Is it clear? Do you finally understand? Can you get why we need a draft?

I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.


So not just a draft, but a huge conscript army so that any random attack would likely have a veteran nearby....

That's nonsense.

We don't need such a huge army. And we can't afford such a huge army.

And it would be a terrible burden on the people.

And it still wouldn't work that often. Even vets won't normally be able to charge an armed man and subdue him.
DT #61

Any nation with 300 million + whose People don't care to defend it probably isn't worth defending.
Military conscription is akin to rape. Albert Einstein called military conscription the most cruel form of slavery.

A nation that truly serves the People, that is beloved by the People it serves, will be defended to the death.
The other kind isn't worth preserving.
That's ridiculous. The military Albert Einstein was exposed to were the Nazis. It's no surprise he would have such a narrow opinion.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

No, we don't need a draft....all you left wingers want a draft because that was the way you sabataged the vietnam war......those riots in the 60s weren't about the war, they were about lefties who didn't want to get drafted and fight, when Nixon ended the draft the protests dried up almost over night.

A volunteer army makes sure that those who want the job are in the don't want people in combat who don't want to be there.
No it doesn't. Stop being a moron. An all volunteer military means it's made up of mostly poor who are trying to get out of the ghetto or rural Appalachia or someplace similar.
I had no future options and I volunteered and I got the GI bill which changed my life.

I have bad news for ya, there are many easier ways to escape the ghetto or inner-city besides joining the military. Joining the military is the longest road out of poverty.
It wasn't for me. The training was great, physically and mentally. I traveled all over Europe. I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany. I worked in S2, incredibly interesting. No doubt the military made me a more mature person. It taught me self control. And it gave me incredible respect for those who serve.
When you talk to those who actually served you get a completely different opinion than from those who didn't. The ones who didn't imagine all kinds of weird things.

It's like how right wingers view education. The reality is quite different than what right wingers who have no experience with education imagine.
I served, and the experience was something else. I learned a lot, and I grew as a result.

Some things I saw were good, some bad...

You ever see the bad, like the effect that tank treads have on a human body?
Of course there was bad. Everything has bad. It's from that you learn the most.
No, we don't need a draft....all you left wingers want a draft because that was the way you sabataged the vietnam war......those riots in the 60s weren't about the war, they were about lefties who didn't want to get drafted and fight, when Nixon ended the draft the protests dried up almost over night.

A volunteer army makes sure that those who want the job are in the don't want people in combat who don't want to be there.
No it doesn't. Stop being a moron. An all volunteer military means it's made up of mostly poor who are trying to get out of the ghetto or rural Appalachia or someplace similar.
I had no future options and I volunteered and I got the GI bill which changed my life.
You are beyond stupid that IS NOT what the military is made up off you retard.
R-Derp says that he was in the military, Gunny. You've read his posts here. Does that seem likely to you? Can you see our little Deanie leading men?
As a vet, I couldn't see him leading a circle jerk.
Quit trying to imagine such a thing.
You win..

I think a draft is a bad idea. If I had to serve with most of the Libs here, I would probably just shoot myself and be done with it.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.


So not just a draft, but a huge conscript army so that any random attack would likely have a veteran nearby....

That's nonsense.

We don't need such a huge army. And we can't afford such a huge army.

And it would be a terrible burden on the people.

And it still wouldn't work that often. Even vets won't normally be able to charge an armed man and subdue him.
I think veterans would surprise you. It's vets that would come up with a plan quickly under pressure.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.


So not just a draft, but a huge conscript army so that any random attack would likely have a veteran nearby....

That's nonsense.

We don't need such a huge army. And we can't afford such a huge army.

And it would be a terrible burden on the people.

And it still wouldn't work that often. Even vets won't normally be able to charge an armed man and subdue him.
I think veterans would surprise you. It's vets that would come up with a plan quickly under pressure.
OK, you have my attention..

Do you think mandatory service in return for government benefits could be an option?

Training, then a suitable job according to ability (even if it's just loading and unloading trucks), and the possibility of combat duty if needed?

