Is it no wonder Trump calls the MSM "fake news"! 95% negative stories..

The farcical nature of much of the "Trump News" is quite transparent, and is even starting to be recognized by the Leftist masses. I have read a couple articles by Leftist commentators over the past few days chiding reporters for being so transparent in their TDS.

What is missing from essentially all news reporting about Trump is some mention of Trump's side of the case in point. For example, it was reported that Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord (particulars not relevant). It was further reported that almost every nation in the world disagreed with this action. NOT A SINGLE WORD WAS WRITTEN ABOUT THE LOGICAL AND FACTUAL REASONS WHY TRUMP TOOK THE ACTIONS HE DID. Was the accord tilted in favor of China and India? Did it subject us to paying penalties for relatively harmless technical violations? Is there any credible evidence that making the sacrifices called for in the treaty will MEASURABLY IMPACT THE FUTURE CLIMATE, given what China, India, and other third-world countries are permitted to do under the accord? Is this a treaty that must be ratified by the Senate, and if so, why didn't O'Bama submit it for ratification? It's not all that complicated.

Let the readers decide for themselves whether Trump is right or wrong, but at least explain Trump's position(s) while you are constantly calling them stupid and evil.

And if you, the Journalist, don't understand the reasons, make a few phone calls, have it explained to you, and report it.

On point of fact, articles about pulling out of the Paris Accord did exactly that. They explained Trump’s reasons for pulling out of the Accord and then pointed out the fallacies in that reasoning.

When did fake news media "journalists" ever point out the fallacies in Obama's reasoning? Answer: never. A journalist is someone who reports the news. He doesn't express his opinion about the news.

Just like criticism of his NATO speech in Brussels pointed out why Macron, Merkel and others were openly laughing at Trump’s stupidity in claiming millions were owed to the US.

Did it point out how they cried like little babies when Trump said wemight cut funding for NATO if these moocher nations did start paying their share? Of course not. They turned themselves into propaganda organs for socialist European politicians. That's what makes them fake news.

The negative coverage Trump receives always explains why he’s wrong in his assertions and his decisions and what the possible consequences could be.

In other words, it's fake news.

You’re the snowflake who’s crying “fake news” at every turn. Trump never threatened to cut defenders spending, and the European leaders know that. Republican administrations NEVER, ever cut defence spending - they increase it. In fact, Trump has promised to increase defence spending, bigly.

The whole point of NATO was to keep Germany weak and defenceless, while protecting Europe from further encroachment by the communists.

Thanks to Trump, the Germans are now arming themselves again. On top of which, Trump gave Putin a free hand in Syria and the Crimea.

Stupid is as stupid does.

What the hell is "defenders spending?" Trump threatened to cut US spending on NATO, not our defense spending, retard. Threating is not the same as actually doing. You're also wrong about the purpose of NATO. it was to help Europe defend itself about the Soviet Union, not to keep Germany defenseless. Your claim that Trump gave Putin a free hand in the Crimea is just another snowflake conspiricy theory. It's not like the US can do anything about Crimea at this point.

To sum up, every claim of your post is a lie. But when is that ever not the case?
The Pathological Liar on hurricanes: “Nobody has ever heard of a five hitting land.”
So if I say that was the worst car accident anyone has ever seen I'd be lying? or emphasizing to make a point? See why people can't take your gripes to heart? You are dishonest.

You’re rationalizing Trump’s lies. Or st least you’re trying to rationalize them.

If you said “That was the worst car accident anyone has ever seen” yes, you’d be lying. Because even if it’s thw worst accident you’ve ever seen, you have no evidence that it’s the worst accident ever.

When Trump lies, he’s lying on behalf of the American people. He has staff to give him facts and figures. He’s supposed to get stuff right. It shouldn’t be that difficult for him.

That he is so careless with the truth, with facts, is important. That’s because he knows the truth in many cases and chooses to lie. He knows Hillary didn’t sell a uranium mine to the Russians but he says it anyway to distract from his dealings with Russia.

Many of his lies are to distract from the damage he’s doing to your country and to your economy.

This is a vile and dangerous man.

So what about this headline:MELANIA TRUMP ORDERS REMOVAL OF NEAR-200-YEAR-OLD TREE FROM WHITE HOUSE," the Newsweek headline blare.
Is that a glaring LIE? NO! She did order the removal.
BUT the headline didn't tell the whole truth...and much like Trump's statements about Hillary... a kernel of truth is in his headlines!
So if you detest the vile and dangerous Trump why not the same regarding the vile and dangerous MSM?
They call people like me "Anti-immigrant" just as the MSM calls Trump Anti-immigrant'! How can that be true when I have a Legal immigrant as a relative and Trump married a legal immigrant?
Personally I'll believe Trump over the MSM because Trump had nothing to gain becoming President. Geez he's a billionaire! You tell me what single reason you believe Trump
ran for President given he was already known by 2 billion people. A billionaire. Homes in several places. Explain to me why he wanted all this trashing and vile talk about him?

