Is it clear? Do you finally understand? Can you get why we need a draft?

I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

So you're in favor of forcing people into the military to defend themselves but against allowing us to arm ourselves to defend ourselves. Why use a tack hammer on a tack when you have a perfectly good sledge hammer.

A draft in a war is a dubious use of government coercion over it's own people, but a peace time use of force to compel people to serve the government is an absolute abomination. Statists like you are sick and need treatment
So, they are "forced" to pay taxes? "Forced" to follow laws?

Republicans tricked the country into Iraq and when soldiers complained, Republicans, and even those right here on the USMB, answered "no one was forced to go".

Democrats want to help this country in so many ways. They want clean air, clean water, to save our national forests, they want Americans to have health care, education, good jobs, and to study situations overseas before making a commitment.

What do Republicans want? They say clean air and clean water are not affordable. They block health care and education. They helped send jobs to China and they invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the country or the people. And they are such hypocrites. Complaining about government intervention and supporting billions in subsidies to Iowa farmers. Ethanol corm comes to mind.

I don't just believe in the draft, I believe EVERYBODY should have a commitment to the good of the country. Serve two years. It could be as a teacher in Appalachia or in Watts, It could be building bridges. Helping the elderly, the disabled, providing therapy for maimed soldiers from Iraq.

The list is endless. Republicans, the same people who walk away from the born, do everything they can to make Americans miserable, think this is a terrible idea. But is that any surprise? Really, think about who they are and what they represent. Is it any surprise?

I believe you're thinking of the wrong party.

It's liberals that want to make everybody miserable in this country. Look at their record.

If a liberal sees a man happily walking through a park, smoking a cigarette, bothering nobody, it's the liberal that petitions the local government to stop smoking outside in the park so as to take that happiness away from that man.

If a liberal sees people happily eating their fast food at McDonald's, it's the liberal that wants to take that fast food away from those people so they will no longer be happy.

If a liberal sees a happy person with a lot of money, it's the liberal that insists government take away more of his money making him less happy.

If a liberal knows there is a person happily carrying their firearm for protection of themselves and their family, it's the liberal that wants to take that protection away from those people.

Liberals just aren't happy unless they are taking measures to make everybody else as miserable as they are.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

So you're in favor of forcing people into the military to defend themselves but against allowing us to arm ourselves to defend ourselves. Why use a tack hammer on a tack when you have a perfectly good sledge hammer.

A draft in a war is a dubious use of government coercion over it's own people, but a peace time use of force to compel people to serve the government is an absolute abomination. Statists like you are sick and need treatment
So, they are "forced" to pay taxes? "Forced" to follow laws?

Republicans tricked the country into Iraq and when soldiers complained, Republicans, and even those right here on the USMB, answered "no one was forced to go".

Democrats want to help this country in so many ways. They want clean air, clean water, to save our national forests, they want Americans to have health care, education, good jobs, and to study situations overseas before making a commitment.

What do Republicans want? They say clean air and clean water are not affordable. They block health care and education. They helped send jobs to China and they invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the country or the people. And they are such hypocrites. Complaining about government intervention and supporting billions in subsidies to Iowa farmers. Ethanol corm comes to mind.

I don't just believe in the draft, I believe EVERYBODY should have a commitment to the good of the country. Serve two years. It could be as a teacher in Appalachia or in Watts, It could be building bridges. Helping the elderly, the disabled, providing therapy for maimed soldiers from Iraq.

The list is endless. Republicans, the same people who walk away from the born, do everything they can to make Americans miserable, think this is a terrible idea. But is that any surprise? Really, think about who they are and what they represent. Is it any surprise?

Sorry, you started ranting about the Republicans and I lost interest.

The question was how you can support government requiring it's citizens to serve the State by requiring them to be in the military even when the country is not under attack
I never limited it to the military. Didn't you see my list? Helping disaster victims may be one of the things done by the military, but the military aren't the only ones doing it.

And I never rant about Republicans. I don't have to. I just quote them.

