Is it racist to negatively generalize white people?

Is it racist to negatively generalize white people?

  • Yes

  • No

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Nah, he literally said his intent was to ban Muslims.
"DJT is calling for a total shutdown of Muslims entering the united states".

Get a grip retard. ... :cuckoo:
Once again, that's what Trump said while campaigning to be president.
After he won the election.
Pres. Trump had a temporary travel restriction on a half dozen of the 56 muslim majority countries.
Gt a grip retard. ... :cuckoo:
Once again, that's what Trump said while campaigning to be president.
After he won the election.
Trump as the President had a temporary travel restriction on a half dozen of the 56 muslim majority countries.
Irrelevant. Intent is the only thing that matters. You guys are such liars it isn't even funny.
What does a "Muslim" ban have to do with the question asked in the OP?

Yes, it's racist to negatively generalize white people... just like it's racist to negatively generalize any group based on nothing more than their race.

What kind of stupid question is that to ask anyway?
Tell that to the cop next time you get a speeding ticket. tell him you didn't intend to speed and see how far you get. Politicians say all kind of things on the campaign trail and no one except Trump was ever held to them.
You're actually making my point. If I write a manifesto about killing pigs, the FBI will arrest me or out me on watch list, regardless if I have killed a single cop or not.
Isn't that pretty much the DEFINITION of racism? To make general negative assumptions against whole groups of people or individuals based solely on their race?
I think technically it's racial bigotry.
Actually, Trump banned travel from countries that are sponsoring terrorism.
All of our presidents have done this.
It was not a "muslim ban".
The "muslim ban" narrative is pure left wing hate and fear mongering misinformation.
"The Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact": Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

You're revealing your RINOism by feeling obliged to correct the Left. Instead, a patriot would totally reject them by in-your-face, "So what if Trump did mean all Muslims? Such a hostile religion doesn't belong in America."
Irrelevant. Intent is the only thing that matters. You guys are such liars it isn't even funny.
The Ruling Class Changes These Names So We'll Think Anything Written in the Past Is Obsolete

The fake Conservatives are only lying because they feel that if their Liberal classmates believe that banning all Moslems is wrong, then they have to accept what they're told by them and can only say that Trump didn't ban all Moslems.

Me, I'm different. See, I don't even accept the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords' requirement to change Old School "Moslem" to NewSpeak "Muslim."
Tell that to the cop next time you get a speeding ticket. tell him you didn't intend to speed and see how far you get. Politicians say all kind of things on the campaign trail and no one except Trump was ever held to them.
The Camel Is Inside the Tent.

No, what Trump campaigned on is what he intended to do, but he was blocked by the Deep State Globalists from banning Islamic infiltration.

Immigrants who supported Bin Laden got Biden elected.
What a retard argument. It's irrelevant. Its the intent that matters. If I say " I want to kill 500 white males in Trump voting areas", but I only kill 499, it doesn't change my intent that I wanted to kill as many as possible.
If a black guy kills a white guy with no words said in many many areas. What is intent? Most people know what it is. But we deny it and some make a lot of money off of it.
If a black guy kills a white guy with no words said in many many areas. What is intent? Most people know what it is. But we deny it and some make a lot of money off of it.
It is true that white people can and often project their own racism in such a case. That doesn't mean they definitively 'know' what the cause was. And what about white officer killing black. Do you also 'know' it was necessarily due to race?

If you look at the racial grievance racket, there are way more White Right Wing Marxists monetizing this stuff. The top political channels on youtube are mostly right wing, white identity grievance factories. They do the exact same thing you think people like Al Sharpton do, but for white conservative victimhood. They make Millions each year doing this.

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