Is it "racist" and bad to communicate facts on race?

I guess its ok to ignore what the word actually means. It has been a sort of tradition for bedwetters, for years now.

again, you guys have been rationalizing your racism for years.. Trump is just the final stage of the malady.

Right after this post you implied all his voters were racist.
You are such a fucking loser

All of his voters are... Sorry. They all had a chance to reject his racism, and they blew it.
Why are you calling me a racist?

Because you are right wing... It's just become an excuse for racism after all your other ideas were found to be stupid.

You guys had a chance to prove you weren't racist. You supported Trump.
If someone disagrees with you they are horrible, degenerate and useless? That seems to sum up the stupidity of all you who
claim to be tolerant, inclusive progressives. Your position reflects everything Bull Conner stood for. Your methods, beliefs, and actions
have become everything you claim to hate,
I guess its ok to ignore what the word actually means. It has been a sort of tradition for bedwetters, for years now.

again, you guys have been rationalizing your racism for years.. Trump is just the final stage of the malady.

Right after this post you implied all his voters were racist.
You are such a fucking loser

All of his voters are... Sorry. They all had a chance to reject his racism, and they blew it.
Lmao every post of yours is a cliche. Its pathetic.
Hey you stupid bigoted asshole, you just said some arent!
Do you ever wonder why so many people make fun of you? Just wondering..
For example, would it be racist if one stated that black men are, on average, taller than Asian men?

Would it be racist to state that, statistically speaking, American Caucasians are more likely to be arrested for a crime than an Asian-American?
only if you are being hateful twards white men

specifically men
For example, would it be racist if one stated that black men are, on average, taller than Asian men?

Would it be racist to state that, statistically speaking, American Caucasians are more likely to be arrested for a crime than an Asian-American?

Only if in Klan robes or holding a BLM sign when doing so.
Trump may be a narcissistic asshat, but that doesn't mean everyone who voted for him is a racist.

Yeah, it kind of does. They had an opportunity to reject his racism, and they didn't.

And if someone doesn't consider Trump to be a racist? Or perhaps they believed there were more important issues to consider in the election? Perhaps someone who believed Clinton would be more harmful to the nation?

Let's put it another way: Is everyone who voted for Clinton corrupt? They had a chance to reject her corruption, and didn't. Of course, you may not believe she is corrupt, but there are plenty who do.

Or how about this: Is everyone who voted for Clinton extremely careless? They had a chance to reject her extreme carelessness, and didn't.

We could go on and on for both of the major candidates, not to mention the independent/third party candidates.

The point I'm making is that the sort of generalizing you are doing is ridiculous. ;)
If someone disagrees with you they are horrible, degenerate and useless? That seems to sum up the stupidity of all you who
claim to be tolerant, inclusive progressives. Your position reflects everything Bull Conner stood for. Your methods, beliefs, and actions
have become everything you claim to hate,

Whenever did I claim to be tolerant or inclusive? I'm a pragmatist. Trump's racism is really not a new thing, the GOP has been using your sexual, racial and religious fears to get you stupid white people to vote against your own economic interests since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy.

Lmao every post of yours is a cliche. Its pathetic.
Hey you stupid bigoted asshole, you just said some arent!
Do you ever wonder why so many people make fun of you? Just wondering..

I can't take a guy with a "Lincoln Pope Hat" seriously. Seriously, what the fuck is that, is that some kind of weird conspiracy theory?

And if someone doesn't consider Trump to be a racist? Or perhaps they believed there were more important issues to consider in the election? Perhaps someone who believed Clinton would be more harmful to the nation?

You mean.. retards?

Um, yeah, people who thought that were retards trying to rationalize their own racism.

Trump is OPENLY racist, there really wasn't a more important issue that stopping him, and frankly, most of the people who say Hillary would be "more harmful" are the same ones who frequently called her a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB.

So you have to remember that someone who calls Mrs. Clinton the C-word and then expects to be taken seriously in an argument against her can't be.

