Is It A Provocation To Knock Down Those N. Korean Missles?

no1tovote4 said:
I have seen no such seizing of oil. Where exactly has that happened? The context must be put in place... Show me evidence of a seizure of oil! Not SuperConspiracy Central either. Give me real evidence of that.

The books of the Coalition Provisional Authority under Proconsul Bremmer have been closed and sealed. The oil sold during that time was estimated to be between $10 billion and $12 billion in value, but nobody is certain as to exactly how much as the oil was unmetered. Seizure? No. Theft? Likely.

As for oil being the justification for the invasion and occupation of Iraq...Oil was the driving force, but not in the way you might think. Everything else was, incidentaly, gravy, so to speak. Originally, the Iraqi oil-fields were to have been sold off piecemeal to any who could bid. The goal here was to have these produces pumping oil as fast as they could in order to drive down oil prices and break the back of OPEC once and for all. THis plan was scotched by US oil interests which did not want ot be beggared by declining oil prices. As a result we have oil at between $70 and $75 per barrel. This has given OPEC members, particularly Saudi Arabia enough of a cash cushion to pump oil all out for more than a year, driving down prices to the point where anyone trying to break OPEC's back will be driven into the ground and bankrupted.

There are also the geopolitical issues of oil production in Russia and consumption in China. Control of Iraq's oil fields can be used to leverage Russian oil production and serve as a barrier to Chinese oil consumption and economic growth.

Control of the oil, rather than the oil itself was, and remains, the reason for the continued US presence in Iraq.
That makes perfect sense. Saddam was hurting oil company profits, so take him down!

For those pessimists, it looks like we(U.S.) is getting things done in good fashion!:salute:

Regards, Eightballsidepocket:salute:
THAAD missile intercepts its target

Friday, July 14, 2006

From staff reports

Huntsville Times

The Missile Defense Agency held a successful test of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, missile defense system Wednesday at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

The THAAD missile successfully intercepted a Hera target missile, which is managed by Redstone Arsenal.:happy2:

The flight tested all THAAD components, including the launcher, radar, fire control, communications, and interceptor missile, according to an MDA news release.

The primary objective of Wednesday's test was to demonstrate that the complex radar seeker could detect a ballistic missile target at high altitude - just inside Earth's atmosphere. Other objectives included verifying system operations in a high-altitude engagement and demonstrating the interceptor kill vehicle's response to in-flight communication and its ability to acquire and track an incoming ballistic missile target.
If there is any conspiracy with regards to Iraqi oil, it seems to me that most people have it backwards. If the powers-that-be wanted more oil, they could have dropped sanctions against Saddam, and he would have gladly sold us lots of oil. But that would drive oil prices down.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that the oil companies are dictating foreign policy. If that was the case, and they wanted to suck Iraq dry...I think we would have seen oil by now, larger troop commitments, wells tapped, pipelines built, etc. It is much easier to imagine a scenario where we invaded Iraq not to drain it's oil, but to prevent it from being tapped. Which is easier--pulling off a successful occupation and getting pipelines built, or doing a half-assed invasion with the country in chaos and oil production at a standstill?

Option #2 means a shortage, and oil is a fairly inelastic good, in the short/medium term anyhow. Shortage + inelastic good that people can't easily do without = ability to charge much higher prices. Not that I have any problem with huge profits mind you, as long as they're arrived at without the assistance of government's brute force.

For more on this:

In all fairness, there really isn't any smoking gun type evidence to support this theory. It's just one possibility.
North Korean ICBM launch exposes ABM Hoax - End Times Reductionism overflying Japan

The bigger the LIE the easier it is to expose it, and the BIG LIE Technique only was allowed to reach the utter limits in Illuminati End Times.
End Times Reductionism again the KEY to how the ABM Hoax was exposed, like to any other End Times Conspiracy.

J.F. Kennedy and Reagan Times v the Last Antichrist Times, reduced by Moon landing and ABM
The difference between Star Wars during Reagan and ABM now is the same as between JFK really believing that landing on the Moon was possible and all the space hoaxes staged ever since the "space conquest" was reduced to a TOTAL HOAX.