Hell, you might have come up with a cure for welfare there, because we could always work the duds on the docks.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

No, we don't need a draft....all you left wingers want a draft because that was the way you sabataged the vietnam war......those riots in the 60s weren't about the war, they were about lefties who didn't want to get drafted and fight, when Nixon ended the draft the protests dried up almost over night.

A volunteer army makes sure that those who want the job are in the don't want people in combat who don't want to be there.
No it doesn't. Stop being a moron. An all volunteer military means it's made up of mostly poor who are trying to get out of the ghetto or rural Appalachia or someplace similar.
I had no future options and I volunteered and I got the GI bill which changed my life.

I have bad news for ya, there are many easier ways to escape the ghetto or inner-city besides joining the military. Joining the military is the longest road out of poverty.
It wasn't for me. The training was great, physically and mentally. I traveled all over Europe. I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany. I worked in S2, incredibly interesting. No doubt the military made me a more mature person. It taught me self control. And it gave me incredible respect for those who serve.
When you talk to those who actually served you get a completely different opinion than from those who didn't. The ones who didn't imagine all kinds of weird things.

It's like how right wingers view education. The reality is quite different than what right wingers who have no experience with education imagine.

Right wingers have plenty of experience with education. We were the ones that predicted disaster when bussing started. We were the ones that fought for school vouchers which in essence is school choice. We were the ones that promoted education outside the public schools such as private and home schooling.

Now if you did join the military, it wasn't because it was the way out of poverty. Judging by your above response, it was because you needed to find yourself and didn't know how.

There is one solution to poverty: money. The way to get money is to get a job and work a lot of hours. Making good decisions in life is another such as not starting a family until you are married and financially secure.
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

No, we don't need a draft....all you left wingers want a draft because that was the way you sabataged the vietnam war......those riots in the 60s weren't about the war, they were about lefties who didn't want to get drafted and fight, when Nixon ended the draft the protests dried up almost over night.

A volunteer army makes sure that those who want the job are in the don't want people in combat who don't want to be there.
No it doesn't. Stop being a moron. An all volunteer military means it's made up of mostly poor who are trying to get out of the ghetto or rural Appalachia or someplace similar.
I had no future options and I volunteered and I got the GI bill which changed my life.

I have bad news for ya, there are many easier ways to escape the ghetto or inner-city besides joining the military. Joining the military is the longest road out of poverty.
It wasn't for me. The training was great, physically and mentally. I traveled all over Europe. I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany. I worked in S2, incredibly interesting. No doubt the military made me a more mature person. It taught me self control. And it gave me incredible respect for those who serve.
When you talk to those who actually served you get a completely different opinion than from those who didn't. The ones who didn't imagine all kinds of weird things.

It's like how right wingers view education. The reality is quite different than what right wingers who have no experience with education imagine.

Right wingers have plenty of experience with education. We were the ones that predicted disaster when bussing started. We were the ones that fought for school vouchers which in essence is school choice. We were the ones that promoted education outside the public schools such as private and home schooling.

Now if you did join the military, it wasn't because it was the way out of poverty. Judging by your above response, it was because you needed to find yourself and didn't know how.

There is one solution to poverty: money. The way to get money is to get a job and work a lot of hours. Making good decisions in life is another such as not starting a family until you are married and financially secure.

If Billy Idol get's why don't they?
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.

No, we don't need a draft....all you left wingers want a draft because that was the way you sabataged the vietnam war......those riots in the 60s weren't about the war, they were about lefties who didn't want to get drafted and fight, when Nixon ended the draft the protests dried up almost over night.

A volunteer army makes sure that those who want the job are in the don't want people in combat who don't want to be there.
No it doesn't. Stop being a moron. An all volunteer military means it's made up of mostly poor who are trying to get out of the ghetto or rural Appalachia or someplace similar.
I had no future options and I volunteered and I got the GI bill which changed my life.

I have bad news for ya, there are many easier ways to escape the ghetto or inner-city besides joining the military. Joining the military is the longest road out of poverty.
It wasn't for me. The training was great, physically and mentally. I traveled all over Europe. I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany. I worked in S2, incredibly interesting. No doubt the military made me a more mature person. It taught me self control. And it gave me incredible respect for those who serve.
When you talk to those who actually served you get a completely different opinion than from those who didn't. The ones who didn't imagine all kinds of weird things.