Let's put it another way: Is everyone who voted for Clinton corrupt? They had a chance to reject her corruption, and didn't. Of course, you may not believe she is corrupt, but there are plenty who do.

Here's the problem with that argument. They have spent well over 100 Million dollars and 25 years investigating this woman and her husband trying to find "corruption". Jesus fucking Christ, they even investigated her husband's sex life. And they came up with... exactly nothing. Oh, they fined him for lying about a blow job. Big whup.

The point I'm making is that the sort of generalizing you are doing is ridiculous.

You don't have a point, buddy. Trump won because people are fucking racist. 8 years of Obama made them so fucking crazy they were willing to wreck the nation. They could have easily nominated a legitimate candidate like Kasich or Cruz, and beaten Hillary easily, but they went for a nose dive into the most obnoxious racist they could find.

It'll be something we will all still being apologizing for in 50 years.
If someone disagrees with you they are horrible, degenerate and useless? That seems to sum up the stupidity of all you who
claim to be tolerant, inclusive progressives. Your position reflects everything Bull Conner stood for. Your methods, beliefs, and actions
have become everything you claim to hate,

Whenever did I claim to be tolerant or inclusive? I'm a pragmatist. Trump's racism is really not a new thing, the GOP has been using your sexual, racial and religious fears to get you stupid white people to vote against your own economic interests since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy.

Lmao every post of yours is a cliche. Its pathetic.
Hey you stupid bigoted asshole, you just said some arent!
Do you ever wonder why so many people make fun of you? Just wondering..

I can't take a guy with a "Lincoln Pope Hat" seriously. Seriously, what the fuck is that, is that some kind of weird conspiracy theory?

And if someone doesn't consider Trump to be a racist? Or perhaps they believed there were more important issues to consider in the election? Perhaps someone who believed Clinton would be more harmful to the nation?

You mean.. retards?

Um, yeah, people who thought that were retards trying to rationalize their own racism.

Trump is OPENLY racist, there really wasn't a more important issue that stopping him, and frankly, most of the people who say Hillary would be "more harmful" are the same ones who frequently called her a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB.

So you have to remember that someone who calls Mrs. Clinton the C-word and then expects to be taken seriously in an argument against her can't be.

Let's put it another way: Is everyone who voted for Clinton corrupt? They had a chance to reject her corruption, and didn't. Of course, you may not believe she is corrupt, but there are plenty who do.

Here's the problem with that argument. They have spent well over 100 Million dollars and 25 years investigating this woman and her husband trying to find "corruption". Jesus fucking Christ, they even investigated her husband's sex life. And they came up with... exactly nothing. Oh, they fined him for lying about a blow job. Big whup.

The point I'm making is that the sort of generalizing you are doing is ridiculous.

You don't have a point, buddy. Trump won because people are fucking racist. 8 years of Obama made them so fucking crazy they were willing to wreck the nation. They could have easily nominated a legitimate candidate like Kasich or Cruz, and beaten Hillary easily, but they went for a nose dive into the most obnoxious racist they could find.

It'll be something we will all still being apologizing for in 50 years.
Regal tyranny.
That concept is probably over your pointy head
For example, would it be racist if one stated that black men are, on average, taller than Asian men?

Would it be racist to state that, statistically speaking, American Caucasians are more likely to be arrested for a crime than an Asian-American?

Only if in Klan robes or holding a BLM sign when doing so.

Can't compare the two unless you are mentally disabled.
If someone disagrees with you they are horrible, degenerate and useless? That seems to sum up the stupidity of all you who
claim to be tolerant, inclusive progressives. Your position reflects everything Bull Conner stood for. Your methods, beliefs, and actions
have become everything you claim to hate,

Whenever did I claim to be tolerant or inclusive? I'm a pragmatist. Trump's racism is really not a new thing, the GOP has been using your sexual, racial and religious fears to get you stupid white people to vote against your own economic interests since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy.

Lmao every post of yours is a cliche. Its pathetic.
Hey you stupid bigoted asshole, you just said some arent!
Do you ever wonder why so many people make fun of you? Just wondering..

