Is it possible that the allegorical account of a great flood is true?

I think you are dumber than a rock.

Computer scientist, pfft. You work in IT. You have never done any science in your life.

I'm not the one who is arguing for a global flood from 15 gigatons of ice melting. How stupid is that when hundreds of gigatons do not cause a flood?

Being smarter than you must've struck a nerve. Whatever. It wasn't brag. Just fact.

What got me involved was alang1216 attacking your interpretation of the Bible.

No one believes you. If what you claim is allegorical, then anyone can say that your god is allegorical. The flood was allegorical. One can't even explain what happened in the past. I can't help it if that is what you believe, but you soon get painted in a corner. Instead, why don't you just claim old Earth creationism, BioLogos ,or Hugh Ross and Gerald Schroeder. At least, you'll have a source and some semblance of science behind you instead of making up stuff like you always do. I even suggested you follow Pope Francis.

As science, it's you who do not use the Bible. I'm not even sure how much of it that you have read or whether you go to church. You never refer to how science backs up the Bible.
The whole earth wasn’t covered in water.

You just open yourself up for embarrassment. Heh. alang1216 some alleged Christian is ripe for plucking.
Let me ask you this question. If the whole earth was covered in water, including the mountains, where did the water drain to?

They are our present day seas. Some of fountains of the deep are underwater and show how our mountains were formed. Contrary to what you think, they were not carved out by glaciers. Things happened very fast with catastrophism. Mt. Everest and the Himalayas were thought to be of lower elevation and they were pushed higher by the oceans, rocks, and magma coming from underneath the seafloor. Atheist Bill Nye found one, but didn't know what he had. Valleys formed as well from the mountains going higher and water flowed into it. As for the supercontinent Pangaea, I'm not sure if it broke apart then but think it did. I think evos say different. All of this changed the topography of the Earth. Evidence for it our super deep oceans along with the highest mountain peaks. We do not know what is down there and continue to find exotic sea creatures. It is difficult to explore as it is so deep. Our highest mountains are a challenge for humans to climb.

Where the waters came from are from raining 40 days and 40 nights and then the seafloor opening up and the fountains of the deep rising up with the mountains. We had much ocean waters under the seafloor as you know. There may have been a canopy of water in the sky which some believe was the firmament to separate day and night (northern lights or see Aurora Borealis effects). Others think it described the clouds.

Buried civilizations
10 Mysteries of Lost Civilizations That Will Pique Your Interest

An Ancient City Emerges in a Remote Rain Forest

7 Ancient Lost Civilizations Buried Under The Sand |

Other evidence for the global flood are underwater civilizations all over the world discovered. They are buried in our deserts and rain forests.


Although not the place for this discussion, I don’t believe you know what a Christian is.

Let's stick to Genesis.

Briefly, a Christian has to learn what the original sin was from Genesis. We all know what God's one commandment was, but do not know what Satan's temptation was. What was the temptation that Satan presented Eve and Adam with so they would be influenced to break the one command? Hint: It wasn't the fear of dying.

"The Fall
Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ”But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:1-5
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ding, now let me ask you a question testing your knowledge about evolution. The following is Darwin's timeline, now called, "Important events in the the timeline of history." What caused the 3/4 of the surface of the Earth to be covered by water?


130,000 Anatomically modern humans evolve. Seventy thousand years later, their descendents create cave paintings — early expressions of consciousness.
4 million In Africa, an early hominid, affectionately named "Lucy" by scientists, lives. The ice ages begin, and many large mammals go extinct.
65 million A massive asteroid hits the Yucatan Peninsula, and ammonites and non-avian dinosaurs go extinct. Birds and mammals are among the survivors.
130 million As the continents drift toward their present positions, the earliest flowers evolve, and dinosaurs dominate the landscape. In the sea, bony fish diversify.
225 million Dinosaurs and mammals evolve. Pangea has begun to break apart.
248 million Over 90% of marine life and 70% of terrestrial life go extinct during the Earth's largest mass extinction. Ammonites are among the survivors.
250 million The supercontinent called Pangea forms. Conifer-like forests, reptiles, and synapsids (the ancestors of mammals) are common.
360 million Four-limbed vertebrates move onto the land as seed plants and large forests appear. The Earth's oceans support vast reef systems.
420 million Land plants evolve, drastically changing Earth's landscape and creating new habitats.
450 million Arthropods move onto the land. Their descendants evolve into scorpions, spiders, mites, and millipedes.
500 million Fish-like vertebrates evolve. Invertebrates, such as trilobites, crinoids, brachiopids, and cephalopods, are common in the oceans.
555 million Multi-cellular marine organisms are common. The diverse assortment of life includes bizarre-looking animals like Wiwaxia.
3.5 billion Unicellular life evolves. Photosynthetic bacteria begin to release oxygen into the atmosphere.
3.8 billion Replicating molecules (the precursors of DNA) form.
4.6 billion The Earth forms and is bombarded by meteorites and comets.