It's like how right wingers view education. The reality is quite different than what right wingers who have no experience with education imagine.

Right wingers have plenty of experience with education. We were the ones that predicted disaster when bussing started. We were the ones that fought for school vouchers which in essence is school choice. We were the ones that promoted education outside the public schools such as private and home schooling.

Now if you did join the military, it wasn't because it was the way out of poverty. Judging by your above response, it was because you needed to find yourself and didn't know how.

There is one solution to poverty: money. The way to get money is to get a job and work a lot of hours. Making good decisions in life is another such as not starting a family until you are married and financially secure.
Now that I can get... A structured environment, self-discipline, and earn your pay.

Position based on ability and qualifications.

Is it possible a Lib came up with a good brain fart?????
I think too many are led by right wing and left wing propaganda on a draft. Like I said, the military is more than just invading other countries. The things I listed here are important roles for the military.

Our military supports civil authorities when responding to domestic crises in everything from a terrorist attack to natural disasters.

A strong defense actually deters war.

A strong defense promotes peace. Try to figure out why.

A strong defense combats terrorism.

A strong defense enforces sanctions with the aim to not go to war.

A strong military maintains peace.

A strong military protects our shipping lanes.

Someone said the officers are overwhelmingly Republican, which of course is part of the problem:

And others say it's a lie that it's mostly poor entering the military to escape poverty:
Moreover, other recent research into the question of who is joining the military revealed that women and lower-income minorities are joining the ranks, and the government is actively recruiting individuals from these demographics.

The military has a huge role in a strong and healthy country way beyond invasions and bombings. The idea that serving this country is a form of slavery or such is sickening. You can't find a better country to live in. We know Republicans don't love this country. They love the Confederacy. They love rich people and would see this country a burning and diseased dirty wreck if we could only shovel the last of the wealth to those top few. It's an honor to serve this country and there were people from all over the world where I was stationed that were in my battery.
I think too many are led by right wing and left wing propaganda on a draft. Like I said, the military is more than just invading other countries. The things I listed here are important roles for the military.

Our military supports civil authorities when responding to domestic crises in everything from a terrorist attack to natural disasters.

A strong defense actually deters war.

A strong defense promotes peace. Try to figure out why.

A strong defense combats terrorism.

A strong defense enforces sanctions with the aim to not go to war.

A strong military maintains peace.

A strong military protects our shipping lanes.

Someone said the officers are overwhelmingly Republican, which of course is part of the problem:

And others say it's a lie that it's mostly poor entering the military to escape poverty:

Who’s Joining the US Military? Poor, Women And Minorities Targeted
Moreover, other recent research into the question of who is joining the military revealed that women and lower-income minorities are joining the ranks, and the government is actively recruiting individuals from these demographics.

The military has a huge role in a strong and healthy country way beyond invasions and bombings. The idea that serving this country is a form of slavery or such is sickening. You can't find a better country to live in. We know Republicans don't love this country. They love the Confederacy. They love rich people and would see this country a burning and diseased dirty wreck if we could only shovel the last of the wealth to those top few. It's an honor to serve this country and there were people from all over the world where I was stationed that were in my battery.

When the time comes people will volunteer....but for now.....we only need those who actually feel the call...otherwise they will diminish the military.....
I think too many are led by right wing and left wing propaganda on a draft. Like I said, the military is more than just invading other countries. The things I listed here are important roles for the military.

Our military supports civil authorities when responding to domestic crises in everything from a terrorist attack to natural disasters.

A strong defense actually deters war.

A strong defense promotes peace. Try to figure out why.

A strong defense combats terrorism.

A strong defense enforces sanctions with the aim to not go to war.

A strong military maintains peace.

A strong military protects our shipping lanes.

Someone said the officers are overwhelmingly Republican, which of course is part of the problem:

And others say it's a lie that it's mostly poor entering the military to escape poverty:

Who’s Joining the US Military? Poor, Women And Minorities Targeted
Moreover, other recent research into the question of who is joining the military revealed that women and lower-income minorities are joining the ranks, and the government is actively recruiting individuals from these demographics.