I can't take a guy with a "Lincoln Pope Hat" seriously. Seriously, what the fuck is that, is that some kind of weird conspiracy theory?

And if someone doesn't consider Trump to be a racist? Or perhaps they believed there were more important issues to consider in the election? Perhaps someone who believed Clinton would be more harmful to the nation?

You mean.. retards?

Um, yeah, people who thought that were retards trying to rationalize their own racism.

Trump is OPENLY racist, there really wasn't a more important issue that stopping him, and frankly, most of the people who say Hillary would be "more harmful" are the same ones who frequently called her a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB.

So you have to remember that someone who calls Mrs. Clinton the C-word and then expects to be taken seriously in an argument against her can't be.

Let's put it another way: Is everyone who voted for Clinton corrupt? They had a chance to reject her corruption, and didn't. Of course, you may not believe she is corrupt, but there are plenty who do.

Here's the problem with that argument. They have spent well over 100 Million dollars and 25 years investigating this woman and her husband trying to find "corruption". Jesus fucking Christ, they even investigated her husband's sex life. And they came up with... exactly nothing. Oh, they fined him for lying about a blow job. Big whup.

The point I'm making is that the sort of generalizing you are doing is ridiculous.

You don't have a point, buddy. Trump won because people are fucking racist. 8 years of Obama made them so fucking crazy they were willing to wreck the nation. They could have easily nominated a legitimate candidate like Kasich or Cruz, and beaten Hillary easily, but they went for a nose dive into the most obnoxious racist they could find.

It'll be something we will all still being apologizing for in 50 years.

Spot on. There is no way in hell Hillary would have ben worse than this and everybody was warned by all the endorsements for her even from republican sources warning us not to vote for Trump.
It is good to communicate the fact that "race" is a useless term when speaking of humans; there is just one.
For example, would it be racist if one stated that black men are, on average, taller than Asian men?

Would it be racist to state that, statistically speaking, American Caucasians are more likely to be arrested for a crime than an Asian-American?

No...statistics are observations of points in time. Racism is not in the observations ones makes, but rather, the correlated explanations they give for the for the cause of the observation. It's ones motive for using observation/statistics that makes one a racist. Ergo, Asian are morally superior to proven by lower arrest rates than whites. That is racism. It's what you attempt to do with the statistics that makes one a racist. That said, statistics, in and of themselves (with no explanation) often, by default, infers superiority and inferiority. I mean, if a team has a better record than another default a persons mind will assume that the team with the better record is superior, if no explanation is given for the difference.
It is good to communicate the fact that "race" is a useless term when speaking of humans; there is just one.

"Whites are taught to see their perspectives as objective and representative of reality (McIntosh, 1988). The belief in objectivity, coupled with positioning white people as outside of culture (and thus the norm for humanity), allows whites to view themselves as universal humans who can represent all of human experience. This is evidenced through an unracialized identity or location, which functions as a kind of blindness; an inability to think about Whiteness as an identity or as a “state” of being that would or could have an impact on one’s life. In this position, Whiteness is not recognized or named by white people, and a universal reference point is assumed. White people are just people. Within this construction, whites can represent humanity, while people of color, who are never just people but always most particularly black people, Asian people, etc., can only represent their own racialized experiences (Dyer, 1992). "

"The discourse of universalism functions similarly to the discourse of individualism but instead of declaring that we all need to see each other as individuals (everyone is different), the person declares that we all need to see each other as human beings (everyone is the same). Of course we are all humans, and I do not critique universalism in general, but when applied to racism, universalism functions to deny the significance of race and the advantages of being white. Further, universalism assumes that whites and people of color have the same realities, the same experiences in the same contexts (i.e. I feel comfortable in this majority white classroom, so you must too), the same responses from others, and assumes that the same doors are open to all. Acknowledging racism as a system of privilege conferred on whites challenges claims to universalism."

