Is It Really Legal In The State Of Oregon To Walk Around Naked and Expose Yourself To Children?

I do... eastern Oregon is their farmland and the Columbia river runs through it... Idaho would love taking it over....
All western Oregon has are filthy cities drugs head lice and mental illness and crime....

Worry not, Ram. Western Oregon is now overdue for the next great Cascadia Fault slip-- and when it comes, western Oregon (along with western Washington) will see a magnitude 9+ earthquake destroying /everything/ there in mere minutes followed just moments later by a massive 100 foot tsunami of biblical proportions. In 2009, geologists predicted a 10% to 14% probability that the Cascadia Subduction Zone will produce an event of magnitude 9.0 or higher in the next 50 years. In 2010, studies suggested that the risk could be as high as 37% for earthquakes of magnitude 8.0 or higher.

In San Francisco it is legal to walk around nude in the Castro district. It always has been. Some years ago San Francisco passed a law that anyone walking around nude had to carry a towel to put down when they sat because they were sitting in restaurants, with bare asses. The ordinance passed. Gays screamed that their culture was being destroyed but the towel people won out.
I'm asking this question mostly to all of the people who live in Oregon. I think that they're a blue state, but still, come on man!! This is perverted no matter how you look at it.

Yes, it's disturbing and in a normal society, we'd say that this shouldn't be done by people who can think for themselves....but.....

We also have this....(Apologies in advance for the WhatAboutIsm....but if you're going to be outraged about this)

Worry not, Ram. Western Oregon is now overdue for the next great Cascadia Fault slip-- and when it comes, western Oregon (along with western Washington) will see a magnitude 9+ earthquake destroying /everything/ there in mere minutes followed just moments later by a massive 100 foot tsunami of biblical proportions. In 2009, geologists predicted a 10% to 14% probability that the Cascadia Subduction Zone will produce an event of magnitude 9.0 or higher in the next 50 years. In 2010, studies suggested that the risk could be as high as 37% for earthquakes of magnitude 8.0 or higher.

Mount Lassen went off in the 20th Century , Mount Shasta is overdue , I think two or three volcanic Eruptions at one time would be worse than a 9.2 earthquake 14 miles off shore from the Central Oregon Coast and the Following Tsunami
In San Francisco it is legal to walk around nude in the Castro district. It always has been. Some years ago San Francisco passed a law that anyone walking around nude had to carry a towel to put down when they sat because they were sitting in restaurants, with bare asses. The ordinance passed. Gays screamed that their culture was being destroyed but the towel people won out.
The Pedo / NAMBLA Voting Bloc is now a part of The LGBTQPN Voting Bloc
I lived in Oregon for several years. The towns along the coast are small and rural and as you drive through the mountains to get to the ocean, you will drive by survivalist compunds.
Amateurs. They are better hidden in Northern Arkansas. BTW IM2, do not go to northern Arkansas.
Mount Lassen went off in the 20th Century , Mount Shasta is overdue , I think two or three volcanic Eruptions at one time would be worse than a 9.2 earthquake 14 miles off shore from the Central Oregon Coast and the Following Tsunami

True, FZ, but these volcanos are only releasing pressure from subducted crustal material as the molten material releases gas pressure back to the surface--- the pending earthquakes and tsunami that will hit the NW will be caused when stored energy from the trapped north american plate stuck, compressed and dragged down with the subducted pacific plate for hundreds of years finally breaks loose and springs back up into place releasing all its stored energy as a titanic earthquake, lifting the sea with it about ten feet in the process causing the tsunami---- all of the bare-assed sick deviant freaks will be gone there in about 5 minutes, along with anything else.

BTW, sitting on a towel to cover your diseased ass means nothing since they probably sit on one side one time, next time sit on the other, so, either way, sooner or later, both sides of the towel are dirty, so, sitting on any public bench or chair there, you might as well just be touching their dirty naked asses anyway.

They are out there working. They are the taxpayers supporting all the liberal policies in Oregon and the people who flock here to take advantage of all the free programs and drugs and violence are rampant Homelessness too.

The law in the State of Oregon says people can legally walk the streets naked as long as they're not participating in sexual intercourse, nor have the intent to arouse another individual or themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

What other reason would they have?

In San Francisco it is legal to walk around nude in the Castro district. It always has been. Some years ago San Francisco passed a law that anyone walking around nude had to carry a towel to put down when they sat because they were sitting in restaurants, with bare asses. The ordinance passed. Gays screamed that their culture was being destroyed but the towel people won out.

California? That doesn't surprise me at all.

Yes, it's disturbing and in a normal society, we'd say that this shouldn't be done by people who can think for themselves....but.....

We also have this....(Apologies in advance for the WhatAboutIsm....but if you're going to be outraged about this)

You say that like I wouldn't be disturbed by that or something.

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