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Is Homosexuality a Mental Disorder ?

Murder and the Reasonable Man: Passion and Fear in the Criminal Courtroom - Cynthia Lee - Google Books

It was called "Gay (or homosexual) panic disorder," in the 1920's, by Dr. E. Kempf, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1952, and in a study conducted by a Henry Adams, there was, exclusively, penile erection in those men in the study who self-identified as hostile to homosexuals.

Judge Rejects 'Gay Panic' As Defense in Murder Case - NYTimes.com

''It is a desperate defense, to begin with,'' said Nanci Clarence, a criminal defense lawyer in San Francisco who has worked on many cases involving gays as victims and witnesses. ''You are asking jurors to buy the notion that internalistic homophobia can be used to justify killing. That's a lot to bite off.''

Mr. McKinney, 22, has confessed to killing Mr. Shepard, and prosecutors who have charged him with first-degree murder say they will seek the death penalty.

But in opening statements last week, his lawyer, Jason Tangeman, told the jury that Mr. McKinney's ''five-minute emotional rage'' against Mr. Shepard followed advances that reminded Mr. McKinney of homosexual abuse he had suffered as a child. Therefore, Mr. Tangeman argued, his client deserves no more than a conviction for manslaughter.

Legal experts say efforts by lawyers to mount such a defense have grown in recent years out of need, as society has become more tolerant.

Beatrice Dohrn, legal director of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a gay advocacy group in New York, said lawyers historically could win lighter sentences, even acquittals, for people accused of violent crimes against gays simply by playing to a jury's homophobic bias.

And what did McKinney do to Sam Shepherd?

Gay Man Dies From Attack, Fanning Outrage and Debate - NYTimes.com

Published: October 13, 1998
FORT COLLINS, Colo., Oct. 12— Matthew Shepard, the gay college student who was kidnapped, robbed and pistol-whipped, died here today, five days after he was rescued from a Wyoming ranch where he had been left tied to a fence for 18 hours in near-freezing temperatures.

His death, announced at the Poudre Valley Hospital here, fanned the outrage that followed word of the attack, spawning vigils, producing calls for Federal hate-crimes legislation from President Clinton and fueling debates over such laws in a host of Western states, including Wyoming, that have resisted them.

In places from Denver to the University of Maryland, people turned out to mourn the soft-spoken 21-year-old who became an overnight symbol of deadly violence against gay people after he was found dangling from the fence by a passerby.

Russell A. Henderson, 21, and Aaron J. McKinney, 22, were charged with attempted murder and are expected to face first-degree murder charges that could bring the death penalty. Their girlfriends, Chasity V. Pasley, 20, and Kristen L. Price, 18, were charged as accessories.
"Homophobia" is a nonsense term coined by Liberals to try to demonize those with traditional views about homosexual sodomy. It is analogous to the various "[blank]-denier" names they use for others with whom they disagree.

Anyone taking seriously the Bible, the Torah, the Quran, the Book of Mormon, and a host of other historical global religious guiding texts is taught (and generally believes) that homosexual acts are violative of the "Natural Law," and are thus to be shunned.

An insignificant number of people hate homosexuals and nobody fears them (a phobia is an irrational fear), but the Homosexual Lobby seeks to perpetuate the myths of hate and fear, because those emotions, if true, could serve to cement their VICTIM status in our culture. How often in this very thread have accusations been made of hate and fear, when all that was expressed was a perfectly normal revulsion directed at one or more forms of homosexual sodomy?

I never "hated" my father-in-law (may he rest in peace), but I was nauseated by the fact that he used to eat tripe. Neither do I hate homosexuals, though I am nauseated by the thought of them buggering one another (and worse). More poignantly, I do not hate adulterers (I know several of them), but I find their conduct disgusting and repulsive.

But homosexuals want to deny us the right to condemn their conduct, because they want to be identified by their STATUS as an AGGRIEVED MINORITY, like "Black" people, "Hispanics," and "Wimmin." If we criticize their BEHAVIOR as "immoral" or "sinful," there really is no defense.

I ain't buying it. Go ahead, call me a "homophobe"; it is a nonsense "insult," meaningless to anyone with a three-digit IQ. Call me a "hater," you are only branding yourself an idiot.