White Fragility
by Robin DiAngelo
If someone disagrees with you they are horrible, degenerate and useless? That seems to sum up the stupidity of all you who
claim to be tolerant, inclusive progressives. Your position reflects everything Bull Conner stood for. Your methods, beliefs, and actions
have become everything you claim to hate,

Whenever did I claim to be tolerant or inclusive? I'm a pragmatist. Trump's racism is really not a new thing, the GOP has been using your sexual, racial and religious fears to get you stupid white people to vote against your own economic interests since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy.

Lmao every post of yours is a cliche. Its pathetic.
Hey you stupid bigoted asshole, you just said some arent!
Do you ever wonder why so many people make fun of you? Just wondering..

I can't take a guy with a "Lincoln Pope Hat" seriously. Seriously, what the fuck is that, is that some kind of weird conspiracy theory?

And if someone doesn't consider Trump to be a racist? Or perhaps they believed there were more important issues to consider in the election? Perhaps someone who believed Clinton would be more harmful to the nation?

You mean.. retards?

Um, yeah, people who thought that were retards trying to rationalize their own racism.

Trump is OPENLY racist, there really wasn't a more important issue that stopping him, and frankly, most of the people who say Hillary would be "more harmful" are the same ones who frequently called her a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB.

So you have to remember that someone who calls Mrs. Clinton the C-word and then expects to be taken seriously in an argument against her can't be.

Let's put it another way: Is everyone who voted for Clinton corrupt? They had a chance to reject her corruption, and didn't. Of course, you may not believe she is corrupt, but there are plenty who do.

Here's the problem with that argument. They have spent well over 100 Million dollars and 25 years investigating this woman and her husband trying to find "corruption". Jesus fucking Christ, they even investigated her husband's sex life. And they came up with... exactly nothing. Oh, they fined him for lying about a blow job. Big whup.

The point I'm making is that the sort of generalizing you are doing is ridiculous.

You don't have a point, buddy. Trump won because people are fucking racist. 8 years of Obama made them so fucking crazy they were willing to wreck the nation. They could have easily nominated a legitimate candidate like Kasich or Cruz, and beaten Hillary easily, but they went for a nose dive into the most obnoxious racist they could find.

It'll be something we will all still being apologizing for in 50 years.

You are clearly incapable of viewing those you see as the 'other side' in any way other than as generalized stereotypes.
It is good to communicate the fact that "race" is a useless term when speaking of humans; there is just one.

"Whites are taught to see their perspectives as objective and representative of reality (McIntosh, 1988). The belief in objectivity, coupled with positioning white people as outside of culture (and thus the norm for humanity), allows whites to view themselves as universal humans who can represent all of human experience. This is evidenced through an unracialized identity or location, which functions as a kind of blindness; an inability to think about Whiteness as an identity or as a “state” of being that would or could have an impact on one’s life. In this position, Whiteness is not recognized or named by white people, and a universal reference point is assumed. White people are just people. Within this construction, whites can represent humanity, while people of color, who are never just people but always most particularly black people, Asian people, etc., can only represent their own racialized experiences (Dyer, 1992). "

"The discourse of universalism functions similarly to the discourse of individualism but instead of declaring that we all need to see each other as individuals (everyone is different), the person declares that we all need to see each other as human beings (everyone is the same). Of course we are all humans, and I do not critique universalism in general, but when applied to racism, universalism functions to deny the significance of race and the advantages of being white. Further, universalism assumes that whites and people of color have the same realities, the same experiences in the same contexts (i.e. I feel comfortable in this majority white classroom, so you must too), the same responses from others, and assumes that the same doors are open to all. Acknowledging racism as a system of privilege conferred on whites challenges claims to universalism."