Don't you get the humor? When I say this, "They say clean air and clean water are not affordable. They block health care and education. They helped send jobs to China and they invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the country or the people. And they are such hypocrites. Complaining about government intervention and supporting billions in subsidies to Iowa farmers. Ethanol corm comes to mind", no Republican denies it. How could they. This generation of the GOP is always on the opposite side of helping America in any way. They can't name a single GOP policy that's helped the majority of Americans in the last 30 years or longer. And everyone knows it.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

So you're in favor of forcing people into the military to defend themselves but against allowing us to arm ourselves to defend ourselves. Why use a tack hammer on a tack when you have a perfectly good sledge hammer.

A draft in a war is a dubious use of government coercion over it's own people, but a peace time use of force to compel people to serve the government is an absolute abomination. Statists like you are sick and need treatment
So, they are "forced" to pay taxes? "Forced" to follow laws?

Republicans tricked the country into Iraq and when soldiers complained, Republicans, and even those right here on the USMB, answered "no one was forced to go".

Democrats want to help this country in so many ways. They want clean air, clean water, to save our national forests, they want Americans to have health care, education, good jobs, and to study situations overseas before making a commitment.

What do Republicans want? They say clean air and clean water are not affordable. They block health care and education. They helped send jobs to China and they invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the country or the people. And they are such hypocrites. Complaining about government intervention and supporting billions in subsidies to Iowa farmers. Ethanol corm comes to mind.

I don't just believe in the draft, I believe EVERYBODY should have a commitment to the good of the country. Serve two years. It could be as a teacher in Appalachia or in Watts, It could be building bridges. Helping the elderly, the disabled, providing therapy for maimed soldiers from Iraq.

The list is endless. Republicans, the same people who walk away from the born, do everything they can to make Americans miserable, think this is a terrible idea. But is that any surprise? Really, think about who they are and what they represent. Is it any surprise?

I believe you're thinking of the wrong party.

It's liberals that want to make everybody miserable in this country. Look at their record.

If a liberal sees a man happily walking through a park, smoking a cigarette, bothering nobody, it's the liberal that petitions the local government to stop smoking outside in the park so as to take that happiness away from that man.

If a liberal sees people happily eating their fast food at McDonald's, it's the liberal that wants to take that fast food away from those people so they will no longer be happy.

If a liberal sees a happy person with a lot of money, it's the liberal that insists government take away more of his money making him less happy.

If a liberal knows there is a person happily carrying their firearm for protection of themselves and their family, it's the liberal that wants to take that protection away from those people.

Liberals just aren't happy unless they are taking measures to make everybody else as miserable as they are.
That's bullshit. What I said I could prove. What you said are unprovable assumptions from a delusional mind. If you say it, prove it.
"Is it clear? Do you finally understand? Can you get why we need a draft?"

I agree that the U.S. should reinstitute the military draft. Generally speaking, I strongly believe that military service makes one a better person. It certainly did for me. I was a wild young man, not criminal, just wild - and the military made me grow up much sooner than I otherwise would have. The lessons learned and friends I made in the military are the ones I think of most.
Actually, I think that's an outstanding idea... That way the chicken Libs can help clean up Obozo's mess!!!
Military vote softens but doesn't shift

A poll conducted late last year by the Military Times found that 57 percent of those surveyed consider themselves Republican, while 13 percent identified with the Democrats. Among the officer corps the numbers were different. Nearly 66 percent of officers considered themselves Republican compared with 9 percent Democratic. Nearly 30 percent of those surveyed by the Military Times declined to answer the questions or said they were independent.

Military Veterans of All Ages Tend to Be More Republican

For the entire adult population, 34% of veterans and those currently on active military service are Republican, compared to 26% of those who are not veterans, while 29% of veterans identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 38% of those who are not veterans. (Thirty-three percent of veterans are independents, compared to 29% of nonveterans.)

Bush never happened. You may think he happened but you are wrong. Obama caused all the problems of the globe. And that election that gave Obama a huge majority victory was a hoax. He never won anything. Even if he did it meant nothing.