Important events in the history of life


Important events in the history of life
I think you are dumber than a rock.

Computer scientist, pfft. You work in IT. You have never done any science in your life.

I'm not the one who is arguing for a global flood from 15 gigatons of ice melting. How stupid is that when hundreds of gigatons do not cause a flood?

Being smarter than you must've struck a nerve. Whatever. It wasn't brag. Just fact.

What got me involved was alang1216 attacking your interpretation of the Bible.

No one believes you. If what you claim is allegorical, then anyone can say that your god is allegorical. The flood was allegorical. One can't even explain what happened in the past. I can't help it if that is what you believe, but you soon get painted in a corner. Instead, why don't you just claim old Earth creationism, BioLogos ,or Hugh Ross and Gerald Schroeder. At least, you'll have a source and some semblance of science behind you instead of making up stuff like you always do. I even suggested you follow Pope Francis.

As science, it's you who do not use the Bible. I'm not even sure how much of it that you have read or whether you go to church. You never refer to how science backs up the Bible.
The whole earth wasn’t covered in water.

You just open yourself up for embarrassment. Heh. alang1216 some alleged Christian is ripe for plucking.
Let me ask you this question. If the whole earth was covered in water, including the mountains, where did the water drain to?

They are our present day seas. Some of fountains of the deep are underwater and show how our mountains were formed. Contrary to what you think, they were not carved out by glaciers. Things happened very fast with catastrophism. Mt. Everest and the Himalayas were thought to be of lower elevation and they were pushed higher by the oceans, rocks, and magma coming from underneath the seafloor. Atheist Bill Nye found one, but didn't know what he had. Valleys formed as well from the mountains going higher and water flowed into it. As for the supercontinent Pangaea, I'm not sure if it broke apart then but think it did. I think evos say different. All of this changed the topography of the Earth. Evidence for it our super deep oceans along with the highest mountain peaks. We do not know what is down there and continue to find exotic sea creatures. It is difficult to explore as it is so deep. Our highest mountains are a challenge for humans to climb.

Where the waters came from are from raining 40 days and 40 nights and then the seafloor opening up and the fountains of the deep rising up with the mountains. We had much ocean waters under the seafloor as you know. There may have been a canopy of water in the sky which some believe was the firmament to separate day and night (northern lights or see Aurora Borealis effects). Others think it described the clouds.

Buried civilizations
10 Mysteries of Lost Civilizations That Will Pique Your Interest

An Ancient City Emerges in a Remote Rain Forest

7 Ancient Lost Civilizations Buried Under The Sand |

Other evidence for the global flood are underwater civilizations all over the world discovered. They are buried in our deserts and rain forests.


Although not the place for this discussion, I don’t believe you know what a Christian is.

Let's stick to Genesis.

Briefly, a Christian has to learn what the original sin was from Genesis. We all know what God's one commandment was, but do not know what Satan's temptation was. What was the temptation that Satan presented Eve and Adam with so they would be influenced to break the one command? Hint: It wasn't the fear of dying.

"The Fall
Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ”But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:1-5

So basically you believe God produced the rain and God made the waters recede.
just the bogus article ...
The article isn’t bogus. They misstated the energy of the asteroid strike. They said 700 megatons instead of gigatons.

Using the published papers energy it calculates that 1500 gigatons would be vaporized.

At least you would if you could do 8th grade math.
ding, now let me ask you a question testing your knowledge about evolution. The following is Darwin's timeline, now called, "Important events in the the timeline of history." What caused the 3/4 of the surface of the Earth to be covered by water?


