Is it just me or do the Dems seem to target the weird, the desperate, the foreign, and the unwise?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is their anything within their overall platform that is or can be attractive to the normal, the productive, the prideful REAL American...the wise?
Is their anything within their overall platform that is or can be attractive to the normal, the productive, the prideful REAL American...the wise?

No. Conservatives have already taken all the normal, good things like high wages, low taxes, morality, freedom, safety, and autonomy.
The Democrat party appeals to what 's commonly called the "fringe element" of society: Geeks, gimps, losers, wackos, the criminally-insane, the sexually and racially confused, the poorly-educated, the dysfunctional, those with low self-esteem, and those who covet other people's property.
Is their anything within their overall platform that is or can be attractive to the normal, the productive, the prideful REAL American...the wise?

No. Conservatives have already taken all the normal, good things like high wages, low taxes, morality, freedom, safety, and autonomy.

The Democrat party appeals to what 's commonly called the "fringe element" of society: Geeks, gimps, losers, wackos, the criminally-insane, the sexually and racially confused, the poorly-educated, the dysfunctional, those with low self-esteem, and those who covet other people's property. with that said; it stands to reason that Dems need the quality of citizens in the U.S. to continue to degrade?
The Democratic Party consists of the following groups:

1) The Guilty...rather those who feel guilty, because they were born better off than others. They call themselves compassionate, but they mean for you and I to pay to take care of the less fortunate. They are in effect, Hypocrites...Sanctimonious Hypocrites.

2) The Jealous...a large percentage of Democrats. This is by no means new---it is human nature. Societies strive for the Ideals---Liberty and Equality, but these two are actually enemies, because of an unchanging phenomenon called Human Nature. If you give the able and the motivated the Liberty to fulfill their destiny, they will invariably be more successful than the Federal Plantation Porch Sitters---who toke and drink and wait for others to take care of them, and in the process become very Jealous.

The able and motivated can be a 130 IQ person who works his way through Med School and becomes a Doctor, or it can be a 90 IQ person who strives to make himself the best and hardest working welder in his area. Both will be successful, and as they age, they will decide they want leave their assets to their children...that's human nature too...and it destroys the Equality that the lazy long for, and it creates Democrats in masse which creates by steps, Socialists, and then Communists.

3) The Unhappy...Some people are naturally unhappy and they want someone to change that for them, and Democrats are always offering to make things better for you, rather than you making things better for you.

4) The Mentally ill. This one goes without saying.

Obviously, there is considerable overlap in these groups--but the Sane American can see in them the basic composition of the Democrat/Socialist Party.

It involves issues extant since at least back to ancient Greece, which will exist until Human Nature changes---which it has not done in recorded history.

America is human nature's greatest success. The great ongoing Illegal Invasion, sponsored by the Democrats, puts us at grave risk.

Pray for The Donald.


Billy000 can you think of a logical reason that citizens of any nation would/could or should want the most illiterate, most ignorant, most desperate, most dependent among them deciding elections?
What do you think happens to a nation if or when the majority of voters become low grade dependent human beings?
Is their anything within their overall platform that is or can be attractive to the normal, the productive, the prideful REAL American...the wise?
It's just you.

Great minds ;)

I am gonna give Loser credit for not saying anything directly about those Evil Brown People for a change.

Could he be making progress with his acute demographic anxiety?

Seems doubtful
Is their anything within their overall platform that is or can be attractive to the normal, the productive, the prideful REAL American...the wise?
It's just you.

Is their anything within their overall platform that is or can be attractive to the normal, the productive, the prideful REAL American...the wise?

It's you should be easy for you to tell us what within the Mexicrat platform can be attractive to the normal, the productive, the prideful and the wise... Go ahead and tell us.
It's been some time since they have even bothered to target... AMERICANS.

And no, pandering is not targeting. Bribery is not caring...

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