is it just me? I really hate Obamas:

If the current laws that govern federal taxes and spending do not change, the budget deficit will shrink this year to $845 billion, or 5.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), its smallest size since 2008.

Is $845 Billion more or less than $1.4 Trillion? At this point, a conservative will be spitting nails or will have stopped talking to you several minutes ago. An independent voter should be trying to figure out how they could have been so completely wrong. A liberal should be deeply embarrassed they didn’t know.

Just so we’re all on the same page here. Obama knocked $555 BILLION off of the deficit. That’s an entire third of the total deficit. That’s more than every president in the history of the country puttogether. Republicans have been screeching for deficit cuts like demented harpies for years (except when a Republican is in office). If a Republican president did this, the Tea Party would be holding parades for him. Obama did it and 90% of the country doesn’t even know it. The GOP has them convinced the deficit is still going up.

Why do you hate the fact that Obama decreased this budget?
What was the national debt when Obama was sworn in? What is it now? What is it projected to be when he leaves office if we continue his policies? Around ten trillion when he came in currently at 16 trillion and speeding towards 17 trillion and when he leaves office it could be at or near 20 trillion that last one little children will be all on Obama this is no longer a Bush budget in any way shape or form deal with it.

Only if you are a scum who cares nothing for honesty and fairness.

BUSH is the one who signed that budget.

NOT Obama.

facts matter
So your claiming Bush signed every budget from 2009 -2012 and Obama has not signed any or is responsible for any spending? You truly are one dumb partisan shit and not worthy of any more of my time.
Let's face it: Obama's economic policies are total failures. We have had years of zero interest rates and enormous deficit spending. The results aren't pretty. Unemployment is high, job creation is low, workforce participation is back to levels of the early 80s, disability is the fastest growing source of income for people, asset values are inflating for no good reason other than the value of money is declining, industrial production is flat, etc etc. The press of course remains cheerleaders for Obama so most people dont realize how dismal it really is.
Obama is the msot failed president ever. George W Bush's policies were far better and produced far better numbers. Bush inherited a recession and turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it around for 5 years.

You're saying that the recession of 2001 is comparable to the 2007 recession? :clap2:

You can go to Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and compare many aspects and differences between the recessions of 2001 and 2007. Here's the link: The Recession in Perspective - Compares output and employment changes during the present recession with the same data for the 10 previous recessions - The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Anyway one looks at it, comparing the tiny recession in 2001 to the recession of 2007, which is the largest and deepest recession since the Great Depression is completely insane. :eek: 2001 was historically a fairly shallow recession but it took longer than average to recover, when comparing it to other recessions.


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trickle up poverty plan. I dont like it one bit.

I feel the same way about obama as I would discovering there was a malignant tumor finding a home in my body, as it grew and grew, pushing aside and crowding all my other organs into submission, and eventually destroying any living tissue it came into contact with, until it rendered me lifeless.

obama is a very dangerous man, to the freedom and liberties most of us have known during our lives. He will first kill all private enterprise by taxing employers out of business, and controlling those that do survive. He is encouraging government dependency for those who are losing their work hours and subsidizing ObamaCare, with the wages they themselves, have worked hard to earn. He is a malignant tumor spreading like wildfire in America.

Hurry, 2014, as we need new red blood in both houses of Congress, to stop the deliberate taxing and spending of the progressives in government.

No to socialism and no to communism and no to the wannabe dictator. :eusa_hand:
Let's face it: Obama's economic policies are total failures. We have had years of zero interest rates and enormous deficit spending. The results aren't pretty. Unemployment is high, job creation is low, workforce participation is back to levels of the early 80s, disability is the fastest growing source of income for people, asset values are inflating for no good reason other than the value of money is declining, industrial production is flat, etc etc. The press of course remains cheerleaders for Obama so most people dont realize how dismal it really is.
Obama is the msot failed president ever. George W Bush's policies were far better and produced far better numbers. Bush inherited a recession and turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it around for 5 years.

