Is increasing population a primary component of Dem platforms..Does that improve the quality of life

We aren't "full," but what we do need is time to absorb the people who are make sure they support our culture, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights....if they do that, then they are as American as anyone born here........
We are full. This country doesn't need more people.

We are nowhere near “full,” but we certainly don’t need ignorant trash like the OP and worthless squatters like you who hate America.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

For over 50 years, those identifying as "conservatives" have been against population control and have actively thwarted every attempt to prevent overpopulation and to maintain the world's population at sustainable levels, both in the U.S. and in other countries, despite the desires of people around the world to limit their fertility. The entire birth-control movement began in the U.S. with people who had had enough babies and wanted to find away to stop them from coming.

This attempt to tie the Democratic Party to increasing population is a sick joke.

Scalia had eight children. He never got "fixed." Duggar? How many is that now? He needs to close up his zipper and close up shop. I'm seeing at least 26 to 28 people out of just two men, both of "conservative political views) and their offspring must occupy housing, create sewage, contribute to the crowding on our roadways, consume plastics, metals, and glass that get shipped off to foreign lands (that are now shipping it back to the western nations that sent it) and generally have the same impact on the environment that everybody else does. Each of them and their partners having two children together would have provided replacements for these four.

Conservatives are having babies.

Leftists are having immigrants.

And immigrants (and whomever "leftists" are) are having babies. If my ancestors had not immigrated to the U.S., I wouldn't be here, which holds true for all of us who are not descendants of native peoples. My mother's parents were fresh off the boat (came separately), found each other, got married, got pregnant, and then there was my mother, and then came me after she married an American whose ancestors settled in the U.S. in the 1800's. What are you fighting about? How much do you know of your own background?
WE aren't talking about how things were in your grandmother's time. We're talking about now.

Lyistrata response is exactly the type of response I was talking about earlier. It is even more irrelevant than the example I gave, should just let these idiots open their mouths instead of making the point.

"Immigration is always everywhere good, because my parent's parent's parent's parent was an immigrant. And even though I didn't know him, he was a good guy."

Just brilliant. And now as a result we have his anti-American grand grand daughter, so not exactly the best ending.
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We aren't "full," but what we do need is time to absorb the people who are make sure they support our culture, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights....if they do that, then they are as American as anyone born here........
We are full. This country doesn't need more people.

We are nowhere near “full,” but we certainly don’t need ignorant trash like the OP and worthless squatters like you who hate America.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

For over 50 years, those identifying as "conservatives" have been against population control and have actively thwarted every attempt to prevent overpopulation and to maintain the world's population at sustainable levels, both in the U.S. and in other countries, despite the desires of people around the world to limit their fertility. The entire birth-control movement began in the U.S. with people who had had enough babies and wanted to find away to stop them from coming.

This attempt to tie the Democratic Party to increasing population is a sick joke.

Scalia had eight children. He never got "fixed." Duggar? How many is that now? He needs to close up his zipper and close up shop. I'm seeing at least 26 to 28 people out of just two men, both of "conservative political views) and their offspring must occupy housing, create sewage, contribute to the crowding on our roadways, consume plastics, metals, and glass that get shipped off to foreign lands (that are now shipping it back to the western nations that sent it) and generally have the same impact on the environment that everybody else does. Each of them and their partners having two children together would have provided replacements for these four.

Conservatives are having babies.

Leftists are having immigrants.

And immigrants (and whomever "leftists" are) are having babies. If my ancestors had not immigrated to the U.S., I wouldn't be here, which holds true for all of us who are not descendants of native peoples. My mother's parents were fresh off the boat (came separately), found each other, got married, got pregnant, and then there was my mother, and then came me after she married an American whose ancestors settled in the U.S. in the 1800's. What are you fighting about? How much do you know of your own background?
WE aren't talking about how things were in your grandmother's time. We're talking about now.

Yes. We are. But what is your point?
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I know this is complicated for you, but yes, population expansion and immigration DOES help the US.

Right now, Japan is going through a demographic death spiral.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

All western countries have this problem, as birth rates are not keeping up with replacement rates. The US is lucky in that we have enough immigration, legal and otherwise, to make up for it.
We aren't "full," but what we do need is time to absorb the people who are make sure they support our culture, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights....if they do that, then they are as American as anyone born here........
We are full. This country doesn't need more people.