Who knows, if Homosexuality had never been re-classified as "normal" (excluse my over-simplification), maybe the AIDS epidemic never would have spread to the extent it did. Saved us a lotta fuckin money.
it is a deviation.

not necessarily mental, but behavioral.

it is also multifactorial - meaning there is no single cause, as, for example, for mumps, which is always caused by a virus.

there is no single "virus" which leads into practice of homosexuality.

for some it is disbalance of hormones experienced in utero, for the others - after being born, for yet others - it is a result of early abuse by a homosexual pedophile predator which preconditions the victims behavior, for yet another - it is a choice after failed hetero relationships and experimentation with the same sex.

for yet others - it can be different combinations of the all of the above.

can it be a singled psychiatric disorder, which means a disbalance of mediators in the brain ( which all psychiatric illnesses are) and all the factors I mentioned above simply lead to this disbalance - we do not know.
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GOD HAS THE FINAL WORD NOT little man!!!!===Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom. 1 corinthians 6:9
it is a deviation.

not necessarily mental, but behavioral.

it is also multifactorial - meaning there is no single cause, as, for example, for mumps, which is always caused by a virus.

there is no single "virus" which leads into practice of homosexuality.

for some it is disbalance of hormones experienced in utero, for the others - after being born, for yet others - it is a result of early abuse by a homosexual pedophile predator which preconditions the victims behavior, for yet another - it is a choice after failed hetero relationships and experimentation with the same sex.

for yet others - it can be different combinations of the all of the above.

can it be a singled psychiatric disorder, which means a disbalance of mediators in the brain ( which all psychiatric illnesses are) and all the factors I mentioned above simply lead to this disbalance - we do not know.

I'm unconvinced homosexual, heterosexuality, or bisexuality even exist. I think as animals we're simply sexual. And given means and opportunity will 'dip our wicks; into anything and anyone warm n moist. The orientation definitinos are man-made, and fairly new. Prior to their invention no one was identifying as exclusively one thing or another.

They're better thought of as behaviours than orientations. Many animals exhibit homosexual behaviours (over 1500.) But whether that means they're actually homosexual like people might say they are is highly unlikely since we're all biologically hardwired to reproduce. And afaik, there's no advantage to being strictly homosexual in the animal kingdom and nature so why would such a thing evolve? Rather, these animals merely exhibit the behaviour which to our eyes reminds us of ourselves. But ultimately, they're just words and not absolute or objective realities.
Murder and the Reasonable Man: Passion and Fear in the Criminal Courtroom - Cynthia Lee - Google Books

It was called "Gay (or homosexual) panic disorder," in the 1920's, by Dr. E. Kempf, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1952, and in a study conducted by a Henry Adams, there was, exclusively, penile erection in those men in the study who self-identified as hostile to homosexuals.

Judge Rejects 'Gay Panic' As Defense in Murder Case - NYTimes.com

''It is a desperate defense, to begin with,'' said Nanci Clarence, a criminal defense lawyer in San Francisco who has worked on many cases involving gays as victims and witnesses. ''You are asking jurors to buy the notion that internalistic homophobia can be used to justify killing. That's a lot to bite off.''

Mr. McKinney, 22, has confessed to killing Mr. Shepard, and prosecutors who have charged him with first-degree murder say they will seek the death penalty.

But in opening statements last week, his lawyer, Jason Tangeman, told the jury that Mr. McKinney's ''five-minute emotional rage'' against Mr. Shepard followed advances that reminded Mr. McKinney of homosexual abuse he had suffered as a child. Therefore, Mr. Tangeman argued, his client deserves no more than a conviction for manslaughter.

Legal experts say efforts by lawyers to mount such a defense have grown in recent years out of need, as society has become more tolerant.

Beatrice Dohrn, legal director of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a gay advocacy group in New York, said lawyers historically could win lighter sentences, even acquittals, for people accused of violent crimes against gays simply by playing to a jury's homophobic bias.

And what did McKinney do to Sam Shepherd?

Gay Man Dies From Attack, Fanning Outrage and Debate - NYTimes.com

Published: October 13, 1998
FORT COLLINS, Colo., Oct. 12— Matthew Shepard, the gay college student who was kidnapped, robbed and pistol-whipped, died here today, five days after he was rescued from a Wyoming ranch where he had been left tied to a fence for 18 hours in near-freezing temperatures.

His death, announced at the Poudre Valley Hospital here, fanned the outrage that followed word of the attack, spawning vigils, producing calls for Federal hate-crimes legislation from President Clinton and fueling debates over such laws in a host of Western states, including Wyoming, that have resisted them.

