Is it clear? Do you finally understand? Can you get why we need a draft?

Actually, I think that's an outstanding idea... That way the chicken Libs can help clean up Obozo's mess!!!
Military vote softens but doesn't shift

A poll conducted late last year by the Military Times found that 57 percent of those surveyed consider themselves Republican, while 13 percent identified with the Democrats. Among the officer corps the numbers were different. Nearly 66 percent of officers considered themselves Republican compared with 9 percent Democratic. Nearly 30 percent of those surveyed by the Military Times declined to answer the questions or said they were independent.

Military Veterans of All Ages Tend to Be More Republican

For the entire adult population, 34% of veterans and those currently on active military service are Republican, compared to 26% of those who are not veterans, while 29% of veterans identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 38% of those who are not veterans. (Thirty-three percent of veterans are independents, compared to 29% of nonveterans.)
Did you notice your link was from 2004? And even this, it said this:

But determining the political leanings of the nation’s military has traditionally been difficult. The military is prickly about giving pollsters and academics unfettered access to its troops.

Then there is this from Time:

But there is conflicting evidence. The Center for Responsive Politics reported last month that self-described military personnel had donated $678,611 to Obama, 85% more than the $398,450 the Romney campaign has collected.

Does the Military Vote Really Lean Republican? |


The reason so many in the military have stopped leaning Republican is TWO:

One, they are tired of being fucked over by Republicans.

Two, well, :

Did you even notice that there were TWO links???
But here's the results of last year's poll by the Military Times....
View attachment 48038

Evidently by 2010, our soldiers recognized just how poor of a Commander in Chief Obama really turned out to be.

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

A new Military Times survey of those now serving in the military found that Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent today.
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.
Speaking of draft, how come women don't have to register for it? Come on girls, you wanted equality so you should have to register like I did.
The righties made sure the Equal Rights Amendment was shot down. Equality was turned down, so now it's your move.
Actually, I think that's an outstanding idea... That way the chicken Libs can help clean up Obozo's mess!!!
Military vote softens but doesn't shift

A poll conducted late last year by the Military Times found that 57 percent of those surveyed consider themselves Republican, while 13 percent identified with the Democrats. Among the officer corps the numbers were different. Nearly 66 percent of officers considered themselves Republican compared with 9 percent Democratic. Nearly 30 percent of those surveyed by the Military Times declined to answer the questions or said they were independent.

Military Veterans of All Ages Tend to Be More Republican

For the entire adult population, 34% of veterans and those currently on active military service are Republican, compared to 26% of those who are not veterans, while 29% of veterans identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 38% of those who are not veterans. (Thirty-three percent of veterans are independents, compared to 29% of nonveterans.)
Did you notice your link was from 2004? And even this, it said this:

But determining the political leanings of the nation’s military has traditionally been difficult. The military is prickly about giving pollsters and academics unfettered access to its troops.

Then there is this from Time:

But there is conflicting evidence. The Center for Responsive Politics reported last month that self-described military personnel had donated $678,611 to Obama, 85% more than the $398,450 the Romney campaign has collected.

Does the Military Vote Really Lean Republican? |


The reason so many in the military have stopped leaning Republican is TWO:

One, they are tired of being fucked over by Republicans.

Two, well, :

Did you even notice that there were TWO links???
But here's the results of last year's poll by the Military Times....
View attachment 48038

Evidently by 2010, our soldiers recognized just how poor of a Commander in Chief Obama really turned out to be.

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

A new Military Times survey of those now serving in the military found that Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent today.
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.

Actually, no. A real Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces listens to his military people, instead of forcing them out for political reasons.

Obama has utterly failed as a military leader.
Personally, I'm against the draft. Unwilling conscriptees tend to dilute the effectiveness of a well-trained and highly-motivated military, as do women in combat positions. The soldiers we now have are the best this country's ever seen. I could see having a draft if WW3 broke out, but the current military can handle most everything as they are.

The only thing that I don't like is that women are exempt from having to register. That's inequality.

I'm personally against a draft unless it's necessary during time of war, due to issues with the quality and dedication of the troops. However, if we do need a draft to fill out the ranks during wartime , it's only fair that the Libs pull their weight for a change.
Compulsory national service is a good idea. It doesn't have to be military service. It would make the country stronger and give everyone a stake in the wellbeing of the country. There are far too many citizens who have no idea what it means to serve.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

I think the Dems who fail out of Inner City schools should be drafted

Joe "5 Deferments" Biden

When did Obama serve?
Did you notice your link was from 2004? And even this, it said this:

But determining the political leanings of the nation’s military has traditionally been difficult. The military is prickly about giving pollsters and academics unfettered access to its troops.