We are nowhere near “full,” but we certainly don’t need ignorant trash like the OP and worthless squatters like you who hate America.
... People living in India would all prefer to live here.

Also not true.
ROFL! I work with Indians every day, and they all agree: they prefer America.

You are both illogical and innumerate. “The Indian people I work with” do not represent ALL the people in that very large country, dumbass.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

I know this is complicated for you, but yes, population expansion and immigration DOES help the US.

Right now, Japan is going through a demographic death spiral.

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

All western countries have this problem, as birth rates are not keeping up with replacement rates. The US is lucky in that we have enough immigration, legal and otherwise, to make up for it.

After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.
We aren't "full," but what we do need is time to absorb the people who are make sure they support our culture, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights....if they do that, then they are as American as anyone born here........
We are full. This country doesn't need more people.

We are nowhere near “full,” but we certainly don’t need ignorant trash like the OP and worthless squatters like you who hate America.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

For over 50 years, those identifying as "conservatives" have been against population control and have actively thwarted every attempt to prevent overpopulation and to maintain the world's population at sustainable levels, both in the U.S. and in other countries, despite the desires of people around the world to limit their fertility. The entire birth-control movement began in the U.S. with people who had had enough babies and wanted to find away to stop them from coming.

This attempt to tie the Democratic Party to increasing population is a sick joke.

Scalia had eight children. He never got "fixed." Duggar? How many is that now? He needs to close up his zipper and close up shop. I'm seeing at least 26 to 28 people out of just two men, both of "conservative political views) and their offspring must occupy housing, create sewage, contribute to the crowding on our roadways, consume plastics, metals, and glass that get shipped off to foreign lands (that are now shipping it back to the western nations that sent it) and generally have the same impact on the environment that everybody else does. Each of them and their partners having two children together would have provided replacements for these four.

Conservatives are having babies.

Leftists are having immigrants.

And immigrants (and whomever "leftists" are) are having babies. If my ancestors had not immigrated to the U.S., I wouldn't be here, which holds true for all of us who are not descendants of native peoples. My mother's parents were fresh off the boat (came separately), found each other, got married, got pregnant, and then there was my mother, and then came me after she married an American whose ancestors settled in the U.S. in the 1800's. What are you fighting about? How much do you know of your own background?
WE aren't talking about how things were in your grandmother's time. We're talking about now.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

There are not enough babies being born to replace your current population. American women will not have babies because families can't afford them, they can barely care for themselves because wages are flat. The birth rate is declining.

You cannot maintain your current level of production without workers, and the Baby Boomers are now retiring and leaving the work force, and dying.

So either the general population has to make more babies, or they have to increase immigration, or your population will start to decline and you won't have enough workers to run your economy.

Your country needs workers, but your businesses don't want to pay real wages.

Some industries are already have real problems filling jobs. Like farming and food.
You only need the same number of workers proportionally when you population declines. Japan is managing the problem just fine. If hasn't opened the flood gates to immigration.

Japan is a small island and they don't have any room at all to increase population. They also aren't trying to live in an "endless growth" economy.

Your economy can't grow, if your population declines. And the entire US economy is dependent upon continued economic expansion. For that expansion to continue you need to expand your population.

Declining Labor Force Participation Will Weigh on U.S. GDP Growth--And Fed Monetary Policy

Interesting that you say "Well Japan is managing to do this". The USA is NOT Japan. They have a large government and a compliant population. They don't have a "cowboy economy". Their government tightly regulates everything. All of the things that Republicans will oppose to their dying breath.

So no, you can't do what Japan did. All this debt and deficit you've accumulated, needs and expanding economy to continue fund your government and pay down that debt.

Breed or die.
for good, real Americans? Who benefits from population expansion?
Population expansion? Weren't Dems/Libs being accused of wanting the population to decrease to save the environment? Which is it or is this just part of an argument salad to see what sticks?

Yes, Libs want to reduce the carbon footprint of the U.S. and keep the U.S. environment pure and clean by recruiting tens of millions of filthy subhumans from disgusting thirdworld shitholes. Makes perfect sense in LibTardia...right?

You and your single supporter, bripat, are not subhumans (whatever that may mean) but you two are clearly disgusting, deplorable haters who have no business claiming to be real Americans. Any values / ethic or mores you may live by are the creations of the Devil.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

There are not enough babies being born to replace your current population. American women will not have babies because families can't afford them, they can barely care for themselves because wages are flat. The birth rate is declining.