130,000 Anatomically modern humans evolve. Seventy thousand years later, their descendents create cave paintings — early expressions of consciousness.
4 million In Africa, an early hominid, affectionately named "Lucy" by scientists, lives. The ice ages begin, and many large mammals go extinct.
65 million A massive asteroid hits the Yucatan Peninsula, and ammonites and non-avian dinosaurs go extinct. Birds and mammals are among the survivors.
130 million As the continents drift toward their present positions, the earliest flowers evolve, and dinosaurs dominate the landscape. In the sea, bony fish diversify.
225 million Dinosaurs and mammals evolve. Pangea has begun to break apart.
248 million Over 90% of marine life and 70% of terrestrial life go extinct during the Earth's largest mass extinction. Ammonites are among the survivors.
250 million The supercontinent called Pangea forms. Conifer-like forests, reptiles, and synapsids (the ancestors of mammals) are common.
360 million Four-limbed vertebrates move onto the land as seed plants and large forests appear. The Earth's oceans support vast reef systems.
420 million Land plants evolve, drastically changing Earth's landscape and creating new habitats.
450 million Arthropods move onto the land. Their descendants evolve into scorpions, spiders, mites, and millipedes.
500 million Fish-like vertebrates evolve. Invertebrates, such as trilobites, crinoids, brachiopids, and cephalopods, are common in the oceans.
555 million Multi-cellular marine organisms are common. The diverse assortment of life includes bizarre-looking animals like Wiwaxia.
3.5 billion Unicellular life evolves. Photosynthetic bacteria begin to release oxygen into the atmosphere.
3.8 billion Replicating molecules (the precursors of DNA) form.
4.6 billion The Earth forms and is bombarded by meteorites and comets.

Important events in the history of life

View attachment 312107

Important events in the history of life

You falsified what you cut and pasted from the blog.

That is not Darwin’s timeline.

How sad that you feel a need to perpetrate a fraud in a desperate attempt to advance your agenda.
So basically you believe God produced the rain and God made the waters recede.

As the literal reading of Genesis states.

Probably comets.

Partially correct. Evos think meteors and comets with ice fell ~4.6 billion years ago. I doubt that's enough water and it would be too random. The evidence shows a global flood and the Earth's topography was changed.
So basically you believe God produced the rain and God made the waters recede.

As the literal reading of Genesis states.

Probably comets.

Partially correct. Evos think meteors and comets with ice fell ~4.6 billion years ago. I doubt that's enough water and it would be too random. The evidence shows a global flood and the Earth's topography was changed.
Genesis isn’t intended to be read literally.

Evos? Is that supposed to be a derogatory nickname like fundies?

I don’t know if comets provided enough water or not. No one does. It’s possible that our water was home grown so to speak. No one really knows. But we do know the approximate age of the universe and we do know the approximate age of the earth. And it ain’t 6,000 years.
I think you are dumber than a rock.

Computer scientist, pfft. You work in IT. You have never done any science in your life.

I'm not the one who is arguing for a global flood from 15 gigatons of ice melting. How stupid is that when hundreds of gigatons do not cause a flood?

Being smarter than you must've struck a nerve. Whatever. It wasn't brag. Just fact.

What got me involved was alang1216 attacking your interpretation of the Bible.

No one believes you. If what you claim is allegorical, then anyone can say that your god is allegorical. The flood was allegorical. One can't even explain what happened in the past. I can't help it if that is what you believe, but you soon get painted in a corner. Instead, why don't you just claim old Earth creationism, BioLogos ,or Hugh Ross and Gerald Schroeder. At least, you'll have a source and some semblance of science behind you instead of making up stuff like you always do. I even suggested you follow Pope Francis.

As science, it's you who do not use the Bible. I'm not even sure how much of it that you have read or whether you go to church. You never refer to how science backs up the Bible.
The whole earth wasn’t covered in water.

You just open yourself up for embarrassment. Heh. alang1216 some alleged Christian is ripe for plucking.
Let me ask you this question. If the whole earth was covered in water, including the mountains, where did the water drain to?

They are our present day seas. Some of fountains of the deep are underwater and show how our mountains were formed. Contrary to what you think, they were not carved out by glaciers. Things happened very fast with catastrophism. Mt. Everest and the Himalayas were thought to be of lower elevation and they were pushed higher by the oceans, rocks, and magma coming from underneath the seafloor. Atheist Bill Nye found one, but didn't know what he had. Valleys formed as well from the mountains going higher and water flowed into it. As for the supercontinent Pangaea, I'm not sure if it broke apart then but think it did. I think evos say different. All of this changed the topography of the Earth. Evidence for it our super deep oceans along with the highest mountain peaks. We do not know what is down there and continue to find exotic sea creatures. It is difficult to explore as it is so deep. Our highest mountains are a challenge for humans to climb.