People have been trashing Donald Trump since the 1970’s, and with good reason. He’s a self-serving, lying, Con-man who has sold the image that he’s a successful businessman.

He was in fact, broke until Russian oligarchs started laundering money buying overpriced American real estate. And he had a hit TV show firing people. He had one amazing success in building the Trump Tower but since that time until Russian money appeared on the scene, he was really little more than a con artist using bankruptcy schemes and off-shore money to keep his projects afloat.

You are a vast geyser of snowflake conspiricy theories and nonsense.
How about when Obama says that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or that Obamacare will make your healthcare $2500 cheaper? Do those claims have any implications?

I kept my doctor and do not know a single person that didn't. My insurance rates were unchanged so I guess he was wrong about that part.
How about when Obama says that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or that Obamacare will make your healthcare $2500 cheaper? Do those claims have any implications?

I kept my doctor and do not know a single person that didn't. My insurance rates were unchanged so I guess he was wrong about that part.

You're lying, of course.

I'm lying? Really? What am I lying about, did my doctor suddenly disappear? I have had the same doctor since 2003 with a short 2 years stint where I moved to a different town.
No one can understand the thoughts of this lunatic.
Yet still you try...poor little the popularity of Trump continues to rise you will continue towards insanity...
Why are you so enthatuated with butt hurt? You have a little tendency toward sodomy do you. As much as you talk about it you must be an expert. Also by what metric is Trumps popularity rising? Are we to belive this ? Did who ever is giving all sodomy expertice to you tell you? Is that your information source. Evidence shows you are winning yet by your own admision parts of your argument are false. Do you always contradict your self so much? Is that a side effect of all that sodomy you have been practicing?
The Pathological Liar on hurricanes: “Nobody has ever heard of a five hitting land.”
So if I say that was the worst car accident anyone has ever seen I'd be lying? or emphasizing to make a point? See why people can't take your gripes to heart? You are dishonest.

You’re rationalizing Trump’s lies. Or st least you’re trying to rationalize them.

If you said “That was the worst car accident anyone has ever seen” yes, you’d be lying. Because even if it’s thw worst accident you’ve ever seen, you have no evidence that it’s the worst accident ever.

When Trump lies, he’s lying on behalf of the American people. He has staff to give him facts and figures. He’s supposed to get stuff right. It shouldn’t be that difficult for him.

That he is so careless with the truth, with facts, is important. That’s because he knows the truth in many cases and chooses to lie. He knows Hillary didn’t sell a uranium mine to the Russians but he says it anyway to distract from his dealings with Russia.

Many of his lies are to distract from the damage he’s doing to your country and to your economy.

This is a vile and dangerous man.

So what about this headline:MELANIA TRUMP ORDERS REMOVAL OF NEAR-200-YEAR-OLD TREE FROM WHITE HOUSE," the Newsweek headline blare.
Is that a glaring LIE? NO! She did order the removal.
BUT the headline didn't tell the whole truth...and much like Trump's statements about Hillary... a kernel of truth is in his headlines!
So if you detest the vile and dangerous Trump why not the same regarding the vile and dangerous MSM?
They call people like me "Anti-immigrant" just as the MSM calls Trump Anti-immigrant'! How can that be true when I have a Legal immigrant as a relative and Trump married a legal immigrant?
Personally I'll believe Trump over the MSM because Trump had nothing to gain becoming President. Geez he's a billionaire! You tell me what single reason you believe Trump
ran for President given he was already known by 2 billion people. A billionaire. Homes in several places. Explain to me why he wanted all this trashing and vile talk about him?

A headline about a why Melania ordered a tree removal is meaningless. Melania isn’t President. The tree has no importance in anything other than the landscaping at the White House and so what?

But when Trump lies and says he’s saved jobs at Carrier, or the murder rate in 2016 was the highest in the past 40 years, or the Paris Accord favours China and India, there are HUGE implications to those lies, involving billions of dollars to the US economy.

That you view calling Trump out on those lies a matter of “negative coverage” or merely opinion, shows that you fail to recognize the necessity of having a public record which reports facts, and not just the fictions Trump makes up to support his otherwise ridiculously unsupportable words and actions.

FIRST of all I want you to take notes because you make GUESSES. You don't provide ANY substantiation for your wild ass comments! Prove these FACTS WRONG!

Why though the big ass headline about a tree?

Melania Trump orders removal of the near-200-year-old tree from the White House
But it was a perfect example of blowing way out of proportion something that was anti-Trump!

B) Now as far as saving jobs at Carrier. Where is the LIE?
What did CARRIER DO???
Shortly after Trump’s election, Carrier announced that it had reached a deal with the then president-elect to keep approximately 1,070 jobs in Indianapolis for 10 years in exchange for up to $7 million in various incentives.
Final round of layoffs planned at Carrier plant Trump promised to save
Did Carrier keep it's part of the deal? NOPE! So did Trump LIE? NOPE!