Then there is this from Time:

But there is conflicting evidence. The Center for Responsive Politics reported last month that self-described military personnel had donated $678,611 to Obama, 85% more than the $398,450 the Romney campaign has collected.

Does the Military Vote Really Lean Republican? |


The reason so many in the military have stopped leaning Republican is TWO:

One, they are tired of being fucked over by Republicans.

Two, well, :

Did you even notice that there were TWO links???
But here's the results of last year's poll by the Military Times....
View attachment 48038

Evidently by 2010, our soldiers recognized just how poor of a Commander in Chief Obama really turned out to be.

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

A new Military Times survey of those now serving in the military found that Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent today.
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.

Actually, no. A real Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces listens to his military people, instead of forcing them out for political reasons.

Obama has utterly failed as a military leader.
Since they all should be at home playing soldier instead of killing innocents on the other side of the planet, I'm utterly unconcerned with what the robots with guns that eat and shit think...
Ironic that you want to take away a person's freedom so he can fight for yours?
The draft is wrong in so many ways. I also believe there is an amendment to the Constitution to prohibits involuntary servitude.
Conscription is a terrible idea. In my experience, the first couple weeks of OSUT was spent NoGoing all the fuck ups that didn't want to be there. They only bring down their Battle Buddies and make poor soldiers.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

I think the Dems who fail out of Inner City schools should be drafted

Joe "5 Deferments" Biden

When did Obama serve?
Don't go there, Trump avoided the dart and you like him, right?
Speaking of draft, how come women don't have to register for it? Come on girls, you wanted equality so you should have to register like I did.
The righties made sure the Equal Rights Amendment was shot down. Equality was turned down, so now it's your move.

Women not having to register for the draft has nothing to do with the ERA and passing the ERA would not have led to woman being registered.

Clinton brought this up in 1994 and the DOD said there was no need to. There were already adequate numbers of troops.
It is interesting that the only guys pushing for conscription are the lefties.....the reason is simple, they want to sabotage the military and create riots whenever we have to deploy troops.

Actually they believe a draft would be a solution to wars. After all, if more people were forced into battle, they and their families would protest the politicians, and the politicians would have to find a way to keep us out of war.

Don't let them fool you. The left hates our military as much as they hate our police. But if they can find a way to manipulate either to further their cause, they will in a heartbeat.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

Mitt Romney is a Mormon who went overseas on a mission...something that most young Mormons do. He didn't run off to another country. He went to France on church business. Then when the older leader of that mission was injured in a car accident, Romney took over leadership of the mission despite his young age and completed it successfully.

Now compare THAT to what Barack Obama was doing right after he got out of high school...sort of going to college at Occidental while he got stoned and did coke regularly?

So tell me who was the "responsible" person between those two?
Did you even notice that there were TWO links???
But here's the results of last year's poll by the Military Times....
View attachment 48038

Evidently by 2010, our soldiers recognized just how poor of a Commander in Chief Obama really turned out to be.

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

A new Military Times survey of those now serving in the military found that Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent today.
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.

Actually, no. A real Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces listens to his military people, instead of forcing them out for political reasons.

Obama has utterly failed as a military leader.
Since they all should be at home playing soldier instead of killing innocents on the other side of the planet, I'm utterly unconcerned with what the robots with guns that eat and shit think...

Of course, you are including your Nobel Prize winning President, right? His authorized drone strikes have killed more innocent women and children, than those authorized by GW.
Actually, I think that's an outstanding idea... That way the chicken Libs can help clean up Obozo's mess!!!
Military vote softens but doesn't shift

A poll conducted late last year by the Military Times found that 57 percent of those surveyed consider themselves Republican, while 13 percent identified with the Democrats. Among the officer corps the numbers were different. Nearly 66 percent of officers considered themselves Republican compared with 9 percent Democratic. Nearly 30 percent of those surveyed by the Military Times declined to answer the questions or said they were independent.

Military Veterans of All Ages Tend to Be More Republican

For the entire adult population, 34% of veterans and those currently on active military service are Republican, compared to 26% of those who are not veterans, while 29% of veterans identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 38% of those who are not veterans. (Thirty-three percent of veterans are independents, compared to 29% of nonveterans.)
Did you notice your link was from 2004? And even this, it said this:

But determining the political leanings of the nation’s military has traditionally been difficult. The military is prickly about giving pollsters and academics unfettered access to its troops.