All that economic tsunami Obama was elected into was a liberal lie. Obama created the disaster all by himself so the liberals would have something to whine about.

History is a flexible concept doncha know? It can be anything you want it to be. Just say it..and repeat it and it is the truth.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

So you're in favor of forcing people into the military to defend themselves but against allowing us to arm ourselves to defend ourselves. Why use a tack hammer on a tack when you have a perfectly good sledge hammer.

A draft in a war is a dubious use of government coercion over it's own people, but a peace time use of force to compel people to serve the government is an absolute abomination. Statists like you are sick and need treatment
So, they are "forced" to pay taxes? "Forced" to follow laws?

Republicans tricked the country into Iraq and when soldiers complained, Republicans, and even those right here on the USMB, answered "no one was forced to go".

Democrats want to help this country in so many ways. They want clean air, clean water, to save our national forests, they want Americans to have health care, education, good jobs, and to study situations overseas before making a commitment.

What do Republicans want? They say clean air and clean water are not affordable. They block health care and education. They helped send jobs to China and they invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the country or the people. And they are such hypocrites. Complaining about government intervention and supporting billions in subsidies to Iowa farmers. Ethanol corm comes to mind.

I don't just believe in the draft, I believe EVERYBODY should have a commitment to the good of the country. Serve two years. It could be as a teacher in Appalachia or in Watts, It could be building bridges. Helping the elderly, the disabled, providing therapy for maimed soldiers from Iraq.

The list is endless. Republicans, the same people who walk away from the born, do everything they can to make Americans miserable, think this is a terrible idea. But is that any surprise? Really, think about who they are and what they represent. Is it any surprise?

Sorry, you started ranting about the Republicans and I lost interest.

The question was how you can support government requiring it's citizens to serve the State by requiring them to be in the military even when the country is not under attack
I never limited it to the military. Didn't you see my list? Helping disaster victims may be one of the things done by the military, but the military aren't the only ones doing it.

And I never rant about Republicans. I don't have to. I just quote them.

Don't you get the humor? When I say this, "They say clean air and clean water are not affordable. They block health care and education. They helped send jobs to China and they invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the country or the people. And they are such hypocrites. Complaining about government intervention and supporting billions in subsidies to Iowa farmers. Ethanol corm comes to mind", no Republican denies it. How could they. This generation of the GOP is always on the opposite side of helping America in any way. They can't name a single GOP policy that's helped the majority of Americans in the last 30 years or longer. And everyone knows it.

Ah, OK, as long as it's not the military, I'm good with requiring citizens to serve the State, thanks for clarifying you didn't just mean that. problem solved
We can not pay for what our Government does now by the tune of a trillion dollars a year how exactly do you think they would pay for millions of forced service males?
"Is it clear? Do you finally understand? Can you get why we need a draft?"

I agree that the U.S. should reinstitute the military draft. Generally speaking, I strongly believe that military service makes one a better person. It certainly did for me. I was a wild young man, not criminal, just wild - and the military made me grow up much sooner than I otherwise would have. The lessons learned and friends I made in the military are the ones I think of most.

Well.....that may have been good for you, but that doesn't mean it's good for everybody else. We are not clones in this country. For some, learning a trade is the best thing that ever happened to them. For others, it may be college or getting married to their high school sweetheart.

We are all different. Some of us join the military, some of us become police officers, some of us join the entertainment industry and so on. What city do you think would have a better baseball team, one city who only picks professional ball players, or the other city that allows anybody to join that wants to?

We have the best, lets keep it that way. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

So you're in favor of forcing people into the military to defend themselves but against allowing us to arm ourselves to defend ourselves. Why use a tack hammer on a tack when you have a perfectly good sledge hammer.

A draft in a war is a dubious use of government coercion over it's own people, but a peace time use of force to compel people to serve the government is an absolute abomination. Statists like you are sick and need treatment
So, they are "forced" to pay taxes? "Forced" to follow laws?