Where the waters came from are from raining 40 days and 40 nights and then the seafloor opening up and the fountains of the deep rising up with the mountains. We had much ocean waters under the seafloor as you know. There may have been a canopy of water in the sky which some believe was the firmament to separate day and night (northern lights or see Aurora Borealis effects). Others think it described the clouds.

Buried civilizations
10 Mysteries of Lost Civilizations That Will Pique Your Interest

An Ancient City Emerges in a Remote Rain Forest

7 Ancient Lost Civilizations Buried Under The Sand |

Other evidence for the global flood are underwater civilizations all over the world discovered. They are buried in our deserts and rain forests.


Although not the place for this discussion, I don’t believe you know what a Christian is.

Let's stick to Genesis.

Briefly, a Christian has to learn what the original sin was from Genesis. We all know what God's one commandment was, but do not know what Satan's temptation was. What was the temptation that Satan presented Eve and Adam with so they would be influenced to break the one command? Hint: It wasn't the fear of dying.

"The Fall
Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ”But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:1-5

Interesting, that.

In the genesis fable, the gods lied. Satan told the truth.

Time to re-write the bibles (again), and get those fables corrected.
So basically you believe God produced the rain and God made the waters recede.

As the literal reading of Genesis states.

Probably comets.

Partially correct. Evos think meteors and comets with ice fell ~4.6 billion years ago. I doubt that's enough water and it would be too random. The evidence shows a global flood and the Earth's topography was changed.
There is no evidence for a global flood. That's why "religo's" never present any.
I think you are dumber than a rock.

Computer scientist, pfft. You work in IT. You have never done any science in your life.

I'm not the one who is arguing for a global flood from 15 gigatons of ice melting. How stupid is that when hundreds of gigatons do not cause a flood?

Being smarter than you must've struck a nerve. Whatever. It wasn't brag. Just fact.

What got me involved was alang1216 attacking your interpretation of the Bible.

No one believes you. If what you claim is allegorical, then anyone can say that your god is allegorical. The flood was allegorical. One can't even explain what happened in the past. I can't help it if that is what you believe, but you soon get painted in a corner. Instead, why don't you just claim old Earth creationism, BioLogos ,or Hugh Ross and Gerald Schroeder. At least, you'll have a source and some semblance of science behind you instead of making up stuff like you always do. I even suggested you follow Pope Francis.

As science, it's you who do not use the Bible. I'm not even sure how much of it that you have read or whether you go to church. You never refer to how science backs up the Bible.
The whole earth wasn’t covered in water.

You just open yourself up for embarrassment. Heh. alang1216 some alleged Christian is ripe for plucking.
Thanks for the heads up but Christians are rarely embarrassed. They KNOW they are right so any evidence to the contrary can be incorrect.

As for the 'alleged', I consider anyone who claims to be a Christian, to be a Christian. Curiously no Christian can explain what makes one a Christian but every Christian can say who is NOT a Christian.
The second law of thermodynamics says otherwise.

The second law requires the passage of time ... you asked about instantly ... for that much water to instantly vaporize, you're beyond what's physically possible ... yet another misstatement ... I make mistakes too, but I admit it ... you're too full of selfish pride ...

What caused the 3/4 of the surface of the Earth to be covered by water?
Probably comets.

Here's another mistake ... water is one of the top four most common substances in the universe ... all this water has always been here ...

Selfish pride, I know, keeps you from God's embrace ...
Genesis isn’t intended to be read literally.

Evos? Is that supposed to be a derogatory nickname like fundies?

I don’t know if comets provided enough water or not. No one does. It’s possible that our water was home grown so to speak. No one really knows. But we do know the approximate age of the universe and we do know the approximate age of the earth. And it ain’t 6,000 years.

So stubborn. You'll have to fight the Judaists and YEC. These were the first books written by Moses after the Ten Commandments. The kings of Israel and ancient peoples had to verify them to make certain they were from God. The Bible scholars who read literally the Bible and treat as allegory the prophecies understand it the best. Daniel was the best prophet for King Nebuchanezzar. The kings had to have people like Daniel read the prophecies to tell them what they mean. You have no idea what the prophecies are nor know how to read the Bible so it means you will have difficulties after death. You can be misled during the end times. Maybe you won't be part of rapture, but mid-tribulation or post tribulation.