ABM (aka Star Wars II) Hoax exposed, 1998-2005
The Anti Ballistic Missile Hoax, was exposed first more than 10 years ago (1), long BEFORE being renamed to ABM.
When the BIG LIE for the ABM Hoax was pushed to the utter limits, as "Defense" against "Iran" to be deployed in Eastern Europe, there was only one and the same exposing it. (2)

Delivering evidence - North Korea 2009 repeats Saddam Hussein 1991
"North Korean ICBM overflying Akita Prefecture, Japan" yet (3)... "Both FNC and CNN asleep at the wheel.". (4)
2009, April 5: North Korea, one of the countries where large segments of the population have already been surviving close to the starvation level, provides the evidence to expose the ABM Hoax.
Like Saddam Hussein hitting Israel with Scud rockets, costing each a few thousand dollars, despite deployment of the last REAL anti-missile defense system, the "Patriot" rockets, during the first Gulf War.

Evidence reaching the audience - North Korea to slaugherhouse 2009 v Saddam Hussein to global village 1991 v Radio Free Europe to Iron Curtain in the 1960s
There were still TV broadcasts from Israel in 1991, after hits by Iraq's Scud missiles.
There was hardly anyone besides poster VlPu replying to why "Both FNC and CNN asleep at the wheel." (4)

AmericanInTokyo, one of the posters reporting from Japan, replies to VlPu:
"The US media is NOT telling the American People the truth and what they need to know. We are getting the truth here in East Asia, from media outlets and governments. What gives?
It almost feels like Radio Free Europe in the 1960s here on, broadcasting over the Berlin Wall into East Germany, the way Tiger, mkj, JJ, I and others have to post from here (or elsewhere) to bring folks up to speed as to what is really happening...

Explicit message (Radio broadcasts) into the iron curtain in the 1960ies compared to the implicit messages (TV broadcasts) in 1991 compared to the last messages (posts at freerepublic) into the slaugherhouse today.
A comparison ruled by one of the Fundamental Laws of End Times Reductionism: the exponential curve for the reduction of any TRUTH (explicit or implicit) in any broadcasted form (radio, TV, internet).
A Law that also states that, for those who accepted the Mark of the Beast, level 0 is reached before the End of Armageddon.

In 1998 Christiane Amanpour was assigned the role of broadcasting the hoax ("genocide of Albanians at the hands of Serbs") used to launch the antichrist's first "humanitarian war", the begin of Armageddon.
Very close to the end of Armageddon, the same actress, still plays the role of journalist to pass the message to cover-up the simple fact that the ABM hoax has just been formally exposed.
Nothing escapes the Laws of End Times Reductionism.

(1) At the time of first NATO ultimatum to Serbia (October 1998), the begin of the battle of Armageddon.

(2) - ...

More notes: Google the titlle in quotes
I think we should have shot that rocket down and just dared the N.Koreans to do something about it. N.Korea will keep pushing the envelope just like Iran and possibly even Venezuela, and if we keep just using rhetoric that lacks action, and/or don't back it up, we will end up in a situation way over our heads, or very messy.
North Korean ICBM launch exposes ABM Hoax - End Times Reductionism overflying Japan

The bigger the LIE the easier it is to expose it, and the BIG LIE Technique only was allowed to reach the utter limits in Illuminati End Times.
End Times Reductionism again the KEY to how the ABM Hoax was exposed, like to any other End Times Conspiracy.

J.F. Kennedy and Reagan Times v the Last Antichrist Times, reduced by Moon landing and ABM
The difference between Star Wars during Reagan and ABM now is the same as between JFK really believing that landing on the Moon was possible and all the space hoaxes staged ever since the "space conquest" was reduced to a TOTAL HOAX.