In places from Denver to the University of Maryland, people turned out to mourn the soft-spoken 21-year-old who became an overnight symbol of deadly violence against gay people after he was found dangling from the fence by a passerby.

Russell A. Henderson, 21, and Aaron J. McKinney, 22, were charged with attempted murder and are expected to face first-degree murder charges that could bring the death penalty. Their girlfriends, Chasity V. Pasley, 20, and Kristen L. Price, 18, were charged as accessories.

Irrelevant to the bigoted term "homophobia," that the left uses to cow opponents to their cultural war into submission.
Those that make the sick choice to live in sexual perversion BEST COUNT THE COST!! =RUINED LIVES,DEATH AND HELL!!!
Animals are never homosexual. If a male animal was, just hypothetically, attempting anal penetration is an exhibition of dominance having nothing at all to do with sexuality. It is an invitation to fight. Some animals when deprived of the opposite sex for very long periods of time will sublimate with some aspects of homosexual behavior. Bulls for instance when deprived of cows for a long period will exhibit affection and courtship behavior to other bulls, but they don't want to mate with them. Two bulls who have bonded will fight to the death over a cow. Animals are driven more by instinct than emotion.

The danger in homosexuality doesn't come from homosexuals themselves which is pretty benign. The danger is that once homosexuality becomes just another form of normal behavior, all other deviant behaviors become normal also.
The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatric association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !

Removing homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.

In subsequent years the APA has become so politicized , that it has lost any credibility as a Scientific organization and in the words of one former APA President it is totally "Beholden to the Gay Rights Movement"

Myself and many others , who for fear of reprisals remain silent believe that Homosexuality is and always has been a Mental Disorder and Homosexuals should not be deterred from seeking Psychological / Psychiatric Help.

Medical sciences evolve. At one time, leeching and bloodletting were considered good treatments for a whole raft of ailments. Psychology is no different.

As our understanding of medical and psychological conditions improves, so does our diagnoses.

That's why pedophilia is no longer a mental illness but is now classified as a sexual orientation.

You ignorant dumbfuck. I'll bet Rush told you that, huh?

A mainstream Christian news site and a number of smaller, right-wing blogs published stories this week alleging that the American Psychiatric Association, or APA, had classified pedophilia as a sexual orientation.

"Just as the APA declared homosexuality an ‘orientation’ under tremendous pressure from homosexual activists in the mid-'70s, now, under pressure from pedophile activists, they have declared the desire for sex with children an ‘orientation,’ too. It's not hard to see where this will lead. More children will become sexual prey," said an article in Charisma News, a Christian media organization, quoting "cultural expert" Sandy Rios, a Fox News contributor and talking head for the anti-gay American Family Association's radio station.

The article quickly went viral, garnering over 100,000 Facebook shares within 24 hours of being published and lighting up the right-wing blogosphere. Among many bloggers and commenters, the shared sentiment was that this was a logical progression from the normalization of homosexuality that began in the 1960's.

The only problem is, the report wasn't true. The APA appears to have made a seemingly small mistake that set off a rapid chain reaction of confusion and hate.

In a text discussion of changes it made to the way it refers to sexually deviant behaviors in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM, for short), the APA accidentally called pedophilia a "sexual orientation." Conservative media outlets and pundits pounced on the statement and disseminated it on blogs and social networks.

The APA issued a statement to the press on Thursday, saying it had acted in "error," and clarifying that the only difference in how pedophilia is referred to from the last DSM is that "the disorder name was changed from 'pedophilia' to 'pedophilic disorder'" in order to "maintain consistency with the chapter’s other disorder listings."
it is a deviation.

not necessarily mental, but behavioral.

it is also multifactorial - meaning there is no single cause, as, for example, for mumps, which is always caused by a virus.

there is no single "virus" which leads into practice of homosexuality.

for some it is disbalance of hormones experienced in utero, for the others - after being born, for yet others - it is a result of early abuse by a homosexual pedophile predator which preconditions the victims behavior, for yet another - it is a choice after failed hetero relationships and experimentation with the same sex.

for yet others - it can be different combinations of the all of the above.

can it be a singled psychiatric disorder, which means a disbalance of mediators in the brain ( which all psychiatric illnesses are) and all the factors I mentioned above simply lead to this disbalance - we do not know.