Republicans tricked the country into Iraq and when soldiers complained, Republicans, and even those right here on the USMB, answered "no one was forced to go".

Democrats want to help this country in so many ways. They want clean air, clean water, to save our national forests, they want Americans to have health care, education, good jobs, and to study situations overseas before making a commitment.

What do Republicans want? They say clean air and clean water are not affordable. They block health care and education. They helped send jobs to China and they invaded Iraq without knowing anything about the country or the people. And they are such hypocrites. Complaining about government intervention and supporting billions in subsidies to Iowa farmers. Ethanol corm comes to mind.

I don't just believe in the draft, I believe EVERYBODY should have a commitment to the good of the country. Serve two years. It could be as a teacher in Appalachia or in Watts, It could be building bridges. Helping the elderly, the disabled, providing therapy for maimed soldiers from Iraq.

The list is endless. Republicans, the same people who walk away from the born, do everything they can to make Americans miserable, think this is a terrible idea. But is that any surprise? Really, think about who they are and what they represent. Is it any surprise?

I believe you're thinking of the wrong party.

It's liberals that want to make everybody miserable in this country. Look at their record.

If a liberal sees a man happily walking through a park, smoking a cigarette, bothering nobody, it's the liberal that petitions the local government to stop smoking outside in the park so as to take that happiness away from that man.

If a liberal sees people happily eating their fast food at McDonald's, it's the liberal that wants to take that fast food away from those people so they will no longer be happy.

If a liberal sees a happy person with a lot of money, it's the liberal that insists government take away more of his money making him less happy.

If a liberal knows there is a person happily carrying their firearm for protection of themselves and their family, it's the liberal that wants to take that protection away from those people.

Liberals just aren't happy unless they are taking measures to make everybody else as miserable as they are.
That's bullshit. What I said I could prove. What you said are unprovable assumptions from a delusional mind. If you say it, prove it.

Not hard to do. Who is the food Nazi in the US today? That's right, Moochelle Obama. Who was crying about getting rid of trans fats? Republicans? Who would love nothing better than to strip away guns from Americans in this country? Republicans? What was one of the first things DumBama did after invading the White House? That's right, a massive sin tax. You know, nobody making less than 250K will see a new tax of any kind?

You shouldn't bring a knife to a gun fight. You know damn well what the Democrat party is all about--control freaks.
Why are they so anxious for a draft again? It will damage the military. That seems the goal, to destroy the military as a fighting force.

Notice who likes the idea of a draft, those who don't want to use it for any goal, Rdean and lakota have been anxious to destroy the military.

The military needs bright people who are committed. The modern military is not the military of 230 years ago. The draft will only bring in the dim and the angry
Why are they so anxious for a draft again? It will damage the military. That seems the goal, to destroy the military as a fighting force.

Notice who likes the idea of a draft, those who don't want to use it for any goal, Rdean and lakota have been anxious to destroy the military.

The military needs bright people who are committed. The modern military is not the military of 230 years ago. The draft will only bring in the dim and the angry

The reason the left wants the draft is because they believe it would stop us from going to war. They are looking for support that they cannot get currently. When they cry about "other people's children" it is quickly pointed out that these brave men and women joined the military on their own, and they know the military is there to fight wars. They are simply doing the job they applied for.

The only thing the left hates more than our military is war, and they will use our military as a vehicle to try and get their agenda driven.
"A real and true unbiased draft..."

Never has been-and never will be-any such thing. Especially with the corruption currently in government.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

I get that your hive mentality needs cogs for the machine.

Why not suggest indentured servitude om highways, bridges, tunnels?
Manufacturing solar panels?

Why stop at the military, CzarDean?
Why are they so anxious for a draft again? It will damage the military. That seems the goal, to destroy the military as a fighting force.

Notice who likes the idea of a draft, those who don't want to use it for any goal, Rdean and lakota have been anxious to destroy the military.

