Is it racist to negatively generalize white people?

Is it racist to negatively generalize white people?

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Saudi Arabia has a high terrorist population...

Seeing as tho 90% of the hijackers on 9/11 came from there....

But since the whole muslim ban was a purely xenophobic political motivation and not a security one -- no one even thought to add Saudi Arabia to that list...
I see that you are so fucking stupid that you cannot comprehend the fact that Al Qaeda wanted to take down the Saudi government as much as they wanted to take down the USA.

Your feeble low IQ mind is just too simplistic to comprehend that. Your simplistic mind cannot fathom it because you're simply a simpleton.

Well...because you're simply an idiot.
Trump and Conservatives had no problem generalizing all middle Easterners.

That's a lie. Why do you repeat lies? Oh, I know, you are an anti American, Chinese stooge, trying to start a civil war.

Go fuck yourself.
That's a lie. Why do you repeat lies? Oh, I know, you are an anti American, Chinese stooge, trying to start a civil war.

Go fuck yourself.
Facts are facts lol. Yes, I'm anti American, that's absolutely right. I spit on your racist American flag. Deal with it, Commie.
Answer the question. What do you admire about Islam?
I don't have to admire anything to know that you're commie scum. I'm a woke conservative miself and against immigration in general.

But you know, it's actually you Conservative Marxist Christians who admire Islam:

From the Subjugation of women(found in Islam and Christianity
The want for theocracy and religious views informing government
Repression of religious freedom
Hated for Gays

You have everything in common with Islam, you'd think you two would be best of friends. You probably would if they weren't too Brown hehe.
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It's funny you say that, because I just saw someone call you a racist because you make posts about racism. To many white(racist) people, calling out racism is more offensive than the actual racism. they've always been this way, though. Hated MLKs guts so they had to kill em hehe. Anti wokeism is just a microcosm of that same mentality. But racists don't like it when you call out their racism, I digress.
You are 100 percent correct. Seems like whites who are racists believe that being white means you get to be racist.
I don't have to admire anything to know that you're commie scum. I'm a woke conservative miself and against immigration in general.

But you know, it's actually you Conservative Marxist Christians who admire Islam:

From the Subjugation of women(found in Islam and Christianity
The want for theocracy and religious views informing government
Repression of religious freedom
Hated for Gays

You have everything in common with Islam, you'd think you two would be best of friends. You probably would if they weren't too Brown hehe.
You're looney toons. You couldn't be more mistaken about Christianity.
The assertion that "white privilege" is a thing is racist. It is the presumption of something about a person MERELY BECAUSE OF HIS RACE.

That is definitional racism.

I challenge anyone to find one significant good thing that ever happened to me because I was "white."
No it''s reality. A white person created the term.
But that's not all Muslims. Compartmentalizing and punishing all Muslims, regardless of individual constituency, is the same as punishing all whites as a collective. You can't have it both ways. But if you insist, that paves the way for punishing whites for the crimes of people who look like them, e.g, what you guys think is wokeism is legitimized after all.
When you fucks start saying that all camel jockeys arent the same, i like to point this out also.

Liberal Hypocrisy1.jpg
Is it racist to negatively generalize white people?
The Kennedys' Revenge

The Netrix is full of polls that miss the point. It is classist motivated, not racist. Whites who are born rich deplore and fear all other White people. That's what the false-flag flunkies in the Civil Rights movement were always about, following the orders of the self-appointed Masters of all races.
"In fact, in January 2017, the Pew Research Center estimated that Trump’s original executive order would affect only about 12 percent of Muslims in the world."
Yet it only took a few to kill 3,000 innocent people on 9/11.

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