You cannot maintain your current level of production without workers, and the Baby Boomers are now retiring and leaving the work force, and dying.

So either the general population has to make more babies, or they have to increase immigration, or your population will start to decline and you won't have enough workers to run your economy.

Your country needs workers, but your businesses don't want to pay real wages.

Some industries are already have real problems filling jobs. Like farming and food.
You only need the same number of workers proportionally when you population declines. Japan is managing the problem just fine. If hasn't opened the flood gates to immigration.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

There are not enough babies being born to replace your current population. American women will not have babies because families can't afford them, they can barely care for themselves because wages are flat. The birth rate is declining.

You cannot maintain your current level of production without workers, and the Baby Boomers are now retiring and leaving the work force, and dying.

So either the general population has to make more babies, or they have to increase immigration, or your population will start to decline and you won't have enough workers to run your economy.

Your country needs workers, but your businesses don't want to pay real wages.

Some industries are already have real problems filling jobs. Like farming and food.
....Japan is managing the problem just fine. ....

No they are not, dumbass, and Japan has already recognized the need to increase immigration. Stop being such an ignorant fool.
After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.

Will it?

hey funny thing, a Modern Japanese would probably find Pre-war Japan a pretty alien place...

Now, some SHITSTAIN like you made the same kinds of complaints about how "America wouldn't be America" with the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago, the Poles 50 years ago. Now you are going on and on about how we "won't be America"

We not only turned out fine, we actually became a better place for it.
After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.

Will it?

hey funny thing, a Modern Japanese would probably find Pre-war Japan a pretty alien place...

Now, some SHITSTAIN like you made the same kinds of complaints about how "America wouldn't be America" with the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago, the Poles 50 years ago. Now you are going on and on about how we "won't be America"

We not only turned out fine, we actually became a better place for it.

Yes Japan will absolutely be Japan.

Now if they followed your advice and imported a bunch of Africans, they would be a craphole in decades possibly containing no Japanese people. Same as your plan with the West.
We are full. This country doesn't need more people.

We are nowhere near “full,” but we certainly don’t need ignorant trash like the OP and worthless squatters like you who hate America.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

For over 50 years, those identifying as "conservatives" have been against population control and have actively thwarted every attempt to prevent overpopulation and to maintain the world's population at sustainable levels, both in the U.S. and in other countries, despite the desires of people around the world to limit their fertility. The entire birth-control movement began in the U.S. with people who had had enough babies and wanted to find away to stop them from coming.

This attempt to tie the Democratic Party to increasing population is a sick joke.

Scalia had eight children. He never got "fixed." Duggar? How many is that now? He needs to close up his zipper and close up shop. I'm seeing at least 26 to 28 people out of just two men, both of "conservative political views) and their offspring must occupy housing, create sewage, contribute to the crowding on our roadways, consume plastics, metals, and glass that get shipped off to foreign lands (that are now shipping it back to the western nations that sent it) and generally have the same impact on the environment that everybody else does. Each of them and their partners having two children together would have provided replacements for these four.

Conservatives are having babies.

Leftists are having immigrants.

And immigrants (and whomever "leftists" are) are having babies. If my ancestors had not immigrated to the U.S., I wouldn't be here, which holds true for all of us who are not descendants of native peoples. My mother's parents were fresh off the boat (came separately), found each other, got married, got pregnant, and then there was my mother, and then came me after she married an American whose ancestors settled in the U.S. in the 1800's. What are you fighting about? How much do you know of your own background?
WE aren't talking about how things were in your grandmother's time. We're talking about now.

Yes. We are. But what is your point?
Why are you bringing up your mother and grandmother? They are irrelevant.
After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.

Will it?

hey funny thing, a Modern Japanese would probably find Pre-war Japan a pretty alien place...

Now, some SHITSTAIN like you made the same kinds of complaints about how "America wouldn't be America" with the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago, the Poles 50 years ago. Now you are going on and on about how we "won't be America"

We not only turned out fine, we actually became a better place for it.
Modern Japan is a nice place to live, partly because it doesn't allow any immigration.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

There are not enough babies being born to replace your current population. American women will not have babies because families can't afford them, they can barely care for themselves because wages are flat. The birth rate is declining.

You cannot maintain your current level of production without workers, and the Baby Boomers are now retiring and leaving the work force, and dying.

So either the general population has to make more babies, or they have to increase immigration, or your population will start to decline and you won't have enough workers to run your economy.