The military has a huge role in a strong and healthy country way beyond invasions and bombings. The idea that serving this country is a form of slavery or such is sickening. You can't find a better country to live in. We know Republicans don't love this country. They love the Confederacy. They love rich people and would see this country a burning and diseased dirty wreck if we could only shovel the last of the wealth to those top few. It's an honor to serve this country and there were people from all over the world where I was stationed that were in my battery.
So you would actually back that as a form of earning your keep and gaining opportunity?

Oh, wait... We already have that and welfare receipients aren't signing up...

Can we make it involuntary to get benefits, with rank and position based on ability?
No, we don't need a draft....all you left wingers want a draft because that was the way you sabataged the vietnam war......those riots in the 60s weren't about the war, they were about lefties who didn't want to get drafted and fight, when Nixon ended the draft the protests dried up almost over night.

A volunteer army makes sure that those who want the job are in the don't want people in combat who don't want to be there.
No it doesn't. Stop being a moron. An all volunteer military means it's made up of mostly poor who are trying to get out of the ghetto or rural Appalachia or someplace similar.
I had no future options and I volunteered and I got the GI bill which changed my life.

I have bad news for ya, there are many easier ways to escape the ghetto or inner-city besides joining the military. Joining the military is the longest road out of poverty.
It wasn't for me. The training was great, physically and mentally. I traveled all over Europe. I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany. I worked in S2, incredibly interesting. No doubt the military made me a more mature person. It taught me self control. And it gave me incredible respect for those who serve.
When you talk to those who actually served you get a completely different opinion than from those who didn't. The ones who didn't imagine all kinds of weird things.

It's like how right wingers view education. The reality is quite different than what right wingers who have no experience with education imagine.

Right wingers have plenty of experience with education. We were the ones that predicted disaster when bussing started. We were the ones that fought for school vouchers which in essence is school choice. We were the ones that promoted education outside the public schools such as private and home schooling.

Now if you did join the military, it wasn't because it was the way out of poverty. Judging by your above response, it was because you needed to find yourself and didn't know how.

There is one solution to poverty: money. The way to get money is to get a job and work a lot of hours. Making good decisions in life is another such as not starting a family until you are married and financially secure.
Now that I can get... A structured environment, self-discipline, and earn your pay.

Position based on ability and qualifications.

Is it possible a Lib came up with a good brain fart?????

No....he wants to undermine the military...keep in mind when we were in Iraq they were calling for the draft you think it was to support the effort there? Charles wrangle, the crook was the one pushing for the draft....was he concerned with the war effort...or undermining it?
No it doesn't. Stop being a moron. An all volunteer military means it's made up of mostly poor who are trying to get out of the ghetto or rural Appalachia or someplace similar.
I had no future options and I volunteered and I got the GI bill which changed my life.

I have bad news for ya, there are many easier ways to escape the ghetto or inner-city besides joining the military. Joining the military is the longest road out of poverty.
It wasn't for me. The training was great, physically and mentally. I traveled all over Europe. I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany. I worked in S2, incredibly interesting. No doubt the military made me a more mature person. It taught me self control. And it gave me incredible respect for those who serve.
When you talk to those who actually served you get a completely different opinion than from those who didn't. The ones who didn't imagine all kinds of weird things.

It's like how right wingers view education. The reality is quite different than what right wingers who have no experience with education imagine.

Right wingers have plenty of experience with education. We were the ones that predicted disaster when bussing started. We were the ones that fought for school vouchers which in essence is school choice. We were the ones that promoted education outside the public schools such as private and home schooling.

Now if you did join the military, it wasn't because it was the way out of poverty. Judging by your above response, it was because you needed to find yourself and didn't know how.

There is one solution to poverty: money. The way to get money is to get a job and work a lot of hours. Making good decisions in life is another such as not starting a family until you are married and financially secure.
Now that I can get... A structured environment, self-discipline, and earn your pay.

Position based on ability and qualifications.

Is it possible a Lib came up with a good brain fart?????

No....he wants to undermine the military...keep in mind when we were in Iraq they were calling for the draft you think it was to support the effort there? Charles wrangle, the crook was the one pushing for the draft....was he concerned with the war effort...or undermining it?

