing is very relevant to the Topic . Given that Homosexuality is a Mental Illness - I would chance to say that healing is the logical culmination. Be it spiritual healing - which seems to work for some people or psychological counseling which works for others, a third option is death which comes prematurely for many Gays and most definitely cures their dementias.
What causes any compulsive behavior? It's not genetics. There is nothing about genetics that causes a man to be turned on by watching women wearing high heel shoes stomp small animals to death, but some men are turned on by that.
Fetishes are typically acquired, being that homosexuals tend to cohabitate, become involved in romantic relationships sometimes even abstaining from sexual contact until it isdeemed appropriate, it doesn't seem reasonable to equate it to merely something that you getyour jollies from. That tends to be the staple mischaracterization from people that argue against homosexuality.


Yea right thats why you have so many bath house's and such a high rate of aids, you douche.
The rate of HIV infection is actually quite low. I am sure there are no such things as narth hoses for heterosexuals.
TRANSLATED: Zoom - Boing Way over your head ?

Do you prefer to be spoken down to ?
Emily was trying to treat you as an equal - hoping you would apply the mental effort required to engage with her - you chose the lazy way out - WHY ? Did it put a strain on your brain ? Or did she touch a nerve?
Yes I don't study faith healing, therefore it isway over my head, furthermore I have no interest in faith healing. It doesn't matter because it is off topic.

OT - Not Really - Healing is very relevant to the Topic . Given that Homosexuality is a Mental Illness - I would chance to say that healing is the logical culmination. Be it spiritual healing - which seems to work for some people or psychological counseling which works for others, a third option is death which comes prematurely for many Gays and most definitely cures their dementias.

Where is your link supporting your claim that homosexuality is a mental illness?
TRANSLATED: Zoom - Boing Way over your head ?

Do you prefer to be spoken down to ?
Emily was trying to treat you as an equal - hoping you would apply the mental effort required to engage with her - you chose the lazy way out - WHY ? Did it put a strain on your brain ? Or did she touch a nerve?
Yes I don't study faith healing, therefore it isway over my head, furthermore I have no interest in faith healing. It doesn't matter because it is off topic.

OT - Not Really - Healing is very relevant to the Topic . Given that Homosexuality is a Mental Illness
Homosexuality is not a mental illness. Nothing mentioned afterward is relevant due to this original mistake.
Agreed, religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God

I think it's ridiculous for religious gay haters to comment on what motivates you. You're demonstrating the reverse is also true.

Please explain further.

Um...what I said seems completely clear, what about it confused you? Anti-gay Christians don't like you, they don't understand you, so for them to say what motivates you is preposterous. You would be the first to recognize and say that I'm sure. And I would agree with you when you did.

You don't like Christians, you clearly don't understand them, for you to comment on what motivates them is preposterous. Yet you turn around and do to them what they do to you that you object to. I am just pointing that out, maybe you shouldn't do that since clearly you're not going to do it accurately and what you said about them shows that. You don't understand them at all. So don't pretend you do.
What causes any compulsive behavior? It's not genetics. There is nothing about genetics that causes a man to be turned on by watching women wearing high heel shoes stomp small animals to death, but some men are turned on by that.
Fetishes are typically acquired, being that homosexuals tend to cohabitate, become involved in romantic relationships sometimes even abstaining from sexual contact until it isdeemed appropriate, it doesn't seem reasonable to equate it to merely something that you getyour jollies from. That tends to be the staple mischaracterization from people that argue against homosexuality.


Yea right thats why you have so many bath house's and such a high rate of aids, you douche.

28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men.

83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime,

43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners;

28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308."

.... There is an extremely low rate of sexual fidelity among homosexual men as compared to married heterosexuals.

Statistics on sexual promiscuity among homosexuals | homosexual partner statistics | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Yes I don't study faith healing, therefore it isway over my head, furthermore I have no interest in faith healing. It doesn't matter because it is off topic.

OT - Not Really - Healing is very relevant to the Topic . Given that Homosexuality is a Mental Illness
Homosexuality is not a mental illness. Nothing mentioned afterward is relevant due to this original mistake.

Keep telling yourself that , and when you're done ... click your heels together, close your eyes, repeat to yourself - "I'm not sick - I'm not sick " and the bad tooth fairy will drop you back in kens ass.
I think it's ridiculous for religious gay haters to comment on what motivates you. You're demonstrating the reverse is also true.

Please explain further.

Um...what I said seems completely clear, what about it confused you? Anti-gay Christians don't like you, they don't understand you, so for them to say what motivates you is preposterous. You would be the first to recognize and say that I'm sure. And I would agree with you when you did.

You don't like Christians, you clearly don't understand them, for you to comment on what motivates them is preposterous. Yet you turn around and do to them what they do to you that you object to. I am just pointing that out, maybe you shouldn't do that since clearly you're not going to do it accurately and what you said about them shows that. You don't understand them at all. So don't pretend you do.
Excuse me, I am Christian, and furthermore I never once mentioned Christianity, I said religion, which doesn't mean necessarily Christian.
The 'gay accent' is a myth. I've known many Southerners with it who were hetereosexual. And Senator Lindsey Graham has it but is seemingly heterosexual too.

There is body language though it is subtle it dose not lie.

I am very astute, but certainly have been misdirected more than once. The man who performed the marriage ceremony for my friends was certain to be gay. Not just gay but a flamer! His mannerisms, his speech patterns were definitely gay. It would not have surprised me if he made a sudden grab for the groom.

Come to find out, he used to be a lawyer but the long hours kept him away from his wife and five children too much. He gave up the practice and now makes wedding house calls. He also had two more children. When commented "WOW seven kids, that's a big family!" he said his wife was too sexy for him to keep his hands off her. And, they didn't mind at all the large family.
OT - Not Really - Healing is very relevant to the Topic . Given that Homosexuality is a Mental Illness
Homosexuality is not a mental illness. Nothing mentioned afterward is relevant due to this original mistake.

Keep telling yourself that , and when you're done ... click your heels together, close your eyes, repeat to yourself - "I'm not sick - I'm not sick " and the bad tooth fairy will drop you back in kens ass.

Do you have any proof its a mental illness or did you come up with your hypothesis on your own?
Fetishes are typically acquired, being that homosexuals tend to cohabitate, become involved in romantic relationships sometimes even abstaining from sexual contact until it isdeemed appropriate, it doesn't seem reasonable to equate it to merely something that you getyour jollies from. That tends to be the staple mischaracterization from people that argue against homosexuality.


Yea right thats why you have so many bath house's and such a high rate of aids, you douche.
The rate of HIV infection is actually quite low. I am sure there are no such things as narth hoses for heterosexuals.

And you are sadly misinformed - please tell me you're not a bug chaser

Please explain further.

Um...what I said seems completely clear, what about it confused you? Anti-gay Christians don't like you, they don't understand you, so for them to say what motivates you is preposterous. You would be the first to recognize and say that I'm sure. And I would agree with you when you did.

You don't like Christians, you clearly don't understand them, for you to comment on what motivates them is preposterous. Yet you turn around and do to them what they do to you that you object to. I am just pointing that out, maybe you shouldn't do that since clearly you're not going to do it accurately and what you said about them shows that. You don't understand them at all. So don't pretend you do.
Excuse me, I am Christian, and furthermore I never once mentioned Christianity, I said religion, which doesn't mean necessarily Christian.

You may go to Church, but since you said Christianity is primarily social, you're obviously saying you're not actually a Christian.

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