I'm unconvinced homosexual, heterosexuality, or bisexuality even exist. I think as animals we're simply sexual. And given means and opportunity will 'dip our wicks; into anything and anyone warm n moist. The orientation definitinos are man-made, and fairly new. Prior to their invention no one was identifying as exclusively one thing or another.

They're better thought of as behaviours than orientations. Many animals exhibit homosexual behaviours (over 1500.) But whether that means they're actually homosexual like people might say they are is highly unlikely since we're all biologically hardwired to reproduce. And afaik, there's no advantage to being strictly homosexual in the animal kingdom and nature so why would such a thing evolve? Rather, these animals merely exhibit the behaviour which to our eyes reminds us of ourselves. But ultimately, they're just words and not absolute or objective realities.

I actually AGREE with you.

technically speaking humans can experience orgasms and direct their affection at anything, if not socially restricted.
Murder and the Reasonable Man: Passion and Fear in the Criminal Courtroom - Cynthia Lee - Google Books

It was called "Gay (or homosexual) panic disorder," in the 1920's, by Dr. E. Kempf, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1952, and in a study conducted by a Henry Adams, there was, exclusively, penile erection in those men in the study who self-identified as hostile to homosexuals.

Judge Rejects 'Gay Panic' As Defense in Murder Case - NYTimes.com

''It is a desperate defense, to begin with,'' said Nanci Clarence, a criminal defense lawyer in San Francisco who has worked on many cases involving gays as victims and witnesses. ''You are asking jurors to buy the notion that internalistic homophobia can be used to justify killing. That's a lot to bite off.''

Mr. McKinney, 22, has confessed to killing Mr. Shepard, and prosecutors who have charged him with first-degree murder say they will seek the death penalty.

But in opening statements last week, his lawyer, Jason Tangeman, told the jury that Mr. McKinney's ''five-minute emotional rage'' against Mr. Shepard followed advances that reminded Mr. McKinney of homosexual abuse he had suffered as a child. Therefore, Mr. Tangeman argued, his client deserves no more than a conviction for manslaughter.

Legal experts say efforts by lawyers to mount such a defense have grown in recent years out of need, as society has become more tolerant.

Beatrice Dohrn, legal director of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a gay advocacy group in New York, said lawyers historically could win lighter sentences, even acquittals, for people accused of violent crimes against gays simply by playing to a jury's homophobic bias.

And what did McKinney do to Sam Shepherd?

Gay Man Dies From Attack, Fanning Outrage and Debate - NYTimes.com

Published: October 13, 1998
FORT COLLINS, Colo., Oct. 12— Matthew Shepard, the gay college student who was kidnapped, robbed and pistol-whipped, died here today, five days after he was rescued from a Wyoming ranch where he had been left tied to a fence for 18 hours in near-freezing temperatures.

His death, announced at the Poudre Valley Hospital here, fanned the outrage that followed word of the attack, spawning vigils, producing calls for Federal hate-crimes legislation from President Clinton and fueling debates over such laws in a host of Western states, including Wyoming, that have resisted them.

In places from Denver to the University of Maryland, people turned out to mourn the soft-spoken 21-year-old who became an overnight symbol of deadly violence against gay people after he was found dangling from the fence by a passerby.

Russell A. Henderson, 21, and Aaron J. McKinney, 22, were charged with attempted murder and are expected to face first-degree murder charges that could bring the death penalty. Their girlfriends, Chasity V. Pasley, 20, and Kristen L. Price, 18, were charged as accessories.

Irrelevant to the bigoted term "homophobia," that the left uses to cow opponents to their cultural war into submission.

''It is a desperate defense, to begin with,'' said Nanci Clarence, a criminal defense lawyer in San Francisco who has worked on many cases involving gays as victims and witnesses. ''You are asking jurors to buy the notion that internalistic homophobia can be used to justify killing. That's a lot to bite off.''