Comets and ice won't hold enough water and there is no way they could form mountains so high and valleys so low. The valleys are our deepest oceans. Like I said, I am smarter than you. Continue to argue your stupid global warming and ice melting. I don't think you even know about the power of running water which the Bible teaches us.

Good day.
Interesting, that.

In the genesis fable, the gods lied. Satan told the truth.

Time to re-write the bibles (again), and get those fables corrected.

Why are you writing to me? Post to ding. He's the guy who says, "In the genesis fable, the gods lied. Satan told the truth."

What I said was God wrote the Bible. In 2019, I've discovered Satan wrote the Antibible called evolution. Due to his rebellious nature, he could not help but contradict everything God wrote in his auto-biography. One of the key learnings is the Bible can't change. It isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible. Furthermore, Satan has the advantage since he can change things to fit his wrong theories. If something is debunked, then he just comes up with another lie.

Anyway, the creation scientists and I have the hard evidence to show a global flood. We now have oxygen-18 from rocks around the world to add to the evidence. You have a waterworld that destroyed Darwin's cell. The atheist scientists could not explain the origination of the cell nor universe, so had to start with it as default. The universe had a beginning, so the Antibiblists had to make up the big bang. It's ridiculous circumstantial and mind numbing circular logic that you guys follow.

Sorry, but I'm putting you on ignore. We just cannot get anywhere in science and I don't care if you believe in the Bible or not in regards to religion.
To wrap my post up, it is the creation scientists and I with the Bible theory that provide the best evidence for a global flood. It was a supernatural even caused by God circa 2458 BC. That is almost 3500 years ago, so will be difficult to just find historical evidence for it. The hard evidence and the forensic evidence is there. We also can do tests on running water and discover its power. People and civilizations were literally washed away. These are ancient times, so the Earth's atmosphere and environment was much different then such as less gravity. You can't compare to today and what we started with 120-year life span. That's why people and scientists who use uniformitarianism can't believe in Genesis.

A good comparison to the fake science of evolution are the prehistoric or stone age peoples. These peoples did not exist. Nobody was stupid enough to live in a cave. They only used it as temporary shelter and this is what we find in WW II and when people get trapped outdoors during a thunderstorm. These ancient civilizations we find buried were not of low IQ. They knew how to use farming tools and had enough technical knowledge, advanced tools, and their own technology to discover about the universe and the world.

The Bible even discusses these caves as what people will do during end times. Of course, Satan in his Antibible made up the Flintstones or stone age and today people believe in stone age humans. Heck, that's another contradiction of the Bible.
Interesting, that.

In the genesis fable, the gods lied. Satan told the truth.

Time to re-write the bibles (again), and get those fables corrected.

Why are you writing to me? Post to ding. He's the guy who says, "In the genesis fable, the gods lied. Satan told the truth."

What I said was God wrote the Bible. In 2019, I've discovered Satan wrote the Antibible called evolution. Due to his rebellious nature, he could not help but contradict everything God wrote in his auto-biography. One of the key learnings is the Bible can't change. It isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible. Furthermore, Satan has the advantage since he can change things to fit his wrong theories. If something is debunked, then he just comes up with another lie.

Anyway, the creation scientists and I have the hard evidence to show a global flood. We now have oxygen-18 from rocks around the world to add to the evidence. You have a waterworld that destroyed Darwin's cell. The atheist scientists could not explain the origination of the cell nor universe, so had to start with it as default. The universe had a beginning, so the Antibiblists had to make up the big bang. It's ridiculous circumstantial and mind numbing circular logic that you guys follow.

Sorry, but I'm putting you on ignore. We just cannot get anywhere in science and I don't care if you believe in the Bible or not in regards to religion.
The gods wrote the bible?

I thought it was claimed that various (unknown), men wrote the tales and fables.

If the gods actually did write the bible, when did the first copy supernaturally appear?

Why did the gods not edit out the errors and contradictions?
To wrap my post up, it is the creation scientists and I with the Bible theory that provide the best evidence for a global flood. It was a supernatural even caused by God circa 2458 BC. That is almost 3500 years ago, so will be difficult to just find historical evidence for it. The hard evidence and the forensic evidence is there. We also can do tests on running water and discover its power. People and civilizations were literally washed away. These are ancient times, so the Earth's atmosphere and environment was much different then such as less gravity. You can't compare to today and what we started with 120-year life span. That's why people and scientists who use uniformitarianism can't believe in Genesis.

