is it just me? I really hate Obamas:

TMN: Here is what you fail to grok:

The Federal government is currently collecting taxes for ObamaCare without paying out benefits. The deficit will worsen as those benefits come online and economic growth continues to fall below the rosy estimates included in the CBO projections.
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trickle up poverty plan. I dont like it one bit.

You might get a little respect from non- rw'ers here IF you wrote more than one sentence as an OP to get a discussion started. Just sayin...


not here for respect or to write novals

good thing, because novels are hard two right when you are home schooled
TMN: Here is what you fail to grok:

The Federal government is currently collecting taxes for ObamaCare without paying out benefits. The deficit will worsen as those benefits come on line and economic growth continues to fall below the rosy estimates included in the CBO projections.

If you say so. btw, what were your prediction for the 2012 election and the Obamacare Court case? :eusa_whistle:
TMN: Here is what you fail to grok:

The Federal government is currently collecting taxes for ObamaCare without paying out benefits. The deficit will worsen as those benefits come on line and economic growth continues to fall below the rosy estimates included in the CBO projections.

go get the proof of your claims.

You lie all the time so who would trust your word
Just wait until Obama Care really kicks in...
Then watch the Democrats try to run away from it as fast
as their chubby legs will let them.
Oh, they're already trying.

Their current tactic is to blame it on Roberts for not letting the SCOTUS kill. So, ObamaCare is the GOP's fault, despite the fact that not one GOP member of Congress voted for it.
Just wait until Obama Care really kicks in...
Then watch the Democrats try to run away from it as fast
as their chubby legs will let them.

Why would they run? They will blame Republicans for not voting for it as if they actually did.
gee you guys are just so good at predicting stuff.

Robmoney will win by 5 points.

Iraq has WMD.

Seeing the crash coming
your reputation follows you folks

As does yours, demonstrated by the fact you had to turn your rep off.

You didn't even bother to read the CBO report you cited. Try readig the assumptions and disclaimers (if you can).
For the thinking members of USMG:

Budgetary outcomes will also be affected by decisions about whether to continue certain policies that have been in effect in recent years. Such policies could be continued, for example, by extending some tax provisions that are scheduled to expire (and that have routinely been extended in the past) or by preventing the 25 percent cut in Medicare’s payment rates for physicians that is due to occur in 2014. If, for instance, lawmakers eliminated the automatic spending cuts scheduled to take effect in March (but left in place the original caps on discretionary funding set by the Budget Control Act), prevented the sharp reduction in Medicare’s payment rates for physicians, and extended the tax provisions that are scheduled to expire at the end of calendar year 2013 (or, in some cases, in later years), budget deficits would be substantially larger over the coming decade than in CBO’s baseline projections. With those changes, and no offsetting reductions in deficits, debt held by the public would rise to 87 percent of GDP by the end of 2023 rather than to 77 percent.

In addition to those decisions, lawmakers will continue to face the longer-term budgetary issues posed by the substantial federal debt and by the implications of rising health care costs and the aging of the population...

CBO | The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023

The baseline assumes No Doc Fix, which is incredibly unrealistic.
Let's face it: Obama's economic policies are total failures. We have had years of zero interest rates and enormous deficit spending. The results aren't pretty. Unemployment is high, job creation is low, workforce participation is back to levels of the early 80s, disability is the fastest growing source of income for people, asset values are inflating for no good reason other than the value of money is declining, industrial production is flat, etc etc. The press of course remains cheerleaders for Obama so most people dont realize how dismal it really is.
Obama is the msot failed president ever. George W Bush's policies were far better and produced far better numbers. Bush inherited a recession and turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it around for 5 years.

You're saying that the recession of 2001 is comparable to the 2007 recession? :clap2:

You can go to Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and compare many aspects and differences between the recessions of 2001 and 2007. Here's the link: The Recession in Perspective - Compares output and employment changes during the present recession with the same data for the 10 previous recessions - The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Anyway one looks at it, comparing the tiny recession in 2001 to the recession of 2007, which is the largest and deepest recession since the Great Depression is completely insane. :eek: 2001 was historically a fairly shallow recession but it took longer than average to recover, when comparing it to other recessions.

Uh, that's not a graph of recessions - it's a graph of job recovery after the bottom of a recession. It shows what an Epic Fail Obama's policies have been. They've led to the worst recovery ever. After $6T in additional debt, we are still 3M jobs short of the last peak level. We should have turned net positive with 18-24 months of the bottom - but when government spending as a percent of GDP is increased by 25%, it squashes out private sector activity (and the creation of Real Jobs).

Making this situation even more depressing is that ObamaCare is destroying full time jobs.

It is amazing how leftists continually misread graphs and misunderstand what their graph is supposed to show.
Let's face it: Obama's economic policies are total failures. We have had years of zero interest rates and enormous deficit spending. The results aren't pretty. Unemployment is high, job creation is low, workforce participation is back to levels of the early 80s, disability is the fastest growing source of income for people, asset values are inflating for no good reason other than the value of money is declining, industrial production is flat, etc etc. The press of course remains cheerleaders for Obama so most people dont realize how dismal it really is.
Obama is the msot failed president ever. George W Bush's policies were far better and produced far better numbers. Bush inherited a recession and turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it around for 5 years.

I agree Obama is a bad President, but then you credit Bush for the same policies Obama is doing. Bush created a bubble just as Obama has tried to do, Bush was lucky because the bubble was not yet to it's popping point on the housing front. Bush also helped create the college loan bubble that we are seeing boil over today.

Bush's policies were not better, they were just as bad... Unless you have a different history book on Bush's policies than the rest of the world.
Let's face it: Obama's economic policies are total failures. We have had years of zero interest rates and enormous deficit spending. The results aren't pretty. Unemployment is high, job creation is low, workforce participation is back to levels of the early 80s, disability is the fastest growing source of income for people, asset values are inflating for no good reason other than the value of money is declining, industrial production is flat, etc etc. The press of course remains cheerleaders for Obama so most people dont realize how dismal it really is.
Obama is the msot failed president ever. George W Bush's policies were far better and produced far better numbers. Bush inherited a recession and turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it around for 5 years.

I agree Obama is a bad President, but then you credit Bush for the same policies Obama is doing. Bush created a bubble just as Obama has tried to do, Bush was lucky because the bubble was not yet to it's popping point on the housing front. Bush also helped create the college loan bubble that we are seeing boil over today.

Bush's policies were not better, they were just as bad... Unless you have a different history book on Bush's policies than the rest of the world.

You're getting Bush First Term confused with Bush Second Term. Bush First Term did a minimal amount to the economy, and we recovered fine. Bush Second Term engaged in a massive intervention, making things worse and setting the stage for Obama to really make a hash out of it.
Just wait until Obama Care really kicks in...
Then watch the Democrats try to run away from it as fast
as their chubby legs will let them.

yeah, like they did in Massachusetts. Oh wait!

never mind. people will get health insurance. in the mind of right wing fringe groups, that is a crime

Actually they are. Remember all the talk about Romneycare?
so the budget deficit is down

the Stock market is way up.

Jobs hvae been created for double digit months.

You guys goiing to get tired of lying soon?

Any improvement in the Country will be despite him not because of him , Obama is a one man wrecking ball .

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