is it politically correct to label someone a gay pedophile ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
if it is then why ?? since most of the young males who are molested were victimized by an adult male would that not be what the assailant is ??
If someone is gay and a pedophile sure. But why quibble. Sick fuck is just as simple a name.
rw's don't know that the two things are separate and different.

But then, rw's don't know much of anything.
if it is then why ?? since most of the young males who are molested were victimized by an adult male would that not be what the assailant is ??

Not if they are homosexual pedophiles. Most pedophiles are heterosexual males preying on females. Of those, a good number are family members. I think it's a Southern Thang.
Gay and pedophile are two completely different things. Some priest who likes young boys isn't gay, he's a pedophile. It's possible to be both I suppose, but it's not usually going to be the case.

Do we have any Catholic priests on the board?

They could give us a quick opinion, I'll betcha.

if it is then why ?? since most of the young males who are molested were victimized by an adult male would that not be what the assailant is ??

Call them what they are. Religious/Boy Scout leaders in many cases.
Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. It's more about access than the gender of the child.
of course it's not politically correct to label someone a GAY pedophile when attacking the Catholic Church......but GAY priests are the real problem in the Church...

Catholic Church does not have a pedophilia problem. It never did. The Catholic Church has a GAY problem!!!! And I can prove it.

The mainstream news media has done a real number on public perception. The term "pedophile priest" was invented by the mainstream media to briefly describe the kind of sexual abuse perpetrated by some priests. The only problem is that the term is inaccurate. Pedophilia only involved a small fraction of the cases.

The overwhelming vast majority (80%) of all sex-abuse cases in the Catholic Church involved male victims between the ages of 11 and 17. This is not pedophilia! The American Psychiatric Association defines pedophilia as sexual urges or behaviors toward a prepubescent child (roughly age 10 or younger) by someone who is over age 16. While this sort of thing did happen in the Catholic Church (as with every other organization on the planet) it was extremely rare.

What did happen overwhelmingly was post-pubescent molestation. So what we have in the Catholic Church was an overwhelming case of predatory homosexual behavior of vulnerable adolescent boys starting to become young men. Make no mistake about it. This was a homosexual problem.

The Catholic Knight: Gay Priests Are The Problem
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