The military needs bright people who are committed. The modern military is not the military of 230 years ago. The draft will only bring in the dim and the angry

The reason the left wants the draft is because they believe it would stop us from going to war. They are looking for support that they cannot get currently. When they cry about "other people's children" it is quickly pointed out that these brave men and women joined the military on their own, and they know the military is there to fight wars. They are simply doing the job they applied for.

The only thing the left hates more than our military is war, and they will use our military as a vehicle to try and get their agenda driven.
Uncle Ferd gonna draft him a new g/f if the one he got now don't shape up...

Women Will Likely Have to Register for the Draft, Army Secretary Says
Oct 12, 2015 | Women will eventually have to register for the draft if "true and pure equality" is to be realized in the U.S. military, Army Secretary John McHugh said Monday. "If your objective is true and pure equality then you have to look at all aspects" of the roles of women in the military, McHugh said, and registration for the draft "will be one of those things. That will have to be considered."
McHugh said draft registration was not a subject to be decided by the services or the Department of Defense, and will ultimately have to be dealt with by Congress. He expected a "pretty emotional debate and discussion." However, as more military occupational specialties are opened to women, the debate on Selective Service System registration was inevitable, McHugh said. "If we find ourselves as a military writ large where men and women have equal opportunity, as I believe we should," he said. The question on women and the draft was posed to McHugh and Gen. Mark Milley, the new Army chief of staff, at the annual three-day meeting and exposition of the Association of the U.S. Army at the Walter E. Washington convention center in Washington, D.C. Milley deferred the question to McHugh, saying he could not comment on policy.


The subject of women registering for the draft was a topic of debate at an Aspen National Security forum in Colorado this summer. In one panel discussion, retired Navy Adm. Eric Olson, former commander of the SEALs and the Special Operations Command, said that women should have to register for the draft if they also can serve in combat. On a separate panel, Air Force Secretary Deborah James said that she would have no problem with women registering for the draft. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter was to decide in January on whether combat roles, mostly in the infantry, armor, artillery and Special Operations, should be opened to women. Proposals to abolish the Selective Service System as a relic of the era before the all-volunteer force of the early 1970s occasionally come before Congress, but the proposals have never gained traction.

Nearly 17 million male U.S. citizens and male immigrant non-citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 currently are registered for conscription with the Selective Service System, an independent government agency. The 18-25 males are required by law to have registered within 30 days of their 18th birthdays and must notify Selective Service within 10 days of any changes to information they provided on their registration cards, such as a change of address. Violations can be considered felonies.

Women Will Likely Have to Register for the Draft, Army Secretary Says |

See also:

A Third Female Soldier Has Earned Her Ranger Tab
Oct 12, 2015 | The last remaining female soldier of the original group of 19 women who tried out for Army Ranger School in April will graduate from the punishing infantry leadership course.
She will earn the coveted Ranger Tab along with 87 men, according to an Oct. 12 press release from the Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia. The West Point graduate had to repeat all three phases of the two-month course. She follows two of her Ranger School classmates -- Capt. Kristen Griest and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver, who earned their Tabs in an Aug. 21 in a historic ceremony at Fort Benning. When she graduates on Oct. 16, she will have spent 180 days in the course, the release states.


Maj. Lisa Jaster is shown here rappelling down a wall at Camp Merrill, Ga., during the second phase of Ranger School​

Over the past two years, only about 40 percent of men successfully completed the course. Typically only 25 percent of Ranger School students graduate without having to repeat at least one phase of the grueling course, according to officials from the Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade, which runs the program. "The Ranger Course is a 62-day course on leadership and small unit tactics that pushes Ranger students to their mental and physical limits by forcing them to operate on minimal food and sleep," according to the release.

Following the accomplishments of Griest and Haver, the Pentagon announced in early September that qualified troops regardless of gender will be allowed to attend all future classes of Ranger School. The historic move comes at a time when Secretary of the Defense Ashton Carter is preparing to decide whether to open direct-action combat jobs such as infantry to women. Under a 2013 directive from then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the military services must open all combat jobs to women by next year or explain why any must stay closed.

A Third Female Soldier Has Earned Her Ranger Tab |

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