Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn
Yes it is. Especially when that mob broke into the Capitol and tried to stop a Constitutionally mandated activity to keep a despot in office.
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn
No, treason has been decided to mean giving aid to an enemy. An insurrection doesn't fall in that catagory. For one thing a formal state of war has ro exist for treason to be possible.
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn

FIRST OF ALL, there is EVERY DOUBT that Trump incited anyone to treason. If I bitch to someone that I'm fed up with paying taxes then they are inspired by me and they bomb the IRS, am I responsible?

People with a chip on their shoulder looking for an excuse used Trump's reiteration of all the examples of election fraud to attack the capitol and PLANNED IT well in advance. But what if the evidence is true and the Democrats committed wide scale coordinated cheating? THAT is illegal, THAT is election fraud, THAT is usurping the federal government to defraud the People of a lawful election therefore is CRIMINAL, and people, unable to get redress LEGALLY as they tried through the courts, BLOCKED by John Roberts, can indeed be considered freedom fighters and patriots merely fighting as the Constitution dictates to protect from all enemies foreign and domestic to RESTORE the law and order, not break it.

How you look at it depends on whether you, like the Carter-Baker Commission, feel that our election system is broken and deeply fraught with corruption and DON'T believe in MIRACLES (Biden), or if you just hated Trump and wanted him out and don't care how.
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn
Get back to us after you prosecute people in Portland, Seattle, Minnesota, Baltimore, New York and a few other locations.
Thinker101, I fault both U.S. political spectrum’s lunatic fringes of the right and the left. Respectfully, Supposn
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn
How did President Trump incite a "insurrection"
Dems are just digging their whole deeper.
Their credibility is zero.
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn
How did President Trump incite a "insurrection"
Dems are just digging their whole deeper.
Their credibility is zero.

So your thought is that the guys in riot helmets, flak jackets and military fatigues were going to riot anyway and Trump just happened to be giving a speech...they stopped and listened and then went on about their rioting?
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn
Treason | Definition of Treason by Merriam-Webster (

Definition of treason

1: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family

2: the betrayal of a trust : TREACHERY
… Synonyms
double cross,

Trump incited a protest about an unconstitutional election grab. The party that incites riots and attacks against the government is the dems. If you don't think that unlawful crap at the capital was planned and set up by anti-Trumpers, you are gullible. Of course, no real investigation will take place and the press doesn't do their job anymore. Here are examples of seditious dems inciting riots and attacks against the government.
Pelosi: "I Don't Even Know Why There Aren't Uprisings All Over The Country" Over Migrant Child Separation | Video | RealClearPolitics
Booker To Activists: "Get Up In The Face Of Some Congresspeople" - YouTube
Rep. Waters on Trump administration: 'Tell them they’re not welcome' - YouTube
Steve Guest on Twitter: "UNHINGED: Squad member Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley calls for targeting GOP officials with “unrest in the streets”" / Twitter
Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?
There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot.
Respectfully, Supposn
Get back to us after you prosecute people in Portland, Seattle, Minnesota, Baltimore, New York and a few other locations.
Thinker101, I fault both U.S. political spectrum’s lunatic fringes of the right and the left. Respectfully, Supposn

Can you back that up with examples of you making the same call for treason against those other riots, riots which often attacked federal buildings, and agents, while the police were ordered to stand down by dem officials so that the mob would be free to attack?
Get back to us after you prosecute people in Portland, Seattle, Minnesota, Baltimore, New York and a few other locations.
Can you back that up with examples of you making the same call for treason against those other riots, riots which often attacked federal buildings, and agents, while the police were ordered to stand down by dem officials so that the mob would be free to attack?
Correll and Thinker101, you can quote any post my even implying approval for any violent demonstration? Respectfully, Supposn
What about Chuck Schumer who threatened the lives of Supreme Court Justices to the point where a nut case thought he was authorized to assassinated Justice Kav?
It may be. In the legal sense, treason limited to a narrow definition by the constitution which does not include merely rioting against the government. Historically, treason has been so broadly applied to nearly any perceived offense against the "interests" of the government that it most often was the result of being on the losing side of internal political struggles. Anne Boleyn was convicted of treason giving the king a sad by allegedly cheating on him.

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