ABM (aka Star Wars II) Hoax exposed, 1998-2005
The Anti Ballistic Missile Hoax, was exposed first more than 10 years ago (1), long BEFORE being renamed to ABM.
When the BIG LIE for the ABM Hoax was pushed to the utter limits, as "Defense" against "Iran" to be deployed in Eastern Europe, there was only one and the same exposing it. (2)

Delivering evidence - North Korea 2009 repeats Saddam Hussein 1991
"North Korean ICBM overflying Akita Prefecture, Japan" yet (3)... "Both FNC and CNN asleep at the wheel.". (4)
2009, April 5: North Korea, one of the countries where large segments of the population have already been surviving close to the starvation level, provides the evidence to expose the ABM Hoax.
Like Saddam Hussein hitting Israel with Scud rockets, costing each a few thousand dollars, despite deployment of the last REAL anti-missile defense system, the "Patriot" rockets, during the first Gulf War.

Evidence reaching the audience - North Korea to slaugherhouse 2009 v Saddam Hussein to global village 1991 v Radio Free Europe to Iron Curtain in the 1960s
There were still TV broadcasts from Israel in 1991, after hits by Iraq's Scud missiles.
There was hardly anyone besides poster VlPu replying to why "Both FNC and CNN asleep at the wheel." (4)

AmericanInTokyo, one of the posters reporting from Japan, replies to VlPu:
"The US media is NOT telling the American People the truth and what they need to know. We are getting the truth here in East Asia, from media outlets and governments. What gives?
It almost feels like Radio Free Europe in the 1960s here on, broadcasting over the Berlin Wall into East Germany, the way Tiger, mkj, JJ, I and others have to post from here (or elsewhere) to bring folks up to speed as to what is really happening...

Explicit message (Radio broadcasts) into the iron curtain in the 1960ies compared to the implicit messages (TV broadcasts) in 1991 compared to the last messages (posts at freerepublic) into the slaugherhouse today.
A comparison ruled by one of the Fundamental Laws of End Times Reductionism: the exponential curve for the reduction of any TRUTH (explicit or implicit) in any broadcasted form (radio, TV, internet).
A Law that also states that, for those who accepted the Mark of the Beast, level 0 is reached before the End of Armageddon.

In 1998 Christiane Amanpour was assigned the role of broadcasting the hoax ("genocide of Albanians at the hands of Serbs") used to launch the antichrist's first "humanitarian war", the begin of Armageddon.
Very close to the end of Armageddon, the same actress, still plays the role of journalist to pass the message to cover-up the simple fact that the ABM hoax has just been formally exposed.
Nothing escapes the Laws of End Times Reductionism.

(1) At the time of first NATO ultimatum to Serbia (October 1998), the begin of the battle of Armageddon.

(2) - ...

More notes: Google the titlle in quotes

This is just babble. :cuckoo:
I think we should have shot that rocket down and just dared the N.Koreans to do something about it. N.Korea will keep pushing the envelope just like Iran and possibly even Venezuela, and if we keep just using rhetoric that lacks action, and/or don't back it up, we will end up in a situation way over our heads, or very messy.

In an effort to look at all possible angles of an event, it occurred to me that we might be able to have it both ways. What if we did shoot it down, but we didn't admit to it? North Korea is hardly in a position to know what happened to their missile once it got sufficiently far down range. Perhaps the Russians or the Chinese might give them the information if their sensors are sophisticated enough to pick up a small US missile launch. But then again, maybe they wouldn't.

We would get to keep the knowledge that our anti-missile system works semi-in the bag, they get to fret about what they did wrong to cause their rocket to fail.

I'm not saying I necessarily think this is what actually happened, but I don't see why it couldn't have happened this way.
I don't understand why Dubya hasn't launched a war against North Korea. They are, and have been for the last decade, a far greater threat than Saddam ever was. Their leader is completely nuts and, unlike Saddam, has absolutely nothing to lose (because there is absolutely nothing of value in that country).

I would support a war against North Korea.


And China too? The Chinese will never allow N. Korea to get too out of hand, because then it would mean war with the US, something the Chinese do not want.

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