A good comparison to the fake science of evolution are the prehistoric or stone age peoples. These peoples did not exist. Nobody was stupid enough to live in a cave. They only used it as temporary shelter and this is what we find in WW II and when people get trapped outdoors during a thunderstorm. These ancient civilizations we find buried were not of low IQ. They knew how to use farming tools and had enough technical knowledge, advanced tools, and their own technology to discover about the universe and the world.

The Bible even discusses these caves as what people will do during end times. Of course, Satan in his Antibible made up the Flintstones or stone age and today people believe in stone age humans. Heck, that's another contradiction of the Bible.

If the Gods "circa 2458 BC" wiped humanity from the planet, why is there no indication of that in the histories of the Chinese, Maya, etc.?
I think you are dumber than a rock.

Computer scientist, pfft. You work in IT. You have never done any science in your life.

I'm not the one who is arguing for a global flood from 15 gigatons of ice melting. How stupid is that when hundreds of gigatons do not cause a flood?

Being smarter than you must've struck a nerve. Whatever. It wasn't brag. Just fact.

What got me involved was alang1216 attacking your interpretation of the Bible.

No one believes you. If what you claim is allegorical, then anyone can say that your god is allegorical. The flood was allegorical. One can't even explain what happened in the past. I can't help it if that is what you believe, but you soon get painted in a corner. Instead, why don't you just claim old Earth creationism, BioLogos ,or Hugh Ross and Gerald Schroeder. At least, you'll have a source and some semblance of science behind you instead of making up stuff like you always do. I even suggested you follow Pope Francis.

As science, it's you who do not use the Bible. I'm not even sure how much of it that you have read or whether you go to church. You never refer to how science backs up the Bible.
The whole earth wasn’t covered in water.

You just open yourself up for embarrassment. Heh. alang1216 some alleged Christian is ripe for plucking.
Thanks for the heads up but Christians are rarely embarrassed. They KNOW they are right so any evidence to the contrary can be incorrect.

As for the 'alleged', I consider anyone who claims to be a Christian, to be a Christian. Curiously no Christian can explain what makes one a Christian but every Christian can say who is NOT a Christian.
That’s false.

A Christian is anyone who believes that God loved man so much that he chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth and suffer death to reconcile justice with mercy.
The second law of thermodynamics says otherwise.

The second law requires the passage of time ... you asked about instantly ... for that much water to instantly vaporize, you're beyond what's physically possible ... yet another misstatement ... I make mistakes too, but I admit it ... you're too full of selfish pride ...

What caused the 3/4 of the surface of the Earth to be covered by water?
Probably comets.

Here's another mistake ... water is one of the top four most common substances in the universe ... all this water has always been here ...

Selfish pride, I know, keeps you from God's embrace ...
Good Lord. Now you are quibbling over the word instantly. Give me a break. You are desperate.

WRT perpetual motion, the SLoT forbids it. End of story. Don’t make me teach you thermo now too.

Selfish pride? You are an expert on that. You have not only failed to admit your error, you have failed to admit the energy released from the impact of the asteroid is enough energy to vaporize 1500 gigatons of ice which is the amount the team that discovered the impact crater calculated would have been vaporized.

but yes, I never claimed to be a saint.
Genesis isn’t intended to be read literally.

Evos? Is that supposed to be a derogatory nickname like fundies?

I don’t know if comets provided enough water or not. No one does. It’s possible that our water was home grown so to speak. No one really knows. But we do know the approximate age of the universe and we do know the approximate age of the earth. And it ain’t 6,000 years.

So stubborn. You'll have to fight the Judaists and YEC. These were the first books written by Moses after the Ten Commandments. The kings of Israel and ancient peoples had to verify them to make certain they were from God. The Bible scholars who read literally the Bible and treat as allegory the prophecies understand it the best. Daniel was the best prophet for King Nebuchanezzar. The kings had to have people like Daniel read the prophecies to tell them what they mean. You have no idea what the prophecies are nor know how to read the Bible so it means you will have difficulties after death. You can be misled during the end times. Maybe you won't be part of rapture, but mid-tribulation or post tribulation.

Comets and ice won't hold enough water and there is no way they could form mountains so high and valleys so low. The valleys are our deepest oceans. Like I said, I am smarter than you. Continue to argue your stupid global warming and ice melting. I don't think you even know about the power of running water which the Bible teaches us.

Good day.
^ dunning effect

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