22 "`Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."
Leviticus 20:13. "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Romans 1:25-27
25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-- who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Genesis 19:1-29 says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. It stinks in the nostrils of God. Genesis 13:13 identify the men of Sodom as exceedingly wicked sinners. Genesis 18:20 says that the sin of Sodom is "very grievous." Genesis 18:23 adds emphasis to the portrayal of the inhabitants of Sodom as "wicked." Genesis 18:24-33 shows that God could not find even 10 righteous souls in Sodom. The perverts who inhabited Sodom, even wanted to rape God's Angels who had come to Sodom to rescue Lot.
People against homosexuals have a mental disorder. Like wtf is it of their business who's having sex with whom? Geez, really disturbed homophobes. Get a grip.
22 "`Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."
Leviticus 20:13. "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Romans 1:25-27
25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-- who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Genesis 19:1-29 says God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality. It stinks in the nostrils of God. Genesis 13:13 identify the men of Sodom as exceedingly wicked sinners. Genesis 18:20 says that the sin of Sodom is "very grievous." Genesis 18:23 adds emphasis to the portrayal of the inhabitants of Sodom as "wicked." Genesis 18:24-33 shows that God could not find even 10 righteous souls in Sodom. The perverts who inhabited Sodom, even wanted to rape God's Angels who had come to Sodom to rescue Lot.

Do you prescribe all Biblical laws to be followed by contemporary American society? Do you stringently follow each of the laws set down in the Bible?

Or, as I suspect, are you citing Biblical law to justify your own hatreds and fears?
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The OP makes a valid point. Medical doctors used to bow to the tobacco industry and either pulled their punches or endorsed smoking as "healthy". Despite of all the evidence from either science or common sense. Homosexuality has become the cause celebre like the tobacco industry used to be, god knows why. We will see how this farce plays out. The truth will out, as they say.
The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatric association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !

Removing homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.

In subsequent years the APA has become so politicized , that it has lost any credibility as a Scientific organization and in the words of one former APA President it is totally "Beholden to the Gay Rights Movement"

Myself and many others , who for fear of reprisals remain silent believe that Homosexuality is and always has been a Mental Disorder and Homosexuals should not be deterred from seeking Psychological / Psychiatric Help.

I believe that thinking that homosexuality is a mental disorder is a mental disorder. You see, if you remove religion completely, then homosexuality is just something different from the norm, very much comparable to being left handed. Of course we do not ostracize people for being left handed. Oh wait, we did do that for quite some time. Oh, but that had to do with religion, didn't it, when the nuns would whack the hand of a left handed person to force them to use their right hand because the nuns thought being left handed meant you were possessed by the Devil?
I don't believe homosexuality even exists. It's a made-up term used to persecute those who display a simple natural variation of sexuality. I don't believe in hetereosexuality either. There's just 'sexuality.' Males and females who prefer romantic and sexual relationships with their own sex have occured throughout human history. The terms though are relatively new. One of the less noble accomplishments of human beings is the inclination to categorize everything. For whatever reason, rather than viewing ourselves as one species, we seem to need to break ourselves up into categories. Free/Oppressed, rich/poor, democrat/republican, straight/gay are just a few examples. But these are all just ideas as concrete as fairy dust but not as pretty.
I don't believe homosexuality even exists. It's a made-up term used to persecute those who display a simple natural variation of sexuality. I don't believe in hetereosexuality either. There's just 'sexuality.' Males and females who prefer romantic and sexual relationships with their own sex have occured throughout human history. The terms though are relatively new. One of the less noble accomplishments of human beings is the inclination to categorize everything. For whatever reason, rather than viewing ourselves as one species, we seem to need to break ourselves up into categories. Free/Oppressed, rich/poor, democrat/republican, straight/gay are just a few examples. But these are all just ideas as concrete as fairy dust but not as pretty.
You continue to amaze. Having been in high school gym class, military, local gyms, I've been around a lot of naked guys. Never once did I see anything tempting. With women, not so much. I suppose you feel like the animal kingdom operates on preconceived societal norms as well.
I don't believe homosexuality even exists. It's a made-up term used to persecute those who display a simple natural variation of sexuality. I don't believe in hetereosexuality either. There's just 'sexuality.' Males and females who prefer romantic and sexual relationships with their own sex have occured throughout human history. The terms though are relatively new. One of the less noble accomplishments of human beings is the inclination to categorize everything. For whatever reason, rather than viewing ourselves as one species, we seem to need to break ourselves up into categories. Free/Oppressed, rich/poor, democrat/republican, straight/gay are just a few examples. But these are all just ideas as concrete as fairy dust but not as pretty.

Good point.

We see in prisons that straight men become homosexual very quickly.

Biologically, we are heterosexual. We have a drive to procreate and ensure the continuation of our genetic code. IF such a drive is absent, then it is probably a result of millions of years of evolotion that triggers genetic code to end the individual genetic line. Homosexuality is an evolutionary process to remove faulty code from the gene pool.

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