Is it me

Big Pharm pays for them not “Hollywood”
Hollywood is doing commercials to make Big Pharma richer. In other words, Hollywood is either accepting money from Big Pharma to make Big Pharma richer, or, they are actually doing it for free to make Big Pharma richer.
Hollywood is doing commercials to make Big Pharma richer. In other words, Hollywood is either accepting money from Big Pharma to make Big Pharma richer, or, they are actually doing it for free to make Big Pharma richer.
OMG! :ack-1:
They get paid for Commercials?
You mean things like the wage gap?
The wage gap is proven by actual numbers.

I can pretend to be another sex or an animal (fury)? You know crazy shit like that?
You're pretending to have have none.

Hence the zero attributions in your OP.
The wage gap is proven by actual numbers.

You're pretending to have have none.

Hence the zero attributions in your OP.
It's not, when you take into account how women behave and what they want. Women choose lower paying jobs, they take more time off and don't build as much of a resumee.

We have said this time and time again....and now leftwing Vox comes through. The PAY GAP is a MYTH.

The big debate in this space isn’t whether a gender wage gap exists — it’s why the gap exists. Some think the wage gap is the result of gender discrimination, an economy that doesn’t believe women can perform as well as men. Others point to women selecting into certain fields that pay less — while still others cite gaps in the types of education men and women pursue.

An important new study makes a compelling case for another explanation: The gender wage gap is mostly a penalty for bearing children.

It's biology and realilty......and it's fucking hilarious.......

Women that don't have kids make as much as women will get near 40 and then hate life without kids......

Human social evolution had it right, but no you morons thought you had it all figured out, but as usual humans thorught the ages had it correct.
Lefties are pieces of shit. They're MADE OF CRAP.

It's not, when you take into account how women behave and what they want. Women choose lower paying jobs, they take more time off and don't build as much of a resumee.
Good to see you're able to speak authroatatively for over 1/2 of the world's population.
We have said this time and time again....and now leftwing Vox comes through. The PAY GAP is a MYTH.

The big debate in this space isn’t whether a gender wage gap exists — it’s why the gap exists. Some think the wage gap is the result of gender discrimination, an economy that doesn’t believe women can perform as well as men. Others point to women selecting into certain fields that pay less — while still others cite gaps in the types of education men and women pursue.

An important new study makes a compelling case for another explanation: The gender wage gap is mostly a penalty for bearing children.

It's biology and realilty......and it's fucking hilarious.......

Women that don't have kids make as much as women will get near 40 and then hate life without kids......

Human social evolution had it right, but no you morons thought you had it all figured out, but as usual humans thorught the ages had it correct.
No..your attempt at analysis is fucking hilarious.

And since you're able to speak for 1/2 of the world's population, I'll speak for the minority (the male) gender. They don't promote women who may have to take time off to have a child. And, of course, they also have gone out of their way to eliminate the possibility that she could avoid taking time off to pursue her career goals.
What voter suppression?
Report: More than 1600 polling places have closed since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act
What books are being banned?

What travel is being banned?

IT seems like you guys ban classic novels (OMG it has the N word in it, we have to shut it down!)
And you guys banned travel (Vax passports ring a bell!!!!!)
Voter supression: Another lie you tell, GA had MORE voter participation than shut up about your fake injustices
That's an excuse. For the summer of 2020 it will fly, but we knew by then that it was only fragile people that really had to worry. Fl was back open in Sept 2020, I was there and FL was criticized for it and it was fine. In fact in NY asnd LA they STILL WANT lockdowns. We knew this 2+ years ago, but authoritarians wanted their power to force people to not go to church or football games, ect (antifa rallies were ok though),
It wasn't an excuse, it was greed and selfishness at the expense of the vulnerable.
It wasn't an excuse, it was greed and selfishness at the expense of the vulnerable.
No it wasn't I was there, it was fine. Get over yourself. Take a red pill, stop being a useful idiot to the powerful.
The draconian "lockdowns" that took place in 2020 and well into 2021, the harshest of which were implemented by Democratic governors and mayors, are a couple of dozen examples right there alone, not to mention many of those politicians flaunted their own orders.

But keep pretending you have the high road, hack.
Lockdowns were a world wide decision in the beginning, based on the fact that the world knew little about covid. The people who didn't or wouldn't comply later on, were the one's who filled the hospitals, and who decided to go against the best science. Most of those were Republicans. Anti-vaxxers! For references, just look at Indiana back then; Indiana hospitals filled with COVID-19 patients, many of whom are unvaccinated No lockdowns, no vaccinations, and look at that disaster. Most of the people who died were those who opposed lockdowns and vaccinations. And by the way, those same idiots didn't give two shits about anybody else. Covid was a national and world wide crisis, not a fucking draconian policy. WTF is wrong with you?
You have mail in ballots so quit whining. I'll have to check it, Mother Jones is like me posting Alex Jones.

But the main thing was the voter ID, that you guys said blacks couldn't figure out how to get.

You guys really look at black people as morons that need your protection. You guys still look at them as the white man's burden.
Lockdowns were a world wide decision in the beginning, based on the fact that the world knew little about covid. The people who didn't or wouldn't comply later on, were the one's who filled the hospitals, and who decided to go against the best science. Most of those were Republicans. Anti-vaxxers! For references, just look at Indiana back then; Indiana hospitals filled with COVID-19 patients, many of whom are unvaccinated No lockdowns, no vaccinations, and look at that disaster. Most of the people who died were those who opposed lockdowns and vaccinations. And by the way, those same idiots didn't give two shits about anybody else. Covid was a national and world wide crisis, not a fucking draconian policy. WTF is wrong with you?
All true.
No it wasn't I was there, it was fine. Get over yourself. Take a red pill, stop being a useful idiot to the powerful.
I knew many people who were not fragile, and were not fine. You are a liar.

You were fine? And to hell with everyone else right. That's how you and your ilk role.
You have mail in ballots so quit whining. I'll have to check it, Mother Jones is like me posting Alex Jones.

But the main thing was the voter ID, that you guys said blacks couldn't figure out how to get.

You guys really look at black people as morons that need your protection. You guys still look at them as the white man's burden.

There were 400 plus voter suppression bills proposed by Republicans and most had nothing to do with ID.

Mail in gave minorities the chance to vote again. See what happens when folks get to vote, and the Right can't cheat? The Right loses.

Blacks need the right to vote, not our protection.
I knew many people who were not fragile, and were not fine. You are a liar.

You were fine? And to hell with everyone else right. That's how you and your ilk role.
You're full of shit. Maybe if democrats didnt stick infected people in old folks homes, the death toll would have been much lower.
You're full of shit. Maybe if democrats didnt stick infected people in old folks homes, the death toll would have been much lower.
OMG, what a stupid retarded ass post. That's got nothing to do with anything. Grow the fuck up.

WTF does that have to do with doing what is right?

It just blows my mind that people can be this gd stupid.

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