I forget now, but didn't he introduce the bill and then voted against it?
I have bad news for ya, there are many easier ways to escape the ghetto or inner-city besides joining the military. Joining the military is the longest road out of poverty.
It wasn't for me. The training was great, physically and mentally. I traveled all over Europe. I was stationed in Baumholder, Germany. I worked in S2, incredibly interesting. No doubt the military made me a more mature person. It taught me self control. And it gave me incredible respect for those who serve.
When you talk to those who actually served you get a completely different opinion than from those who didn't. The ones who didn't imagine all kinds of weird things.

It's like how right wingers view education. The reality is quite different than what right wingers who have no experience with education imagine.

Right wingers have plenty of experience with education. We were the ones that predicted disaster when bussing started. We were the ones that fought for school vouchers which in essence is school choice. We were the ones that promoted education outside the public schools such as private and home schooling.

Now if you did join the military, it wasn't because it was the way out of poverty. Judging by your above response, it was because you needed to find yourself and didn't know how.

There is one solution to poverty: money. The way to get money is to get a job and work a lot of hours. Making good decisions in life is another such as not starting a family until you are married and financially secure.
Now that I can get... A structured environment, self-discipline, and earn your pay.

Position based on ability and qualifications.

Is it possible a Lib came up with a good brain fart?????

No....he wants to undermine the military...keep in mind when we were in Iraq they were calling for the draft you think it was to support the effort there? Charles wrangle, the crook was the one pushing for the draft....was he concerned with the war effort...or undermining it?

I forget now, but didn't he introduce the bill and then voted against it?
Yeah, he did!!!

Typical Lib idiot!!!
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.
Thank you for your service, rdean!
I talk about it in previous posts:

Why I haven't been able to get into Bernie Sanders: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

France train shooting: Hollande thanks 'heroes' who foiled gunman - BBC News

French President Francois Hollande has thanked three American men hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.

One of the Americans said they took an AK-47 assault rifle and a handgun from the attacker as they saw him walk down the aisle of the train.

Two of the American men who overpowered the gunman, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos, are members of the Air Force and the National Guard respectively.


A real and true unbiased draft gives young men and women confidence from the training, it gives them the chance of serving the country. When I was in the service, one of the guys in the battery had a father who owned a chain of department stores. It's youngsters like that who have the most difficult time. They never had to work. And were spoiled their entire lives. He had to find out what it means to actually work hard. And he had to actually learn how other people live. Hand me downs and new shoes and never having glasses were totally new and unexpected to someone who got every expensive thing new and unused.

And if there were military trained personnel in the movie theater shootings, and other shootings, most former solders will rush the gunman providing the smallest silhouette that's possible using any available cover. They will know how to disarm the terrorist, tie him up or kill him and keep the crowd calm. Just staying sitting ducks is much less likely when the targets for former military.

In this day and age, I think the draft is a great idea and if you avoid it by running off to another country, like Romney did, then good. Stay there.
Thank you for your service, rdean!
I do too...

As one vet to another, thanks for your service !!!

But as a vet, I find your idea intriguing. If you believe in compulsory service, would you go along with the substandard peeling potatoes to feed the troops? Or facing the repercussions from a bad discharge, which would disqualify them from the welfare roles?
I doubt dean served. The man lies like a wall to wall carpet, and he just doesn't sound like any legit soldier.
Actually, I think that's an outstanding idea... That way the chicken Libs can help clean up Obozo's mess!!!
Military vote softens but doesn't shift

A poll conducted late last year by the Military Times found that 57 percent of those surveyed consider themselves Republican, while 13 percent identified with the Democrats. Among the officer corps the numbers were different. Nearly 66 percent of officers considered themselves Republican compared with 9 percent Democratic. Nearly 30 percent of those surveyed by the Military Times declined to answer the questions or said they were independent.

Military Veterans of All Ages Tend to Be More Republican

For the entire adult population, 34% of veterans and those currently on active military service are Republican, compared to 26% of those who are not veterans, while 29% of veterans identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 38% of those who are not veterans. (Thirty-three percent of veterans are independents, compared to 29% of nonveterans.)

Strange isn't it, that republicans will be the first ones taking an ax to G.I. benefits.

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