You're saying that the recession of 2001 is comparable to the 2007 recession? :clap2:

You can go to Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and compare many aspects and differences between the recessions of 2001 and 2007. Here's the link: The Recession in Perspective - Compares output and employment changes during the present recession with the same data for the 10 previous recessions - The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Anyway one looks at it, comparing the tiny recession in 2001 to the recession of 2007, which is the largest and deepest recession since the Great Depression is completely insane. :eek: 2001 was historically a fairly shallow recession but it took longer than average to recover, when comparing it to other recessions.

You're a classic low-information poster.
2001 was a shallow recession precisely because of Bush's policies. 2009 was a deep and long recession precisely because of Obama's policies.
I don't "hate" Obama - just strongly feel he's the most inept and anti-American man ever elected to the job.

What I do "hate" is the cabal that conned low-information people to vote for him.


Please define the "low-information people" you are referring to here.

People who voted for Obama because they thought he "cares" about them.
People who voted for Obama because they thought his policies would benefit the middle class.
People who voted for Obama because they thought Mitt Romney was a rich white guy who didnt care about them.
People who voted for Obama because he gave them free cell phones.
People who voted for Obama because they thought they deserved free health care and birth control pills.

What was your excuse?
when was the 2009 budget of this country passed and by whom?

Congress didn't pass either a budget resolution or a
spending bill in 2009 and 2010. A last minute spending bill
finally passed in April 2011 under the threat of a government shutdown. And, since then, the passage of the debt ceiling increase has made the passage of a budget resolution fo the current fiscal year {2012) less pressing..

PolitiFact | Roemer faults Obama and Congress on budgets
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I don't "hate" Obama - just strongly feel he's the most inept and anti-American man ever elected to the job.

What I do "hate" is the cabal that conned low-information people to vote for him.


Please define the "low-information people" you are referring to here.

People who voted for Obama because they thought he "cares" about them.
People who voted for Obama because they thought his policies would benefit the middle class.
People who voted for Obama because they thought Mitt Romney was a rich white guy who didnt care about them.
People who voted for Obama because he gave them free cell phones.
People who voted for Obama because they thought they deserved free health care and birth control pills.

What was your excuse?

Spoken like a true "low-information" person.
I don't "hate" Obama - just strongly feel he's the most inept and anti-American man ever elected to the job.

What I do "hate" is the cabal that conned low-information people to vote for him.


Please define the "low-information people" you are referring to here.

Isn't it self explanatory? People who don't know shit.
when was the 2009 budget of this country passed and by whom?

Congress didn't pass either a budget resolution or a
spending bill in 2009 and 2010. A last minute spending bill
finally passed in April 2011 under the threat of a government shutdown. And, since then, the passage of the debt ceiling increase has made the passage of a budget resolution fo the current fiscal year {2012) less pressing..

PolitiFact | Roemer faults Obama and Congress on budgets

then why did you chear your party blocking everything if you didnt like it?
I don't "hate" Obama - just strongly feel he's the most inept and anti-American man ever elected to the job.

What I do "hate" is the cabal that conned low-information people to vote for him.


Please define the "low-information people" you are referring to here.

Isn't it self explanatory? People who don't know shit.

Isn't it self-explanatory that a "low information voter" is a person whose vocabulary and knowledge is so scant that he/she has to use crude language to express his/her feeble "thoughts"?
Please define the "low-information people" you are referring to here.

Isn't it self explanatory? People who don't know shit.

Isn't it self-explanatory that a "low information voter" is a person whose vocabulary and knowledge is so scant that he/she has to use crude language to express his/her feeble "thoughts"?

Yes it is, which is why it pains me to have to dumb it down for Obama voters such as yourself.

[ame=]Snoop: Bush F*cked Up, Vote Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Isn't it self explanatory? People who don't know shit.

Isn't it self-explanatory that a "low information voter" is a person whose vocabulary and knowledge is so scant that he/she has to use crude language to express his/her feeble "thoughts"?

Yes it is, which is why it pains me to have to dumb it down for Obama voters such as yourself.

[ame=]Snoop: Bush F*cked Up, Vote Obama - YouTube[/ame]

If you think that I ever voted for Obama or that I would ever vote for Obama, you obviously never read any of my posts.

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