Your country needs workers, but your businesses don't want to pay real wages.

Some industries are already have real problems filling jobs. Like farming and food.
You only need the same number of workers proportionally when you population declines. Japan is managing the problem just fine. If hasn't opened the flood gates to immigration.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

There are not enough babies being born to replace your current population. American women will not have babies because families can't afford them, they can barely care for themselves because wages are flat. The birth rate is declining.

You cannot maintain your current level of production without workers, and the Baby Boomers are now retiring and leaving the work force, and dying.

So either the general population has to make more babies, or they have to increase immigration, or your population will start to decline and you won't have enough workers to run your economy.

Your country needs workers, but your businesses don't want to pay real wages.

Some industries are already have real problems filling jobs. Like farming and food.
....Japan is managing the problem just fine. ....

No they are not, dumbass, and Japan has already recognized the need to increase immigration. Stop being such an ignorant fool.
So far they allow zero immigration. When they actually change their police, then you might have a point. Politicians talking isn't the same was what the people believe.
We are full. This country doesn't need more people.

We are nowhere near “full,” but we certainly don’t need ignorant trash like the OP and worthless squatters like you who hate America.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

For over 50 years, those identifying as "conservatives" have been against population control and have actively thwarted every attempt to prevent overpopulation and to maintain the world's population at sustainable levels, both in the U.S. and in other countries, despite the desires of people around the world to limit their fertility. The entire birth-control movement began in the U.S. with people who had had enough babies and wanted to find away to stop them from coming.

This attempt to tie the Democratic Party to increasing population is a sick joke.

Scalia had eight children. He never got "fixed." Duggar? How many is that now? He needs to close up his zipper and close up shop. I'm seeing at least 26 to 28 people out of just two men, both of "conservative political views) and their offspring must occupy housing, create sewage, contribute to the crowding on our roadways, consume plastics, metals, and glass that get shipped off to foreign lands (that are now shipping it back to the western nations that sent it) and generally have the same impact on the environment that everybody else does. Each of them and their partners having two children together would have provided replacements for these four.

Conservatives are having babies.

Leftists are having immigrants.

And immigrants (and whomever "leftists" are) are having babies. If my ancestors had not immigrated to the U.S., I wouldn't be here, which holds true for all of us who are not descendants of native peoples. My mother's parents were fresh off the boat (came separately), found each other, got married, got pregnant, and then there was my mother, and then came me after she married an American whose ancestors settled in the U.S. in the 1800's. What are you fighting about? How much do you know of your own background?
WE aren't talking about how things were in your grandmother's time. We're talking about now.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

There are not enough babies being born to replace your current population. American women will not have babies because families can't afford them, they can barely care for themselves because wages are flat. The birth rate is declining.

You cannot maintain your current level of production without workers, and the Baby Boomers are now retiring and leaving the work force, and dying.

So either the general population has to make more babies, or they have to increase immigration, or your population will start to decline and you won't have enough workers to run your economy.

Your country needs workers, but your businesses don't want to pay real wages.

Some industries are already have real problems filling jobs. Like farming and food.
You only need the same number of workers proportionally when you population declines. Japan is managing the problem just fine. If hasn't opened the flood gates to immigration.

Japan is a small island and they don't have any room at all to increase population. They also aren't trying to live in an "endless growth" economy.

Your economy can't grow, if your population declines. And the entire US economy is dependent upon continued economic expansion. For that expansion to continue you need to expand your population.

Declining Labor Force Participation Will Weigh on U.S. GDP Growth--And Fed Monetary Policy

Interesting that you say "Well Japan is managing to do this". The USA is NOT Japan. They have a large government and a compliant population. They don't have a "cowboy economy". Their government tightly regulates everything. All of the things that Republicans will oppose to their dying breath.

So no, you can't do what Japan did. All this debt and deficit you've accumulated, needs and expanding economy to continue fund your government and pay down that debt.

Breed or die.
"Your economy can't grow, if your population declines?" Now that is genius!

How about "if water wasn't wet then it wouldn't be water?" or "if a bicycle was a fish then it wouldn't be a bicycle?"

The entire forum thanks you for these gems of wisdom.
After the largest mass movement of people in history... we are definitely full.

Why would any Trump supporter want to import people who vote against Trump and lower our wages?

We aren't "full," but what we do need is time to absorb the people who are make sure they support our culture, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights....if they do that, then they are as American as anyone born here........
We are full. This country doesn't need more people.