C) Now as far as murder rate highest in 40 years.
The murder rate in a number of cities, however, has been ticking up, something President Trump routinely discussed on the campaign trail.
That increase in the homicide rate between 2014 and 2015, rather than the rate itself, is the largest in almost 50 years.
President Trump Falsely Claims the U.S. Murder Rate Is the Highest in 45 Years

D) As far as Paris Accord:
Sticking with the deal could have cost 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025, according to a National Economic Research Associates study. And the effects would be widespread, including a loss of 440,000 manufacturing jobs, according to NERA's numbers. Meanwhile, according to proponents' own data, the agreement would have no discernible effect on global temperatures.
At that point, the total economic cost to the U.S. would approach $3 trillion in lost gross domestic product and 6.5 million industrial jobs.
The Paris climate agreement was a terrible deal for the US
FOR WHAT??? NOT one affect on global temperatures!
As it was negotiated under the prior administration, this agreement imposed a goal of reducing U.S. carbon emissions by nearly 30 percent over a decade.

For the most recent 10-year period, U.S. emissions declined by 622 million tons.
This represents a 10% decline in carbon dioxide emissions over that time period
The U.S. Leads All Countries In Lowering Carbon Dioxide Emissions
So if the USA WITHOUT the Paris Accord has reduced in 10 years 10% of CO2 emissions AGAIN WITHOUT the Paris Accord...
WHY was it necessary for Obama to destroy American to do something that was already happenings.e. REDUCTION of CO2 by the USA?
How about when Obama says that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or that Obamacare will make your healthcare $2500 cheaper? Do those claims have any implications?

I kept my doctor and do not know a single person that didn't. My insurance rates were unchanged so I guess he was wrong about that part.

Just because YOU did doesn't mean EVERYONE does! Geez I get so tired of idiots using the EXCEPTION as it is a RULE!
Give me facts about the rest of Americans not you and besides you probably had a company plan or medicare. You NEVER paid for your own private health insurance plan now did you?
You are lying about that!
Here are the facts:

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period, which is not a trivial amount.
Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases


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How about when Obama says that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or that Obamacare will make your healthcare $2500 cheaper? Do those claims have any implications?

I kept my doctor and do not know a single person that didn't. My insurance rates were unchanged so I guess he was wrong about that part.

Just because YOU did doesn't mean EVERYONE does! Geez I get so tired of idiots using the EXCEPTION as it is a RULE!
Give me facts about the rest of Americans not you and besides you probably had a company plan or medicare. You NEVER paid for your own private health insurance plan now did you?
You are lying about that!
Here are the facts:

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period, which is not a trivial amount.
Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases

I never claimed to have my own private health insurance plan, so I did not lie about that.
How about when Obama says that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or that Obamacare will make your healthcare $2500 cheaper? Do those claims have any implications?

I kept my doctor and do not know a single person that didn't. My insurance rates were unchanged so I guess he was wrong about that part.

Just because YOU did doesn't mean EVERYONE does! Geez I get so tired of idiots using the EXCEPTION as it is a RULE!
Give me facts about the rest of Americans not you and besides you probably had a company plan or medicare. You NEVER paid for your own private health insurance plan now did you?
You are lying about that!
Here are the facts:

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period, which is not a trivial amount.
Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases

I never claimed to have my own private health insurance plan, so I did not lie about that.
I kept my doctor and had private health insurance., so there you have it.
How about when Obama says that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or that Obamacare will make your healthcare $2500 cheaper? Do those claims have any implications?

I kept my doctor and do not know a single person that didn't. My insurance rates were unchanged so I guess he was wrong about that part.

Just because YOU did doesn't mean EVERYONE does! Geez I get so tired of idiots using the EXCEPTION as it is a RULE!
Give me facts about the rest of Americans not you and besides you probably had a company plan or medicare. You NEVER paid for your own private health insurance plan now did you?
You are lying about that!
Here are the facts:

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period, which is not a trivial amount.
Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases

I never claimed to have my own private health insurance plan, so I did not lie about that.
I kept my doctor and had private health insurance., so there you have it.

I know of nobody that lost their doctor. I am starting to think that is just an urban legend
How about when Obama says that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or that Obamacare will make your healthcare $2500 cheaper? Do those claims have any implications?

I kept my doctor and do not know a single person that didn't. My insurance rates were unchanged so I guess he was wrong about that part.

Just because YOU did doesn't mean EVERYONE does! Geez I get so tired of idiots using the EXCEPTION as it is a RULE!
Give me facts about the rest of Americans not you and besides you probably had a company plan or medicare. You NEVER paid for your own private health insurance plan now did you?
You are lying about that!
Here are the facts:

Altogether, then, average premiums for this type of Obamacare plan rose by a cumulative 38 percent during that period, which is not a trivial amount.
Pence exaggerates scale of Obamacare premium increases

I never claimed to have my own private health insurance plan, so I did not lie about that.
I kept my doctor and had private health insurance., so there you have it.

I know of nobody that lost their doctor. I am starting to think that is just an urban legend
Most of what they say is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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