White Fragility
by Robin DiAngelo

The opinion of a biased writer. In the vein of propagandist from time immemorial such as Julius Streicher, Mohammed Mahdi Akef, Raed Salah or Adel Hammoda.
If someone disagrees with you they are horrible, degenerate and useless? That seems to sum up the stupidity of all you who
claim to be tolerant, inclusive progressives. Your position reflects everything Bull Conner stood for. Your methods, beliefs, and actions
have become everything you claim to hate,

Whenever did I claim to be tolerant or inclusive? I'm a pragmatist. Trump's racism is really not a new thing, the GOP has been using your sexual, racial and religious fears to get you stupid white people to vote against your own economic interests since Tricky Dick and the Southern Strategy.

Lmao every post of yours is a cliche. Its pathetic.
Hey you stupid bigoted asshole, you just said some arent!
Do you ever wonder why so many people make fun of you? Just wondering..

I can't take a guy with a "Lincoln Pope Hat" seriously. Seriously, what the fuck is that, is that some kind of weird conspiracy theory?

And if someone doesn't consider Trump to be a racist? Or perhaps they believed there were more important issues to consider in the election? Perhaps someone who believed Clinton would be more harmful to the nation?

You mean.. retards?

Um, yeah, people who thought that were retards trying to rationalize their own racism.

Trump is OPENLY racist, there really wasn't a more important issue that stopping him, and frankly, most of the people who say Hillary would be "more harmful" are the same ones who frequently called her a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB.

So you have to remember that someone who calls Mrs. Clinton the C-word and then expects to be taken seriously in an argument against her can't be.

Let's put it another way: Is everyone who voted for Clinton corrupt? They had a chance to reject her corruption, and didn't. Of course, you may not believe she is corrupt, but there are plenty who do.

Here's the problem with that argument. They have spent well over 100 Million dollars and 25 years investigating this woman and her husband trying to find "corruption". Jesus fucking Christ, they even investigated her husband's sex life. And they came up with... exactly nothing. Oh, they fined him for lying about a blow job. Big whup.

The point I'm making is that the sort of generalizing you are doing is ridiculous.

You don't have a point, buddy. Trump won because people are fucking racist. 8 years of Obama made them so fucking crazy they were willing to wreck the nation. They could have easily nominated a legitimate candidate like Kasich or Cruz, and beaten Hillary easily, but they went for a nose dive into the most obnoxious racist they could find.

It'll be something we will all still being apologizing for in 50 years.

Spot on. There is no way in hell Hillary would have ben worse than this and everybody was warned by all the endorsements for her even from republican sources warning us not to vote for Trump.

So you are full on rabid racist who sees the world through the lense of bias. Ok to each his own. Rabid racist makes you beneath contempt and unworthy of any sort of intelligent consideration.
“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it." Omar Khayyam
It is good to communicate the fact that "race" is a useless term when speaking of humans; there is just one.

"Whites are taught to see their perspectives as objective and representative of reality (McIntosh, 1988). The belief in objectivity, coupled with positioning white people as outside of culture (and thus the norm for humanity), allows whites to view themselves as universal humans who can represent all of human experience. This is evidenced through an unracialized identity or location, which functions as a kind of blindness; an inability to think about Whiteness as an identity or as a “state” of being that would or could have an impact on one’s life. In this position, Whiteness is not recognized or named by white people, and a universal reference point is assumed. White people are just people. Within this construction, whites can represent humanity, while people of color, who are never just people but always most particularly black people, Asian people, etc., can only represent their own racialized experiences (Dyer, 1992). "

"The discourse of universalism functions similarly to the discourse of individualism but instead of declaring that we all need to see each other as individuals (everyone is different), the person declares that we all need to see each other as human beings (everyone is the same). Of course we are all humans, and I do not critique universalism in general, but when applied to racism, universalism functions to deny the significance of race and the advantages of being white. Further, universalism assumes that whites and people of color have the same realities, the same experiences in the same contexts (i.e. I feel comfortable in this majority white classroom, so you must too), the same responses from others, and assumes that the same doors are open to all. Acknowledging racism as a system of privilege conferred on whites challenges claims to universalism."

White Fragility
by Robin DiAngelo
An impressively composed non sequitur if ever there were.
everything is racist
everyone the blacks think are racists are racists
they have their own definition

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