We are nowhere near “full,” but we certainly don’t need ignorant trash like the OP and worthless squatters like you who hate America.
for good, real Americans?
Who benefits from population expansion?

For over 50 years, those identifying as "conservatives" have been against population control and have actively thwarted every attempt to prevent overpopulation and to maintain the world's population at sustainable levels, both in the U.S. and in other countries, despite the desires of people around the world to limit their fertility. The entire birth-control movement began in the U.S. with people who had had enough babies and wanted to find away to stop them from coming.

This attempt to tie the Democratic Party to increasing population is a sick joke.

Scalia had eight children. He never got "fixed." Duggar? How many is that now? He needs to close up his zipper and close up shop. I'm seeing at least 26 to 28 people out of just two men, both of "conservative political views) and their offspring must occupy housing, create sewage, contribute to the crowding on our roadways, consume plastics, metals, and glass that get shipped off to foreign lands (that are now shipping it back to the western nations that sent it) and generally have the same impact on the environment that everybody else does. Each of them and their partners having two children together would have provided replacements for these four.

Conservatives are having babies.

Leftists are having immigrants.

And immigrants (and whomever "leftists" are) are having babies. If my ancestors had not immigrated to the U.S., I wouldn't be here, which holds true for all of us who are not descendants of native peoples. My mother's parents were fresh off the boat (came separately), found each other, got married, got pregnant, and then there was my mother, and then came me after she married an American whose ancestors settled in the U.S. in the 1800's. What are you fighting about? How much do you know of your own background?

Since our ancestors came to the U.S. INVITED, welcomed and vetted at Ellis, ready to pave their own paths and PAY their own way under no welfare mandate where others were FORCED to pay for their fuck-ups....Are you saying we should always feel obligated to take in all who make it here?
I thought you Regressives hate 'old times' and how America used to work?
We are full. This country doesn't need more people.

We are nowhere near “full,” but we certainly don’t need ignorant trash like the OP and worthless squatters like you who hate America.
... People living in India would all prefer to live here.

Also not true.
ROFL! I work with Indians every day, and they all agree: they prefer America.

You are both illogical and innumerate. “The Indian people I work with” do not represent ALL the people in that very large country, dumbass.
I have a good sampling. What the fuck do you have, other than bluster?
After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.

Will it?

hey funny thing, a Modern Japanese would probably find Pre-war Japan a pretty alien place...

Now, some SHITSTAIN like you made the same kinds of complaints about how "America wouldn't be America" with the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago, the Poles 50 years ago. Now you are going on and on about how we "won't be America"

We not only turned out fine, we actually became a better place for it.

Yes Japan will absolutely be Japan.

Now if they followed your advice and imported a bunch of Africans, they would be a craphole in decades possibly containing no Japanese people. Same as your plan with the West.
Japan is Japan precisely because it hasn't adopted the policies endorse by TDS morons like JoeB131.
After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.

Will it?

hey funny thing, a Modern Japanese would probably find Pre-war Japan a pretty alien place...

Now, some SHITSTAIN like you made the same kinds of complaints about how "America wouldn't be America" with the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago, the Poles 50 years ago. Now you are going on and on about how we "won't be America"

We not only turned out fine, we actually became a better place for it.
Modern Japan ....doesn't allow any immigration.

After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.

Will it?

hey funny thing, a Modern Japanese would probably find Pre-war Japan a pretty alien place...

Now, some SHITSTAIN like you made the same kinds of complaints about how "America wouldn't be America" with the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago, the Poles 50 years ago. Now you are going on and on about how we "won't be America"

We not only turned out fine, we actually became a better place for it.
Modern Japan is a nice place to live, ....

How would you know?
After the "death spiral" Japan will still be Japan.

After our immigration plan America will no longer be America, which is of course what you want.

Will it?

hey funny thing, a Modern Japanese would probably find Pre-war Japan a pretty alien place...

Now, some SHITSTAIN like you made the same kinds of complaints about how "America wouldn't be America" with the Irish 150 years ago, the Germans 100 years ago, the Poles 50 years ago. Now you are going on and on about how we "won't be America"

We not only turned out fine, we actually became a better place for it.
Modern Japan ....doesn't allow any immigration.

It allows a minute amount, which is the same thing, for all intents and purposes.

With an estimated population of 127.11 million in 2015,[2] the resident foreign population in Japan amounts to approximately 1.75% of the total population.


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