Then there is this from Time:

But there is conflicting evidence. The Center for Responsive Politics reported last month that self-described military personnel had donated $678,611 to Obama, 85% more than the $398,450 the Romney campaign has collected.

Does the Military Vote Really Lean Republican? |


The reason so many in the military have stopped leaning Republican is TWO:

One, they are tired of being fucked over by Republicans.

Two, well, :


"self-described military personnel"

That's certainly self-explanatory.

3/4 of the military detests Obama, the rest are as duped as they were before joining.
Did you notice your link was from 2004? And even this, it said this:

But determining the political leanings of the nation’s military has traditionally been difficult. The military is prickly about giving pollsters and academics unfettered access to its troops.

Then there is this from Time:

But there is conflicting evidence. The Center for Responsive Politics reported last month that self-described military personnel had donated $678,611 to Obama, 85% more than the $398,450 the Romney campaign has collected.

Does the Military Vote Really Lean Republican? |


The reason so many in the military have stopped leaning Republican is TWO:

One, they are tired of being fucked over by Republicans.

Two, well, :

Did you even notice that there were TWO links???
But here's the results of last year's poll by the Military Times....
View attachment 48038

Evidently by 2010, our soldiers recognized just how poor of a Commander in Chief Obama really turned out to be.

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

A new Military Times survey of those now serving in the military found that Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent today.
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.

Actually, no. A real Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces listens to his military people, instead of forcing them out for political reasons.

Obama has utterly failed as a military leader.

ISIS would disagree, Obama has been a Godsend from the Prophet himself
Evidently by 2010, our soldiers recognized just how poor of a Commander in Chief Obama really turned out to be.

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

A new Military Times survey of those now serving in the military found that Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent today.
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.

Actually, no. A real Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces listens to his military people, instead of forcing them out for political reasons.

Obama has utterly failed as a military leader.
Since they all should be at home playing soldier instead of killing innocents on the other side of the planet, I'm utterly unconcerned with what the robots with guns that eat and shit think...

Of course, you are including your Nobel Prize winning President, right? His authorized drone strikes have killed more innocent women and children, than those authorized by GW.
Bush didn't really have drones like those now, and it hardly matters, the point is the same. Come home and leave the rest of the world the fuck alone.
Did you even notice that there were TWO links???
But here's the results of last year's poll by the Military Times....
View attachment 48038

Evidently by 2010, our soldiers recognized just how poor of a Commander in Chief Obama really turned out to be.

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

A new Military Times survey of those now serving in the military found that Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent today.
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.

Actually, no. A real Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces listens to his military people, instead of forcing them out for political reasons.

Obama has utterly failed as a military leader.

ISIS would disagree, Obama has been a Godsend from the Prophet himself

Winner winner chicken dinner!

Military members give Obama 15 percent approval rating

A new Military Times survey of those now serving in the military found that Obama’s approval rating has dropped from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent today.
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.

Actually, no. A real Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces listens to his military people, instead of forcing them out for political reasons.

Obama has utterly failed as a military leader.
Since they all should be at home playing soldier instead of killing innocents on the other side of the planet, I'm utterly unconcerned with what the robots with guns that eat and shit think...

Of course, you are including your Nobel Prize winning President, right? His authorized drone strikes have killed more innocent women and children, than those authorized by GW.
Bush didn't really have drones like those now, and it hardly matters, the point is the same. Come home and leave the rest of the world the fuck alone.

You mean "Come home, leave the rest of the world to go to shit, until the rest of the world decides to kick in our door and kill us all and take away our stuff".

Should I list for you all the reasons why isolationism and appeasement doesn't work in the real world?
The great thing about being POTUS, you don't have to worry about the opinions of the cannon fodder.

Actually, no. A real Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces listens to his military people, instead of forcing them out for political reasons.

Obama has utterly failed as a military leader.
Since they all should be at home playing soldier instead of killing innocents on the other side of the planet, I'm utterly unconcerned with what the robots with guns that eat and shit think...

Of course, you are including your Nobel Prize winning President, right? His authorized drone strikes have killed more innocent women and children, than those authorized by GW.
Bush didn't really have drones like those now, and it hardly matters, the point is the same. Come home and leave the rest of the world the fuck alone.

You mean "Come home, leave the rest of the world to go to shit, until the rest of the world decides to kick in our door and kill us all".

Should I list for you all the reasons why isolationism and appeasement doesn't work in the real world?
Nope, not interested in your lies, I've heard them all before.

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